march lambs 2010 come on ladies

You're definitely not doing anything wrong hun - and the BW kind of 'assumes' that babies are FF. She doesn't go as far as to recommend it - but I've read around the forums and it does seem to be advocated that a bottle of FF before bed will help.....

We're not in any kind of routine either - not even a bedtime one! I really should start a bath then bed one - we started ages ago but got out of it because I was bathing her in the morning as she got so sweaty at night. I doubt it will make much difference TBH though.

No advice on the feeding either. M is ok feeding at home, it's only when we're out that she won't eat because she's looking at everything..... but she still only eats for 3-5 mins at home and then chomps on her hand like she's starving but wont eat anymore!
I've been trying her on some mashed sweet potato (sometimes she'll eat a bit, sometimes she's not interested at all). She also had some banana yesterday - but I think she was chewing on it instead of her hand and didn't actually want to eat it - she wasn't happy when some came off in her mouth!
GL - Gabriel's sleep did actually manage to get worse at 4.5 months as well. Hard to believe that was possible, but he did the waking every hour about that time.
Cocoa - Yay sleep!

Gabriel is being a fussy man all day due to the teething, so maybe the better sleep at night is compensation :D - I'm wondering if the stronger scent from the oil, just helps them fall back asleep when they might otherwise just fuss and need help settling back to sleep? He still wakes to eat, like last night, but he slept 8-3 (another record) before waking. I've never had him fall asleep that early and not get up 30-60 min later.
I never bothered with a routine for Gabriel because I'd never be able to stick to one. I just breast feed him to sleep when he starts acting tired. The nice thing about no routine is he doesn't care if I'm home or out. Friday I was out at a friend's house until 10:00 and he was wide awake and happy the whole time. Got home at 10:30 and he happily fed and went straight to sleep. If he gets tired when I'm out, I can just feed him and he'll fall asleep no matter where we are. I think it helps that he's an easy going baby. I imagine there are some babies who need a routine.
He sounds like an easy baby, as much as it grieves me to admit I think Miss Flora is a bit high maintenance. Having said that she's much better than she was a few months ago. It's just this new waking in the night thing - hopefully it'll be a phase that will pass. But she does need a bit of routine, she has had bedtime routine since about week 3 and has always gone to bed well, thankfully. Its just during the day it all depends on when she/we wake up because its not the same every day, and with BFing its so easy to just feed whenever and wherever (although much more difficult now that she is a nosy monkey). When I start weaning i think it'll be easier to do a routine, I would probably set a time for 'breakfast' then go from there.
we are now officially starting BLW, we were out today for lunch and i fed EJ and then he was sitting there watching us trying to grab things so i gave him a slice of cucmber that came with Nates hotdog and chips meal and he sat and munched on it sucking and actually swallowing a bit so i cut the seeds out of a wedge of tomato and he chewed and sucked on that ( holding it himself ) for ages till he got most of the flesh off it when he managed to chomp off a big bit he spat it out but i think that was more due to the shock of actually managing to bite through the skin of the tomato. i was well impressed.
Hi everyone. Trying to catch up, but there have been a lot of posts.

Kel: I love Conner's hair. It is a shame you have to cut it, but it may be time.

Seity: Glad to hear that Gabriel's sleep is improving.

To the rest of the mommies who are having trouble with sleep I hope it improves soon. For us I think that having a routine does help. About a week ago I tried to put Charlotte to sleep without reading to her first and she started to cry. Once I remembered what I had done (or not done) I picked her up, read for a few minutes to her and returned her to bed. She went straight to sleep. Who knew it made a difference?

Lynn: Looks like EJ is enjoying exploring new foods.

So for the first time in forever Charlotte woke up after being in bed. She had been asleep for two hours when we heard her cry (luckily we were still awake). It was such a different and painful cry that I went in right away. She was crying uncontrollably even after I picked her up. We think that maybe it is teething as she had another upset spell yesterday afternoon. I ended up giving her some homeopathic teething tablets and half a bottle to settle her down and she calmed down and went back to sleep. I've just never seen her so upset where nothing could comfort her. At one point I was crying because I felt so bad for her. Has anyone else experienced this?
sounds like teething to me hunni, EJ has been the same unless i give him calpol with his last bottle then he tends to sleep through till morning if he wakes on goes the baby bongela onto his gums and dummy and that tends to resettle him long enough for him to drift off to sleep again
Eleanor has woken up like that once, we figured she probably got her foot or arm through the cot bars and tried to turn - so got trapped. We now have net curtains around the bars and it hasn't happened again.

Hope Charlotte will sleep through the night again as she was and won't get bothered by pain again.
Oh we have 2 teeth now i'll try to get a good pic of them for ya
lynn - Look forward to seeing a picture of the teeth.

So, I just had my horrible mom moment. I went to get his lavender oil and he rolled himself off the change pad and fell about 3 ft onto our hardwood floors. His crying and sobbing was heartbreaking. :cry:
:hug: seity! It's ok! Lots of cuddles can fix a lot of things!

I think we are dealing with our first cold, poor little guy is all snotty and was running a fever earlier. I'm hoping the fever goes away so he can go to daycare tomorrow! He has a tiny bit of a cough and just seems miserable! I've got him in his crib in his boppy with the little harness holding him in to keep him propped. I doubt I will be getting much sleep tonight going in to check on him constantly.
Oh no Seity - I take he was ok - probably just shocked! I always give kisses and cuddles when M has hurt herself but OH tells me off; he's the king of distracting kids so they can't remember why they were crying! :haha:

Vegas - I hope Charlotte cuts the tooth soon so she can stop suffering. I used to cry all the time when M had bad wind when she was newborn. It's horrible feeling so helpless :-(

Lyn - hope EJ likes his food. I can't believe how big he looks in your pics on FB- so cute though.

BNK - I hope Mika recovers quickly. I read the other day that around 5-6 months LO lose the immunity they were born with, so infections and colds etc are really common.

M slept in her crib ALL NIGHT!!! Its the first time ever (i think) that she hasnt come into our bed. Went to bed at 7:30, woke for a feed at 12, 2 & 5 and went straight back to sleep after each feed. I think she's finally learning how to stay asleep, I hear her shift and murmur but she doesn't wake. So happy - and I feel positive for moving her into her own room in a few weeks.
seity- Oh my goodness that must have given you a fright! Do you have a change table? We have a high one so i'm getting abit scared of that happening. I am so glad he is ok :hugs:

What are you guys using lavendar oil for?

Cocoa- that is so great about the sleeping! Go M!!!

El has been sicky today poor wee girl. She usually isnt a sicky baba. We went for a nice walk to the shops today.
Rolling every where. Gets onto her tummy then mum has to come rescue her every 2 mins :haha: She is getting better at sitting up with no hands too :dance:

Yay M!

MM-love that pic of Ella sitting! She is getting good!

Mika is still sleeping. I didn't expect him to sleep through the night but he did and I didn't hear any coughing...It's almost 7, so I expect he should be waking up soon. I hope he doesn't have a fever because I really want to go to my practicum today, I'm shadowing a worker again and I really enjoy it. Oh boy, that sounds selfish doesn't it! Lol, of course I hope he isn't running a fever so he feels better too!
BNK- nO THAT DOESN'T sound selfish at all, lol sorry bout the caps.

El woke at 11 just as i expected. She threw up all her dinner so i knew she'd wake up hungry. t's now 12.30 and i should really go to bed. I just fixed up my dreds. look abit tidying now. Might go catch some zzzzz's. night all xx

Oh yea, we arnt sleeping as well as we used to either. She used to sleep right through but now she usually wakes up any time between 11-3.30 for a feed. Must be her growing bones needing more milk :haha:
Seity: Poor Gabriel. I am sure he will be fine, but I know it must have scared you. Charlotte is such a wiggle worm that I am afraid this may happen to us as well.

BnK: Sorry Mika is sick. Hope he gets better soon.

Lynn: Two teeth already. That's awesome!

Cocoa: Congrats on the sleep!

MM: Cute photo. Ella looks like she is concentrating really hard on her balance.

Not much to report here. Last night the weather was cool enough to go for a walk after dinner. I hope the weather stays nice because it was great being able to get out of the house and not sweat. It would be even better if it is nice during the day so that I can get in a bit of exercise. I know Charlotte will enjoy the walks more now that she is in the actual stroller. She has just gotten so big over the summer that I can hardly believe it. The first time we took her for a walk she was just three days old and you could barely see her in the car seat attachment to the stroller.
Yay we are getting the car back tomorrow, the garage is the best one ive used working hard to repair the car even through the bank holiday so that we can have it back because we have young kids so they know how much we value having a car. now just got to spend the next few days getting as much stuff done as i can do sorting things out around the place getting the stuff im selling sorted and photographed so it can be put on ebay and doing all that stuff lol need to get money into my paypal so i can buy nappies lol
vegas- she does doesn't she :haha: We are trying to get out for walks too. Just turned spring here so hoping the weather gets good fast! :thumbup:

Lynn- yay about the car! I'm not driving mine at the moment trying to sort out insurance first.

I just got up to have a cuppa tea. It's almost 2am here and I can't sleep :cry:
Hi girls! Just popping in quick while the monkey is napping since we're away on holidays this week but I wanted to share a couple pictures of him on his first train ride yesterday.

...and one with mummy!

He's been a real champ so far (knock on wood), and has even been sleeping quite well considering he's in a different environment and in his travel cot. He had his first Indian meal today for lunch and loved trying all the different things, especially sucking my mango lassi up through the straw! He seemed to really enjoy all the spices too. I hope it doesn't make for a scary diaper change later on though. :haha:

Anyway, off for a wee little nap for me too while I can get one!

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