march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Vegas - poor Charlotte - it's good that she wasn't too bothered by it though. M is the same - will sit in her own dirt for ages, mucky cow!

JJ - could the whinging be down to teething?

M has learnt so much in the last few days. She can now pick her dummy up and put it back in (if I try and put it in she takes it out and does it herself :dohh:), she's learnt to make 'ahhhhhhh' noises while I cover and uncover her mouth so she sounds like a red Indian, she's finally got a toe into her mouth :haha: and she's started giving me cuddles, IYSWIM.
EJ has started repeating "da da" when we say it, sooooooooooooooooooooo cute lol and he wont tolerate lying down for any length of time , poos everytime hes in his bumbo and has to be either sitting on my knee in his jumper/door bouncer or being carried around lol its getting rather irritating
becki we taught Nate that and he started doing it himself its cute he still does it sometimes even now lol
Lynnkins- Connor also learned da da, and likes to scream it loudly. Love the pic of Nate so cute!
Cocoa- I just love when they learn new stuff. Enjoy the cuddles!
Vegas- I live just south of Tampa, so its just over an hour to drive to Orlando!

I had a three day weekend and got to take Connor to the Aquarium. He had so much fun watching all the fish.
Nate is going to the aquariam on saturday with his Godmother i hope he enjoys it
update on us: Hunter just started pulling himself up to stand yesterday and can now go from being on all fours to sitting. His crawling is flawless now. He is developing really fast daily.Here is some piccies, then off to catch up, i been MIA for a bit


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ahh so much to comment on. i wont even ntry to get it all :haha:
lynn, is that camo a blueberry? i have one and love it!
mm, hope all is well with the earthquakes

re sex: me and OH had sex for the very first time since pregnancy on wednesday :wacko: i definitely felt looser but he didnt notice and it wasnt sore like i thought it would be! but he was so pleased he lasted more than 3 seconds since it had been so long but i was fine with it if it was short :haha: i did *ahem* enjoy it though, but way before he did so i was ready for sleep :haha: ((sorry if tmi))
Wow, I can't believe how much your LO's are all doing!
Gabriel is still 'swimming' in his attempt to crawl. You'd think after 4 months of this he'd figure out it's not going to work :dohh: He can spin and roll, so all the pieces are there, but he hasn't figured it out yet. No talking at all either. Just the squeals and laughs, he doesn't really babble either. When I sit him, he immediately tries to get at something, so of course falls over. He can sit for a few seconds, but doesn't want to be in one place.
He is extra clingy of late and wants to be held all the time.
wow DM2 hunter is progressing so fast! we are no where near crawling yet!!

cocoa- It's lovely when they learn new things isn't it! Ella makes the red0indian noise too hehe.

I just put El to bed its 7pm here. She has been so grizzly and clingy today :dohh: We have had a few big aftershocks over night and today. OH came home from work. the damage is incredible :dohh:
Hi Everyone! So much has happened since the last time I popped in here. I can't believe that some babies here can stand already and crawl well. Great going little ones!

Gavin was sick for 2 1/2 weeks. His nanny got a virus and the next day was in bed. She didn't get up for a week. Then a few days after, Gavin followed. He had an on and off fever for 3 days then he got a real bad cough and cold. He couldn't breathe and was crying a lot. At the end of the week, he lost his voice. My poor baby. I felt so bad for him. He is well now, but he lost some weight. He had his check-up at 5 1/2 months and he only gained ounces. He is now 18 lbs 1 oz and 28 inches long.

I am still browsing through the updates I've missed. I am glad to see your LO's are doing well. Gavin has discovered the all fours position but hasn't discovered how to move yet. He is such a little bugger though before he falls asleep. He has to have a major crying fit until he is comfortable. Sometimes I wonder why he just doesn't plop down and sleep when he's tired. No major milestones yet. He has discovered his toes, and can kiss when you ask him too. He will bury his lips on your mouth or cheek for a long time. I am in heaven when he does this!
Aw Steffi it is hard when babies are sick isn't it!? :hugs: I've been quite lucky and El has only had a small cold where she was blocked up for a few days, but even that was awful to see :( xx
DM2 yes it is a BBSS lol lil begger wee'ed out of it in under 2 hours though :( which i wasnt happy about thanks to Daddy giving him lots to drink in the morning lol he wee'd out of a wonderoo v1 as well lol gonna have to start boosting his nappies with some terry squares or something lol
DM2 how clever is Hunter! He really is learning quick isn't he.

Seity Chase is the same with crawling and the swimming action, occassionally he'll get his legs and bum into the right position but then his asrms and face are always flat to the floor :dohh:

MM Hope Ella sleeps well for you hun, its hard work when there clingy isn't it.

CocoaOne I did wonder if it was teeth as he was teething a while ago but he's not got any of the teething symptoms like he had last time :shrug:

Gosh it feels like ages since Chase learnt something new, i always worry that i'm not doing enough with him, we play, he has time in his sling, jumperoo, bumbo and swing, on his tummy plus we go out, what other stuff does eveyone else do?
Its nice to hear other babies are clingy too, i thought maybe i was too soft with him and thats why he was clingy but if others are finding this hopefully its just a phase, really worried about going back to work, Chase just cries everytime he goes to mil's house and they came here the other week and he just cried everytime she held him. Felt awful she's dying just to cuddle and play with him but he just won't have it. She is going to look after him 1 day and he's going to childminder for 2 days, dreading what he's goin to be like :cry:
Lovely day here today, going to my friends later, will pass Chase round my friends i think to try and socialise him.
JJ - we usually play with some toys, or I play with her (which is basically me pretending to eat bits of her body until she laughs! Or pulling faces/singing etc) go in her door bouncer- she still just goes round in a circle instead if bouncing though :dohh: I've got to sell her Bumbo soon because she's getting too strong - if she gets bored she throws her weight backwards and the Bumbo tips up! I've just bought a Chicco DJ walker off eBay (£12 bargain!) so she can go in there for a little bit. She gets bored of laying or sitting on the floor!

Lynn - have you thought about boosting with microfiche cloths? I think I read someone uses Tesco ones as a booster.

DM2 - I bet your DH was just happy to get some loving :rofl: My OH sees it as a challenge to get me in the mood now - and you know what men are like with a challenge.....
lol my DH tried it on last night when i finished pumping and went in to go to bed ( our bed creaks and groans when i adjust my pillow btw let alone move or roll over ) i was like "we can take it to the living room or leave it im not gonna risk waking the boys " so he settled down and went to sleep lol. we are out tonight so i dont know what will happen when we get home lol depends how the boys are i guess lol
oh and i will try microfiche or microfibre cloths before i spend out on expensive bamaboo boosters or anything lol i think he just had alot to drink caus the cotton bottom he was just in lasted nearly 3 hrs during naptime
I meant microfibre cloths - stupid iPhone text. Keeps changing Megan to mehan too which is blimmin annoying!
lol my husbands iphone does that hence why i dont use it lol i have free browsing on my phone for a couple of days though so might spend more time on here from there lol see how good it is
DM2 - Wow, look at Hunter go! What a handful trying to keep up with him, huh?

Lynn - I would definitely try using some cheap microfiber cloths cut to size as boosters before you spend a lot of money you might not need to spend.

Vegas - I have a bad back too that flared up the last couple days which has made it rather hellish for me. I haven't been sleeping and trying to keep the monkey entertained and carry him around etc. is taking a lot of fortitude on my behalf especially since I'm tired and crabby from the pain and can't take anything stronger than Tylenol/Ibuprofen/Aleve. I keep looking longingly at my prescription meds and daydreaming about taking one and then just passing out for a nice long night of uninterrupted sleep. Hah!

Yesterday was just a hellish day for me. I woke up exhausted and hurting and decided to suck it up and get out to go to the store so I got dressed and ready, fed the monkey and then he smiled and promptly puked over my shoulder. Then as if that wasn't enough, it was now time to poop in the fresh diaper I'd just put him in (we've been using cloth for the past month now so ugh). I took him to go change him and once the diaper was off, he decided he wasn't done pooping and finished the job off, before peeing on me. :dohh: Needless to say, I decided the world was telling me not to go out.

Today has been better although he woke up early and had a crappy short morning nap. His new 'trick' is the MmmmMmmmm noise, over and over and over again. It's doing my head in. :wacko: He kicks it up a notch when he's frustrated or impatient too, especially when I'm in the kitchen putting food together for his meals. It's hard some days not to laugh when he throws wobblers because he wants it NOW!

Anyway, speaking of MmmmMmmmming and wobblers, he's having one now so time to go tend to my almighty highness' every want and need!
Aww Hive what a disaster! I use cloth too I and generally find that the clean napy on gets pooed in quickly. Luckily I've narrowed my stash down to the ones that contain them best. I hope your back is better soon hun and I am with you fantasising about a long nights sleep. Someone should invent sleep porn for parents :rofl:

Lynn good luck with your cloth arrangements - I found it took trialling loads of different types to get ones which work best for me. When she feeds at night she tends to out wee the night nappies which is a bore, as she really ahtes being changed in the middle of the night. TBH I find sposies easier for night time, but use cloth all day.

Cocoa I do the same thing with Flora, make loud munching sounds along her legs and tummy and arms and she LOVES it! She is happeist in the door bouncer really because she's well and truly fed up with lying on the floor, she just wants to be upright all the time. She can sit for a little while but her big head topples her over!

JJ - sounds like you're doing all the same stuff as me, but even worse I'm sort of working here with DH in the mornings so she doesn't get totally undivided attention. She hasn't rolled. The new things she's learnt are many more talking wordy sort of sounds... well thats it really! But recently she giggles lots and is fun to throw around. She seems to like being upside down and stuff, maybe she's going to be a bit psychadelic when she grows up. :wacko:

One of my antenatal friends said today that 'they' have changed guidelines to say weaning can start at 4 months rather than 6? Anyone heard that? It might be a UK thing and obviously talking about traditional weaning not BLW, but anyway I thought it was interesting. I am starting on TW (just small amount of baby rice) right now and plan to do some BLW when she can sit up better after 6 months. I felt a bit worried that it was too early... but maybe its OK after all. SO confusing when they change guidelines all the time :wacko:

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