march lambs 2010 come on ladies

HC - I hate days like that. I agree the universe was saying don't go out.
jj - we do similar things, except no bumbo seat, just prop him up on our own or with a pillow
GL - No idea on the weaning issue. So confusing. I'm really not ready to start weaning. Probably once every few days, I put him in the high chair and offer him some food to play with, but I'm happy keeping him on milk for now.
He's been super needy today and crying in his sleep. I can only assume that first tooth is imminent.
Cocoa: Megan seems to be learning how to do so much lately.

Lynn: So cute that EJ is saying dada.

Kel: Which aquarium did you go to? I wanted to take Charlotte to the aquarium, but all we have is Sea World and we think we will wait till she is older for that. We have a friend with a small aquarium with about three fish and she loves staring at them, so I could only imagine how much she would like a big aquarium.

DM2: Wow, I can't believe Hunter can do so much. He'll be walking the next thing you know! Charlotte doesn't have a clue how to even crawl, but she can roll far and fast!

Steffi: Baby kisses, how sweet!

JJ: I always worry I am not doing enough with my LO too. I do all the stuff you do and I try to sing a bit to her, read to her, and today I even sorted laundry with her telling her which colors were which and what pile they needed to go in. Boring, I know, but it's all new to her.

Hive: You know somedays are just better than others. You just hope there are more good than bad. Sorry to hear you have a bad back too. I am currently taking two Aleve twice a day and muscle relaxers (drs orders). Sadly there are no fun side effects. This is the first time I have had a problem in ages. I thought I would have trouble during pregnancy, when you can't take anything, but I was fine. Just hoping it goes away by Friday since DH will be out of town for the weekend and I will be left to do all the heavy lifting.

GL: Yes, I pretend to eat my baby too and she loves it! I wonder why babies find this appealing?

I am a bit jealous of all of you cloth diaper users. Until recently I didn't know that cloth diapers had changed so much from when I was little. I just kept thinking I would risk stabbing her with those giant pins, but those appear to be a thing of the past. Good thing since my own mother stuck one right through me when I was a baby. Can you see now why I was hesitant? Is it too late to start using them? Charlotte had been a once a day pooper up until recently so cloth diapers wouldn't be as gross of a prospect as I had thought. Currently she is going three or four times a day. Hoping this is a phase. The only negative I can think of with cloth is that it will mean more laundry for me and laundry is my least favorite chore (probably because I do it most often, in fact, I can hear the machine working in the background now).
hunter has had awful mornings lately :( from about 7am onwards (he is a late waker like 10-11am) he moans and needs to be cuddled while he sleeps which i dont mind but it means i cant sleep since he moans every half hour to an hour and theres no reason for it :( it only lasts a short minute or so while i pat his bum and he never fully wakes but i never fully sleep and i get so annoyed and grumpy :(
GL - I'm not sure about the weaning thing. I've heard rumors flying around as well but no one has been able to produce anything concrete, and it doesn't seem that WHO or Unicef are changing their guidelines which I would be more inclined to heed. :shrug:

Seity - Hopefully it is a tooth cutting and he settles soon. There's still no sign of teeth with Ronan although he drools like a leaky faucet and chomps on everything.

Vegas - I don't think it's too late to start with cloth, especially if you invest in one size diapers that will last her through until she's potty training. I thought the extra laundry would bother me but it really doesn't. I have enough to last me 3-4 days between loads if I want to go that long. I usually do them every 2nd day though in the evening then hang them to dry. Living in FL, you'll get plenty of sun year around which does wonders for cloth diapers/laundry in general!

As for the back, I hope you find some relief other than with pain killers. I have been avoiding anything since we still BF exclusively and I'd rather grit my teeth and deal with the pain than have to give that up to take medication that required me to stop.

Heh, I know it seems forever away at this point, but with how fast the past 6 months have gone by, has anyone else given any thought to milk past 1 year? I'm hoping to still be BFing (I'd ideally like the monkey to self wean, I think), but I'm going to introduce him onto goat's milk instead of cow's milk. I'm actually already thinking of starting to use it now in cooking/cereal etc. for him when I don't use expressed BM! My hubby thinks I'm such a hippy. :mrgreen: It's not like he didn't know before he married me!
Hive - sorry to hear you had a bad day :hugs: I'd ideally like to BF up to a year and then play it by ear. Probably organic cows milk because I can't stand goats milk! I'll be back at work then so doubt I'll have the time to BF when she needs it :-(

GL - I'd read that on here - but not sure where it's come from. I'm still trying M on sweet potato a few times a week, but she's still not really bothered. I usually put some on the spoon and give it to her & she puts it in her mouth..... and then pulls a face and pushes it back out! I'm starting to worry that she's never going to want solids....

Well M had the longest stretch of sleep last night that she's ever done - 7 hours!!!! (8-3) Then I had to resettle at 5 and heard her chatting away to herself at 7ish. I'm so pleased with how her sleep is improving, and I'm glad I never resorted to CC or any of the other sleep training methods. Would have been a lot of hard work for no reason as she's slowly getting there herself.

Her cold is a bit better today, but had a bit of a crusty eye this morning, so off to bathe it. BIG deal for- I've got an eye phobia! Oh and OH has caught her cold now. But if course it's 'manflu' and he's practically dying...

Oh and I noticed yesterday that my friend I was telling you about deleted her facebook. Sent her a text asking if all was ok and she said yes, but the floodgates opened and it seems she's been struggling to deal with the whole pregnancy/baby thing. I told her that most people feel overwhelmed and it's totally normal. Feel a bit guilty for slagging her off now :blush:
Seity: Hope you see a tooth soon. I don't think we will ever get a tooth, the teething just seems to go on and on. At least Charlotte is drooling a little bit less.

HC: I figure today will be my last day of medicine for the back. I don't like being on meds for any length of time. I have been doing some stretching exercises that help too. Maybe I need to start doing some yoga. As I mentioned I never had a problem pregnant and I did prenatal yoga several times a week. Good for you to be thinking about BFing long term. Why goat's milk? What are the benefits?

Cocoa: Congrats on the sleep! Hope Megan feels better soon and that her eye clears up quickly for her sake and yours. Also, hope your DH gets better soon. Men are particularly pathetic when sick.

Charlotte has taken to "talking" in her sleep. She's not awake just babbling away. She has been doing this around 4am for the last few nights. It's cute, but it wakes DH up and he is not pleased. He wants me to turn off the monitor, but her room is at the opposite end of the house and I need to hear her in case she ever gets upset and needs us. I already have the monitor turned way down.
vegasbaby , never to late to go cloth lol although the later you leave it the less use you will get out of the nappies so the less economical it will be but then again you could always have another baby to make up for it

GL thanks for the lunch today hunni it was fab to meet you and your OH and Flora and I do hope her sleep improves, both the boys slept on the way home lol,

lol time for my nap now i think lol pity i dont get one and caus DH is going out tonight hes not even going to be around to really help much with dinner and bedtime for the boys lol. got shopping (online) to do and washing to hang out when i can find a spot and the house really needs tidying, lol i have EJ's cot half setup in the living room as i had to measure it for a mattress and order it this morning and i cant be bothered colapsing it just to have to reassemble it in 2 days when the mattress arrives
Cocoa - I am so excited for you about the improvement on Megan's sleep. Sam's sleep is still somewhat crappy,he does not really go any longer than 4hours. I am sure it's just a habit by now but I have no clue how to break.

HC/Vegas - isorry to hear you are having back trouble! Have you thought about some abs exercises or core excerxises in general? Maybe that helps?

Sam had his 6 months checkup and the shots. He is 25.5inch and weighs just under 16lbs which now puts him below the 50percentile. I will also have to have his testicles checked as they don't seem to have fully descended. On top of that we are battling his first cold, his nose is running like a leaky faucet and he is having trouble breathing. His sleep has been ridiculous the past 2 days. He won't go longer than 30min unless I hold him and or be his human soother. I hope he'll be better in a couple of days. We have giving him Tylenol for the fever and otherwise just some vapo rub. Love the smell.
CocoaOne So pleased that M is sleeping better for you hun! Grr my iphone drives me mad changing words, makes for amusing texts from me anyway. M will get round to solids hun, she just musn't be ready yet, which isn't a bad thing because nappy changes now are gross!!! Gladi M seems to be getting better.

Hive Hope you have had a better couple of days hun :hugs:

GL Ahh Chase loves being thrown around and upside down too, infact he's happiest when he's being thrown about but its tiring. Not heard about them changing the weaning guidelines hun, if its too early she won't eat it. Its so hard when they change the guidelines all the time, you don't know what to think.

Vegas ooh i'm a bit sad, laundry is my favourite chore, sometimes i go looking for things to wash, i just love it. Grr Chase is the same with teething, drives you mad and them doesn't it, you wish they would just come through.

Julchen Ahh poor Sam, hope his cold clears up quick hun, Chase had one the other week and it was horrid and it wasn't that bad a one. We put a pillow under his fitted sheet and that seemed to help him to sleep.

CocoaOne you were right, Chase is teething again!! Think this may be why he's been so clingy too, after saying yesterday he had none of the usual symptoms today he has and he's been chomping down hard on my fingers :wacko: Went to get some pictures done of him today, its hubbys birthday next week and this is just a little extra present for him, he's been saying he wants a photo of Chase to take to work. I'm really pleased with them, will post a few once hubby's gone to bed. For £5.99 i got a big one, 4 little ones and 10 passport sized ones then for £5 i got the disk of all the photos she took. He was really good considering the mood he's been in, he was smiling and laughing it was so cute. I put him in his little bear outfit that i got him and he looked well cute in it, can't wait for winter so he can wear it.

Just ordered him some bandana bibs too, sick of his drooling and i hate bibs but somedays if i don't use one his top just ends up soaked.
i love bandana bibs i have a friend who makes them so i really need to get some they are soo cute though and EJ soaks tops really quick now hes always wanting to be sat up or in his bouncer lol need to buy a highchair now for him
Thanks JJ! I hope it gets better soon too. It just sucks to see them sick.

We have some bandana bibs as well, I love them! They are useful and look cute.Sam has been drooling so much,sometimes I wonder if he is going to dehydrate :rofl:
Vegas- We went to the Tampa Aquarium.
Couple of cute pics!


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HC: Good for you to be thinking about BFing long term. Why goat's milk? What are the benefits?

It's closer to human milk than cow's milk, is less likely to cause lactose intolerance/allergies etc. There are a lot of benefits over cow's milk, and apparently it's far more common in most of the rest of the world, too!

Here's a good link that goes over pretty much everything:

HC/Vegas - isorry to hear you are having back trouble! Have you thought about some abs exercises or core excerxises in general? Maybe that helps?
It definitely would. I was doing a lot better pre, and even during pregnancy than I am now but I haven't done much of any exercise since Ronan was born and I need to change that.

As for drooling and bibs, I love bandana bibs too! I went and bought a bunch because, of all things, I got annoyed seeing him in these big, ungainly bibs in all the pictures I was taking of him. :blush: Is it bad for me to admit that I'm also glad that he didn't take to a dummy for the same reason?

Kel, gorgeous pics of Connor! I still can't believe how much hair he has. I love it! I want to take Ronan to the New England Aquarium in Boston soonish. I'm hoping he'll enjoy it.
Hi all! just having a catch up. Wasn't on last night as I had a friend over :)

Goats milk here is sooo much more expensive! But alot of reflux babies go on it.

Are bandana bibs just bananas? Ella has one somewhere I havn't used it though. it came free with her amber necklace.

I am soo happy! i was stressing because my friend was due to have her baby, and didnt know what she was having and if it was a girl she was going to use the name we have already picked out for our next girl. She had a boy!! :dance: 2 days ago. I know it sounds abit silly, but I am somewhat releived now I can still use the name! lol. She called him Aidan, i can't wait to see pictures!!

i bought some new high ugg boots today. They were cheap as- $15.99 (NZD), and have embroidery and lace up at the sides. that teensy bit of retail therapy was just what i needed :haha: I also found a 4 pack of feeding containers with lids for a steal of $5.99. I also bought a bib lol. And had enough money left over to stop and get me a v :winkwink:

I hope everyone is having a good day :hugs: x
oh hope you enjoyed the V hun its hard to get here and i miss it lol i was a V junkie as a teen lol. yeah a bandana bib is just a banada but baby size lol i think they are so super cute lol esp on lil boys
Jul: Hope Sam's cold clears up quickly.

JJ: Can't wait to see the new photos.

Kel: Those photos are adorable! I bet you get so many comments on Conner's hair.

Hive: There do seem to be a lot of benefits to goat's milk. My mom drank it when she was a baby (I come from a long line of women who are not very good at breastfeeding). I have also read that goat is the most common meat eaten in the world so it makes sense that the milk is widely used as well. Too bad it is not more available here and more reasonably priced too. Seems like anything that is good for you costs a great deal more. I've been noticing this more as I have been buying all organic foods to make Charlotte's baby food.

MM: Glad your friend had a boy so that you can use the name you want (Ruby, right?). Now all you have to do is get pregnant with another girl.

Lynn: I am curious what V is as well.

Spending the weekend alone with Charlotte and the dogs as DH is headed to Vegas to check on the house. Sad that Charlotte and I don't get to go. My back is still hurting really bad so I have a feeling it is going to be a long weekend. Planning on calling the doctor/chiropractor if things don't improve. Of course they will tell me to rest my back, as if I can do that with a baby. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
I am also curious what V is? OH and I love to watch True Blood, it's a vampire show and in there people take vampire blood as a drug and they call it V :rofl:

Kel - I love the pictures of Connor! He is so cute. Wish we had an aquarium here, I am sure Sam would love it.

He is a lot better by the way, the minute I picked up his half sister (which I swear he loves more than me :hihi:) his nose magically stopped running, no more cough etc. Bit of a weird coincidence.

Vegas - I hope your weekend won't be full of too much backpain! :hugs:

Lynn - I love the profile picture you have of the boys on facebook. Just adorable.

Wishing everyone a great weekend!
jul - Glad Sam seems to be doing better.
HC - I looked into goat's milk, but apparently raw milk is illegal to sell in NY state. :(
I grew up on raw cow's milk and hate that everything is pasteurized now killing off have the beneficial stuff in the milk. Besides, even the full fat stuff tastes like water after it's been processed.
vegas - I hope your back feels better soon. My husband was in a car accident as a teen and suffers from chronic back pain. I recently ordered him a TENS machine and hope it helps because, like a typical guy, he refuses to go to a doctor and OTC drugs are useless.
Kel - Love the pictures. My husband loves aquariums and looks forward to taking Gabriel to one at some point. I'm just not sure where there is one around here.

We had pierogies for dinner last night and I had Gabriel sitting in my lap with his spoon and I put a little of the filling on it. He was happily sucking away, when he started to fuss, so I took the spoon and set it aside. I had just taken a bite out of my last pierogi, when he suddenly reached out, snatched it from my fingers and started shoving it in his mouth. My husband took a picture with his camera, so I'll have to see if I can get it off the camera and post the picture for you all.
also another "What's V?"
vegas - I hope your back feels better soon. My husband was in a car accident as a teen and suffers from chronic back pain. I recently ordered him a TENS machine and hope it helps because, like a typical guy, he refuses to go to a doctor and OTC drugs are useless.

My mom is a chronic pain patient as well. Lots of problems with her neck. She has a TENS and swears by it!!

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