march lambs 2010 come on ladies

ive been out since 8.10 this morning with EJ it was a long day, Nate had fun with his godmother at the aquariam apparently . had a fright yesterday when he took off his nappy and refused to wear one then finally i got one on and he wet it and took it back off just to ask for another nappy to wear it for 15 min then decide he didnt want it lol, im gonna get him some training pants for him to wear if he doesnt want to wear a nappy as i think its partly the bulk of the nappy that hes not liking hopefully it will help him potty train quickly so my fluff stash is going to be focused at EJ now
Hi girlies, omg again I am so sorry for being such a slacker! :blush: :blush: I haven't talked to most of you in ages and I apologize profusely. I haven't been coming on a lot lately.

I can't believe some of the bubbas are crawling, that's amazing! Lachlan's not even interested in crawling at all but I've heard that I'll be thankful for that and to try and make the most of it! :lol: We have the most un-babyproof house EVER so I guess it's a lucky coincidence!

I was a little worried about Lachlan for a while as he seemed to not be learning a lot of things that everybody else's (online and in real life) babies seemed to be doing and I was concerned about autism (my OH's little sister is autistic and my OH is the teeniest bit, and it is often passed down esp to boys) but all of a sudden he's started doing all the things I was worried about. I have to stop comparing him to other babies :dohh: He's started to be able to sit unaided (not too well yet but he's getting there), he's trying with a passion to roll from his back to his tummy but gets stuck on his side cause he won't move his arm lol.. He's babbling heaps and shouting and squealing 'words' and he started saying dada last week (a day before father's day here :cloud9: perfect timing!). And just last night I noticed that he has cut his first tooth, the bottom one on the right if I'm facing him. It's so sharp! And he hasn't been too much of a grump either so I think his teething necklace must be working. He's started giving snuggles only recently. And he's being doing it for a wee while but he bashes his toys around like he's trying to punish them lol he's really taken a huge interest in his toys! He always seeks them out while he's on his sheepskin on the floor, reaches for them and gets really annoyed when he pushes them away by accident. It's also really easy to get him to burst in to giggles now, he used to be such a hold out with them!

I've started going to a coffee group for mummies in their early to mid twenties (I'm 20) and I'm LOVING it. The girls are so awesome and the babies are so adorable! With the regular mummies babies there's quite an age range, the oldest being a 19 month old boy, then there's a 15 month old boy, a 15 month old girl, a 7 month old girl, Lachlan, a 4 month old girl and a 4 month old boy and then a 2 month old boy. We went out to dinner the other night (not babies obviously lol) and I brought Tom along thinking that there would be other partners there cause some girls said they would bring them but nope! I felt so sorry for him. And then I felt even worse because they begged me to come out on the town with them, and I accepted. I asked Tom about it to make sure he was okay with it and he said he was but later admitted he wasn't :wacko: Silly boy should've told me. But anyway, we all had fun and let our hair down, something we don't do often!

I've read a few pages back but I'm going to have to go catch up properly xxx :hugs: to everybody, and I promise I wasn't intentionally snobbing anybody! I just tend to go on facebook and other sites more nowadays for some reason.
Oh and here's some piccies of my little man now (haha for some reason there's only one smiley one in there but I assure you he's very smiley!):



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Now I'm starting to worry a little. All your LO's seem to be repeating sounds already and Gabriel doesn't even make any consonant sounds at all. Just ah and um and lots of squealing. I suppose I'll have to hope he starts babbling in the next 2 months. I know his hearing is fine and he definitely recognizes the word kitty, so maybe he's just not much of a talker.
Now I'm starting to worry a little. All your LO's seem to be repeating sounds already and Gabriel doesn't even make any consonant sounds at all. Just ah and um and lots of squealing. I suppose I'll have to hope he starts babbling in the next 2 months. I know his hearing is fine and he definitely recognizes the word kitty, so maybe he's just not much of a talker.

:hugs: I'm sure he's doing just fine hun don't worry, I think some babies are just more interested in moving first and others with talking first. And it sounds like Gabriel's more interested in moving around from what you've said. Even from vids I've seen of him he was moving around more than Lachlan does now when he was much younger than this age lol (I've got a lazy bugger on my hands...:p) xx He sounds like he's doing fantastically
Lyn - good luck with potty training!

Rwhite - Glad to hear Lachlan is keeping you busy! M was the same, everything seemed to happen all at once. And boys can be a bit too relaxed about these things.... Good luck in 15 years time when you won't be able to get him out of bed! :rofl:

Good night for us - bed at 7:30 & feeds at 12 & 4:30.
Seity- don't worry at all, gabriel will develop in his own time. El is rolling like a champ but yet there are no proper "words", and no sign of crawling any time soon!

Rosy yay a tooth that is so exciting! :dance: x
I missed your post Seity - I wouldn't worry. Does your OH talk to him a lot during the day? My HV said usually babies 'talk' more/earlier when you talk to them a lot - and men aren't know for their fantastic communication skills! Definitely a woman's trait. I just wondered if your OH focused more on playing with toys etc rather than talking, singing etc? Just a thought because I know my OH is like that.
Seity try not to worry hun Chase is the same, i felt a little worried when babies younger than him are repeating words and also that he doesn't seem to have learnt something new for ages, but then i have to remind myself to just chill, they all develop/lean things at different ages. Its so hard not to worry though you can't help it. Chase just babbles and squeals, we've always spoken to him and done it slowly and so he can see how our mouth moves but he just shows no interest in trying to do the same, he watches intently then does his own thing.

GL Loving Flora in her bandana bib, can't wait for Chase's to arrive, hopefully tomorrom.

CocoaOne Yay for another good sleep hun, Chase was a pain in the bum last night, he kept waking up really crying, not sure what was wrong with him.

RWhite Hey hun, nice to have you back with us on here. Lachlan seems to have leant lots of new stuff recently hun, clever little boy. Great about his tooth too and what a brave boy. That's fab you have a regular group to go to, i keep meaning to take Chase to more things, hopig it may help with his stranger anxiety.

Chase is 6 months today :cloud9: its gone soooooo quick!

Hubbys been really ill and today he's feeling a lot better, think his antibitics have kicked in, so we off out to do something, not sure what yet. Ooh and tomorrow going on a pram walk with a baby group and two of my friends, hope the rain stays away.
Becki - I definitely agree that boys can be a little laid back...then again I'm lazy as hell so that's possibly where he gets it from...:lol: I'm fully expecting not to see him on the weekends when he's a teenager cause he'll be practically unconscious. Him being overdue was just the start of it hehe x Glad M's sleeping is getting better, that's great to hear :D
Oh btw, I talk to Lachlan pretty much constantly, just say random things and repeat myself a lot (apparently they like that :shrug:) so that may be why he's become very vocal.

Andi - Thanks huni :D x I was so surprised but so excited and proud that he didn't really make too much of a deal about it! The amber beads really must work, I guess I'll see!

Louise - Thanks hun :) I'm so proud and SO relieved, it was doing my head in a little lol. I think my parents were getting irritated because of my concerns about him having aspergers. I know there's quite a high chance that he could be autistic but I guess it's something I won't know until he's about 2 or so.
I'm loving my group, I wasn't getting out of the house too often (which doesn't bother me at all but it is nice to make new friends!) so it's a nice change. Lachlan's not socialising with other babies yet but I'm looking forward to seeing the change any time now, it's cool that the others will be able to tell too.

Aww happy 6 months Chase, that has gone fast! I can't believe our bubbies are half a year or almost. Makes me feel old :lol:
ahh i'm sure Lachlan will be fine hun, he seems to be developing just fine. My uncle is mentally handicapped and when there is something like that in the family i think you do worry more you can't help it.

At least you only feel old, i am old :haha:

If we go anywhere where there are older children Chase just loves watching them all play, all my friends children are older, some only by year but at this age it makes a big difference, i can't wait until he can play and join in with them all.
Ella seems really intrigued by older kids too. my friend has 3 boys and she loves just watching them run around! the other day she was stearing at her 7 year old and he was going all shy haha
Hi RWhite :hi: nice to see you. Lachie is too gorgeous. Sounds like he is developing well. My OH has dyslexia, so does his half sister so its a possibility with Flora altho I think more common to be passed down to boys. I'm not worrying about that particular bridge if/when its time to cross it! I think we all can't help comparing to other babies, especially on here as we tell each other whats happening. But as someone else said they all develop differently, I keep telling myself that anyway!

Flora is babbling but she doesn't repeat words really, just has her own little languague. She can roll front to back, but not back to front. She can sit for a while but then topples over, (she has a big head :haha:!) she can spin herself around on her tummy this morning she did a full 180 in a few minutes and was facing the other direction. The other stuff will come in time.

Yesterday we went to a birthday bash in a pub and then went up to Hampstead Heath, she was an absolute star, didn't whinge at all and was just charming everyone. Do you ever have days when you are so overwhelmed with love with your LO? Like, more than the usual love (which is daily of course), the kind of pride and joy that makes you choke up? I had that yesterday. She is such a precious angel and I love her to bits.

OK gushy moment over. Fab weather today, we might walk up to have lunch in the pub beer garden.. Flora seems to like being in the pub!
I wasn't worried so much about Mika's development until I started taking a child abuse and neglect class. The first half of the class is about child development and of course I started worrying. Then we talked about autism, and I started worrying. Then we talked about something else, and I started worrying, lol. I have decided it is just part of motherhood!
GL - Yay Flora for being a star. It's so wonderful when they are like that.
MM and jj - Gabriel isn't around other kids much, but he does seem fascinated by them when he is. I think he's jealous of what they can do. He is also fascinated by our cats and watches them very intently all the time. I think because they're mobile :rofl:
rwhite - Love the pictures. Lachlan is a cutie and sounds like he's developing fantastically.
Cocoa - Yay for good sleep!

Gabriel had is best night's sleep ever. 9 hours straight and then back down for another 2! That makes twice now he's slept through! I hope he makes a habit of it. :D
My OH reads and talks to Gabriel during the day, but neither of us are big talkers. I try to talk to him and sing to him whenever I can, so maybe he's not a talker like his parents. I've recently started to sign to him. Just milk, kitty, all done, and bath for now. So, hopefully he'll at least communicate via hands if not words.

At least you only feel old, i am old
jj - Now you have me wondering which of us is the oldest amongst the group.
Yeah I've been wondering for a while how old everyone is. I'm 31 ... I don't feel old, I loved being in my 20s but so far my 30s are great too. My OH is 39 so my peer group has generally been older than me anyway.
Seity & Cocoa - :happydance: Yay for good sleep!
GL- I love days like that! Its so nice when everyone else gets to see what a wonderfull baby you have!
rwhite- great pics of Lachlan! Connor knows whenever I have the camera out, and won't smile. He smiles all the time, but I can't ever get a picture of it!
JJ- Happy 6 months Chase! We went to a a birthday party yesterday, and Connor loved watching the other children running around.
I finally got a good picture of Connor's teeth!


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Awwww what a lovely picture of Connor's teeth! It makes them look a lot older I find. No sign of any teeths for Sam yet although I am sure he has been teething for awhile. His dad got his first teeth closer to being a year old and I have heard it's hereditary. So it may take a while. I just enjoy his toothless grin.

As for talking away,Sam is rather quiet too. He has recently started to squeal a lot and say dadadada. But that's about it. To be honest I fully expect he might be a bit slower with speech as he'll grow up bilingual so has more to process. I trust in the end he will catch up. Then again I am also not the biggest talker so I try to play some music to him every day and also just comment on what I am doing.

I am 31 too by the way.
Kel - Gorgeous photo of his teeth. He looks very happy in that picture.
jj - Forgot to add a Happy half Birthday to Chase!

I'm 37 years young. :D
So, I decided to record Gabriel spinning on his belly and he decides to army crawl for the first time! I feel lucky to have that moment caught on video. Plus my OH was sleeping, so now he can see it too. I'm uploading the video to youtube now, so I can link it in an hour or so. I guess that extra sleep paid off. :happydance:


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