march lambs 2010 come on ladies

DM2 do you have a playpen? As soon as Gabriel starts moving more he's going to be in the travel cot (which doubles as a play pen), so that he can't get into too much trouble. Although, I imagine he'll complain while in it, at least my husband will be able to get other things done.
I can't keep the weight on. I had trouble gaining it while pregnant, despite much cheesecake and brownie eating, and I'm now 5 lbs under my pre-pregnancy weight. I've been eating ice cream every night this week to try and keep from losing more. :blush: Y'all probably hate me now, but it's just the luck of the genetic draw -high metabolism plus breast feeding.
No i cant bear to use a playpen, i want hunter to be free and happy. Putting him in an enclosed space isnt really going to teach him how to act in the rest of the house its only going to delay the chaos and i want him to learn how to deal with everything. Children need to explore if they want to learn and thrive. I think thats why Hunter has developed so much, because I dont play for him or restrict his play, I play with him or i am near him to soften his falls (not stop the falls or he wont learn not to do it, i just soften them so he doesnt get hurt even though he still does sometimes if i am not quick enough but not ACTUALLY hurt) and he usually enjoys exploring without me interfering lol I am 100% baby-led and that allows him to thrive emotionally and developmentally and a playpen doesnt fit into that way of thinking. The most i would use the travel cot for is possibly if i had to shower and hubby couldnt watch him or something. But only for a very short space of time and not even then if he hated it.
Like Rosy we use farex rusks. Or on ly organic rusks. they are really really hard but they soften when sucked on :)

BTW Rosy is 20 :haha: youngin :winkwink:

My MIL is buying us a playpen. i really dont want one though but how do I tell her that when she is so excited about giving us one!? :wacko:

I hope everyones having a good day.

This is Ella with a rusk.

I eat them :haha:
Rosy-how old are you? You may have said a few posts back but I'm not finding it!

I'm 20 :) So a year younger than you, how cool! I think people think I'm 16 though because when I'm say at the mall I get dirty looks...even my mum and friends have noticed, it's horrible. I feel like yelling at people.

I'm at my heaviest too, I think I was 143lbs before, but now I'm 163lbs :wacko: I love food too! Especially now that I'm breastfeeding lol and it's all the wrong foods. You're lucky you can exercise without Mika's food supply going to hell lol, so annoying! xx

DM2 - Aww how cute that Hunter is standing, what a clever little man!! Ooh I'm jealous of his leg warmers (so is Lachlan :lol:). I honest adore things with dinosaurs on, eeek. Not so much the things with cars etc though, bleh! And numbers, like 05 etc, seem to be a lot of tops with those on and it drives me crazy. I've said it time and again but I always feel like I have to search really hard to find nice clothes for my little boy - does anybody else think this too? It might just be because baby clothes in New Zealand...there's not a HUGE range :shrug:

Seity - :shock: You're so lucky! Breastfeeding hasn't made me lose a single kilo, everybody assured me it would and boy did I overeat when made the eating worse.. lol. I am eating heaps of crap food though so that can't help but still. Bah humbug haha.

MM - Send the playpen over here, Tom is desperate for one for some reason lol and they're bloody expensive...I think you'll find it's handy though, to keep her in one spot especially if you're having a shower or something x

Coffee group was lots of fun, Lachlan's dummy mysteriously disappeared and I think it may have been my friend Maya's little man behind it to be honest because last week he took the dummy right out of Lachlan's mouth and stuck it in his So cute.

Lil man stole two toys off two other babies :shock: I was like ummm excuse me, how rude hehe. Still no socialization but it will be so cute when he does, my friend said her bubba started to at 6 months and she was all over Lachlan like a rash.
I'm my heaviest too. i was 60kg b4 preggies now i'm about 75kg!! Although i don't do much to help the situation :dohh:

There has only been one time when Ella has interacted with another baby, when she was about 3 months, her and her friend were talking away it was sooo cute!!
M loves other babies - always watching, reaching out to touch them and 'talking' to them.

DM2 - sorry Hunter is being hard work. M is usually like that so I don't think I'm going to notice much difference when she starts being more mobile (apart from my back from all the bending down!). I've got her a walker (the type she sits in) so I'll pop her in there if I need to use the loo or cooking something quickly.

Bad night here :cry:
Do any of your LOs do this - wake up in the night and won't settle back in the crib, only quiet if you hold them, but their eyes are wide open? M literally did that for 2 hours last night. I ended up taking her into our bed so
I could at least lay down and close my eyes. So weird, she's wide awake but sort of staring into the distance but will not fall asleep. So frustrating.
Aw Cocoa I hope you have a better night tonight. I'm sure she will grow out of her broken sleeps soon :hugs:

Just gave El her bedtime bottle and she was falling asleep so just about to get her dressed for bit. It's abit sad though coz OH is working late and he won't get to see he at all today. He should b home within the hour but i dont know if i can keep her up that long!
Ah it's horrible isn't it MM? When OH works lates he doesn't get in until nearly 9pm so M is in bed.

M has started turning and looking at the front door when she hears OH gets his keys out to come in - so sweet!
I tried keeping her up! She fell asleep on me just after 7 so i let her sleep on me till 7.30 then i put her to bed and OH got in at 7.40. She does the same too Cocoa- her head faces the door as soon as she hears the keys in the lock when he gets home :haha:
hey all, sorry i went missing over the weekend , on the age thing im 24 lol and so is DH lol, things are going ok here, i was feeling pretty ill on friday night though and saturday was rough and yesterday busy but swings and roundabouts aye the good and the bad, i seriously need a vacation, a trip away where someone else looks after my kids for a couple of days bringing them to me only for huggles and EJ for feeds and thats it lol so i can just sleep and get over this awful fatigue. im getting headaches again and my spd seems to be returning which is making me grumpy caus it now hurts to go anywhere and hurts even more to take care of the boys as at least Nate can climb up onto the sofa before i pick him up but EJ cant so theres more lifting invovled. motherhood sure isnt always what it was imagained to be lol
Kel fab pic of Connor's teeth!

Seitt clever Gabriel, thats so ace you caught it on video too.

Emskins ahh sorry Wren is still crying lots hun, wow how rude is the rep, i would not be happy. Thats great your so happy with your new flat and area. Fingers crossed Wren starts letting you have some more sleep soon.

Rosy Hope you enjoyed Zumba hun. Whats a taggy ball? Ahh post a pic of him him his leg warners, they sound the cutest. I think there is so much more choice for girls clothing wise. Theres some shops here that do realy nice stull, but typical there the most expensive.

MM You feel so mean when OH gets in when they are in bed don't you. My hubby does shifts and every other week he works until 10pm and so doesn't get home until 10.30 and he misses Chase like crazy, he's made up if he wakes up, luckily he does get to spend the morning with him.

I'm 32, tbh though i still feel like i'm in my 20's.
Chase had an awful nights sleep last night, he went down at 8 then woke at 11.30 just as i was going to bed. I fed him and put him back down but after 10 mins he was crying, so we got him up and he stopped right away and was smiling, this happended for ages. Hubby said he thought he was starving, was munching on his hands, i thought teething but he wasn't biting when i gave him my finger just sucking it and as soon as he saw us he stopped crying and smiled, so i fed him again, i can't understand why he was so hungry, he had his tea plus fruit puree for pudding and all his usual milk. Even after his feed he was still fussing and moaning, ended up putting him in bed with me at 2.30, hubby transferred him to his cot later on.

Has anyone seen those baby safe feeders you can get? Its a net with small holes that you put food in so your baby can munch on things without choking, i'm undecided on them. I like the idea as i'm so worried about Chase choking, when i let him suck on banana his broke sum off with his gums and wouldn't let me take it off him and he swallowed it then started coughing and it scared me to death but i don't know if i like the idea of him sucking food through a net?? though on the other hand he would get to try all sorts without me being scared. Just can't make my mind up.
jj- we got given one of those feeders, i dont use it im thinking they might not b that clean!!

I'm 24 btw, 25 next month :)
Mika just started sort of interacting with the babies at daycare. Apparently he likes to yell at one of the older girls any time she tries to play with the other little baby!

He gets excited whenever he hears OH get home too...usually we have only been home for 30 minutes or so but as soon as OH gets home he wants nothing to do with me at all...

jj-we have one, but I think Mika was too young for it when we got it, he had no interest whatsoever. It comes clean very easily and I think its a good idea, just didn't work well for us.

lynn-hope you are feeling better soon

OH just left for work, and I'm not sure if I want to be up yet. I'm thinking I may just go to bed till about 7:30...hope LO doesn't have other ideas because I still have to finish a paper for class today and I need more sleep.

Cocoa-hope it gets better for you hun. Mika does the staring thing when he doesn't feel good, it is horrible.
JJ - we have a safe feeder and I love it. Using it primarily for teething though. I put little frozen mango or melon pieces in there, Sam loves it. It does come clean easily nevertheless I would throw it out after a while and use a new one, they are not expensive.

I just got back from the pediatrican and had a lovely conversation with him about Sams sleep issues (he wakes up crying several times a night and will only be settled on the boobie). Think I am paying now for the habit of feeding him to sleep, now when he wakes during the night he is like wtf?! Where is my mommy and screams until on the boobie again. I will start putting him down sleepy in the future so the last thing he sees is not my face. It could take anywhere from a few days to months to teach him depending how stubborn he is.The ped did say though it might worth waiting another month or so until he properly eats food at night as it usually help big time to get them real sleepy.
JJ - we have a safe feeder and I love it. Using it primarily for teething though. I put little frozen mango or melon pieces in there, Sam loves it. It does come clean easily nevertheless I would throw it out after a while and use a new one, they are not expensive.

I just got back from the pediatrican and had a lovely conversation with him about Sams sleep issues (he wakes up crying several times a night and will only be settled on the boobie). Think I am paying now for the habit of feeding him to sleep, now when he wakes during the night he is like wtf?! Where is my mommy and screams until on the boobie again. I will start putting him down sleepy in the future so the last thing he sees is not my face. It could take anywhere from a few days to months to teach him depending how stubborn he is.The ped did say though it might worth waiting another month or so until he properly eats food at night as it usually help big time to get them real sleepy.
DM2 - we have one of those leap frog tables - friends of ours gave it to us recently, they used it for both their kids and apparently they LOVED it and great for when they are learning to stand. It makes some cool sounds.

Seity - loved the vid.

Cocoa - you seem to have good nights and bad nights alternating! ow frustrating!

JJ - A friend of mine recommended those feeders to me, I hadn't thought to get one yet but yeah for teething with something cold in it might be good.

So the big news... Flora starting rolling today! (Back to front, she has done front to back before). She did it about 5 times today so it wasn't a 1 off I don't think. She is really finding her voice and I swear after her nap this afternoon she woke up with a slightly deeper voice :shrug:

Anyway time to give her some booby, better go x
Trying to catch up on here so this is going to be long and all over the place. Sorry in advance to anyone I may have missed.

JJ: The photos of Chase in the bear outfit are beyond cute. I too am paranoid that Charlotte will choke on her food, but for some reason the mesh thing just seemed odd. Glad others like it.

Seity: Gabriel looks like he is getting much bigger. I suppose the photo illustrates how this is happening. Also, isn't raw milk illegal in the whole US? I know when we lived in Oregon it was a big issue because people were drinking raw milk from a cow they owned and still got in trouble. You would think the authorities would have better things to worry about. Also, congrats to Gabriel on the crawling. Great capture on video. I am great having the camera ready, but I always forget about taking video.

Happy six months to Conner, Sam, Wren and Chase.

Blonde: Fried okra and ribs, yum! My DH and I bbq'ed ribs for Labor Day. We had contest to see who made them better. He liked his and I liked mine so it was a draw. My DH is a huge football fan so Charlotte is going to have a great knowledge of the game at a very young age. We are planning on taking her tailgating in November. Can't wait.

Lynn: Hope Nate is ready for potty training. I know having one less in diapers has got to be a good thing.

RWhite: Hello! Try not to worry about any of the developmental stuff, especially at this point. Lachlan sounds like he is doing well.

GL: My brother had terribly dyslexia as a child, but he totally overcame it, and is super smart. So if Flora does inherit it, it is totally manageable. Also, hooray for rolling!

Em: Glad you are all moved in. Let us know how Wren weighs/measures in.

DM2: I am glad that Charlotte is not more mobile that she is. I have joked with my DH that as soon as she can walk, I am getting a job and hiring someone else to chase after her. It is tiring enough being a mom without having to literally chase after them all day.

I have been trying to get Charlotte to drink from the sippy cup with only a margin of success. It is a no drip Platex sippy, but she has to work too hard to get the milk out of the cup. So I have to remove the part that makes it not drip and then it is all over the place. Ugh!

For the record I am 31. Always thought I would start having children sooner, but my career got in the way. We are also still part of the toothless wonder club. I swear if she doesn't get a tooth soon I am going to have baby dentures made for her. They will consist of just the two bottom teeth.

DH got back super late last night from Vegas. Charlotte and I did great without him. She didn't cry once this weekend. Usually she gets upset about an hour or so before bedtime, but she was great. Also, she slept in until 9am both mornings. I haven't been able to sleep in that late in ages. Also, my back in much improved. Thank goodness I found my heating pad as it helped a ton.
Go Flora, go!

Julchen-hope you get Sam's sleep sorted soon.

Vegasbaby-let me know if you find a place that makes baby dentures, I have thought the same thing!

We had a bit of a bad morning. Mika has been spitting up consistently since he was born but his other reflux symptoms (back arching, sour burps, waking up crying, hiccups, etc) have been mostly gone for several months now. This morning, he brought up at least a full bottle, was arching his back every time he was laid flat, and generally just acted like he hurt. I called his Dr. and she said to start him back on his Zantac and see if it helps at all, if it does we will stick with it again, if it doesn't we will go for a Dr. visit.

He is at daycare now and his daycare lady just texted me to say he is doing well, just spitting up but not seeming to be hurting now. Fingers X'd this is just a one off.
well Nate hasnt done any nakie runs around the house today i let him pick what nappy he wanted and he accepted wearing it lol, EJ's latest trick now he can roll from back to front is puking the min he gets onto his tummy which doesnt make for much fun for me even though it makes him laugh so much he rolls back onto his back lol, i have to make sure he doesnt start thinking its a game though lol hes already started dropping things on purpose to get people to pick them up for him lil begga hes so checky.

the plumber came today ( really fit, hot, young guy ) and fixed the washer in the toilet so it flushes now which is a relief i was getting sick of the old bucket to flush with lol.

Nate is having food issues hes really not eating alot these days i have to make sure he has a proper breakfast tomorrow and at least a proper lunch or dinner, we got lazy about making proper food after we moved and thats gone for him too and since he broke his highchair its been even tougher to get him to eat as he will get up and wonder off when hes supposed to be eating which isnt helpful and since he learnt how to say " NO" and what it means then hes using it pretty often these days he wont say "yes" either if hes happy with what your offering he will say "yay" or "yeaaaaaahhh!!" lol

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