march lambs 2010 come on ladies

BnK- Connor has had cradle cap since he was tiny, and nothing seems to get rid of it.
rwhite- I bathe Connor everynight we are home together, but if we go out and get home late we skip it. So some weeks he gets baths 5 days a week and sometimes only 2 or 3 times. Baths don't affect how well he sleeps either.
Vegas- I have 5 friends who are pregnant, and they are all having girls! I hope your DH's cousin lo continues to thrive and do well!
Hivechid- Ronan looks so cute! love the foot up on the highchair. I got my first AF when Connor was 3 months, but I expected it early cause I combine feed!
I traditionally weaned Connor, but give him loads of finger foods and he is getting really good with them. My mom hates to see me give him real food, she keeps telling me I am going to kill him (she thinks he is going to choke)
Here he is with a bread stick


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So glad I'm not the only one laxed about bathing Lachlan. It's a bit chilly here still so that's partly the reason too, and because he's not really sweating. But I do wipe his hands and his bottom, and neck etc.

Hivechild - Happy 7 months to Ronan, wow that's gone fast! And good luck for his immunisations tomorrow x Hehe love the pics, it's so cute how he has his foot up on his highchair tray :haha:
Boo about AF, I have thought mine's returned a few times but I think twice (one recently) has been to starting the pill (I stopped and restarted) and another was the 6 week bleed that you can sometimes have. So who knows.

Kel - I know so many people having girls too! It's a real trend at the moment...hmm, I'd love a girl, maybe I should start TTC now :lol:
Such a cute pic of Connor with the bread stick! I adore his hair (bet you get that a lot lol)
He looks so cute with the breadstick! I'm still having a really hard time finding finger foods for Mika that are dairy free. We are making strides though and finding some things that he can eat, he's not sure how he feels about them though. I called and talked to his Dr. today and she said we can start doing soy trials this month, and then start milk trials at 9 months so hopefully we can start trying things like cheese!
Cute pic, Kel! My MIL has been great with the whole BLW thing, but then she's not meddlesome anyway. She's sat with us for enough meals to see him eating and be confident that he's fine. I even left him with her to eat lunch once.

rwhite - I haven't been on the pill since 1997 (wow I feel old now)! The Pill and I just don't get along, unfortunately!

BnK - I don't know if you're much of a cook, but take a gander at this cookbook (it's free for download):

How is he with rice cakes? Ronan loves them and they're so versatile. I can give them to him plain but I also mash fruit or avocado on them, or spread fruit purees etc. What's your doctor's opinion on goat's milk products like cheese and yogurt since it doesn't have the same proteins in it that cow's milk does which is commonly behind dairy intolerance & allergies?
She's for some reason against goat's milk products, apparently some babies have some malabsorption issues with goat's milk...We haven't tried regular rice cakes, but he loves rice rusks, which to me taste just like a rice cake lol. I may try some fruit or avocado or something but I'm not sure how he would handle it he's really odd about eating. He won't hold anything cold or slimy in his hand. He loves banana and mango, etc but won't touch it..instead he will eat it off his highchair tray with no hands (can't manage to get a pic of this, but I'm trying!) or only eat it if we are holding it. He's the same with cold teething rings...he loves to chew on them but won't touch them if they are wet or cold.

He has the same problem with rusks because they get soggy and then he only wants to hold the dry child is a diva.

I was telling my mom about this and apparently when I was small I would go play in the sandbox or mud and run to the house about every five minutes for my mom to wash my hands, even if I was covered everywhere else with mud, my hands had to be clean. I'm still that way...not necessarily germaphobic (I don't even use products with anti-bac in them) but just stuff I can see/feel on my hands...grosses me out.
Ooh, and thank you for the cookbook link, have downloaded it, but not going to let myself read it until I do my class reading! I'm about four chapters behind in all my textbooks....
Rosy- i bath/shower Ella about every 3 days. i didnt want to do it every night coz i didnt want her to expect it and get stroppy if she didnt get one. Plus its so much effort so once every 3 days. 2 days if she is lucky :)
El LOVES the jolly jumper she bounces so hard i get worried its going to bounce off :haha:
Eat the cake!! i would!!

Seity- i voted for gabriel :) i hope he wins!!! :dance:

HC- LOVE the photos!!!! Happy 7 months little guy! :dance: I bookmarked the book :haha:

El had cradel cap, its mostly gone just a bit of yellow still at the top of her head.

We went to chipmunks playland today for coffee group. Then I had my first meeting with PAFT (parents as first teachers)Plunket referred me. the lady came to my house she is sooo lovely! And El had lots of giggles to give!!. They come once a month and teach you things to do with their development and milestones :)

I'm wondering if El is asleep. i put her to bed b4 and i went in and checked her and she was on her tummy playing :dohh:


ETA- yup she is asleep lol
Cute pic, Kel! My MIL has been great with the whole BLW thing, but then she's not meddlesome anyway. She's sat with us for enough meals to see him eating and be confident that he's fine. I even left him with her to eat lunch once.

rwhite - I haven't been on the pill since 1997 (wow I feel old now)! The Pill and I just don't get along, unfortunately!

BnK - I don't know if you're much of a cook, but take a gander at this cookbook (it's free for download):

How is he with rice cakes? Ronan loves them and they're so versatile. I can give them to him plain but I also mash fruit or avocado on them, or spread fruit purees etc. What's your doctor's opinion on goat's milk products like cheese and yogurt since it doesn't have the same proteins in it that cow's milk does which is commonly behind dairy intolerance & allergies?

Makes me feel young :blush: I was 7 in 1997...:rofl:
Cute pic, Kel! My MIL has been great with the whole BLW thing, but then she's not meddlesome anyway. She's sat with us for enough meals to see him eating and be confident that he's fine. I even left him with her to eat lunch once.

rwhite - I haven't been on the pill since 1997 (wow I feel old now)! The Pill and I just don't get along, unfortunately!

BnK - I don't know if you're much of a cook, but take a gander at this cookbook (it's free for download):

How is he with rice cakes? Ronan loves them and they're so versatile. I can give them to him plain but I also mash fruit or avocado on them, or spread fruit purees etc. What's your doctor's opinion on goat's milk products like cheese and yogurt since it doesn't have the same proteins in it that cow's milk does which is commonly behind dairy intolerance & allergies?

Makes me feel young :blush: I was 7 in 1997...:rofl:

Rosy - it's crazy to think that you're only 2 years older than my baby sister. I can't imagine her with a baby - she literally can't even cook or wash for herself, let alone care for a baby. She also has sick and dribble issues (she hates it, not that she is sick and dribbley :haha:)

Happy 7 months to Ronan!

I tried to find rice cakes in Tesco the otherday but they all had loads of salt in them. I'll have to try the healthfood store.

I used to bath M every 2 or 3 days, but for the past couple of weeks I've been bathing her every night before bed. It doesn't really help with her sleep, but I like the fact that it's a routine - the only one we've got! She's only in there for 5 mins, give her a quick wash with the sponge and wash her hair if it needs it, then give her a massage with some mild lotion. She's usually aggy and hungry by this point - she's definitely learnt that bath = food after and she gets impatient!

We got her highchair and cotbed yesterday. She looks so small in the cot, but the mattress is so soft compared to her rock hard crib one. Made no difference to her sleep though.
We've got the same highchair as you Hive - so easy to clean!

Here she is yesterday feeding herself some if my yoghurt (she got stroppy after she dropped her rusk in the cat's water bowl :dohh:)
It was fine thanks hun - Dr happy to see me again in another year. He's happy because my cholesterol isn't mega high, my weight is good and blood pressure is fine. My mums cousin had the same condition and died of heart attack at 34. I only realised that 34 is only a few years away when the dr mentioned it - luckily I'm a woman so have lots of lovely oestrogen to protect me (until menopause). I do worry about it a lot more now that Megan is here. I hope she hasn't inherited the bad genes from me :-(
Rosy - it's crazy to think that you're only 2 years older than my baby sister. I can't imagine her with a baby - she literally can't even cook or wash for herself, let alone care for a baby. She also has sick and dribble issues (she hates it, not that she is sick and dribbley :haha:)

That must be odd for you! :haha: Then again I can't imagine having a baby at 18, I don't know how the younger girls do it, it's amazing! So many great teenage mummies on here.

Love the pic of M, she's absolutely adorable :)
Seity Ahh i hope Gabrile wins baby of the week, that picture is sooo cute, i voted too.

Vegas Hope your DS's cousing and baby are both ok hun, wow lucky she decided to drive herself to the hospital!

Rosy We're lax on the bathing front too, its just so much hard work and our bath is really big so even to fill it a bit takes ages, Chase has every 3 days or so and now we'll be swimming every week he'll get a shower too. Mmmm cake, don't let the brush hair put you off hun, it's not a real hair,if that makes sense and your brush will have been clean right. Sounds like Lachlan is too nosy and interested to bounce, Chase is a nutter, bounce bounce bounce, and if you look at him he does it all the more, little show off he is.

Hive Fab pics! Wow happy 7 months Ronan. Chase won't eat banana unless its pureed, he doesn't like the texture, makes him bawk :dohh:

CocoaOne How good is M, Chase tries to grab the spoon but he just shoves it right in his mouth, too far! Grr isn't it a pain when they drop their food and then want it, our dogs are made up though, saw our boy dog with something the other day and realised Chase had dropped his rusk.

We'll we're having a major stress, well i am. For the third night running Chase has woke at 12, i've fed him both boobs then he's gone back to sleep, but woken after 10 mins crying and fussing, so i've put him back on, then he drops to sleep so i put him back down, but after 10mins he's awake crying and fussing again, this goes on for an hour, then he will fall asleep but wake after 2hours or so and it starts all over again. Its like the milk isn't filling him?? Just don't know what to do. Hubby said last night he needs a bottle of formula before bed, i just got really upset and burst into tears, i just don't want to do this, i know people do but i really dont know what to do :shrug: I've posted in the b/f section and someone has replied saying could be a growth spurt but hubby doens't understand and said he needs more food he's hungry. He thinks becuase i'm not that big, only 5ft 2 and i'm slightly under my pre pregnancy weight now that i can't produce enought to keep him full now he's growing. He said he feels Chase is hungry and growing and he needs more my milk isn't enough. Fed!!!
jj- :hugs: hun. I found this too, so i gave in and give her a bottle of formula before bed. this seems to keep her full for longer. I was upset at first, but in all honesty it works out for us so much better. She still wakes about 11ish for a feed so i offer her both boobs in bed and she feeds and then i put her back to bed. often she keeps fussing in bed, more like talking though rather than crying, but it keeps OH awake and he starts early and has been putting in some big hours lately. he says her noises don't bother him, but still i'd rather her be nice and quiet for him. i don't know where i'm going with this, i don't have an exact answer for you but sometimes it helps to just talk it out like we are doing now :hugs:
JJ - is he definitely hungry - or is it because he can't get back to sleep without boob? I still can't figure out if M is really hungry until I put her on - half the time she sucks for a bit and then starts to drift, but she acts hungry and roots etc so I assume she's hungry. Really frustrating.

Plus there is a growth spurt at 6 months. You've managed to feed him well until now - I shouldn't imagine he'd suddenly need formula - men just don't understand how it all works!
MM Thanks hun like you say just by talking it out help you to feel better. i just really dont want to do his last feed with formula and when i go back to work in Nov i was hoping to keep b/f as the hv and friends have said he'll only have a b/f in the morning and at night whereas if his night one is formula i doubt my milk wld stay for one morning feed as i've heard people say they went to one feed and their milk just seemed to dry up :shrug:

CocoaOne I think he is hungry, just because when i feed him lying down he tips his head up to feed and when he's crying and i go into his cot he's got his head up rooting looking for food and last night i gave him my hand and he was sucking away like he was so hungry, yet he'd just had both sides, i just don't know. Thing is he's not needed boob to go back to sleep for ages now.

I feel like you have just said hun that i've managed well enough so far, hubby has always previously understood about growth spurts but now he's just saying he needs more that what i can give him :cry: i think whats making it worse is there is 3 women who works in the offices at his work, there aged between late 40's an early 50's and they said that his bottle needed increasing and obviously hubby said he doesn't have a bottle he is b/f and they were like, no wonder he's waking he's starving he needs a bottle. Also a few people have commented Chase is small when we've said his age and i think this is another reason he thinks he's not getting enough.
jj - Gabriel has been doing the exact same thing. Last night it was every two hours and he does get a bottle before bed, so you can tell your OH that a bottle won't help. I was thinking this morning that it might be a growth spurt. He was eating 4 oz frequently all day yesterday and usually he'll eat 6 oz, but less often. Just keep feeding him more.
it says growthspurt to me hun, plain and simple, Nate started waking in the night at that age and he was fully FF theres alot going on in their head and bodies for them to deal with.

my boys get bathed once or twice a week, im gonna try to get nate a bath while EJ has his nap now and then give EJ a bath later on i shoulda done it while Nate was napping but forgot lol.
Happy 7 months Ronan!
HC - You and I are apparently the 'old ladies' on here. Gabriel has his '6 month' visit and shots next week, so it's a bit delayed as well.
My baby brother is older than a lot of you ladies (He has a 13 year old son!), but don't any of you start calling me 'granny'. :rofl:

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