march lambs 2010 come on ladies

JJ - :hugs: I also think its a growth spurt, shouldn't last for more than a few days. And during that time it'll feel like you don't have enough and then when its stops you will have too much! It doesn't help when well meaning strangers put their two cents in. Perhaps your hubby is getting a little jealous of the BFing.? I'm sure some men get to a point where they want their wives (and THEIR boobies) back, but hopefully he will be more understanding than that. A couple of girls in my antenatal class give formula top uips before bed but doesn't make any difference by the sounds of it, especially if they're going through a growth spurt.

Cocoa - glad you got the all clear by the doc, for a year at least.

Hive - Happy 7 months to Ronan! I can't believe how quickly the year is going, he is closer to 1 than he is to 0! Bummer about your AF, I wont be getting one for a while as I'm on the minipill.

Seity - you are only 6 years older than me, granny! About half of the girls in my antenatal class are 36-38 and someone I met on here is 40. Makes no odds at all.

Flora is napping, I just went clothes shopping with her and she was brilliant, although she did freak out in the lift it was so funny. Yesterday she did a sudden cry for no reason that was really loud like a pain cry. She held her breath between screams but OMG she held it for so long I started to panic, I think she even started to change colour, it was so scary. The girls think that a sudden pain cry might be a sign of teething.

Otherwise all good in the hood. We start baby swimming lessons tomorrow morning once a week. I got a bambino Mio reusable swim nappy, pink with little fishies on it. Too cute.
Omg i just typed a long reply and lost it, here i go again :wacko:

Just want to thank you all for being fab! I feel so much better now, and a little silly, how did i not think growthspurt :dohh: it didn't even enter my head. Hubby had said he thought i might not want to give formula to these ladies and they had said if not a bit of baby rice, i hate hate how people think because he's b/f he's hungry, some of my friends are like this too! And more annoying they all ff and their babies slept through from an early age so they think it even more. Hubby is working lates this week so isn't here at bedtime to insist on anything, so hopefully by next week the growthspurt will have sorted itself out, its been 3 days now so fingers crossed as i refuse to give him anything more otherwise he won't feed as he needs and my body in turn won't adjust to give him what he needs.

I don't honestly think he is jealous, i think he genuinely just believes Chase is hungry and that these women have been there and done it and know what they are talking about iykwim. Also i think he really is worried if Chase is hungry and he's not getting what he wants it will affect his growing. We're going to the hv tomorrow to get him weighed so hopefully she will put his mind at ease about the growthspurt, she better not say i should give a bottle, imagine if she did. I actually don't think Chase would take one, he's not since he was weeks old.

GL Enjoy swimmig hun, Chase just loves it, has Flora been before?
Cocoa, JJ - as mentioned before Sam has the same issue. However in his case I am almost certain it is just a habit. Not sure if hunger plays into it, a lot of times he won't even touch his rice cereal before bed. So I have to assume he is getting enough from me,yet he wakes up rooting...once on the boob pretty much drifts off right away. Seems to be a comfort thing for us. I have tried and tried over the past months,but he will not take a bottle or soother.

We usually bathe him 2-3 times a week. No specific schedule. Its a lot of work to be done every night and it does not seem to make a difference with bedtime.

We have stopped using our changetable a while ago, he will not lay still to be changed so doing it on the floor seems much easier.

HC - love the pictures!! Love the highchair! The family gave us a fancy one with toys and stuff...Sam loves it but it's a nightmare to keep clean!

Kel - cute picture!!
JJ - Good for you for hanging in there and going with your instincts. I often get the same vibes about Sam being b/f. He also is a smaller baby (but completely normal) and does not sleep the very best. I find the comments upsetting too. Another thing I have picked up on is that the MIL keeps making comments how they can't take him for a longer time as he needs me to be fed. Its almost like they are insinuating I want to keep him to myself. My SIL chose not to bf and gives her baby away constantly (and I mean constantly). Her baby has been a sleeping miracle from very early on. Also the fact that he won't take a bottle or soother, I have had them tell me I just did not try hard enough?! So all in all, I too get to hear what seems a lot of judgemental comments.

Lets remember that we are doing a very natural good thing for our LO's (nothing against FF, just when you do it for your own convenience so you are independ and can smoke/drink .... well not a fan of that)
well i have to make a run downstairs to check for parcel slips as i havent heard the doorbell go and was expecting mail today tht wouldnt have fitted through the slot ( at least i assume they wouldnt manage to get a cot mattress through a mail slot :rofl:) so unless the neighbors were going in or out and picked it up for me then it hasnt come.
Hubby came home at lunch and closed down BnB so I am not even going to try to rewrite everything I had written.

Love all the new photos. Our babies are all getting so big and really developing their own personalities. And I can't believe that Ronan is seven months already. Guess that means Charlotte will be seven months in a matter of days. Time needs to slow down a bit so we can enjoy our babies a little longer.

I bathe Charlotte about twice a week. She loves being in the tub, but it kills my back.

MM: That thing about teaching babies at home sounds great. I wonder if they have a program like that in the states. I need ideas of things to do with Charlotte and would love it if they were actually educational too.

It was a nice evening last night so we took a walk and stopped by the playground. There was a baby swing free so we though we would give it a try. Charlotte loved it! Next time we go I am going to have to bring my camera.

Also, for those who have babies who sleep on their tummies, does your baby ever sleep with his/her face down in the mattress? Charlotte just started turning over to sleep on her stomach within the past few weeks, but rather than moving her head to one side she likes to bury her face in the mattress. Should I worry? I try to turn her over, but soon after I will find her in the same position.
if shes rolling herself hun and has normal head control then she will naturally move her head or roll if she needs to
Gabriel will have his face down on rare occasions, but usually he's got his hand under his face when he's like that, so it's not directly into the mattress. When I put him in the crib sometimes his face will be down and in that case I just turn it to the side. He's always been able to turn his head side to side, so I never worried about it. I figure he always managed to breath just fine with his face buried in my boob and that's not nearly as breathable as a mattress.
GL - good luck for your swimming tomorrow, I hope Flora enjoys it. I'm going to take M again next week as she's over her cold now.

People are always surprised that M is BF, most people seem to think BF babies are smaller than FF babies, but M shows them otherwise. Peoples response is 'oh well it's obviously working though, look at the size of her' :dohh: I for one think it doesn't matter how they are fed, they'd probably just be the 'right' size for them either way.
M was weighed at Booby Group today and is 18lb 14oz and 95th centile.

I was sure she wasn't actually swallowing much solids, but her nappy today proved otherwise - still the same colour and runny, but much, much thicker and goopier. Pretty gross!
Oops, was going to post a big one but the monkey just woke from his nap and I've got dinner going, so instead it'll be a quickie!

Our Ped appointment went well. He's 18lb 8 oz and just shy of 29" at 7 months, so continuing the long and skinny trend! He did well with his shots. Had a wee bit of a cry and then some booby. He's been a bit crabby this afternoon so will probably have to give him some tylenol. :(

The doctor seemed happy with his development (and impressed with his eating habits! :thumbup:)

Alrighty, off to tend to my baby boy!
Lynn/Seity: Thanks. She does have a hand under her face when she in face down so I guess she is fine.

Cocoa: All the BF babies I have seen have been very large. Charlotte has a cousin who is five weeks older and exclusively BF'ed and she has been on the 95% percentile for height and weight all along.

Hive: Wow is Ronan tall! Hope he feels better tomorrow. Those shots are the pits.
Good evening ladies how are we all today? :coffee: Just had my shower now just chilling out on here.

jj- Good point! i didn't think of that. i dropped the night bottle starting tonight. i'm giving Ella more solids during the day so i really dont think she needs the formula at night anymore to keep her full.

GL- Let us know how the swimming goes! i can't wait to take Ella swimming. Try and get someone to take a photo!!!

Lynn- Did your mattress arrive?

Vegas- can't wait to see pics of the swing! :dance:
El is rolling back to front, but she hasn't fallen asleep like that yet. There has been a few times that she has rolled herself over in bed and we catch her playing on her tummy with her gloworm :haha:

Cocoa- I get asked the same- do I breastfeed, coz of the size of El, then they say well she must like her solids! and i'm like she hardly has much solids to make that much of an impact :dohh:

HC- i'm glad Ronan's shots went well! :D

So Ella is 6 MONTHS OLD TODAY!!! :shock: :dance: We got her a lamaze busy bug that suctions to the table she LOVES it! i really want to get her the pink elephuntunes! I like elephants because it sounds like Ella-phant :rofl:

i have changed Ella's eating routines. I'm not quite sure how much i should be giving her. i mucked up her routine today :dohh: I used to give her an icecubed size pureed fruit in the morning mixed with rice cereal and the same with vege at night. Breastfeeding in the morning, throughout the day and then a bottle at night before bed. I have just bought the 6 month food for her (i'm slack and havn't made my own food yet :dohh:) this morning i gave Ella baby museli for breakfast and then she ate a WHOLE CAN of peach semolina and apricot, then an hour later i gave her chicken, noodles and veges (pureed) It smelt so sick, i cant stand to get it again coz it stayed on her breath and i wanted to barf! So she ate half a can of that.
Come bottle time she wouldnt take her bottle coz she was too full so i just topped her up with a breast feed.
So i'm thinking, what if i give her her muesli in the morning, half a jar of fruit in the day, then half a jar of vege and meat at night. is that too much solids for a 6 month old? I'm thinking because I am giving her more solids i should drop the bed time bottle and just breastfeed her fully instead. If she is eating all that food she doesnt need any formula!! What do you guys reckon?

here's a 6 month piccie of El and her new lamaze toy :happydance:

My friend is looking after El tomorrow morning. my mum has a funeral to go to so i am doing one of her cleaning jobs for her. Don't really want to do it but its $30 in my pocket!!!

BF her on demand and i would stick with 2 meals a day at this age tbh hunmilk still needs to be her primary source of nutrition for the next 6 months as solids dont have the right amount of good nutrients that she needs,

EJs still sucking on vege peices at the moment lol
Do you think i could combine fruit and custard with baby muesli? i have baby muesli there and i dont want to waste it :dohh: or i spose i could alternate between the 3!

We just had like 6 earthquakes in half an hour! iN THE 4S ON THE SCAle (sorry bout the caps). looks like we may be in for a shakey night :dohh: I'm lucky El hasn't woken up coz the house makes a boom sound and the wardrobe rattles which is write next to her bed!
yeah i jst saw on facebook most of my friends got woken by it and are online lol, hope it calms down and this isnt a precurser to a larger quake

yeah you could add musli to fruit or custard im sure lol make a little fruit crumble it will just be a new texture for her to deal with lol
MM: Happy six months to Ella! I am also confused at how often and how much I should be feeding Charlotte with regards to solids. At this point she gets solids twice a day. Her second feed of the day (around 11am-noon) and her fourth feed of the day (around 5-6pm) with her last bottle being around 8pm. I always offer her a bottle as well, which she never refuses, but I only give her 4oz as opposed to 6oz when she has had solids. As far as quantity I have no idea, just doing what looks right to me. Super cute pic and toy. I found this incredible toy the other day when I was shopping, but didn't buy it because it was $50. Maybe DH will let me buy it and put it away for her birthday.
MM Chase is 6 months and he has the equivalent of half a jar in the morning, baby rice and maybe some pureed fruit for luch and then half a jar for tea and half a jar of fruit or rice pud for pudding. We make our own and use jars so when we do our own stuff i just give him what half a jar would be, well hubby makes it i'm not good at cooking and we want Chase to enjoy his first tastes of food :haha: I too was worried about how much he should be having but i spoke to the hv today and she said that we we're doing was fine. In regards to milk he will have it in the morning before his food, a bit after, then at luch, mid afternoon, after tea then just before bed. Ahh hun not more shaking :hugs:

The hv also said his waking could be due to teething, she said they can sometimes confuse pain with hunger and actually last night after i fed Chase at 1 i put him back down and 10 mins later he cried like he has been doing, i gave him my finger and he was biting down so hard so i gave him 2.5ml of calpol and he went back to sleep until 5am! :thumbup: She did also say if i wanted i could give him some rice or cereal before bed if i wanted to fill him a bit more.

He now weighs 16lb 4 1/2oz.

I have a question for the babies that are weaning, how are they with lumps or thick food? Unless its quite runny and smooth Chase just baulks, tried him with weetabix for his lunch, he seemed to enjoy the taste but becauase it wasn't totally smooth he kept baulking, and i had to stop as from previous experince he will just be sick :dohh:
Happy 6 months Ella!
jj - We have never offered Gabriel anything smooth. It's all been things he can hold and feed himself (BLW). We aren't offering him food regularly yet though because I don't think he's ready, so when he seems interested (or steals something from me) he just has some of whatever we're eating.

I have a question for y'all. Since Gabriel as started crawling, he won't spend any time on his back. I've figured out how to change his diaper with him on his belly, but my worry is actually bath time. He instantly flips to his stomach and starts moving and spinning about the tub like a little tadpole. He seems happy, but I worry about him accidentally breathing in water and also swallowing too much water. Maybe it's silly, but ever since I read an article about a young boy dry drowning hours after he'd been swimming I worry about that. I'd never even heard of it before reading that article last year. (I hope I haven't added a new fear for you ladies by mentioning this.)
MM- Happy 6months Ella!
Seity- Connor doesnt flip over but often turns his head to the side, and it worries me too.
jj- Connor does great with lumps and finger foods. Just keep offering him lumps and he will decide when he is ready

This is what Connor's schedule looks like.

6:30 Wake- up and breastfeed
8:30 Breakfast- Usually oatmeal with fruit (1/2 jar) or Yoghurt
10:30 6oz bottle of EBM
1:00 Lunch- Usually a veggie (full jar) and some finger foods
3:00 6oz bottle of EBM or formula
5:00 Breastfeed
5:30 Dinner - Usually a finger food (toast or rice cake) then something savory (half jar) followed by fruit (half jar)
7:45 7oz bottle of formula
8:00 Bed
:happydance: Also wanted to add that one of my friends had her baby girl yesterday. She was full term but was only 5lbs 15oz :happydance: Mom and baby are doing great!

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