march lambs 2010 come on ladies

i really need to start expressing regularly as i want hubby to be able to do a feed too. I just find it takes me soooo long. I get more if i express in the morning than any other time, but if i express after i've fed Chase and put him down because it takes me nearly an hour to get 3 ounces (which isn't even enough for one feed i don't reckon) he can sometimes wake up shortly after i'm done, leaving me either no time to get ready or do any jobs so i find myself thinking i don't have time to express and not doing it. Any idea why my expressing is so slow and any tips anyone?

On a positive note my left boob seems to have sorted itself out, i did some reading on the net and i madfe sure Chase went on there first every feed and that it was emptied, as well as massaging it. So happy it was really painful.

Ahh mummy_em i hope Ella doesn't have reflux. Chase's is silent in that he doesn't spit up or be sick it goes back down again meaning it burns his throat twice. You can hear him going, grrrr clearing his throat and he squirmes in pain :cry: Before he was diagnosed we had a terrible time with his sleeping but now we know why! We,ve elevated his matress and that has helped him and he's on infant gaviscon, which seems to work better some days than others. One thing we find great is a swing that we just got him, for some reason he seems worse in the day and i could hardly get him down, but if i put him in his swing he falls asleep and because its quite upright his reflux doesn't get aggrevated :thumbup:

Poor Chase, that sounds so painful :( I'm actually wondering if perhaps Lachlan has this too, as he makes this really irritating growling/throaty type noise in bed and gets quite agitated, it wakes him up and keeps us from sleeping sometimes...maybe that's what it is. I'll try and take a video of him making the noise so I can show you and see if it's the same noise Chase was doing :shrug: And I might try elevating the top end of his bassinet tonight to see if that makes a difference


yeah hun it does sound like Lachlan may have it? , its a funny noise but like you say its kinda like a growl and it's like he is trying to clear his throat. Does he ever do it after a feed too? When i'm winding Chase or he is on my shoulder he will do it then too.
Chase was was awful with his sleeping before we got gaviscon, for about 4 days he just wouldn't go down at all and if he did then after a while he would just make those noises and wriggle then cry.
There is also some other symptoms but they can have just one or a few or all. Chase always gets hiccups too, has a little dry cough sometimes, sounds a bit hoarse when making babbling noises and is also bunged up a lot, oh and he chokes sometimes when feeding me poor lil man its horrid. Reflux is very common and most babies don't require treatment unless being very sick but if it's silent reflux hun it needs treating as it burns the throat twice and the throat can become very sore (thats what our doctor told us and i've read it too on the net). Yeah post a video if you manage to catch him doing it xx
hope everyone is well, EJ went to bed at half 10 last night mostly asleep and slept till half 4 this morning which im so happy with then he fed but as it was such a long break he only took one breast ( too much milk ) and i had to come down and pump the other, got just about 6oz though which aint bad imo and could probably get more but i want to leave my boobs even in size

wow that's a cracking sleep :thumbup: Chase at the moment only goes down for 3 hrs at most, but he mainly does 2! 6oz is fab. I'm going to try expressing before a feed like you said, not today tho, Chase was starvin and i slept until he woke as sooo tired, so think i'll have to express throughout the day. So when you express before a feed and then Chase goes on does your boob just produce more milk for him? suppose it must, i always thought if i did it first there would be none for him :shrug:
yeah hun it does sound like Lachlan may have it? , its a funny noise but like you say its kinda like a growl and it's like he is trying to clear his throat. Does he ever do it after a feed too? When i'm winding Chase or he is on my shoulder he will do it then too.
Chase was was awful with his sleeping before we got gaviscon, for about 4 days he just wouldn't go down at all and if he did then after a while he would just make those noises and wriggle then cry.
There is also some other symptoms but they can have just one or a few or all. Chase always gets hiccups too, has a little dry cough sometimes, sounds a bit hoarse when making babbling noises and is also bunged up a lot, oh and he chokes sometimes when feeding me poor lil man its horrid. Reflux is very common and most babies don't require treatment unless being very sick but if it's silent reflux hun it needs treating as it burns the throat twice and the throat can become very sore (thats what our doctor told us and i've read it too on the net). Yeah post a video if you manage to catch him doing it xx

Yup that's exactly what it sounds like. Haven't noticed him having it after a feed so far, just when he's in bed but it's a really horrible noise...quite grating really!

He gets the hiccups quite often too! And grizzles in between them lol he hates getting them, they're really loud too :lol: And he chokes when feeding, I just put it down to my fast let down :shrug: So sad when they choke isn't it :nope: Lachlan always looks and sounds so sad when he does!

I'm unsure really, as he does spit up quite a lot, so I don't know - maybe he has normal and silent reflux in one? Or maybe I'm overdiagnosing :lol: But yeah I'll definitely try and catch it on video x
The last few days Chase has actually started to spit up a bit after his feeds too, but i would imagine sometimes it will come up, surely it won't go back down every time? :shrug:

Yeah it's awful when they choke, it takes Chase's breath away and if it's a bad one he lets out a big cry, you know like when a child hurts themselves, i feel so helpless for him.

Grr hiccups, i hate them, so often he will have just fallen asleep and they wake him up, there so violent sometimes and last for ages, even gripe water doesn't shift them :nope: ha ha Chase hates then too he gets really angry and fed up! Everything i've read says hiccups bother the parent more than LO but thats so not true.

Maybe mention Lachlan's symptoms to the health visitor, is she due anytime soon? When we went to the doctors with Chase i just told him all his symotoms, i was pretty sure he had silent reflux but didn't wanna say it first wanted to see what he said x
EJ gets hiccups alot too and hates them , he gets really upset and wound up
Ro is a hiccuper too - I have to get him up and try and wind them out of him cos he hates them so much, they make his whole body shake like nobodys business!

How long did your LOs take for their cords to drop off? Had our postnatal check today and have to go back again next week for a cord check. Roman is 13 days today but its still well intact!
Ro is a hiccuper too - I have to get him up and try and wind them out of him cos he hates them so much, they make his whole body shake like nobodys business!

How long did your LOs take for their cords to drop off? Had our postnatal check today and have to go back again next week for a cord check. Roman is 13 days today but its still well intact!

Chase's came off at 10 days hun xx
M's came off on day 6.

I'm trying formula and expressed breast milk at the mo as LO is super unhappy. She slept a mamoth 3.5 hours after her first bottle of formula earlier - and hardly made a peep- she drank 3oz. Just fed her expressed milk and she drained 4oz and was fussy/crying/windy for an hour before finally falling asleep. Going to try FF at next feed to see if she settles well again. 3.5 hours is the longest she's slept in a week- at the moment she is managing an hour or two maximum- Im shattered!
cocoa hun EJ didnt sleep 3 hours straight till after 2wks old and i dont let him sleep that long in the day only at night in the day he sleeps 40min-1 1/2 hrs depending on if he napped between the 2 feeds before or not
The longest she slept last night was 1 hour 20 mins :-(

It just seems like she's never happy after being fed, it takes so long to settle her to sleep that she's hungry again before she's been asleep long. I've posted in the BF section for some help/advice. Earlier she ended up having 5oz of expressed milk and was still fussing and acting hungry. I even tried a dummy (which worked for a bit). She eventually threw up - probably because 5oz is quite a lot for such a little tummy!
often in the day at that age Ej was taking an hour to feed then half an hour awake then only sleeping for 30min to an hour before feeding again, unfortunatly we just have to go with what they need when they are very young it settles out and they go longer eventually but EJ is still feeding 3hrly in the day i cant get him to go longer than that and then he sleeps longer at night
I havn't been in for a couple days- sometimes i get on the computer buzz other times i just cant be bothered :blush:
The last 2 nights ella has been sleeping through. 9pm-7am. i still havn't had ANY problems with her doing the whole crying and not knowing whats wrong/sleepless nights thing. I heard before 6 weeks is the worst - well that time is almost up and well- nothing! A peaceful baby! Still waiting for it!! She usually wakes up at 3ish for a feed but then she goes straight back to sleep afterwards. We are very lucky!!

I hope evryone here is doing well- havn't caught up with u all in a while

Well ladies...Lachlan has started SMILING :bunny: He's been doing it on and off for about a week now, but I wasn't sure whether or not it was gas - didn't want to misdiagnose. But he's been smiling while looking at me, and it reaches his eyes so it's gotta mean something right? :D

Tom goes all gooey when he sees it hehe it's adorable. And for those who remember me posting about how he had said to his dad that he didn't want him...well, he's definitely stepped back on that now. He tells Lachlan he loves him, it's so gorgeous <3 And he tells me that he's lovely etc etc. He did admit that for the first week and a half or so he wasn't too bothered about him - I think this is because we were getting our bearings (Lachlan included) and had a couple of rough nights so it hindered things a bit. But he told me he really does love him a lot and he's looking forward to looking after him and bringing him up :dance:

It's the things like this that remind me why I love him...*swoon* haha. He doesn't do an awful lot of things like nappy changes, bathing, feeding, but he will wind him when I can't be bothered (I hate winding with a passion! :lol:) and he distracts him during nappy changes, gives him cuddles and will take him when I'm trying to get things done. Plus I needa remember he does bring home the bacon...

What about you ladies, how are your partners getting on?

jj-rabbit - Still haven't managed to get Lachlan making that noise on camera but he did make it quite a few times this morning. I should've put the camera in my room! Every time he did it I was so sleepy lol and cbf going to the living room to get it (even though that would've taken two seconds :haha:). I'm not sure if he has it, from looking up symptoms. But I do wonder what that noise is to do with, as he seemed to swallow when he did it this morning I noticed! Who knows :wacko:

Poor bubbies with the hiccups - has anybody tried gripe water for them? I was having a look at the stuff and it says it's meant to stop them? :shrug: I might have to get some and test it out...he also seems to get them when we're just trying to go to bed (he goes right to bed for the night after his feed you see :lol: Doesn't help!) so it would be helpful for then..

Dee - I think it took Lachlan 11 days...? Hope it's soon hun x It's a bit yucky isn't it. OH hated it lol...I was taking pics of Lachlan sunbathing and Tom made me pull the nappy up to cover it :dohh: silly boy

CocoaOne - Sounds like you may be having the same problem that I was, Lachlan wasn't settling and the dummy actually really works for us. He just likes to suck things cause it really settles him - maybe keep persevering with that and see if it works. I don't think I'd be without the dummy now :lol: I never even wanted to use one in the first place..oops. I wouldn't imagine she's still hungry, as their stomachs can't hold the amount she seems to be wanting (hence her lovely vomiting episode heh) :shrug: Their eyes are bigger than their stomachs though sometimes...

If you need to, maybe try FF at night, as the formula is heavier in their stomachs and takes longer to digest so it means they will sleep for longer. Just make sure you let her suckle on your breast for a little while before giving her the formula so that you keep your milk supply up :thumbup:

MM - :dance: Yay! Go Ella. Glad things are all going well, what a good girl. Sounds like things can only get easier from here :hugs:
i've tried gripe water rwhite but i can't get her to swallow it she spits it straight back up
i've tried gripe water rwhite but i can't get her to swallow it she spits it straight back up

Damn...didn't you say you're using infacol hun? Try using the dropper and put it right to the back of her mouth so she has no choice :lol: I might try that and see how I go. No doubt he'll choke a teeny and make a sad face but if it helps his hiccups...:thumbup:
yea i have a syringe but they need between 3 and 5 mls which is quite abit to squirt in the back of her mouth she will choke and spew. Infacol is easy it's quuite sweet and only need 0.2 mls so nice and easy :)
She gets really bad hiccups too. Although they sound so cute they mustnt be very nice :(
arrgh i cant be bothered staying up longer to pump, i got 3oz and although i know EJ took more off the otherside so when i wake later im going to be lopsided im tired and he woke an hour earlier than my brain was prepared for so im going back to bed, i think hes settled now.
I don't want too count my chickens too soon - but I think I've cracked it!!!!

BF M last night and the crying and squirming started straight away. I knew I had one final last resort - Gripe water. It say on the box that it shouldn't be given to babies under 1 month old, but a quick google revealed lots of people saying that their HV said they could give it earlier, just to give a half dose instead (2.5ml instead of 5ml)

So I got my bottle and used the dropper from an Infacol bottle (0.5ml) to give the Gripe water to M - she loved the taste! I was surprised because she instantly spit out the Infacol & Dentinox when I gave her those. Anyway- at her next feed I gave her the same (one dropper/0.5ml) before she started and when she finished feeding she let out a big burp and fell asleep straight away for 2 hours. At her next feed the same happened, but she slept for nearly 3 hours!

I've just fed her again and she's currently falling asleep on my chest, we've had about 2 grunts and that's it. I'm really hoping that this has solved her problems, and it means I can happily keep BFing. It's also good to know that she'll take expressed milk for when we're out and about. Will certainly give me more freedom! I'm going to get some milk storage bags and start working on my supply. Anyone got any tips for how to express & store milk properly? Will probably freeze at first.
lol cocoaone ella loves the taste of infacol but hates the gripe water hehe. i asked my m/w about these she said its fine to give x
lol cocoaone ella loves the taste of infacol but hates the gripe water hehe. i asked my m/w about these she said its fine to give x

Lachlan loves Infacol too, wonder what he would think of gripe water...we shall see hehe I will get Tom to get some tomorrow night when he goes to Woolworths :)

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