march lambs 2010 come on ladies

holy cow... :mamafy: :shock:
I have one social baby boy :rofl: We just had company over to drop off some baby boy clothes that a friend of mine got for us... little did I know she was including her old boy clothes as well so now we have 4 boxes of stuff.
but what's funny is that Zander was fighting sleep something terrible JUST so he could stay up and look and our friends. :rofl: He just wanted to smile and interact with them as much as possible. The second that he was almost asleep he'd pop back awake thinking they'd left him. :haha:
He definitely gets that personality from me cause DH is no where near as social. :rofl:
it's now 12:34 AM and he JUST fell asleep. :dohh: the good news is he'll probably sleep till 8 or 9 AM so, babysitter will get to sleep in a bit too (My BIL stays home with him while I work) bad news is I do have to work tomorrow (well, today) and I need to be up by 5..... :sleep: time for me now.
I'm reaching my absolute limit with BFing!

M woke at 7:30pm last night and proceeded to feed, burp, cry, fuss, cry, feed, burp, cry, fuss and fuss some more until 2am. She didn't sleep a wink in that time. I'm not sure if she's cluster feeding, going through a growth spurt, or what. But Im shattered and not enjoying her at all :-(
If she's like it today/tonight I think I might lose my mind! I know breast is best etc, but why does mother nature make it so god damn hard?!
yeh i amstill trying him on the boob, at least once or twice a day for like 10min buh he just screams n screams n goes bright red .its heartbreaking. he just doesnt open his mouth wide enuf n if he does he doesnt suck the nipple in. i have tried nipple shields but they didnt work either :cry: im so upset by it .
cocoaone - iknow how u feel :hugs: im getting about 3hrs sleep a night if im lucky
yeh i amstill trying him on the boob, at least once or twice a day for like 10min buh he just screams n screams n goes bright red .its heartbreaking. he just doesnt open his mouth wide enuf n if he does he doesnt suck the nipple in. i have tried nipple shields but they didnt work either :cry: im so upset by it .

:hugs: :( x
Kris it sounds like jesse is taking about the right amount
i got told half their weight is about the right amount so since EJ is 11lbs something i give him 5.5-6oz of expressed milk but he can drink over 7 if hes hungry and he feeds 2.5-3hourly, im considering doing more pumping but im just to lazy to warm a bottle in the night, last night he woke for a feed every 2.5 hours so got put in the bed next to me and fed and i fell asleep and when he was done he let go and tipped onto his back and slept next to me till he woke again hungry lol it irritated me that i didnt get the 4-5 hours straight sleep but he had an unsettled day yesterday and slept alot in the afternoon,

oh and Kris i would offer the next feed at a shorter interval if jesse's last feed was EBM as hes likely to get hungry quicker on that than with formula, and in my experience nipple sheilds are invaluable pieces of kit i wouldnt have made it this long without them
cocoaone, ive had so many days like that with EJ, it is exausting:hugs:
oh dead cocoaone, I really hope it settles down soon , I can understand you not appreciating it at the moment at all.

Well I haven't posted for ages. I gave up expressing at the weekend and my boobs are just returning to normal. Wow that was painful.
Max is a proper porker now, bless him. He's now 7lbs 13.5ozs so is gaining weight nicely and is now the 17th percentile. Wooo hoo, so everyone is happy with his progress.
:hugs: :hugs: to you Becki xxx Things will improve I promise
Cocoa same with me sometimes. It is so frustrating isn't it. I ave been in floods of tears at least 2 or 3 times this week. I think it's getting better slowly. Is your OH around to help? I find if I'm feeling stressed Flora is more difficult and as soon as she's in daddy's arms, she's as good as gold. He can get her to sleep much better than me. Unfortunately he works some nights so came home last night at 11 ish and I had been doing the same as you since 9, he had about 10 mins with her and she was OK.

Also have you tried a dummy? Just to help settle her to sleep? I have given one to Flora about 2 or 3 times and it works - I really feel a bit uncomfortable about it but whatever works. Also I read somewhere they can help especially with refluxy babies (I think F has reflux actually).

I still haven't been contacted by a health visitor and so Flora hasn't been weighed since last Wednesday when she was just over birth weight. I really hope she's put on more, she looks like she's filling out a bit but still so tiny... fingers crossed.
Thanks girls.

She finally slept for 3 hours twice so I managed to catch some sleep while she was asleep on my chest.

Greenlady - I've tried giving her a dummy lots of times but she's only ever kept it in her mouth twice. She usually looks disgusted as soon as I pop it in and then gags!

I think she's got nappy rash now too :cry: I feel like such a bad mum! I've put some metanium on it. I change her bum before every feed, so she's usually only in a nappy for 3 hours maximum. I refuse to wake her up to change more regularly than that! Lol

OH has been fab, I was in bed all last night from 10ish and OH had M downstairs to try and settle her. He'd bring her up when he could tell she wanted more boob, I'd feed her, then he'd take her back downstairs to burp and try to settle her. It was only 10-15 mins until she wanted more though so I never actually got any rest!

I really hope she's not the same tonight. I know they say that BF is hard for the first 6 weeks, but the more I do it- the more cons I see! I can't leave the house for more than an hour in case she wakes for feeding, growth spurts drain the hell out of you and seem to happen loads, constant worry that she's not getting enough, only sleeping for 2-3 hours maximum at night. No wonder so many people FF! I keep telling myself that I'm giving her the best food possible, but it doesn't have much of an impact when every single other baby I know has been FF and is thiving! Lol
I still haven't been contacted by a health visitor and so Flora hasn't been weighed since last Wednesday when she was just over birth weight. I really hope she's put on more, she looks like she's filling out a bit but still so tiny... fingers crossed.

you should ring your gp and ask for the HV's number or for when the baby clinic is as most areas run them at the gp's office anyway.
i was supposed to take EJ down to Baby clinic yesterday but went and saw a friend instead its crazy she lives just round the corner but has a different HV to me lol i'll just have to make sure i take him next week
hun if shes having plenty of wet dirty nappies and putting on weight then shes doing fine, EJ wont take a dummy much either we have to really hold it in his mouth for a few min to get him to latch and suck it, atm hes hiccuping on his dad im making the most of DH being home at the moment as hes going into work in an hour so hes got both boys at the min so i can eat
I still haven't been contacted by a health visitor and so Flora hasn't been weighed since last Wednesday when she was just over birth weight. I really hope she's put on more, she looks like she's filling out a bit but still so tiny... fingers crossed.

you should ring your gp and ask for the HV's number or for when the baby clinic is as most areas run them at the gp's office anyway.
i was supposed to take EJ down to Baby clinic yesterday but went and saw a friend instead its crazy she lives just round the corner but has a different HV to me lol i'll just have to make sure i take him next week

I've chased them through the midwife, she said she had another lady they hadn't contacted so she was pretty angry with them. I can always drop into the post natal clinic to get her weighed, I was going to do that yesterday but she didn't manage to nap until late so she was asleep for the duration of the clinic and it took me so long to get her down I didn't want to wake her!! I'm going to take next weds for sure, and might resort to weighing her on the kitchen scales in the meantime!:wacko:
hun if shes having plenty of wet dirty nappies and putting on weight then shes doing fine, EJ wont take a dummy much either we have to really hold it in his mouth for a few min to get him to latch and suck it, atm hes hiccuping on his dad im making the most of DH being home at the moment as hes going into work in an hour so hes got both boys at the min so i can eat

Same here, Flora doesn't like it but if you persist she will suck it eventually. And it just soothes her into sleep when she's overtired. She doesn't wake up for it after its fallen out thankfully (atm anyway!) I am only using it if nothing else works. Most of the time she eventually settles without it.
Ahh CocoaOne it's hard hun but your not alone :hugs:

I've had the worst day with Chase today, he's not settled at all, he woke up last night at 1am then we went to bed at 4am and he slept until 6am and hasn't gone down from 6am for more than half an hour. Hubby is on earlies this week so i've been on my own with him until 2pm this afternoon.

I tried a dummy again just to try and get a break for myself, i've previously tried two diff ones and he spits them out and gags but yesterday the health visitor gave me a MAM one to try, and well he takes it! :baby: At first he was sucking and dropping it out and i tried earlier on get him to settle himself with it but it didn't work and i had to give him boob. BUT i put him down about half an hour ago, and after 10 mins he woke up and started crying, i gave him the dummy, had to push it back in a few times as he kept dropping it out and eventually he started sucking it and settled himself back to sleep, phew!!

I never wanted to use a dummy but if it means i will get a bit of time to myself then i'm going to use it, usually before when he woke up i would of had to get him up and put him on boob again to settle him and that would take at least 30 mins if not more.

I never realised how hard breastfeeding would be, maybe i'm naieve but i thought i'd feed and he would go down, i never imagined there would be days when he just wouldn't get off me, its so demanding but i do love breastfeeding him and i tend to find really bad days eventually usually follow with a good or a few good days.

OMG i had another blocked duct in my left boob, it was so sore, the whole half of my boob was absolute agony and felt like little peas. After research on the net it said sometimes there may be like a tiny little white spot on the nipple, i checked and there was, it said to break the skin then express, i can't believe how quickly it sorted itself out and how such a small thing could cause me so much pain, it was literally the size of a pin head! After i'd broken the top of it you should have seen the milk squirt out, it proper shot up in the air, like a water pistol :haha:

Greenlady thats awful that the health visitor hasn't been in contact yet, hopefully now they will contact you. You could always weigh yourself then get back on the scales with Flora? xx
well EJ has finally fallen asleep for the firs time since 8am without being in my arms, im going to have to find some way of sorting him out so he naps and isnt overtired so not sleeping at night,

aww JJ- thankfully i havent had any blocked ducts yet probably caus EJ is so hungry he drains my boobs anyway so theres no chance for them to block up,

im really considering swapping to expressed milk in the daytimes and just breastfeeding him in the night as its quicker to pump and bottle feed him than breastfeed and Nathaniel gets very naughty and jealous when im having to constantly hold EJ, its like me picking up EJ and sitting on the sofa is a signal to Nathaniel to get into as much trouble as he can
Max has a dummy now but he's picky as to when he wants it and doesn't actually have it that much. Having said that he's asleep now with it in and his arms in the air. So cute.

Decided Max def has reflux as he brought everything back up earlier. So then ate an hour after that and I reckon he'll have a funny routine tonight now. Oh well. And I so enjoyed my long 4 hour sleeps last night.
Well M has been more settled today, thank god! We did stay in bed until 3pm though sleeping, feeding and having skin to skin time (which we don't do often enough). I had to miss FIL birthday lunch today though, I was too knackered and wouldn't have had a chance to even get in the shower let alone get dressed & look presentable enough to go out in public.

Greenlady - that's awful about your HV (or lack of one!). I weighed M on my bathroom scales before HV came round (weighed myself first & then myself & M and took away the difference) and my scales were spot on with what the HVs scales said. Weighed M again this morning and I think she's only put on 2oz in a week, which has worried me a bit. Have to wait until Thursday next week to take her to be weighed by the HV again though.
aww Becki sorry to hear the BFing is still such hard work hon, massive hugs to you, sleep deprivation is the worst!

Roman is SUCH a windy baby at the moment, it takes a good 30mins after the feed to get his wind up and its often so violent he spews up too, yuck!

Good news, his cord finally fell off today - 15 days old! still a crusty scab actually over the belly button at the moment tho, ewww!

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