march lambs 2010 come on ladies

yeah anywhere he can get a mouthfull EJ is normally trying to latch on and chew
Hi all :hi:


Cocoa- Ella usually gets up at 9.30 in the morning, has a sleep about 12 and one about 3. For about half to one hour. then goes to bed about 7.30 and will wake about 11pm and 5.30 for a feed.

Vegas- i love the piccies!!! And I agree- the one on the grass is brill!
I hope it cools down for you over there soon!!

Julchen- it sounds perfect! When is the big day again ? :dohh:

Seity- that's so cool! congrats! I voted for him :winkwink:

kel- ella will grab my cheek with her mouth if she can. And arms lol. Whatever is in reach if she is hungry :haha: Oh exciting about the hair cut :dance: i can't wait to see pics!

Lynn- i love your pic! it's so cute!
I went to give Ella a slice of apple the other day but then i got scared she might choke on it so i held it for her. Then i got her a mesh thing but i dont know if i'm really liking it.

Rosy- i didn't know you had pnd hun :hugs: It's sux bad huh :cry:
That's good that Lachlan sits like a good boy in his bumbo! i can't leave Ella in hers she gets distracted and looks to the ground and squirms to the side lol.
That sux about having to go back to work. Hopefully you guys can work something out so you can stay at home with lachlan longer. I wish i could earn money doing something from home! i just don't know where to get started or what to do!!
Those headaches are a b****. I've been getting bad headaches in behind my eyes. panadol doesn't help. I get them every spring and summer. maybe its related to hayfever or something?
Your dinner sounds lovely :thumbup: We had honey mustard checkn with rice and veges! :)

So today we went to lollipops playland for coffee group. it's free for under 1s and adults $3 so that includes your coffee :thumbup: Ella wore her new tutu :)
Then i met my SIL for coffee which was cool. Then i looked after my friends 6 month old daughter for an hour and she screamed blue murder for most of it lol. She did that last time I looked after her too. She does it for everyone, she can't leave her alone poor thing.
It's quite windy here our door keeps banging and its already closed :wacko:

Here are some photos of Ella and charlie

And at coffee group...

Seity: How fun is that framed cover going to be as Gabriel gets older? Plus, as you mentioned, you get bragging rights within your family and group of friends.

Kel: Can't wait to see pics of Conner's first haircut. Charlotte doesn't bite, but she does like to give these sloppy kisses where she grabs your face then licks you. I think she has been hanging out with the dogs too much.

Lynn: Can't wait to see new photos of your boys. Love your new profile pic.

MM: Ella looks adorable in her tutu. Love the pic with her and the other babies in the ball pit. Ella looks like she enjoys hanging out with Charlie.

Nothing new to report here. Although we have installed the new car seat we have yet to go anywhere. It was nice enough last night that we actually walked to the grocery store. Perhaps today we will go out and do a little shopping.
CocoaOne Hope your nieces party was good hun, ahh yeah post a pic of M and her cousin in their matching dresses. I know what you mean about tummy time and puking, Chase has his milk a while after his solids and it seems whenever i think to do it he' just eaten, or i'll think its been long enough, but its not :dohh:

Tiger How exciting that your wedding is so close hun, stressful but it will be worth it. Can't wait to see pics of Jesse all dressed up. Hope the pnd goes away soon hun :hugs:

GL I can't remember the last time i had a hangover, ooh i used to love sofa days after a night out.

Lynn Hope you made lots on the crib hun, i've just listed a few bits but keeping most bits in case next time we have another boy. I love e-bay, just won a brand new Next coat for Chase, getting a bit chilly and he's not got a coat, well he didn't have.

BNK Fab pic!!!

Julchen Ooh a beach wedding, how lovely!! wow its not long off at all hun.

Rosy I agree hun making baby food is hard work, i did some apples and pears for Chase the other day, he baulked at first i couldn't believe it as it was so smooth, think it was just becuase it had texture to it, anyway he managed to eat it and the next day didn't baulk once so hopefully he's starting to get used to texture. Grr teething, its making Chase so grumpy and he wakes in the night really going awawaw, sounds like he's in so much pain its horrid, dam teeth. Ahh hunni i'm going back to work in November, the 29th to be precise :cry: i feel that Chase is so young too but we just can't afford for me to be off any longer. I'm doing 4 days with a Wednesday off so i'll only have to do two days days before i'm off with him again. Re b/f i'm not ready to give up either and i'm not going to hun. My friends and the hv have said by 8months he may well only be on a morning amd night feed anyway, if not he'll have to have a bottle, but from what i've read most babies just wait for you so you don't have to stop hun.

Vegas What lovely pics hun!

Seity Yay well done Gabriel, little cutie.

Kel Looking forward to seeing pics of Connar's haircut.

MM Those pics are soo cute, i went in the ball pit with Chase on Monday at a play centre and he really enjoyed it.

So Chase's sleeping has gotten a lot better except he keeps wakimg because of his teeth, he sounds in so much pain, even after calpol. Once he's woken sometimes all he wants is a cuddle and he'll fall asleep in my arms within seconds of being picked up, i wish they would just come through. Me and 2 friends went for a pram walk on Monday, it was really good, you all meet at the playgroup and walk to a playcentre where for a £1 you can stay for 2hours, its usually £4 to get in, although its free for Chase being under 1. It was a bit grey when we walked there and when we left it was totally pouring down, trying to hold a brolly and push a pram is hardwork. Ahh and Chase went in the buggy without his car seat for the first time, he seemed to enjoy it too.
We're about to start decorating our dining room, we moved into our house 3 years ago and it was a total mess, every room needed/needs decorating. We've done a lot but since i've had Chase things have grounded to a halt, but we really need the dining room so we can move the toys in there, he's getting quite a little collection of things and i can only imagine how much more he'll have after christmas. I know its still eary but speaking of christmas i'm stupidly excited, i always am but this year even more so. Found Chase's present i want to get him already, want to get him a smart trike>SMART+TRIKE.htm and no doubt i'll find more bits.
Brr winter is definately on its way, i keep getting a bit chilly and we put our heating on on Sunday, mainly to dry hubbys work stuff as it was pouring down all day but it was lovely, the house had that "warm smell" to it.
MM - How cute are those babies together! Love it.
Kel - Looking forward to seeing Connor with his hair cut.
jj- Yay for better sleep. Boo for the waking from teeth pain.
Gabriel had his 6 month appointment and shots today. He's now 25.25 inches and 13.45 lbs 16.6 in HC. He's tracking on target around the 5th percentile on HC and length and his weight is around .5th percentile. Not quite on the charts, but still catching up a little at a time. Doctor said he's advanced with all his fine and gross motor skills and not to worry just yet about his lack of 'talking', since he's obviously focused on moving.
Since he turned 6 months he's started to regularly sleep a 5 or 7 hour block of sleep and then doing a second 2-3 hour block most nights. I'm very happy about the extra sleep for me. I usually go to bed 2 hours after he does and hope some day he'll sleep the whole night through.
Seity - congrats on baby of the week, he sure is a cutie. Hooray for better sleep, sounds quite like what Flora does, a long block (6-8 hours) followed by another 2 or 3 hours.

Kel - Flora grabs my whole head and tried to French kiss me :rofl:

Lynn - love the new pics! EJ is adorable, he has the cutest smile.

MM - Loving the tutu and the ball room pics!

JJ - sorry to hear JJ is in pain. I keeping wondering if Flora is teething but she doesn't seem to wake up in pain... well actually a couple of weeks ago she did that thing where she woke up really upset and just needed a cuddle, but not recently and I have no idea if she's really teething or not. Good to hear he's sleeping better in general.

Julchen - so exciting! I always wanted a beach wedding (as I'm from Oz) and ended getting married in a really busy part of London :haha: but we had a great day. Its a great day wherever you are but the beach sounds amazing lucky you.

BNK - Mika and his dad is very cute. Boys heh?

So, Flora is loving her food! I am still just on runny purees once or twice a day. She has taken a couple of go's on a couple of things but basically enjoys everything I've given her so far. Her poos have changed, they are more solid and stinky! :blush: and she's slighlty straining a bit to get them out. In fact yesterday they were a little dehydrated so I'm trying to get her to drink water but she doesn't like it very much. Any tips on getting them to drink water??

I attach a pic of Flora playing guitar Jimi Hendrix-style with her dad last week, and with me in the pub beer garden :thumbup:


Lovely pics GL!

Not much to report here. Off to work tomorrow for a meeting to discuss 'options' as our organisation will be shut down by 2013. OH is taking me then going shopping with M while I'm in the meeting as it's too far away for me to be away from M as she still won't take a bottle. I'm not looking forward to it, and I think OH is scared about being alone with her in public in case she screams!

Oh I've also been asked to train as a breastfeeding peer supporter. I won't have too long to do it between finishing the training and going back to work, but I figure it will help some people and it will look good on my CV.

M's sleeping is still hit and miss. BLW is going well, except she won't try broccoli because she's disgusted by the feel of it! :haha: Such a funny face she pulls.

lol i need to take more pics of the boys normal ones not ones in their fluff lol
jj- sorry about Chase's teething pain :( That trike looks awesome!!! i wish they had them in adult sizes :haha: It's funny you say winter is on its way. it's only just starting to warm up here.

Seity- i'm glad you are getting more sleep. that is brilliant news :thumbup:

GL- great pics! lovin the gutair one :haha:

Cocoa- i love the pic. Ella is very intrigued by my cat Chiko. :haha: That sounds great being a bfing peer person. i would love to do that!!

Lynn- your wee guys are gorgeous!!

had a busy day here today. Went to Mum's and went for a big walk, then i went to the supermarket. then SIL came over with a wee present for Ella. Then I cranked up the stereo and danced with Ella :rofl: did 2 loads of washing, dishes, gave Ella a bath, had a shower and cooked tea. now I just got El off to bed and here i am!!!

Ella hasn't been eating her solids very well these last few days. One day she will skoff them back and other days she just isn't intersted. Does anyone else have that problem? I can't feed her in her bumbo anymore because she just gets too distracted by things on the table :dohh:
lol i NEEEEEEEEEED a highchair desperately poor ej could really do with being offered food when we eat but with no place to put him its tough
Yea it's better when she is in her highchair but it's a pain in the a** to pull it out every time!
lol we have to pull out our whole table all the time so pulling out the highchair is the last of my problems lol!/album.php?aid=481144&id=663595122

new items added and more to come ladies so take a peek
Lynn did you mention you had a rear facing car seat hun? If so where did you get it from? Just looking for one and not finding a lot x
JJ: Sorry Chase's teeth are hurting him. Teething is the pits. I've started picking out Christmas gifts for Charlotte too. I can't wait!

GL: Love the new photos. The one with the two of you is so sweet. You both look so happy.

Cocoa: Broccoli is strange for everyone, you can't blame Megan for balking at it. Both she and the cat are looking so intensely at one another in that photo. Adorable.

Lynn: Your boys are so cute and EJ looks so tall. Amazing to think that they were once so little (and it wasn't even that long ago).

For those of you looking for a highchair have you considered getting a space saver high chair?

That's what I have because I didn't have the room for a real highchair plus it was so much cheaper. Last night I tried to give Charlotte spaghetti. It did not go well. So Charlotte's formula may have been recalled :nope:. I keep trying to look up the serial number on Similac's website, but because so many people are on the site it keeps crashing. Anyway it is being recalled due to possible bug parts. Gross! These are the times I really wish I could have continued on with BFing.
MM- the big day is Friday, November 12th. Starting to get a little nervous! So I try not to think about it too much as it just makes me more and more nervous.

GL - I love the pictures. They are adorable!!!

Cocoa - That is a very cool picture!

I am dreading the sleep training here...with every day that goes by I know we need to do something as Sam is so used to the boobie and being in our bed (with boobie while sleeping) that he wakes crying several times a night in his crib because by now he is so used to it. It is getting tiring. So I am just finishing to read my sleep sense book and then have to sit down with OH, make a plan and hopefully it won't take too long. It'll be tough, but worth it in the end.

Hope everyone is well! :flower:
Vegas- I have that same exact highchair and I love it. I also use Similac, my husband check the date codes on ours last night, and they aren't apart of the affected batch. Are you going to switch brands?
Kel: That space saver seat has been great. I love how easily the cover comes off for cleaning. And I clean ours often! My two giant tubs that I bought at Costco (one of which she just finished) are both part of the recall. Now that it has been confirmed I need to get a shipping label to send them back (yes, I plan on sending the empty back too), but now that part of the page won't load. I really don't want to switch brands, but I think I will have to at least in the short term. I sort of figure that prepackaged food has small bits of creepy stuff in it. Other than being super gross I don't think bug parts will hurt her like a salmonella outbreak, e-coli, or some sort of weird chemical would. I just have no idea what to switch her to in the meantime. Enfamil? I have about 20oz of EBM still in the freezer, but that won't even get her until tomorrow. Do you plan on switching? I know you still BF too so you could express until they restock.

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