march lambs 2010 come on ladies

MM - it will be a while yet. Shockingly, he actually bought it in 9-12m because he actually listened when I said I was starting to buy the next size up ready for Xmas time!

SAD is seasonal affective disorder. I don't think I've actually got that, more a case of the winter blues I suppose. Basically I get a bit depressed and lethargic when the season changes - something to do with the melanomin & lack of sun I think? It's not bad enough that I would go to the Dr and ask for antidepressants, I just feel a bit pants more often.
that is so wierd, I get the blues bad when seasons change. I don't mind the seasons themselves, but the adjusting in between, like sunny but really cold. blerk.

Going to bed now night all :hugs: x
Ahhhh I think my baby turned into an insomniac! He has barely slept the past 3 days. First I put it on the full moon as I always have a restless night around that time, then I thought the sleep training but I figured eventually he will sleep. He is napping now...almost two is hard to stick with the sleep training as I am really tired myself and I know if I fed him to sleep he would be out within a couple of minutes. Oh well...seems like the further we get ahead with it though the less I want to give in.

Wishing everyone a great weekend !!
Well, looks like Gabriel and I got my OH's cold. Luckily, he's basically over it. Gabriel doesn't seem too bothered. A bit sniffly and coughing from the phlegm, but otherwise his usual self. My cold is a lot worse. Sore throat and congestion. Hopefully it gets better quickly. I can't sleep when my throat is sore.
Not how I was planning to spend the weekend. A friend's daughter was having a 1st birthday party for her son, so we were going to to there and let Gabriel meet other young kids, but not with us being sick. I don't want to share the germs.
I keep active in the winter or I'd probably get the blues as well. Hockey keeps me sane.
im having issues keeping Elliott on his back long enough to change his nappy lol its really interesting trying to keep him from squirming everywhere lol or turn himself over while you try to wipe his bum lol. we have borrowed a little booster/highchair its very similar to the fisherprice one you guys have but has a play section with toys that fits into the tray its really cute and EJ loves it which is good as we will be able to sit at the table as a family for meals and i'll be able to give him alot more food more regularly he will now be able to have meals each day
Cocoa: M sounds like she is getting ready to crawl. Oh, and I sympathize about the noises. Charlotte has been "talking" up a storm today and boy is she loud. This could make our museum experience tomorrow a little difficult, but I will bring a bottle and toys that she can chew on to buy me some time.

Jul: Sorry the sleeping isn't going well. I'm sure it will improve soon enough.

Seity: Sorry you and Gabriel are sick. Sore throats are the absolute worst! Hockey sounds like a lot of fun. I've never even been ice skating!

Lynn: Glad you found a high chair that you like. I don't know what to say about the diaper changing situation as my LO is squirmy at changing time too. Sometimes I hand her a toy and that occupies her and keeps her on her back until I am done.

Took Charlotte to go see the child care center that opened up around the corner as they were having an open house. We were supposed to go a while back, but didn't make it. Anyway, it is so nice. Not sure if I am going to try to find a job outside the home or work from home, but one way or the other I will probably need someone to watch her a few days a week and I liked how they teach the children even from such as early age. In other news it is love bug season here and they are so bad. I think I am going to have to discontinue our daily walks until they are gone. There are hundreds of them on our patio and I am afraid Charlotte or I will swallow one during our walk. Poor girl may have already had her fill of bug parts thanks to her recalled formula. I don't particularly want to add more bugs to her diet.
:wohoo: :wohoo: He did it, he did it, he did it!!! :wohoo: :wohoo: I put him in the crib awake but drowsy, stayed a bit with him to tell him it is ok, good night, love him etc. then I left...10 minutes later he is out! Not a peep!! I am so excited!! Sure there might be more difficult nights ahead but now that I have seen how wonderfully he can fall asleep without being held or nursed I won't let him of the hook anymore. :haha:
Seity - that blimmin cold has spread across the pond now?! I suppose your seasons are changing like ours at the mo? Hope you all recover quickly :hugs:

Lyn - glad you got somewhere for him to sit and eat. Let the mess begin!

Julchen - woo! Go Sam! M did the same for her nap yesterday - she was proper fighting it as I held her so I just put her in her cot, 5 mins of whinging and half-heartedly crying later and she was asleep. I think they're getting to that age where they need to start doing it in their own. I've noticed she stirs in the early part of the evening, but manages to get herself back off without a dummy or cuddle.

Vegas - I hope the museum goes well! And yuck about the bugs. We get flying ants like that sometimes and it makes you feel dirty and gross with them all buzzing around. Eurgh!

Here is a little clip of M trying to get her bum up so she's on her knees. Only the first part of the vid, the rest of it she just pukes and eats her foam mat. Will need to put it away when she's got teeth :haha:

Notice how she looks like she has a proper old man hairdo?! She has actually got fluffy hair all over, but it's darker at the bottom of the sides and on top, so she looks like she's got a comb-over! :rofl:
Hi all :hi:

Seity- Sorry you got colds :( They are no fun!

Julchen- yay about the sleeping! hopefully it becomes a re-occuring thing!

Cocoa- What a clever little girl M is :dance:

Vegas- I'm glad you liked the playcenter :thumbup: What are love bugs? Bugs non stop are all yuk! We get fruit flies here in the summer. We are already getting a few.

Well today was a lovely warm sunny spring day. We went to the FIL and SILs for a bbq tea. We sat outside in the shade of the half-tent with the babies on the play mats it was cool.

I'm thinking of making a shop on facebook selling paintings and i'm thinking of making baby tutus/skirts with funky material. And just whatever nick naks i think of. I'm thinking of naming it Lil' Miss Muffet Gotta go buy paints and materials on payday :)

It's 12.40am here. daylight savings just started so normally it would be 11.40pm. El just woke up so am going to jump in bed and feed her. i hope everyone is having a good day/night/morning. Night :hi:

night hun the shop sounds like an awesome idea

i was out till 4.20 am this morning doing Street Pastors work Street Pastors website if your interested
and my parents have stumped up some money towards our flights over for my sisters wedding
sooo...despite the fact that he went down nicely and slept for two hours before waking up first the rest of the night was horrible (like the past few days as well)...after 10pm he kept waking at LEAST hourly until 3.30am, crying and needing to be re-settled. At some point I gave him some tylenol as I was sure he was in pain...when I tried to touch his gums he almost jumped of my lap. Figured he must be teething. I gave up at 3.30am and took him into our bed being his pacifier for the rest of the night. At 7am he got up. I am at my wits end in regard to the night waking. I am soooo tired. :cry: Did anyone notice a change of sleep behaviour with teething?
M hasn't started teething yet so I can't really help. Although my OH's nephew is up hourly at least when he's teething. :hugs:
Julchen-How exciting that he did it! Even if the rest of the night didn't go well, its a small victory! Hope he starts sleeping better for you!

Seity-ugh sorry about the cold. LO brought a cold home to OH and I recently, we were all three miserable.

lynn-Mika is a little moster during diaper changes! That's his favorite time to roll away! And he rolls fast when he wants to! I tried giving him a toy, but it got thrown at me...

Vegas-glad you found a center you like! are lovebugs like gnats?

Cocoa-such a cute little vid! She's gonna be mobile before you know it!

Sorry if I missed anyone!

Mika started soy formula two days ago, and yesterday had all soy. No reactions so far! Although he's grunting up a storm, so I'm wondering if he might be constipated. :(

For those of you with jumperoos, are your LOs obsessed with the toys that hang from the top? Mika gets really mad because he can't reach them and it amuses me to no end to watch him try. He concentrates so hard on it!

In other news, I just got a phone call from a family member yesterday telling me that my 15 year old sister is 4 months pregnant. :saywhat: She hasn't told me herself yet, but my cousin called to tell me so I could be over the shock/anger/everything else and be in a better place to support her when she does tell me. From what we know, she thinks she's four months, she just told my grandma (who she lives with) yesterday so she hasn't been to the Dr. or anything yet. That also means that her baby will be due right about the time Mika was born. I'm really in shock, she's such a smart girl and this is (obviously) going to really change her life. It seems to me like she's still such a baby, she should be worrying about prom and getting her drivers license and high school, not diapers! Sorry this turned into a novel, I just had to vent.
Seity Ahh i hope you and Gabriel feell better soon :hugs: at least Gabriel doesn't seem to bothered.

Lynn Chase is a pain at nappy change too squirming everywhere, takes twice as long to change him now.

Vegas Hope you had fun at the museum hun and Charlotte wasn't too vocal. That's great the child care centre is nice.

MM I love spring, glad you had a nice day hun. Thats a fab idea about the shop and i love the name!!

CocoaOne Clever M, she's so cute.

Julchen Chase is teething and his sleeping has deteriorated again, was really bad the other week, its better now but not what it was before he started teething, he was going until 2 or 3 then after a feed would go back to sleep until 6 or 7, now he wakes roughly at 12, 3, 5 and will often go to sleep then wake again within 10 mins, sometimes all he needs is a cuddle then he's happy to go back down. I've noticed though when he wakes about 5 he's very whingy so i usually end up bringing him in with us :dohh: hang in there with putting him down awake though hun he will get there x

So yesterday hubby got up with Chase at 6.15 so i could have a lie in, was fab. He gave him a bath and left the bath, still full of water on the floor in his room. We were just getting ready to go out and i went to change Chase before we left, as i was walking out of his room my knee caught the bath and yes it fell over!! Water all over his new carpet, gutted. We had to leave the heating on all day in his room and pull the carpet bak to let the underlay dry too, nightmare. It was my fault of course, yes i'll admit i am clumsy, but why did he leave it there full of water :shrug: Its nearly dry now so hopefully it will be ok. We still had our day out, a bit late after that but it was really good, we went somewhere called ingleton Falls, its a really lovely walk with waterfalls Chase loved it, hubby struggled a bit he had Chase in Baby Bjorn all day and he's getting heavy now. Felt great today still from my lie in yesterday so have blitzed the house and done 3 loads of washing as its nice and sunny.
Ditto to ^ bout the teething

both the boys had a rough time as the teeth came through waking all the time, i resorted to giving calpol(paraceatmol) with their last feed and that helped them get off to sleep then normally by the time they woke ( if they did ) then it was at least 4 hrs after the first dose so i could give more if it was needed,
it only ended up being a week or so that they needed it then teething gel was enough
Julchen- El's not teething yet either so i'm no help but I hope it gets easier real soon for you guys

BnK- How come you are starting on sot formula? Sorry if i've missed something :dohh:
Omg :shock: about your sister. That must be a huge shock thats sooo young!!!

jj- Glad you had a nice day out it sounded lovely! Boo about the baby bath though. What a mess it made!!! :hugs:

So- just to sum up...

Who has teeth and how many?

Who is crawling or comando crawling?

just trying to catch up abit!

it's been really nice weather today. But just had a lazy day inside :blush:
I have mastoiditis. It's inflamation of the bone behind the ear. It's so sore and swollen. i'll go to the doctor tomo if it hasn't gone by then incase its an infection.

I gave Ella a bath in the big kid bath today. no more baby bath. She can kick and splash as much as she likes :dance:

:flower: x
Thanks everyone!! I did a little bit of research and the fact that he is a perfectly happy baby during the day makes it unlikely that all of a sudden all of his nightwakings are due to teething. Someone said "teething does not start when the sun goes down" :haha: I am sure he is teething though but there is something else going on. Last night I put him down at 7pm - it took until 7.40pm and he was asleep, after crying and shouting for a while. I always go in every 5 minutes so he knows I am still there. If he gets too upset I pick him up until he is calm again. When he fell asleep last night his face was close to the crib bars with one hand holding onto it. Kinda cute - and heartbreaking. After that he woke exactly hourly till 10.40 then just after 12am, 1am, 2am, 3.30am, 5am and 7.30am. It might be the transition still as I used to take him into hour bed and then when he was wriggling I would just nurse him half of the night. So that might just be it. Most of the time he is not even fully awake but crying. Oh well, we'll get there in the end I am sure.

BNK - That is very young to get pregnant! Has she talked to you by now?

GL - How is Flora's cold?

MM - So jealous of you guys having spring now...!!! Although we are having a few nice and warm fall days and the trees are just beautiful. Hope your ear gets better!!!
MM - No teeth or crawling here, but M is one of the youngest - I think she's 7 weeks younger than HC's Ronan and Vegas' Charlotte.

Julchen - I know teething doesn't start when the sun goes down, but my MIL made a good point to SIL - during the day they are kept occupied by various different things, but when they go to sleep they are laying down in the dark and quiet - it must make them more aware of the pain. You know what it's like when you've got toothache or a pounding head - always seems to be worse when you lay down because it's all you can focus on.
Have you thought about (or got) a teething necklace? Might not work, but possibly worth a try?
MM-hope your infection gets better soon!

Julchen-keep it up, you will both get through this!

In response to MM's summing up, lol. Mika still has no teeth, and isn't really crawling but he kind of tries to commando crawl. He has discovered that he can just roll anywhere he wants to go so he doesn't try crawling much, lol. He did attempt to drown himself in the tub this morning trying to catch his rubber ducky. Luckily mommy caught him!

My sister still hasn't said anything to me, she doesn't know that I know. And judging by the fact that my parents haven't called me out of sorts, I'm assuming she hasn't told them yet either. I keep hoping she will go to the Dr and he will tell her she's blonde and didn't read the test right or something...I'm guessing she's waiting to tell me and our parents until she goes to the Dr.
EJ has teeth and is wanting to comando crawl everywhere but not quite getting there yet hes having a right good go though he will roll over and over to get around the room though so getting places even if its not crawling ,
hes chasing Nate around and just grabbed Nate by the ankles and gave Nate a shock so now Nate is side stepping around EJ to stay out of reach lol

oh and my Libido came back full force lol ive been off the minipill for a couple of weeks and whoops lol normal monthly hormones are back which means in about 10days time im gonna be a moody cow with PMT lol

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