Vegas - My house is still an extreme adventure obstacle course for babies. It's so not safe, but we'll get there. I hope your hubby made it home ok. Was he up here for work? Sorry to hear you're having a hard time with Charlotte today. Hopefully whatever is bothering her doesn't last long!
Cocoa - Yay for M sleeping so well! Hopefully she starts making a habit of it.
That is such a cute story about the little boy sneaking off for his fix, too.
Lynn - So jealous you're going back to Oz. I won't be getting back there to see my family until April next year, and even then it's only to visit!
BnK - A belated
about your sister. She must be feeling pretty terrified, especially if she normally has it together. I'm sure she'll appreciate your support. That's an awfully long time for them to make her wait to see a doctor if she's as far gone as she thinks she is. They'll have a hard time getting an anatomy/dating scan done before too long if they will even bother at that point.
Also, great news about Mika taking well to the soy formula. Hopefully you can make the switch permanently. I've been making sure that Ronan gets prunes and fruits like pears, peaches etc. to keep him regular since we started weaning.
jj - Ick on the dental work. I hate dentists. Hubby just got some dental surgery done last week too.
Well, I'm crabby today. Ronan's come down with something after one of the mother's her snotty nosed kid to swim class on Friday and the monkey started getting congested within the next day. It's the first time he's been sick in 7 1/2 months, and after sleeping through until 5-6ish for a whole week, that's gone completely out the window the last few days and his day and night sleep is awful.
I'm upset that being a responsible parent unlike said parent who got the monkey sick in the first place, I have to cancel on mommy/baby dates for tomorrow and Thursday, AND skip class on Friday more than likely because I don't want to spread the plague. Oh, and to add insult to injury, after the monkey sneezed all over me (along with all of the general kissing and drooling he does on me), I'm pretty sure I'm coming down with the same thing.
Anyway, I thought I'd share a couple of little videos of the monkey. The first one is him holding an intelligent after dinner conversation with his daddy
and the second is of him with our dog, Bailey.