march lambs 2010 come on ladies

jul, hun EJs teeth always seem to affect him around the same time each day his cheeks go red and he gets cranky as anything till he gets some form of painrelief for it then we have happy EJ back
It did not seem to make much of a difference when we gave him Tylenol. Hmmmmm....
bNk - Gabriel loves the dangling toys on his jumperoo. He likes that he can reach the parrot's tail and pull it down far enough to suck on. OMG 15! She's just a baby herself. I wasn't even ready to have sex yet at that age. Hopefully she'll see the Dr soon and talk to you about it.
jul - I hope things get sorted soon and he starts sleeping better for you. I still say it could be teething.

Still no teeth here. I'm home from work today, but feeling a lot better. Just coughing all the crap out of my lungs and blowing my nose a bunch. Gabriel is still sniffly and running a low grade fever, but I hope he's gotten enough antibodies from me to kick the cold soon.
Jul - hang in there, the sleep has got to improve eventually! No idea about teething either. I sometimes think she is but then the signs go away. I have a teething neckalce on her so it might be working but I guess the whole point is if it works you can't tell! She is fine, thanks for asking, still a bit blocked up at night but actually she was really chirpy today so I'm happy, and she's well.

BNK - 15 wowsers that is young. I hope your parents, when they eventually find out, aren't too upset, and that there is a reasonable outcome to it all.

MM - no teeth, no crawling, just rolling (less of that in the last few days) and nearly totally sitting unaided.

Seity - hope the cold improves. OH and Flora have had it but I seem to have escaped it. I can't remember the last cold I had in fact...

I have decided to wean the dummy off her. First step is to restrict it only to naps and bedtime - she wasn't needing it much more than that anyway, but we were a little guilty of using it when she was whinging and we coulnd't spend time settling her another way (busy with work). But I am keeping it in the cot now or just taking it for when she naps in the pushchair. She seems fine so far. In a few weeks or a month I'm going to try cold turkey. Just building up the confidence a bit because its going to be hard! I was just starting to think I want to hear her, I want her to develop speech properly and not have a reason to keep quiet. They suggest to start weaning it at 6 months, removing it completely by 1 year I think.

ETA: Lynn - Happy 6 months EJ for yesterday!!
GL - I hope it goes well! M hardly ever has her dummy outside of sleep time (and even then she sometimes goes without it). I sometimes give it to her when she's been sucking on her hand a lot - usually she just chews it though! :haha:
How's the food weaning going?

Happy 6 months to EJ for yesterday!
Its OK she's been a bit hit and miss really, I supose with the cold she was a bit off her food though. SHe really liked apple one day then not since then. Butternut and carrot she seems to like. And banana every other time. Pear has been hit and miss. I think I'm going to start on finger foods quite soon, she may not be keen on the whole spoon thing. Any tips on good ones to start with please let me know :flower:

Also, I asked a couple of days ago but no one replied (btw I'm not offended or anything!) but please someone tell me how I can get her to drink water? She just rejects it straight off. I haven't tried a cup yet, just a bottle, I think she associates it with milk so maybe thats it. I'm not that worried about her fluid intake because I'm BFing as much as before, but eventually as she eats more food she'll need to start drinking more water.
Can't help with the water - it's my new project. M still spits out any liquid that doesn't come straight from my boob :dohh:

Food wise- M likes pear, melon, cucumber, rice cakes with runny stuff spread on ( she sucks them to death), sweet potato wedges, rusk. She struggles a bit with holding the slippery food but is getting much better. I microwave the cold stuff (melon & cucumber) for 5-10 seconds because she won't touch it when it's straight out of the fridge. I generally have to offer something 2-3 times before she decides to eat it with gusto!
GL - maybe try a sippy cup for the water? Sam will only have it from an actual glass. But then he loves it.

Cocoa - M sounds like she is making great progress with eating!!!

Seity - I hope you get better soon!! Being sick is never fun but if your days are busy with work, household and baby it sucks even more.

Sam went to bed nicely tonight...he was shouting for a while but no real crying. After about 20 minutes he was out. I am so proud of my little guy. It is just before 8pm here and I am planning to go to bed right away to prepare myself for the night. Hopefully it will be better. GL, you are right it has to improve eventually. I keep telling myself this. Even though we struggling with sleep right now I am glad we don't have to wean him from the soother. He has never wanted a soother or a bottle.
Hi all,

Just a quickie here before bed. I've had so little time on my laptop so it's hard for me to catch up since I can read easily but not post so easily on my phone if it's a long one!

Anyway, trying to remember what all everyone's been talking about...

Jumperoo - Ronan can easily grab the toys overhead now. He's so tall that I already have him on level 3. He's going to grow out of it soon at this rate.

Teeth - He still has no teeth. I think he's teething but I can't be sure, and he won't let me check his gums lately (which makes me more inclined to think he may be teething).

Crawling - He commando crawls, and could crawl if he put his mind to it. He gets up on his hands and knees but then decides to just do commando rolls to get where he wants to go instead. Apparently it's easier! He can sit himself up from lying now, and grab and pull himself up to stand if he's got something close enough to grab onto. He's so wiggly squirmy that it's hard to get him to sit still for long. He actually managed to pull himself out from under the restraint on the changing table and do a backflip off it the other day in a matter of seconds while I was putting his dirty diaper in the pail. :wacko:

He's gotten quite vocal recently too, babbling and making funny noises (including a wookie gurgle). He'll hold a 'conversation' with you, too.

Water - He's a real little water baby. He loves his baths, he loves swimming, and he likes drinking it too! He'll drink it from a doidy or sippy cup, and even from my water bottle. I've never tried and wouldn't even think to put it in a bottle bottle for him though.

Foodwise - He's eating like a little champ most days and is starting to refine his pincer grip. I haven't really found anything yet that he actively doesn't like. Some things he'll not be fussed with one day and will devour and look for more the next. :shrug: We even had a chicken curry with home made oven baked chips & some veggies this evening for dinner, followed by a couple of mango slices!

Some days I can't wait for him to start doing this, or that, and to be old enough for one thing or another, and then there are days where I feel like he's just growing up far too fast and I want him to be small and cuddly and squishy for longer!

Anyway, sorry I haven't gotten a chance to reply to anyone specifically. Time for me to get my tired bum to bed.
Cocoa: Such a cute video.

MM: The Facebook shop sounds like a great idea. Love the name. Have you ever checked out Etsy? They have so many cute little shops with handmade items. I buy stuff on there all the time.

Lovebugs kind of look like fireflies without the glowing butts. Lovebugs get their name because they mate by attaching themselves facing away from one another and they stay that way. So basically they look like a bug with a head at both ends flying around.

Blonde: I hope everything works out for your sister. I know it must be a shock to her as well as your family. Just try to support her as much as you can. She should sign up on BnB as I believe they have a teenage group on here. I do hope she gets to the doctor soon or at least starts in on some prenatal vitamins. I will say that I had a friend who didn't know she was pregnant until she was 22 weeks along and even without care in the beginning (she also smoked and drank a bit) that her baby, who is now four, is perfectly fine.

JJ: Glad you got to sleep in the other day. You never realize what a luxury sleep is until you have been deprived of it.

Lynn: I love that EJ is chasing after Nate. Soon Nate won't be able to just step around him. They are going to be such good friends as they get older.

GL: Try adding a bit of apple juice to the water. Charlotte, who has been on the bottle forever, wouldn't drink plain water at first either. I do equal parts water and juice. They say that is better to dilute juice anyway since it is so sugary. Babies like sweet stuff and water alone just doesn't do it for them. We are also using a sippy cup during meals that include solids. It's still a bit messy, but we are getting there.

Jul: Good luck with the sleep. I know it has been a bit rough for you lately.

So we never made it to the museum Sunday. Charlotte was in a mood and would not nap and was just plain unhappy. This is pretty unusual for her these days. Today she was much better and I even took her to the playground for a swing. She is still not crawling because she prefers to roll. Still no teeth. She has been eating everything. Tonight I gave her some eggplant parmesan and she seemed to enjoy it. I have also been giving her fingers of buttered toast for the past few weeks and she is getting pretty good feeding herself (though sometimes she crams in more than she should). I just love watching her learn a new skill.
Hive: I must have been posting the same time as you. Wow, Ronan sounds like he is growing up quickly. Sounds like it is time to baby proof if you haven't already. I'm pretty sure I am going to have to refurnish the house if we are going to baby proof properly. Wonder if my DH will buy that excuse? Speaking of my DH he is actually stuck in Boston for the night after missing his plane. This is why I am up late on BnB. But it is now time to log off and go to bed. Goodnight.
I'm sooooo proud of moomin! She went to bed at 7 last night, woke up just before 10 so (much to OH's displeasure) I left her to whinge for 5 mins, resettled her in the cot, she started crying so left her for 5 mins, resettled in cot again and she went to sleep. She woke again after 20 mins so left her for 5 mins, resettled in cot, still not happy and seemed hungry so I fed her. Asleep by 10:30.

And didn't wake up until 7 this morning!!!! First time ever that she hasn't woken after midnight, and 8.5 hours sleep is a record.

OH isn't happy about leaving her for 5 mins, but she's not wailing or screaming- just unhappy that she's awake. And as I said to him- its not him that has to get up all night to resettle and feed her. So he can keep schtum!

I forgot to share a couple of stories:

My new boss has a son that's 2 weeks older than M. He said that he's a big boy, and I thought 'yeah, still probably doesn't weigh as much as M' but he weighs over 24lbs!!!!!

One of my friends used to work at a nursery and was saying that the nursery 'encouraged' the kids to leave their comfort objects (dummies, Teddies, blankets etc) on their trays at the side of the room, so they participated properly in activities. But there was one boy, around 2.5 yrs old, who couldn't go without his dummy. So they finally managed to get him to agree to keeping it in his trouser pocket.
Anyway, one of the nursery workers noticed that he was going to the loo a lot, so my friend followed him to see if he was having toilet problems, the nursery had toilet cubicles but no cubicle doors. This boy walked into the cubicle, pulled his dummy out, sucked vigorously for a minute or so, put the dummy back in his pocket and walked out! My friend said that the look of pure joy on his face while he was getting his fix was adorable
Made me chuckle, I wonder if he'll grow up to be a smoker?!
Well im in a super good mood

. ANDI IM COMING TO SEE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:
well along with the rest of my family lol, my parents are paying for our tickets over to my sisters wedding in March and im gonna live in Oz after that, so this is my last English winter for quite some time :happydance: i just hope the ground in CHCH has stopped shaking by then :haha:

yeah otherthan that Nate has a really really heavy cold which is horrible and a really sore sounding throat. so im dosing him every 4 hours with something or other trying to get rid of it
BNK Wow how shocked you must have been about your sister, i was no where near ready at 15, hope it all works out ok hun, i'm sure it will. It will be hard but as long as she has good support around her.

MM No teeth or crawling here yet. Chase is teething though, as for crawling everyome who sees him says it won't be long, he gets his legs up but then not his arms or vive versa (sp??).

GL If Chase had taken a dummy i would be doing the same and weaning him off it at this age, my nephew who is 6 has only just given his up!!! He only had it at night, but still. Chase doesn't drink water, i've actually not tried him, eek i think i should if he's eating shouldn't i?

Julchen Thats great hun Sam went to bed nicely, hope it lasts hun.

CocoaOne Yay for M that is fab!!!!!! and now you know she can do it and hopefully she will keep it up.

Lynn Thats brill news hun! Wow though thats gonna be some move.
Hope Nate feels better soon.

So i'm just back from the dentist and having root canal tratment :wacko: i took some herbal drops for calming you and don't know whether they worked but i was very chilled. I have a question though regarding the maternity excemption certificate, my treatment is going to last ages yet, have to go back in Jan as she may change the medication thats in then after that i need to go back again then possibly one more appointment, will i have to pay as the certificate runs out in March or will it be classed as treatment that was started under the excemption so i won't have to? just wondered as its mega expensive!
Chase was a nightmare while i was out too, he was being a whinge bag before i left and wouldn't latch on so while i was out he decided he wanted milk and just screamed for hubby, soon as i came home and picked him up he dived to eat my shoulder and has been feeding since, so now hubbys gone off to work having not eaten as he was trying to stop Chase crying nearly the whole time i was gone.
Chase was a lil monkey last night too, he woke at 5 had a feed then went back down at 5.20. He woke not long after and was whinging, so i left him as he wasn't crying. After a whil he started crying so i picked him up, instantly he stopped, as soon as i pt him back down he was crying again. Naughtly i brought him into our bed and he went straight to sleep, thinking i shouldn't have done it as thats what he's going to expect now :dohh:
Just a quick update as I'm off to work soon!

Mika is taking the soy milk well (I know someone asked why, I can't remember if I answered.) We are starting soy because he has been on the hypoallergenic formula but it is very expensive and we have WIC to help pay for it but the state of Oklahoma only allows you to get specialty formula for 3 months, after which it has to be approved through state office instead of county. Well, we had our 3 months, then had it approved through state for another three months and they won't let us get it anymore. We simply can't afford to buy it ourselves unless we absolutely have to (over $260 a month) so we tried soy again. Last time we tried it he projectile vomited but this time the vomiting isn't happening but he is super constipated...

My sister finally called me, we talked for a long time. She can't get into the Dr. until mid-October (she lives in the country and there aren't many doctors) but based on when she thinks her last period is she is about 24 weeks pregnant. She is taking a vitamin and my grandmother has forced her to start eating better. She still hasn't told our parents, she wants to wait until after her Dr. appointment but she will be really far gone by then!

Ok, that was my "quick" update, off to put the little man down for his morning nap and put some clothes on Mommy!
Cocoa: Congrats on the great night's sleep! And 24lbs for a six/seven month old. That is incredible! I too thought I had a big baby. Guess not!

Lynn: That is awesome news. Sorry to hear about Nate's cold. Hope it passes quickly.

JJ: The root canal doesn't sound fun at all. Glad it is behind you.

Blonde: Wow, 24 weeks along and can't get to the doctor for a few more weeks. At least she is on vitamins. Of course people have been having babies long before all of the technology we have now.

We are having a bit of a rough afternoon. Charlotte keeps crying and didn't even want to take her bottle (that NEVER happens). I gave her some teething tablets, applied some oragel and even put my amber necklace on her (I don't have a baby sized one, but I figured what would it hurt). She finally calmed down enough to take her bottle, but is still not her normal self. Hoping that this passes soon.
Vegas - My house is still an extreme adventure obstacle course for babies. It's so not safe, but we'll get there. I hope your hubby made it home ok. Was he up here for work? Sorry to hear you're having a hard time with Charlotte today. Hopefully whatever is bothering her doesn't last long!

Cocoa - Yay for M sleeping so well! Hopefully she starts making a habit of it. :winkwink: That is such a cute story about the little boy sneaking off for his fix, too.

Lynn - So jealous you're going back to Oz. I won't be getting back there to see my family until April next year, and even then it's only to visit!

BnK - A belated :shock: about your sister. She must be feeling pretty terrified, especially if she normally has it together. I'm sure she'll appreciate your support. That's an awfully long time for them to make her wait to see a doctor if she's as far gone as she thinks she is. They'll have a hard time getting an anatomy/dating scan done before too long if they will even bother at that point.

Also, great news about Mika taking well to the soy formula. Hopefully you can make the switch permanently. I've been making sure that Ronan gets prunes and fruits like pears, peaches etc. to keep him regular since we started weaning.

jj - Ick on the dental work. I hate dentists. Hubby just got some dental surgery done last week too.

Well, I'm crabby today. Ronan's come down with something after one of the mother's her snotty nosed kid to swim class on Friday and the monkey started getting congested within the next day. It's the first time he's been sick in 7 1/2 months, and after sleeping through until 5-6ish for a whole week, that's gone completely out the window the last few days and his day and night sleep is awful.

I'm upset that being a responsible parent unlike said parent who got the monkey sick in the first place, I have to cancel on mommy/baby dates for tomorrow and Thursday, AND skip class on Friday more than likely because I don't want to spread the plague. Oh, and to add insult to injury, after the monkey sneezed all over me (along with all of the general kissing and drooling he does on me), I'm pretty sure I'm coming down with the same thing.:growlmad:

Anyway, I thought I'd share a couple of little videos of the monkey. The first one is him holding an intelligent after dinner conversation with his daddy :haha: and the second is of him with our dog, Bailey. :)
Hi ladies just a quick one from me, haven't read posts as I'm on my phone.
Jesse had his 6mth needles, was a champ, only cried for a minute n then happy again.
He weighs 11.3lg (25lbs) n he's 76cm long n doing well
oh and here are some pics of jesse as promised :D

and when i figure out how to upload a video i will lol

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