march lambs 2010 come on ladies

and jesse growling at me because i took his toy away lol .... anyone elses bub growl like this?
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well tickets are booked so i guess last things to be sorted here are my Citizenship ( could take 6months ) n EJ's passport which im doing today
FTFY Kris: xx

Sorry girls, I'll catch up in a minute with your posts! :D xxx

Things are going okay with us. Still finding it a little hard to cope with my PND, especially because Lachlan's teething at the moment (he's got two teeth now, both his bottom ones :dance: Just wish he would stop being a grumpy arse now..) and I can't afford to go to the doctors right now which doesn't help - I would love to see about getting on some anti-depressants or something because things aren't getting any easier or any better.

On a better note, I'm probably taking Lachlan swimming tomorrow. It all depends on the weather. He went last week too and really enjoyed it, not one single whimper even in the whole hour maybe two that he was there! (I didn't keep track of the time lol..:dohh:) and I was a naughty girl and took him on the hydroslide :blush: Got a telling off from my mummy..

It's just turned spring here and I am officially hating it...I always forget how much I despise spring!! It's so on and off, sunny in the morning and rainy in the evening or vice versa or sunny one day then raining the next :grr: I remember reading a few posts back that...Becki, was it you? suffers from SAD? I think that's also the case for me. OH agrees that he does too. I LOVE summer, it's amazing hehe. I so cannot wait for the warm weather again! I feel for you girls going in to winter now :hugs:

I've got an apple crumble (also known as an apple crisp) in the oven, yum!! Gonna have some with hokey pokey icecream with it (for you girls that aren't from NZ, it's vanilla icecream with little butterscotch pieces in it, mmm - Pokey.jpg). I always get such a craving for sweet stuff in the evenings for some reason, my mum's the same. Be odd if that's genetic lol...

:hugs: to everybody xxx
Lyn - I bet you're so excited about Oz! And not too long to wait either. Does Nate understand? Be nice for the to move out of London and to somewhere greener!

JJ - ouch! I've been lucky with my teeth *touches wood* but need to make an appointment soon for a check up. I'm not sure about the excemption certificate.

HC - I bet their conversations revert back to that once Ronan is about 14! Lol. I hope he gets better soon :flower:

Tiger - 25lbs?!! Go Jesse! His chubby cheeks are adorable!

Rosie - craving sweet things is linked to your mood too. The sugar gives you an energy boost when you're flagging in the evenings - I've always been the same too. Not good for the waistline! Glad Lachlan liked swimming, I'm taking M again tomorrow hopefully. Love the recent pics you put on FB too.

Andi - how does Ella find wearing the tutus? I've been thinking about making one for M for a while now, but not sure if it would annoy her? Wanted to make one for Xmas day - super cute!

M sleep was back to normal last night - 7:30-2:30-feed-5:30am-gave dummy & left room, she fell asleep on her own- up at 6:40.
But at least I didnt have to rock her for 40 minutes at the 5am waking.
Hive: Such cute little clips of Ronan. Love the one with him and the dog. They look like they love each other so much. And yes, DH was in Boston for work. Flew up for a meeting in the AM and was supposed to fly back that evening until he missed his flight. Oops. He's home now. He's been doing a lot of travel lately, but it should slow down now.

Tiger: Jesse is just adorable.

Lynn: Looks like you are right on top of things for the move. So exciting.

Rwhite: Sorry you are feeling down. On the other hand Apple crumble with ice cream sounds divine. Now I want to go make something sweet (though I am trying to diet).

Cocoa: You should totally make a Christmas tutu for M. I'm sure it would be adorable.

It is so rainy here. Some sort of tropical depression. Charlotte is peeved because we have not been able to go on our walk for the past two days. I think it should clear up tomorrow. She's in a better mood today, but it is still early. The afternoons have been rough lately. Getting ready to put her down for her nap. Fingers crossed it is a good long nap.
lol now i want to make a crumble but my cuboards are empty lol wonder if i can wrangle something lol pity its payday tomorow or id go buy one
ok am i allowed to mope about a bit, im feeling really crap ive been so busy all day and Nate is being a total brat and wont listen at all i just wanna lock myself in my room and pretend it doesnt exsist, we have a friend coming for dinner and ive got loads to do but i just want to cry...
yeah I had a fab evening in the end after picking up DH from work i dropped him and the boys off home and went to the shops and the time away from the boys did me a world of good had really good conversation with our dinner guest and happy now
I'm glad your evening got better, lynn. It's amazing what even an hour or two of you time can do to recharge you.
Thanks guys :)
I love his little chubby cheeks and his thighs, he has so many rolls lol.
I'm hoping he either doesn't get much bigger yet or crawls more often because he breaks my back holding him :haha:
Lynn, u should make a stop to magnetic island :)
Jesse had a reaction to his needles last night, was up from 1am- 430am screaming non stop, absolutely nothing settles him :( I gave him pain relief and all. N he had a high temp. Not a happy mummy today :(
aww hun it sucks that he reacted badly to them, i hope hes better today,
i didnt go to bed till after 1am which considering EJ woke at just after 5 and needed us to resettle him every 20 min till DH got up and gave him his bottle then put him in my bed till i got up after 8 with him to express and Nate has not long gotten up himself and im about to try EJ with Nates leftover porriage lol
Lynn glad you had a nice evening in the end hun. Ooh hope EJ likes his porridge.

Well Chase has decided he HATES bedtime. Last night and the night before he has more or less been asleep when i've taken him up, i zip him into his sleepbag and he looks at me turns his head and usually goes to sleep but the last two nights he's screamed its awful you would think someone was killing him!! I didn't know what to do so i'd pick him up at which he would stop immediately, i would give him a little cuddle then put him back down and he would start again, this went on for 20 mins until i put him on boob in his room. I never feed him in his room but didn't want him to think if he plays up he gets to come downstairs with me. He didn't even feed only a bit mainly comfort sucked then after 10 mins he'd go back in his cot :shrug: and the weird thing is the last two nights are the best he's slept for ages, 9-2 then 2.30 till 6.30 and last nigt was 9-6.15!!! My poor right boob was huge and it had soaked our bed, not done that for ages, strangely my left one wasn't nearly as full? Maybe all that crying tired him out, who knows i just hope it lasts was ace to have a full nights sleep.
We're off for our baby massage class today, can't wait, hope he enjoys it.
Just want to share a pic of my big boy sitting in the trolley for the first time:-
Lynn: Glad you got a little time to yourself and that you ended up having a nice evening.

Tiger: Sorry Jesse wasn't feeling well. It just breaks your heart when they are in pain and you don't know what to do to comfort them.

JJ: Love the pic of Chase in the cart. I just started putting Charlotte in the cart this past week too. She was a little wobbly at first, but I think she likes being up high where she can see everything. How did Chase like it?
JJ hes sooooooooooooo cute, we ended up putting EJ sitting up before he could sit unaided caus the weight limit for the laying down seats is only 9kg lol hes been over that for a while now, my main issue with shopping with the boys now is that they pick on each other and annoy each other sitting in the twin seater trolleys
Lynn - I hope you get some good rest tonight. It seems with everything you got going you deserve it more than ever!

Tiger - I really hope Jesse is better!! Every time Sam has to get his shots I am worried something like that could happen.

JJ - That is such a cute picture!! Not sure why Chase would hate bedtime as it seems to he sleeps quite well, maybe he just needed to test you a bit to see where he stands and will hopefully settle better tonight?

We have been persevering the sleep training, and while it seems that putting him down becomes easier every time we still have issues overnight. Past night he was very unsettled for the second half of the night and I had to rock him lots - nothing else would help and I did not want to cave in to use the boobie to pacify him.

It looks like he might have his teeth coming through soon - well I hope so - as his gums are extremely swollen and I can see a bit of white shining through - albeit can't feel anything. Really hope it won't take too long from here. So far he has been always perfectly happy during the day, just a lot of chewing going on.

I hope everyone has a great day!!

Oh JJ, how great it is to go to baby massage!! Let me know how it goes, I have always wanted to do it but can't afford the classes right now.
JJ - he's soooo cute!!! Sorry you've been having a hard time putting him down for the night. I'm being strong and sticking to my guns - I put M down awake for her naps and bedtime now. She usually shouty-cries after a couple of minutes, so I leave her 4-5 mins then go and replug her dummy, give her her rabbit comforter and kiss her on the head and leave again. She usually then falls to sleep, but sometimes I have to repeat a couple of times. It's so hard though - I only leave it 1-2 mins if she's crying-crying though, I still can't stand it! :blush:

Went swimming again today. One of the mums from booby group was there and showed me how she dunks her baby underwater - I was too scared to try though! I think I'll give it a go soon though because apparent;y it's best to do it sooner rather than later.

I'm really enjoying being a mummy now. I realised the other day that I actively enjoy (most of) our days now. For the first 3-4 months I really didn't - M was really hard work and I was stressed & tired most of the time. I'm so glad that I've taken extended maternity leave. If I'd only taken the 9 months then I'd be due to go back in November. I'm so glad that I've got another 6 months to actually enjoy M!
Sorry i havent been around for a while.

I read tgrough the last few pages so i gave caught up a little.

We still have no teeth or crawling yet but lots of crying and sleepless nights still. I am taking wren to the cranial osteopath but i am not seeing that much opf a change in her sadly.I feel very close to breaking most days but somehow we are making it.

Wren is eating ok, she seems to like everything i have given her but only eats small amounts.She also wont drink water and i have been failing at getting her to take formula too. Ijust want her to take formula at night so that i can have a break, she still wakes all evening and night so i cant ever leave her.we are going to canada in october and i was hoping to have her take formula then so i can at least go out with some friends without her, plus i need to do all the wedding arranging and find my dress too.

sorry ladies, here i am having a proper moan and i havnt been on in ages...sorry.

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