march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Emskins - :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: for you!!! You are doing such a great job!!! A lot of us have it really easy with our LO's - even though we still have major sleep issues Sam is otherwise a perfectly happy baby. Did your doctor check her through properly? While I am aware that every baby is different, I also know that my SIL had horrid first 9 months with her little girl - she was crying almost non-stop. They finally found out that she had kidney reflux which caused her being so unsettled. I am not wanting to scare you just wondering if there is maybe more to it? I am sure though you tried everything. Again you are doing a tremendous job with your little girl!!! :flower: :flower:

Cocoa - so glad you are enjoying being a mummy!! I keep saying to my OH if I did not have to I would not go back to work at all. Never thought, I would say that! :haha:
Emskins - sorry to hear the the osteo isn't working as well as you'd hoped. I haven't got any useful suggestions as I'm sure you've tried everything. My friend's nephew is a 'high needs' baby. Very highly strung and his mum is back at work 3 times a week now (he's 10 months old) and she says that her work days are practically a holiday for her. They've tried all sorts too - osteo, allergies, sleep counsellors. He's mellowed a bit but I think it's just his personality - he'll be a leader all his life, that's for sure!

I also know how you feel - M won't take a bottle at all so I can't leave her for more than a couple of hours. It's really hard. It's a good job Ive got another 6 months off work, I don't know what would happen if I had to go back now, she won't entertain milk from anything but my boobs. Really hoping she'll learn to use a cup soon.

tiger - Cute pics of Jesse! Such a happy smile. Sorry to hear about his reaction to the shots. Did you call his doctor to see what they had to say? :(

Cocoa - I'll be lucky if we make it to 14 before they're back to conversing in monosyllables! :rofl: I'm glad that you're actually enjoying being a mummy now, too. I can't imagine having to go back to work after a couple months, even though I know some of the mummies here have had to do it. Even on my worst days with Ronan they're better than any day I could imagine without him!

Vegas - They do adore each other. I'm afraid of the day when Ronan can actually scheme with the dog. I'm doomed then.

We've had pretty crap weather too. It's all over the place, and just an unwelcome reminder that winter is just around the corner.

jj - Sorry to hear you're having trouble getting Chase to bed at night. Hopefully it's just a passing phase. Fantastic that you got a good night's sleep though!

Also, love the pic of him in a trolley! I still haven't sat Ronan in one. It's usually easier still to just keep him in his infant carrier/car seat, or if I take him out pop him into a carrier.

Em - Great to hear from you but sorry you're having a rough time of things. This age is such a mixed bag of great times and frustrating moments.

I feel your pain about the bottle (and you too, Cocoa). Ronan absolutely refuses EBM now from anything, including his doidy or a sippy cup and only wants it straight from the source. The only other way he'll have any is mixed into food or cereal, so if necessary I can get a few ounces into oatmeal that he'll happily eat but thankfully I've not had to be away from him for more than a few hours at this point, and he can easily go 3-4 hours between feeds during the day. In some ways I'm looking forward to when we reach a point that he's only nursing morning and night with maybe a feed during the day, and in other ways it makes me sad that he'll be that much more grown up and need me that much less!

M is allergic to eggs. Not sure if you remember me saying ages ago that she'd come up in hives on her face, and I though it was where I'd kissed her after eating scrambled egg. Well I'd forgotten about it (bad mummy), and cooked eggy bread (savoury French toast for you non-UK peeps) for her dinner tonight. Her mouth and cheeks came out in big red blotches :-(

Going to make an appointment with the GP. Some info says that they grow out of it within a few years, some info says that reactions can keep getting worse until it develops into an anaphylactic shock. So I think its safer to get some advice.
Cocoa - Oh no poor M! I was at swimming today as well, and a lady there had a 9 month old who was allergic to eggs, dairy and nuts. Hopefully its something she'll grow out of and kudos to you for noticing it so quickly.

Btw good sleep for M! (think it was a couple nights ago now though). I am loving being a mummy too, and I'm a bit mixed feelings about going back to work in January. The first few months were hard for me as well, as in, not totally rewarding, but now the rewards are flooding in, makes it all worth it.

Em - so sorry to hear you're still having troubles with Wren. I agree with Jul - it might be related to reflux or something else? Flora is a different baby since I discovered her crying was down to reflux and got her on medication. That was around the 3 months mark. Anyway I hope you resolve some of your issues re bottle and formula so you can go out and enjoy yourself, its probably exactly what you need. But as the others said, you're doing a fab job, some babies are just more difficult than others :hugs:

Some of my antenatal friends are giving up breastfeeding now, moving on to formula. One of them never really enjoyed it so its good she did 5 months of it anyway. I haven't thought much about what's next - I love breastfeeding but I guess it would be nice to just not have the responsibilty sometimes. It takes a lot of effort to pump milk every day, maybe it would be nice to just give a bit of formula now and again. But then again I'm probably too lazy to do bottles. Just musing on it, I probably wont change anything for a while!

Flora went facing out in her pushchair for the first time and seemed to like looking around. She is making a tonne of noises these days and is sitting really well. Sleeping is not too bad, just inconsistent. She's in with us for a couple of days while my cousin is staying. All in all, things are good!

Sorry I haven't replied to everyone but I missed a few pages, I hope everyone is well. xxx
It's been a while since I popped in her. Been reading everything I missed. Nice to see how everyone's babies are growing. I also love the videos that were posted. Keep those videos and photos coming.

A week ago Gavin sat up. Then 4 days after he pulled himself to standing in his crib. When we hold him under his arms, he is trying to take a few steps already. I think I have to start investing in a good pair of running shoes to prepare myself for when he starts walking and running on his own. I wonder how I will keep up with him....I ain't no spring chicken anymore!

What have you been feeding your LO's? I am curious at what I can give mine at this age. He doesn't like his rice cereal and chicken with potato healthy option dinners that much anymore. Any suggestions?
Vegas Depite Chase's not impressed look he actually really enjoyed sitting like that, he was so cute holding on all the way round. Yeah i think for Chase it was the fact he could see everything. When he was in the lying down ones he would constantly lift himself up to try and look round.

Lynn Yeah i can see how that would be a problem, Chase and my friends little girl sat next to each other the other day but she made him cry, she only wanted to kiss him :haha:

Julchen Hmm me thinks Chase just wants mummy and daddys bed. Ahh well done for not caving in hun, its sooo hard isn't it when you know that will setle them. Baby massage was great, we're lucky its a free class. Chase was so funny, quite a show off for him, he was laughing, talking and generally wriggling around. I'm trying to massage his leg and he's jigging around and arching his back whilst doing his new noise, the lady taking the class asked if he was so wriggly when he was inside me, and he was too!! She did say that some of us with older babies might have to find positions that they are comfy with, so Chase ended up the wrong way round, but he was happy as he was looking up at my face (upside down though) and playing and grabbing my top.

CocoaOne Argh i'm rubbish too if he's crying, it's just too mean, i've left him a few mins before and it did work but its too hard when i'm here on my own and hubby is working. I've dunked Chase 4 times, he doesn't seem to mind just looks a bit shocked on the way up, not done it for ages though and don't think i will again or are you supposed to keep doing it? He loves the water and isn't bothered if its on his face, in the shower he sticks his head under himslf. Fab your really enjoying M hun, i go back to work in November :cry: two months is all i have left full time with my boy. Ahh poor M being allergic to eggs, yeah best to get it checked out hun.

Emskins Hun i'm sorry your having a hard time of it :hugs: no need to apologise we're here if you need a moan. It's hard work being a mum, Chase generally is quite easy going but on the days when he's crying lots i feel drained so i can only imagine how you feel hun. I wonder if a little massage would help her sleep, i only say because after our baby massage class today Chase was flat out within 5 minutes of leaving it, yet he didn't seem tired in there, my friend had said he would sleep after it! Just an idea as it might relax Wren, it would also be nice for both of you and relax you too, plus its good for colic/gas (not that i'm saying Wren is colicy) :hugs: maybe you could do bath, massage then feed then bed? If you do something i didn't know is your just supposed to use vegeable oil.

Hivechild I know what you mea about in one way looking forward to just a morning and night feed, but like you i'll be so sad as i love the closeness.

GL We've put Chase facing out a few times too, its weird not having him face me. The other day it was raining and he had a top on with a hood, we had quite a long walk so i put his hood up as it was a bit chilly then popped the rain cover on, we'd been walking for a bit when i stopped just to check he was ok with not being able to see him, only through the breath flap thing, and bless him his hood (which is quite big) had gone over his eyes, he never even moaned, i pulled it back and he was just sat there looking ahead he was tired and i don't think he even noticed, i felt so mean.
Thats fab she is sitting well hun.

So bedtime tonight......well he started to cry like the past two nights, then i sneezed and he stopped, i had to fake a few more sneezes to keep the tears at bay :haha: slowly i moved to the door taking one step at a time, but as soon as i got just outside the door Chase started to whinge, so i went back in. I gave him a muslin and just stayed knelt by his cot so he could see me through the bars. He played with his muslin a bit and rubbed his face then he put his hands up by his head and his muslin over his face and fell asleep, i moved the muslin and he woke up, he saw me and gave me the most lovely smile :cloud9: so i gave him his muslin back and stayed by the cot, after about 10 mins he was asleep again muslin over his face, i left it a bit longer this time before removing the muslin. I'm just hoping we have broken the cycle and his going to bed returns to normal. This is how he fell asleep:-

silly boy x

Urgh one of the babies at baby massage had such a cold, i hope Chase doesn't catch it, "its running like a tap" was her mums comment, personally i wouldn't have taken Chase. We're off to our sing and swim class tomorrow morning then a day to relax i think.
Can't believe i go back to work in 2 months, I hope Chase has dropped feeds by then, he's not showing signs of it? Ideally by then i want him only to want morning and night feeds, if he wants more he'll have to have formula in the day. Going to speak to my b/f worker as not sure how to go about it.
Oooh i'm super excited we just booked our holiday today for next year, it's not till September 2011 but the fact we have booked it makes me feel slightly less guilty about having to go back to work as we could never afford a holiday if i didn't. Right off to bed for me and fingers crossed Chase doesn't have me up soon.
I just realized i haven't posted here in awhile :dohh:
JJ- Cute pic! Hopefully Chase goes back to sleeping better soon.
Steffi- I feed Connor a little bit of everything. I haven't found one thing yet that he doesn't like!
GL- I thought I would give up breastfeeding at 6 months, but I love it too much to give it up anytime soon!
Cocoa- :happydance: Yay for good sleep! I hope M grows out of her egg allergy. I personally hate eggs, but Connor loves them.
Hive- Love the videos. Ronan is such handsome little boy!
Emskins- :hugs: Sorry your having such a hard time.
Connor got a haircut. I didn't have much taken off because I love his hair. I would love to upload photos but I lost the cord for my camera. i will buy a new one this weekend.
We have a third tooth, and it looks like number 4 isn't far behind :happydance:

Can I ask a favor of all of you on facebook. Can you vote for Connor and I in a mom and baby contest? The link will be in my parenting journal (not sure if I'm allowed to post it here) You have to "like the bellies and blessings page, then "like" our photo. Thank you!
Hi everyone. I used to post here back when TTC and we had a long, painful road so I stopped coming here... That be had, I delivered my miracle March 15th :) He was 6 lbs 8 oz, 18" long @ 41 w 1 d. I was induced due to low waters past my due date and it was horrid!!!! Labor was 27 hours, 18 of those were unmedicated (other than the pitocin) due to my stubborness to delivery with no Epi, but the pain was too much with contraction ontop of contraction and with labor all in my back. Anyways, we survived and he is here :)

My name is April, I am 31, DH is Brian (32) and Jaxon is my first child :) :hi:
Hivechild - I LOVE the vids of Ronan, he's so cute and he's so clever!! He seems really advanced for his age :)

Becki - That's interesting! I must be down a lot of the time then, cause I have a major sweeth tooth lol. No definitely not good for the waistline, mine's suffering because I pigged out so much during pregnancy...and I still haven't gotten around to exercising it off :dohh: Must get on to that!!! He did enjoy the pool, thank you :) Behaved himself beautifully. How did M like it? I'm too scared to dunk Lachlan under, too. And I think if I did he'd kick up a huge fuss...
I could've written that myself, I had a huge patch where I wasn't really bonding with Lachlan (I suspect it was the PND but at the time I didn't realize) but now that he's interacting and stuff I'm loving it...but miss my little newborn and regret not holding him more :cry:
Poor M :( Good luck for her appt x

Emskins - :hugs: Sorry to hear that Wren has been restless at bed time. I'm seeing a trend here with everybodys babies and not liking sleep! Maybe it's their ages and they wanna be up and looking around, being nosy? :shrug:

Vegas - The apple crumble turned out great!! Here's the recipe for anybody that wants to have a go of it, it's hands down the best one I've ever made!! I found that 1/4 a cup of water was fine on top of the apples and I mixed the sugar etc mixture in with the apples instead of sprinkling it. Let me know how it goes making if it any of you do :) I loved it and so did OH!
I'm sorry Charlotte's been difficult in the afternoons, I find that with Lachlan too. It's stressful isn't it :hugs:

Lynn - :hugs: :hugs: Glad the dinner went well and that you ended up having a good night. Did EJ like the porridge? I made some for myself and whizzed some up for Lachlan and he LOVED it. Was trying to grab the spoon even lol which he doesn't usually do.

Kris - Poor Jesse, I hope he's feeling better now. It's so scary and sad seeing them in pain xx

Louise - Hope that Chase settles down soon! It sounds like maybe he's teething, Lachlan was quite unsettled for awhile but I didn't know what it was because there were no signs of teeth, but he's got two now. Big hugs :hugs: x Ooh baby massage, cool! Hope he enjoyed it. Super cute pic too btw! I think if I put Lachlan in the shopping trolley he would flop forward lol...he's not all that steady yet.

Juliane - That does sound like teething, hope that if it is a tooth pops through for him soon. xx

GL - Just my 2c, I'm a massive lazy cow and I HATE doing bottles :lol: But we give Lachlan formula 1-2 times a day currently. He doesn't even notice the difference lol...

Steffi - Aww how clever of Gavin, that's so exciting! :D I am currently giving Lachlan pumpkin that I pureed the other day, just plain with a little cinnamon. I tend to give him things like apple, pear, banana and pumpkin unless I buy jars in which case it's all sorts of stuff. I'm gonna start introducing more foods though. Don't know if I'll make my own for much longer to be honest though because it's hard work and the cost isn't too different.

Kel - Aww can't wait to see pics of Connor's haircut! I too love his hair :haha: Think we could make the clippings from his cut in to a wig for Lachlan baldy-monster? :rofl: Yay for his third tooth! It's crazy how once they get one, the others start popping up like mad.
Going off to vote for Connor now :D

Will update on myself and Lachlan soon :) xx
Hi April! :wave: Welcome :) Your little man is so cute!! :hugs:

I'm Rosy, and my little guy Lachlan was born on March 23rd, but was originally due a day before Jaxon was born :lol: He was born at 41+2

Welcome back, April!

Sorry to hear you had such a horrible beginning of things but I hope things have improved markedly for you. Jaxon is such a handsome little boy. I love the pics of him in your sig (and avatar)!
Hi April! :wave: Welcome :) Your little man is so cute!! :hugs:

I'm Rosy, and my little guy Lachlan was born on March 23rd, but was originally due a day before Jaxon was born :lol: He was born at 41+2


'Lil stinkers keepin us waiting! Thanks, Lachlan is to.die.for :hugs:
Welcome back, April!

Sorry to hear you had such a horrible beginning of things but I hope things have improved markedly for you. Jaxon is such a handsome little boy. I love the pics of him in your sig (and avatar)!

Oh it has and it was all well worth it! Your little man is so super cute, too! :hugs:
:wave: Welcome April! Your labor sounds alot like mind. Jaxon is adorable!

rwhite- thanks for the vote!
Cocoa - Poor M. At least you've realized early on that she reacts to eggs. Hopefully it's something she'll grow out of before she's much older. I hope it doesn't turn out to be so bad that you have to avoid any trace of eggs in all foods. How is she with dairy in general?

GL - I've had Ronan forward facing in his stroller a few times too. He seems to really enjoy having a good look around but it does seem very weird to me. I miss looking at him and keep peeking around to check on him.

steffi - After 6 months, unless you have a history of food allergies in the family you can feed him pretty much anything and everything other than nuts, honey, unpasteurized dairy and shellfish or high mercury content fish. We're doing BLW, so Ronan eats everything that we eat!

jj - That's funny that he stopped crying when you sneezed. Ronan finds it funny when I sneeze. That's such a cute picture of him sleeping with the muslin over his face, too. Hopefully he doesn't come down with a cold. I think it's irresponsible to take your baby to groups like that when they're obviously sick. Of course I'm feeling a little sensitive about that at the moment as that's how Ronan got sick too.

Kel - We need to see pics of Connor's haircut! Also, if you want me to add you on facebook so i can vote for him, feel free to PM me with your details.

rwhite - I think across the board the monkey's probably progressing at a steady pace. I have to keep reminding myself that he's a month older than a lot of bubbas here!
Hi girls...sorry I am too exhausted today to catch up on all the posts...had the biggest fright of my life today. The poor monkey did a face plant from the couch onto the hardwood floor. He was screaming his head off, when I held him I noticed blood on my shoulder...that's when I almost paniked. :cry::cry: He would not let me took quite a while for him to calm down. His sister was with him when it happened, they had been playing downstairs while I was preparing supper. He is been crawling supper fast when he really wants to get somewhere. I could tell she was scared as well, probably worried I would scold her on top of it. All is good now, he sucked some ice cubes just the "teeth brushing" we skipped today. Mind you, if he had teeth on top they probably would have broken. :nope:

We had a very bad night last night, I might have gotten up to 4 hours of sleep. He only cat napped during the day as well (usually he has 2 solid 2hour naps), I am certain he is teething - gums are swollen big time and I can see the white shining through. For some reason he won't stay asleep longer than 20-30 min. Anyway, he went to bed like a champ, overtired but no peep...looked around for a couple of minutes and passed out. That being said, I better make use of the time and go to bed as well - not knowing what the night has in store. :sleep:
Kel - I voted! :thumbup:

Jul - Oh you poor thing, and poor little man. :hugs: Get as much sleep as you can and I hope that it's a nice long stretch for both of you!
Welcome April!

Hivechild: Please excuse my ignorance but what is BLW? Could I start giving my son rice and meat too?

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