march lambs 2010 come on ladies

bNk - Gabriel has started banging on things too. Mostly his spoon or his hand on the high chair at the moment.
jul - I wanted to wear my hair in a ponytail and wasn't planning to wear makeup - I never wear the stuff. But my matron of honor insisted I get my hair done and so she paid for the hair appointments and another friend did my makeup free. Honestly, I would have been happier in a ponytail and think I looked silly, but my OH says I looked nice.
tiger - Hope those teeth pop out soon. Still no sign of teeth here. 26lbs, Wow! That's almost twice Gabriel's weight (13.5 lbs)!

My first hockey game of the season went well. We played the 19U team (ages 14-19 girls) and managed to tie them. We dominated the first period, but age will tell and by the 3rd period us old ladies were out of steam and the youngsters were still going strong and managed to tie it up with just under 2 minutes left.
Only 3 duplicate posts here. My other one posted 13 times - whee!
Hi all! i HAVEN'T BEEN ON AGES AGAIN SO HAVE alot of catching up to do (sorry bout the caps lol).

I went to one of my bestfriends hens night last night it was so much fun. i drunk waaay to much and ended up talking to the toilet bowl all morning :blush:

Got a massive fright the other morning. Ella was sleeping next to me and i woke up to a shrill cry and she had fallen off the bed and rolled sort of under the bed and I was freaking out coz i couldn't find her. :cry: We gave her a good check over and she's fine but was soo scary i feel like such a bad mum :(

Way to go Seity - hopefully your next game will be more evenly matched and you'll kick ass!

MM - ah poor Ella! Can you get a bed guard? We've got one as I'm so paranoid about M rolling out of our bed, even though she doesn't really roll!

I'm stuffed - cooked a massive roast chicken with all trimmings and cherry tarts for dessert. Was so good though, even if I do say so myself. M is slightly less snotty and is starting to sleep better which is good.
Seity: I can't imagine trying to keep up with 14-19 year olds. Sounds like fun though.

MM: Hope you feel better today. Poor little Ella, I bet you were scared. Glad she is OK.

Cocoa: Sounds yummy.

Last night we had steak, baked potatoes and asparagus. I gave Charlotte some asparagus and she had the most fun eating them. My DH couldn't believe that she would eat asparagus, but I told him the earlier you try them with new stuff the more accepting they will be. This morning I made blueberry muffins and gave her one. She got blueberries all over and they even soaked through onto her skin. When I took off her PJs you could see where the blueberries had been and they left marks that looked like bruises. I scrubbed them off before anyone saw them and mistook them for something bad. Now I need to see if I can get the blueberries out of the jammies.
vegas-sounds like Charlotte is very adventurous! I wanted to do BLW but it hasn't really happened, I do give her rice cakes though. I think I will up the BLW side of things.

I have another cranial osteo appt on Thursday which is good, hopefully it means she will be mega chill for the monster flight on Friday!

I just found out all 3 of us are allowed 1 bag weighing 23kgs!! How awesome is that. I think OH will take a bag and then Wren and I will combine our stuff in one suitcase so we can buy a big backpack in Canada to bring all the new stuff home in as I am seriously planning to shop! I think a backpack is a good idea as it allows more hands free! I am getting super excited!
Grr, just wrote a long reply and lost it. SO I wanted to say

Vegas - asparagus is a good idea, might try that!

MM - Poor Ella! Flora feel face forward in the bath a couple of nights ago and I totally panicked. SHe was fine (although screamed for a few minutes), but DH had to take over because I panicked a bit. I hate that.

Em - good news. I have to check my baggage allowance to Oz. Good luck with the CO and the flight of course! How long is it? Ours is 22 hours one way about 28 the other :wacko:

So what I wanted to say was, we have just given Flora her first ever bottle of formula. I feel a bit weird about it (hence why I asked DH to give it to her),and still plan on BFing for ages yet. Basically I wanted her to get used to it as I think it will be easier in Oz to use formula for when I want to go out and leave her with mum and dad, otherwise I reckon I'll be pumping constantly. I'm still going to mostly BF of course and pump but I wanted to know that she was OK with it mainly.

Its a bit selfish and I did shed a tear just now - its stupid there is nothing wrong with formula esp since I've already BFd for near on 7 months, but I did just find it emotional. I guess it made me think of the day not so far away when she wont BF at all anymore and how sad that will make me.

SO that was a big thing for me but she seemed OK with it. I made up 6oz but she only had about 3.5. I am half hoping it will help her sleep better, but half hoping it wont (so I wont feel like I should give it to her more regularly). Gr mixed feelings! She did go to bed just now without her dummy. So, aybe it did help. We'll see how tonight goes.
Just to add I'm not planning on going out all the time and leaving her with my folks, just a few times, as there are a lot of people I only see every couple of years so it will be good to see them. Also we have no real family support in that way here so just going to take advantage a little, and anyway its good for mum and dad to bond with their grandaughter as well. Just wanted to clarify that!
Lol GL - you don't need to justify to us! You're going on holiday - it's a given that you'll be going out more and Flora will be having quality time with her grandparents :thumbup:

Emskins - did you have to buy a seat for Charlotte, or does she have to sit on your laps the whole time? Fab news - lots off shopping!!

Vegas - I can just imagine the mess that muffin created!

Not much happening here, M still poorly but is on the mend. She fed last night at 10:30, 1:30 and 4 but that's a major improvement on the rest of the week.
Thanks Cocoa, I think perhaps I just feel slightly guilty in myself - though I now I have no reason to. Oh and for some reason a bit emotional. There was a program on about drug addicts having children and there was a scene at the beginning with a tiny newborn all shaking and screaming because it was born addicted to heroin, it made me burst into tears! Is it a full moon or something?
You're a mum now - you'll be an emotional wreck for the rest of your life! :rofl:

I know what you mean about the formula, M had a couple of bottles when she was tiny but even giving her a bottle of EBM feels weird to me, really alien. I didn't think I'd be that bothered by it.

Dont forget that formula can be a bit harder for them to digest, and I know Flora suffers with her poops, so maybe up her juice or give her pears/prunes if she seems a bit backed up.

I'm really struggling with getting M to take EBM. I just don't get round to pumping, and when I do- I get such a small amount, my boobs have stopped responding to the pump. I get slightly more if I hand express- but it takes so long and I get hand cramp! So the result is I just don't bother. Which isn't good, because M will never take a sippy cup if I don't persevere. Does everyone give water when their LO eats solids? I started to but 1) she wasn't really interested, and 2) I didnt want her to get full up on food and water and not take her milk
MM Your not a bad mum at all hun, i remember my friends baby fell of the sofa and she panicked and took her the Dr's, the doctor asked her how long she had been unconscious for, my friend got embarrassed and realised she had overeacted as she hadn't been unconscious at all:haha:

Glad you had a good night out, minus talking to the toilet bowl of course.

Vegas Ha ha I can just imagine Charlotte covered in blueberries, hope you managed to sort her pj's! Since having Chase i've never used so much stain remover, eating is messy, he's covered every tea time for some reason thats the messiest meal time, think i will buy one of those long bibs with arms.

Emskins Good look for your flight on Friday, have a fab time. Thats great about your luggage allowance :thumbup: yes buy lots to bring back.

GL Omg i am always losing my replies, i hit a key by mistake and poof it all dissappears :shrug: so so annoying!

I know how you feel about getting emotional hun, when my hubby suggested a night bottle of formula i burst into tears, yet like you i know there is nothing wrong with it. I remember my sil saying when you are b/f the thought of stopping is so upsetting but then when you have your like what was i so upset about. Hope she sleeps good for you tonight hun!

Arr hun i don't think any of us would think your planning on going out all the time!

CocoaOne Glad M is getting better hun, so horrid when there bunged up and snotty.

I've not tried Chase with EMB for ages since he's refused it the last few times. But i do give him water now and he loves it, sometimes at meal times he cries if i take the bottle away and he hasn't finished it, he doens't actually drink a lot as he's not sure what to do with the teat, he kinda chews it and just shoves it in his mouth, most ends up dripping out if he holds the bottle himself. I also give him a little cup and he will take it from that too, i think he like messing around with it most.

I could never get much from a pump and get so much more hand expressing, but it is hard work! They had the Tommee Tippee manual pump for £20 in Asda and online which is sooo cheap. I'm debating getting one, maybe that would work better for you?

Well i really should go to bed but i'll update quickly, had to stay up as my brother got us a cheap tv from his work and he was bringing it round on his way home, yay we'll have a telly in the bedroom tomorrow now, missed it so much. Hopefully Chase will sleep for a while, he only went to bed at 10!! He fell asleep at 4 for nearly 2 hours so he just wasn't tired at his usual bed time :dohh:

Brr its getting so cold, i've started putting mittens on Chase at bed time as his hands are freezing and the other night it was his arms too.

Ahh i can't decide what to do about our second buggy, we bought a small folding one from Tesco for £40 as our second car is really small, but i'm not sure whether to keep it, a bit fell off it from the side, it's not important just like a cover bit so if i decided to return it i can use this as the reason. I feel the seat isn't very big and like Chase is sat on it rather than in it, also the handle is low, i'm only 5ft2 so i'm not tall yet its low, the only redeeming feature is it has a really big shopping basket. I've seen another one i want which is dearer, the Petite Star Zia+ and its on offer for £90 and i just can't decide what to look so much cosier for Chase than this one. Hubby's fed up of hearing about buggys and has said i can do what i want but not to involve him :haha:

Not a lot of news with us, Chase is so so near to crawling, he was right up on his knees today and yesterday rocking and he kinda jumped forward the tiniest bit on his knees. Still no teeth though! Just teethin pain and grumpyness.

Right off to bed, night all xx

ETA, Cocoa i meant electric pump, baby brain or what!
Kel- I just read about Connor's injury :hugs: How's his lip healing up?

Tiger- you look beautiful hun

Well I have mixed results. She slept pretty well, only had 1 feed at midnight then slept until 6:40 (woohoo!) But when we got up this morning she did a really big slightly projectile puke that she looked she struggled to get out. I did breastfeed her just before 7 then we fell asleep for a while again so maybe it was because I didn't burp her, but I've done that loads before and never had that. It looked a bit like it might've been formula puke.

So I don't know it was definitely a different sort of night. But who knows if it was because of the formula? I prob will only give it to her on the odd occasion.

Cocoa - I have never hand expressed but amazed you can get a lot by doing it! I can get a decent amount with my medela swing. What type have you got? Re water - I have a sippy cup which she's starting to get the hang of, but I've been tending to dilute a bit of squash or juice in the water, just a tiny bit, and she still doesn't drink very much. I also have a doidy cup which I put in front of her every now and then but the water just goes everywhere. she knows to put her mouth on the end of it, I think eventually she'll get the hang of the cup thing. I've no worry she'll get too full on water because she hardly takes any, but I'm trying to give it to her with every solid meal and sometimes in between.

JJ - thanks hun one of my friends who's just switched to FF said the same, that it wasn't the emotional upset she thought. She's going to try for another baby soon so she needed to get her periods back which is why she changed, so I can imagine the thought of another baby is quiter exciting! However I still think I will be upset about stopping. I always thought I'd stop around 1 but maybe I will go longer... see what happens!
jj- I would take the pram back and get the pram you are comfy with! I've actually broken my $500 pram :cry:
jj- I would take the pram back and get the pram you are comfy with! I've actually broken my $500 pram :cries:

Oh no how did you do that??? I love our normal pram/buggy but it only goes in our second car with the roof down, not good in winter. Think on Friday i will go and proper test the other one i want, put Chase in it and have a good play with it before i make my mind up. I think really i do want to change it, i just hate returning things.

GL Chase has done that when i've fed him and not burped him, its horrid isn't it. Its funny i thought i would only b/f until 6 months but now want to just carry on, i'm going to have to introduce forumla soon in the day so he's used to it for when i return to work, it will be so weird giving him a bottle. I just can't imagine him drinking a whole bottle, he doesn't really know what to do and i'm worried if i'm giving it him he'll just want breast, no other option though.

Well today i'm having a proper blitz of the house, gonna put Chase in his sling as he loves to help, when i'm hoovering the stairs he always grabs hold of the long bit of the hoover to help, so i have to be gentle moving it seen as he's got hold. Thinking i may do a bit of baking too and puree Chase up some apples as we're running low.
I cracked the bit that the carseat slots into and also the wee covers for the carseat holes :(

You sound busy today jj! i wish i had that much motivation.

I'm about to go to bed. there was another earthquake today it was 5.0 but it was really close to the surface so it was pretty rough. I was yelling f*** while hanging onto the doorframe and watching things fall around me!!! Gave me a heck of a fright lol! :dohh: The city and some malls got evacuated. Typical it was the one that I had vouchers for :dohh::dohh::dohh: :haha:

JJ - my friend has the zia star and loves it. No sign of the post yet? I hope it comes today!

GL - glad Flora slept ok, hopefully the sick was just a coincidence x

MM - I can't believe you're still having quakes! Must be really getting on your nerves now.

The in-laws have just been and picked up the dog :)dance:) and gave M £20 as they couldn't find any souvenirs for her on holiday, so I think we'll go shopping and get a new toy and book or something.
hi girls, anyone miss me??
ive been ill all weekend and still poorly ive got the biggest headcold ever its awful, thankfully DH has a week off this week so get some rest inbetween the boys. still got no plan or idea really with the house i hate waiting....

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