march lambs 2010 come on ladies

CocoaOne he's just been and its here!! so excited. Dying to mess and figure it out but typically Chase is just starting to whinge :dohh: I'm so glad you said about folding it, i was just about to unravel it when i decided to read your note first, glad i did as we always takew a sling out with us as Chase gets bored in the pram and i can't believe how compact it folds up. Chase is feeding so i'm gonna go on you tube see if i can figure it out, thanks so much again, will post pic nce we're sorted :thumbup: Thanks for saying about the zia think i defo gonna swap for it.

MM I'd be so scared hun, how long have they been going on for seems ages.

Lynn I did wonder where you had got to hun. Hope you feel better soon and the house situation is sorted :hugs:

OMG i've just literally hung my washing out an its gone so dark, typical, think i'll have to pop Chase off and run it back in before the heavens open..........
i know its getting dark clouds here too lol hehe not my washin thats drying though lol

we are havng issues with our housmates wanting access to our storage like "now" which is impossible becaus we had to cancel the payment this month caus we are so broke so they have barred access to the unit till its paid which we cant do till a cheque clears so we are kinda stuck and DH hates dealing with confrontation so is chicken about saying NO we cant do it atm to them
Em: Have fun in Canada and have fun shopping.

GL: That is one heck of a long flight. How many layovers do you have? I say have fun while you are in OZ. If you want to go out, do so. You won't be gone all the time while you are there and it will be good for Flora to spend some one on one time with your family. Sounds like you have a great trip planned.

Cocoa: I give either formula or a mix of juice and water to Charlotte with her solid feeds, which I do twice a day. I give about 4oz of whatever liquid I am giving her. She likes to practice with her sippy cup at meals so I make sure to offer her something. I usually wait until she is about halfway done with her food because she is obsessed with the sippy cup and only wants that once it is offered.

JJ: Hooray for Chase almost crawling. I know what you mean about strollers. I have two and am not totally satisfied with either. This annoys DH to no end. Hope you get exactly what you want.

MM: Goodness, I can't believe you are still having aftershocks/earthquakes. I bet you never get used to it. Hopefully they will stop soon.

Lynn: Sorry you have a cold. Hope you feel better soon.

Charlotte has decided that actual crawling isn't for her, but dragging herself around is super fun. She's fast too. Last night I left DH and Charlotte so I could go to my workout class and when I got back at 7pm DH was already getting her ready for bed (which normally doesn't happen until closer to 8pm). Apparently she was in quite a mood despite him taking her to the park. He said she was drooling so much. So maybe we are getting closer to seeing a tooth. She was in bed by 7:30 and managed to sleep until 8:30 this morning. I took a look in her mouth this morning and still no teeth. Eight months and one day old and still toothless.
i dont give EJ anything but breastmilk as being breastfed he shouldnt need it even though hes on solids he sometiems will take a bit of water from a bottle but im not fussing about it for now
OMG it's soooooo cold this morning. I think I'm going to have to turn the central heating on! Brrrrrrr

Not impressed with M's 5am start today either.....
Cocoa yes its freezing we've just switched to our winter duvet and its heaven! bugger about the early start.

Lynn flora still has a lot of milk so i'm not too worried about flluid intake, but i just want her to getused to the taste of water so I'm persisting with it.

Vegas - short stop over in Singapore to refuel and we have 5 hours in hong kong on the way back. the longest leg, london to singapore is about 13 or 14 hours. I've done it about 12 or 14 times so I'm used to it! you just settle in and watch a bunch of movies. I am getting paranoid that flora will be teething on the flight now. oh dear!

Well she had a good sleep, bed just before 7 and apart from 1 dummy run slept until 4:30! then a quick feed and back down until 7. no formula this time. But she did the same horrible puke this morning, i think its because she had quite a substantial breastfeed lying down at 7am then we fell asleep again for about 45 minutes. I should really get up with her at 7 instead of being lazy but that extra hour snuggling her is just so nice! So it wasn't the formula to blame after all.
Cocoa: I'm jealous of your cooler weather. It is no longer sweltering hot here and is quite pleasant, but I am so tired of wearing shorts. It's fall and I want it to feel like fall.

GL: At least the airports you are laying over in are fantastic. I used to go to Singapore for work (I even flew over three times while I was pregnant with Charlotte) and I loved their airport, especially terminal 3. Great shopping (though not at all affordable), but they do have the cleanest bathrooms. If you have a chance check out the butterfly garden and the koi pond in the airport. This reminds me, I still have Singapore money that I never exchanged back to US dollars. Maybe I'll go to the bank and get this done. It's like getting free money at this point. I'm sure Flora will be fine on the flight. Are you getting a bulkhead seat that has a bassinet? I would think that would make things a little easier on Flora (and you).
The problem is OH - he's a 'hot' person. In the evenings he's been sat in our front room in just a pair of shorts, while I'm wrapped in the slanket! Lol

Had BF peer support training today and learnt some amazing things about how milk is produced and how all the hormones work. Our bodies (and babies) and blimmin' amazing!
GL - I'm wondering how Gabriel will do on our flight to CA and it's 13 hours total travel time and the longest flight segment is only 6 hours or so. I hope Flora decides to sleep for a lot of your flight.
It's getting cold here too. I had about 6 blankets on Gabriel the other night and I still think he was too cold. So, I broke out the fleece sleep bag for him last night and then added the quilt on top. He finally fits in the sleep bag now and I think he was warm enough last night, but he still woke at 10:30 and 3:00.
Cocoa - Gabriel woke at 5:30 the other day. He usually gets up at 6 am and that's still to early for me.
im not too worried about the boys with the flight in Feb although we are going via LA for our stop so a bit unsure about that , so long as we have enough bits to keep them entertained we should be fine lol gonna get a portable dvd player or cheap netbook to run on the flight with their favorite cartoons etc..... to help when they dont want to watch a movie and lots of things to do
Vegas - yes I've seen the butterfly garden and the Koi pond they are amazing. We had about 4 or 5 hours there last time we flew back, I bought myself a mobile phone but really we were just tired so we didn't do much, ate some noodles and dossed around on the sofas. They have these reclining chair things you can sleep on near the Koi pond its mad. This time there's only a short stopover, they call it a touchdown because its just time to refuel and head off again. I've never been via Hong Kong but hoping that the 5 or so hours there will be nice, we'll probably eat some noodles again as DH absolutely loves Chinese food.

And yes we've got the bassinet booked for the whole journey. I think to make sure we'll do online check-in and then get to the airport really early, as some airlines operate 'first come first serve' policy on bassinets. Also youngest babies get dibs. But the travel agent said he'd booked it all so hopefully all good.

Lynn - good idea to get the portable players. I am hoping she might be starting to crawl so she can practise up and down the aisle. people think its cute then they will forgive us if she has a meltdown!

Seity - I hope she does too! How cold is it in winter where you live?

Cocoa - Oxytocin, the hormone of love, labour and lactation! When I think about my labour I'm still amazed at what I managed to do.

So the whole weird puke thing happened twice more today, both times after a reasonably large BF, she would come off, sit up to be burped, then make these awful faces straining to poo. Then she brought up a big amount of milk... so its like the BF makes her want to poo and trying to poo makes her sick.. anyone know what the hell could be going on there? Also her poo has gone a bit hard again and her bum hole (sorry) looks a bit red and sore. I wonder if something she's eaten may not be agreeing. :shrug:
Seity - I hope she does too! How cold is it in winter where you live?

Pretty cold. It's already dropped down to below freezing at night a few times already, but daytime it's still around 10 C. Average temps in Dec and Jan are around -2 to -5 degrees C.
GL - I meant to ask my BF midwife lady about about Flora. She said that BF babies don't get constipated as BM contains a laxative, and I meant to ask her what she thought about Flora as I know she's struggled in that department. I know you're giving solids now, but it shouldn't make too much difference - I know M barely digests anything! It sounds like the straining to poo made her stomach push some sick out - possibly reflux related? Is she on her meds still? I'm not sure about the poo issue - training isn't on next week as it's half term, but if the midwife is a booby group I'll ask her. Poor Flora though :hugs:

Seity - that's cold! I'm not looking forward to dressing M for the cold weather - I bought mittens yesterday but need to sew some elastic to them or she'll lose them!

We had a fab night of sleep last night, we both needed it! M had a cat nap at 4 for 40 mins so I ended up putting her to bed at 8. Couple of dummy runs about 9, but she didn't wake up until 4:30 for a feed, then back to sleep until 7:40! :dance:
Hi :hi:
How is everyone doing? My sister moved in the other day and she is cooking me tea and making me a coffee. :haha: Ella's in bed so I thought i would jump on and have a catchup! I can't wait till summer so i can dress ella up in her wee summer clothes :dance:

We are going away for a night to Hanmer next week and staying in a wee cottage with some friends. It is actually their honeymoon and oddly enough we are crashing it for one night :rofl: They have a baby too- 2 days younger than Ella.

Vegas- The pre-crawling is funny isn't it! Ella still isnt going fowards or backwards but she drags herself side ways and she too is a little speedster! Today she started to try and go up on her knees for the 1st time too. So exciting.

We are still toothless here too. We have had moments of painful crying and i don't know whats wrong and she isn't normally like it so i wonder if we have teeth coming too? She doesn't have bulging gums or anything.

GL- Sorry i've missed something...Where are you going? :blush: it sounds exciting!!

Cocoa- my OH is a "hot" person too (not as bad as my ex was thank goodness) We will be outside and I'll be rugged up and he will be wearing a singlet! It's funny how you are all talking about it getting cold! It's warming up here!

In your breastfeeding group did you find out anything to do with brestfeeding and periods/ovulating? We want to try for baby #2 soon and i don't plan on stopping bfing any time soon. i havn't had my period for 3-4 months. So wondering if i need to just keep dropping feeds until I get them back or would I have to stop BFing all together for them to return? It's not a biggy, i'm not going to drop feeds for awhile though. I would rather breastfeed :)


MM - she briefly touched on it. She said that the BF infertility diminishes around 6 months as solids are introduced, and a lot of women find their period comes back around 8/9 months as the LO eats more solids and drops BFs. So not too long to wait!
MM - going to Sydney for Christmas to visit my family. 2 weeks in the hot sun with all my loved ones, I can't wait. And we arrive on Christmas eve so we will wake up there on CHristmas morning :happydance:

Seity -Brrr, its probably a bit warmer than that here in general. About the same right now but over winter its mostly over 0, around 5 or 6 degrees in the day. Winter in Sydney gets down to about 14 or 15, sometimes 12, and everyone thinks its freezing :haha:

Cocoa - thanks hun for thinking of me. She hasn't been constipated except after introducing solids. A lot of friends I've spoken to have had a bit of that at the early stages of weaning, so I think its common. When she was just BF she only pooed every 3-4 days but that wasn't constipation. Anyway I think its just her digestion getting used to different things, she seems a bit better today. Also she's pooing lots but just small bits in every other nappy change. I think part of the problem is her not drinking enough water with her solids, I keep trying but a lot of it just dribbles back out her mouth.

Good news on your sleep, that was the same as mine the night before last. Last night she fed at 10:30 and then again about 3, up at 7. she woke at 12 as well and needed cuddling back to sleep. She is napping now and has been for just over an hour.
MM my periods are back already, im actually crapping myself about it at the moment as OH got a bit excited last weekend and got in there before we got to the protection part so waiting out my period atm according to my charting then if my cycle has gone back to what it was pre EJ then i OV'ed early this week and i had really bad cramps on tuesday but no sign of AF so just nervously waiting till the begining of next month so i can test if AF doesnt show,

i dont really want to be up the duff again but knowing my luck i'll be preg since EVERYtime ive had sex without being on the pill or using condoms ive wound up preg :dohh: but SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH no telling anyone
GL: I remember those reclining chairs well. I also went and got a foot massage at the airport one time. Usually I hate being stuck in airports, but not Changi. I've had layovers in Hong Kong too, but it was always super early in the morning and the shops were not open so it was a bit boring. I still need to buy a portable DVD player for our road trip next month. Seeing as Charlotte will be all by herself in the back seat she needs something to entertain her. Travel with a baby is so much more complicated.

Regarding Flora's tummy problems have you thought about giving her foods with a higher water content like pears or apples? Even if she won't take water this should help move things along.

Seity: I noticed you said you are using blankets. Do you wrap them around Gabriel or just drape them over him? I have sleeping bags, but I know there may be some nights where more warmth is needed and I am just scared she will wiggle under them. Is there a way to avoid this or are they old enough now that I don't need to worry?

MM: Having your sister with you sounds like a lot of fun.

Lynn: I'm on the pill and I still worry myself each month. Keep us posted.

So last night I must have been way overtired because I realized when I woke up this morning that I had forgotten to turn on the baby monitor. I'm sure Charlotte slept through as she always does, but I feel like such a bad mommy. Her room is at the opposite end of the house and my DH turns a loud fan on to drown out any noise so I doubt we would be able to hear her if she had cried. I've been up for almost an hour and she is still asleep so I guess all is fine. Still I feel so guilty, it's almost like I forgot about her :cry:.
Hi girls :hi: we have been so busy I barely have time to read up on you guys. It sounds like everyone is doing farely well.

Lynn: have you had a chance to talk to your friend with the big house? Hope you are getting your period too.

GL: so excited for you to go home. we are going to germany next year. my grandparents are going to be 85 both and have their 65 wedding anniversary as well. i talked to my work the other day since by then i will be back working. hoping to take an extended holiday of 6 weeks so i can see the family for a while as i am not sure how many more chances i will have with my grandparents.

cocoa: such good news on the sleep! it still a hit and miss with sam although bedtime is working perfect.

mm: bit jealous of you guys having summer on the doorstep. winter is creeping up on us soon. it gets very cold here. in january/ february we usually have a period of around -30. brrrr. just went on a shopping frenzie on ebay to get sam some winter clothes.

vegas: i wish i could send some of the cooler temperatures your way and in turn take a bit of the warmth :hihi:

the wedding is creeping up on us!! oh still can't decide for a ring. typical men. too much to pick from. i have had mine custom made to fit the engagement ring and am very happy with the outcome. sunday is my bridal shower at a nice restaurant, curious how that will go, since i have never really been to one.

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