march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Em: Have a great trip.

Blonde: Wow, an earthquake in Oklahoma. Glad it wasn't too bad. Good luck with your midterms.

MM: Hooray for Ella!

Seity: That is awesome about the baby signing.

Hive: Happy eight months Ronan!

Tiger: Congratulations! Your wedding may not have turned out just perfect, but you cannot tell at all from the photos. You looked absolutely beautiful and you can see just how much in love you and Jonno are with one another. I just saw the photos on Facebook too and it looks like everyone had a great time.

Lynn: Sorry you have to move again. Hope you find something quickly. I know it will all work out.

Nothing much to report here. Charlotte is getting better with crawling. She keeps going for the dog toys. I keep telling her that the dogs stay away from her toys so she needs to stay away from theirs. Of course one of my dogs thinks she can play fetch with him and keeps bringing her his toys to throw. I'm looking into taking a bootcamp class to get me back into shape. I have a free trial class tomorrow. I have a feeling I won't be able to walk for about a week after. I'm back down to my PP weight, but not everything is located where it started so I am hoping a month of bootcamp will set everything right.
Lyn - that sucks. So you've got to actually be homeless before the council will sort something out for you?

Vegas - that's some determination and stamina you've got! I've barely done any exercise since I got pregnant :blush:

I made M some baby legs today - they are so cute, and practical because M has got seriously chunky legs & butt, and coupled with her cloth bum, I can't get any trousers to fit her properly. She's grown out of 6-9m now but the 9-12m are too long. These baby legs will do for when we're bumming around the house!
Love the pics tiger. You all look great. It's not a wedding unless something goes wrong and it usually doesn't matter much in the end anyway.
lynn - Oh no, I hope you all figure something out soon.
me too i hope this all gets sorted, we have one hope, got to talk to a friend but they have a HUGE house they wouldnt even notice us living there its so big lol and she was saying a month or so ago that its just so big and lonely and she gets bored caus her OH travels alot for his work. just dont know how to say something to them and it not be rude , i know they will want to help us when they find out but how to tell them?/
lynn - I'd just be straight up with it. Let her know your situation and that you were hoping she wouldn't mind if y'all crashed at her place.
Tiger-lovely pics! you look amazing and the location looks stunning! too. Glad you had a good day even with a few hick ups along the way.

Lyn-like seity said, be straight up, especially as you know your friend would want to help...good luck finding somewhere. How long do you need to crash somewhere for?

Cocoa-your M is as cute as a button!

Vegas-well done for considering boot camp, wish they did it here! I have somehow lost 29kgs (63lbs) since having Wren, sad thing is though that I still need to lose a few more pounds. If I didn;t still have my mummy tummy I would be quite happy with myself but alas it is till there!

Grr, me and the OH were meant to do our Save the Dates tonight (we are soooooo behind!) and it is 8.15 now and he still isn't home from work, he will be in no mood to help with them...
we need to crash somewhere ideally till 21st of Feb when we fly out to NZ
Lynn- I hope things work out, and your friend lets you crash there for awhile!
Cocoa- M is adorable. I love the babylegs. I am having the same problem with Connor. His 6-9 months have gotten to tight, but the 9-12 are too big.
MM- So glad Ella won, she was by far the cutest on the page.

Well Connor had his first real injury today. I had to take him to work with me because his babysitter is out of town. Well my co-worker brought her 9 year old daughter because there was no school. She was playing with Connor on the ground while I working at my desk. I guess she picked him up to put him on her lap, and he broke free from her grip and went face first into the ground. His bottom teeth went into his top lip and busted his lip open. There was blood everywhere. He cried for about five minutes, but it doesn't seem to be bothering him anymore. I feel so bad that I wasn't keeping a better eye on him. :cry:
Kel - oh no poor Connor! Don't feel bad, these things happen. And it sounds like he's OK now :hugs:

Tiger - you look beatiful and the wedding looks lovely! Some things went wrong on my wedding day (the best man's speech was a disaster like something out of a movie!) but it was still a great day, as long as everyone has fun that's the main thing!

Emskins and Julchen - good luck with the wedding plans! I echo what Tiger says - try to enjoy every minute of the day, take a step back and absorb because it goes way too fast. Em - 29kg, wowsers thats amazing. Good luck with the mummy tummy. I have lost about 5 kgs over pre-pregnancy weight but the tummy is there - I haven't really made an effort to shift it but in a way I'm kind of proud of it. I reckon by all accounts its the most stubborn bit!

MM - :yipee: Go Ella!

Cocoa - love the babylegs! Flora is in 3-6 and some 6-9 but the 6-9 is too long for her still. And I'm always rolling the sleeves up ont he arms of things. I think she's going to be short-limbed like me bless her.

Lynn - thats awful news but I hope your friends with the big house can help out. If its only short term she surely wouldn't mind? I hope it works out, sure it will.

Seity - that's so cool about the signing. I wish I'd known about that earlier I would have liked to do something like that with Flora. Can you get instruction online or do you have to go to a class?

Hive - happy 8 months Ronan!

Nothing new here, Flora was really cranky around her dinner this evening. We had a couple of friends over so she might have been annoyed she wasn't centre of attention. But boy she was screaming about something I don't know what! I think it might have been me being to sllow to get her food to her.

I am about to give her a dreamfeed and go to bed. She was woken yet since going down at 6:45 but anyway we'll see how the rest of the night goes :coffee:
Ah Kel, poor Connor. Glad to hear he got over it quickly.
GL - I just have a book, but I'm sure there's lots of info online if you search on it. I've never been to a class or even thought that there might be one in the area. 6 months is actually good time to start. The hardest part for me at first was remembering to do the signs regularly, plus any involving two hands don't work so well when he's in my arms.
tiger- Your wedding pics are lovely! Congratulations!

lyn-I hope you work something out soon. I know how scary it is not knowing where you will live. Hopefully your friend can help you out!

cocoa-Those are adorable! You are so much more talented than me!

kel-poor connor! Mika seems to be the one DOING the lip busting at daycare, he smacked a kid in the mouth with a toy and busted her lip! I felt so bad!

Speaking of which, Mika likes to bang on things, and anything you put in his hand he will smack on the floor or his leg, or just hit things with his hand to make noise, including whoever is holding him at the time. Does anyone else have this issue? I don't think he's hitting with the intention of hurting, but it does hurt and I'm not quite sure how to address it...

Two midterms down and one to go, I had to go in today on my day off and tomorrow I have to drive about 2 hours to an adoption party...on my other day off. And at some point before Sunday night I need to write a paper. I'm so ready to get my degree and be done with school! Until I go back for my MSW that is, lol.
Oh, and meant to add that there wasn't any serious damage from the earthquake, just some shaken nerves. One man broke an ankle when he fell off a ladder, but that was the most serious injury. They have downgraded it to a 4.7 (it was a 4.5, then a 4.3, then a 5.1) and we have had several aftershocks, but only a couple big enough to feel.
oh and julchen - im sure u have heard this a million times ! but ive just gone thru it so ill say it now lol,
u r going to stress LOTS, get really worried n probably break down soon lol but no matter what it will work out. and cherish every moment even the stress full ones because the day goes sooooo quickly! one minute im waking up, the next im in my dress n the next im at the reception saying goodbye to people, its really upsetting how quick it goes, im still upset by it lol
good luck !!!!!! i really hope all goes well for u !

Thanks for sharing your wedding pictures! They look great!! You looked beautiful and the entire setting is so romantic :cloud9: I have already had nightmares about the wedding, so far they were rather one dream I was going to show up to the ceremony wearing a ponytail and people would tell me I had to do my hair properly and I am like "why, I always wear a ponytail" :rofl: Then a couple of days later the wedding coordinator emails me the prices of the spa where I was planning to get mine and my bridesmaids hair done...they charge 100US pp for a hair do!!! :wacko: Unfortunately that was not a dream, so maybe I will just wear a ponytail :haha:

Ems - That is a fantastic weight loss!!!

My weight is back to normal, but yeah things are .... shall we say a little flabbier :haha: I was going to get in shape for the wedding but I am only working out twice a week which won't get me that far. I also started tanning, as I have no clue how to get rid of my summer tan lines...:shrug:

Cocoa - Those baby legs are adorable!!! They have some cute ones on ebay for boys which I don't think I will be able to resist much longer.

Hive - Happy 8 months!!!

Kel - Glad Connor is ok!! A few weeks ago Sam crawled off the couch and his lip ended up bleeding too, it freaked me out, but I guess it won't be last time they fall no matter how careful we try to be.

Hope everyone else is well :flower:
Speaking of which, Mika likes to bang on things, and anything you put in his hand he will smack on the floor or his leg, or just hit things with his hand to make noise, including whoever is holding him at the time. Does anyone else have this issue? I don't think he's hitting with the intention of hurting, but it does hurt and I'm not quite sure how to address it...

Sam does that too, or he will go straight for your nose trying to pull it. :dohh: I think most of the time he does it when he is curious and excited. I am guessing it will definetely stop as other skills increase.
thanks guys :) good luck with the save the dates emskins!
bnk - i would freak out with an earthquake! since weve just moved up north, im yet to experience one of the cyclones that happens every year, they think this year will be bad :( woohoo , definately not looking forward to it.
lynn- thats horrible! i hope u sort something out .
apart from the wedding not much to report here, jesse's teeth STILL havent popped thru and they r driving him insane, he woke up 4 nights in a row last week just screaming for hours on end, NOTHING would get him to sleep. i tried so much and nothing worked. its horrible and really heartbreaking, i hate it . he has 2 on the top that have cut thru, u can just see the tiniest amount of white but they arent moving anything further thru, poor thing. his gums are so red and swollen.
had him weighed last friday and he was 11.8kg (26 lbs) !
julchen - its absolutely ridiculous how much hair and make up is for a wedding! i paid 570 dollars (australian) for our makeup and luckily my sisters best friend is a hairdresser so got that really cheap.
oh and jesse does that too! but hes more fond of headbutting! and it hurts, hes made my nose bleed alot lol
Lyn - I'd just straight up ask her - and soften the blow by offering to do her ironing or some chores etc

Kel - poor Connor! They get over it so quickly though don't they. I hope his face heals quickly - lots of magic mummy kisses needed!

GL - I ordered a signing book off Amazon but it still hasn't been sent (out of stock). I should cancel the order really. I just googled a few - I do the american sign for milk as it's easier for babies to do. I'm trying to remember to sign 'food' and 'all done', but I'm not very consistent and I haven't learnt any other signs!

BNK - lol at Mika busting the girls lip! Just a bit heavy handed, bless him. M bangs things too- usually her food on the tray at dinner time :dohh:

Tiger - poor Jesse :-( I'm really dreading M cutting hers after hearing all your tales of woe! Still no sign here though.

M still snotty but better in the day when she's upright - all goes to pot at bedtime though. I can't wait for this cold to be over! Spending quality family time with OH today as he's off work for once, then cleaning to do as I'm cooking a roast for my Mum and Sister tomorrow. Hope everyone has a good weekend x
it doesnt feel like the weekend im so stressed out and DH is at work so just seems lik every other day here
Em: 63lbs, that is outstanding!

Kel: Poor Conner. Poor you! I know you both must have been freaking out. Don't blame yourself, she could have dropped him with you watching. Good thing it was nothing too serious, despite the blood. Lord knows these children are going to bang themselves up a lot over the next few years and the cuts and bruises are going to be as hard on us as it will be on them.

Jul: Have you considered getting a spray on tan? I've never had one, but a lot of my friends get them done and they look quite natural and would cover your tan lines. I did the tanning bed thing too. Weddings are so darn expensive, but you only do it once. I was lucky when I got married as I had been going to my hairdresser for years and she only charged me like $20 each.

Tiger: Hope those teeth hurry up for Jesse. 26lbs, I am impressed!

Lynn: :hugs::hugs:

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