march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Cor can you imagine how big your next one could be Lyn? Makes my eyes water :rofl:

I have to turn the tv off now - usually put it on the radio channels as M will just sit and stare at it for ages. I just put it on when I'm cooking in the kitchen (I can still see her, out house is tiny!) but I can't have her in the kitchen as she either gets in the way or tries to walk her walker into the hot oven :dohh:

Hope everyone is having a good weekend x
lol other than being dead on my feet caus of a long street pastors duty last night and DH working im not having a bad weekend tbh, just need a long soak in the tub after a really long nap lol cant have the bath first caus id fall asleep in there, gonna take me and the boys off for an afternoon nap now hope we all sleep
MM My friend is pregnant and she is currently b/f :thumbup: ooh great you caught the bouqet.

Lynn wow if you are pregnant, guess you will know soon enough, how exciting. Can't wait to see EJ's pic, glad you had fun at thr baby show.

Vegas ahh don't feel so bad about the monitor, i bet she didn't even wake. I use a blanket and so far he hasn't managed to wriggle under it, though i am a bit worried about it.

CocoaOne I hope you find out about your job soon hun.

GL Ha Ha Chase was watching the rugby too! Had it on just waiting for Saturday Kitchen.

So not a lot of news here, sleeping has gone not so great again, although last night he went to sleep with no crying :happydance: getting worried i'm going to be so tired when i go back to work if he doesn't start sleeping longer.

CocoaOne the Mei Tai is a big hit with me and Chase, he rarely naps in the day and both times i've worn it he's zonked out. Today he's been asleep nearly 2 hourd and is still falt out now, he's not even had his lunch yet.. Getting the hang of putting it on but he's such a wriggle bum,. i have to just get him in it then adjust it and tighten it. The back carry is a bit scary, watched the vid loads but not attempted it. Ive put Chase on my back but not felt safe enough to hold him one handed while i sort out the straps.
Here is a few pics of him in it.
fast asleep

edit - omg how many spelling mistakes! ooh i'm getting my new buggy, took the other back yesterday. Hmm i thought it folded the same size as the one i'd returned but its slightly higher, don't dare mention to hubby as he said this buggy had best be right as i'm not getting another, ha imagine if it won't fit in the boot. Mind you the front wheel comes off so i'm sure it will be fine..............
Ah JJ I'm glad you both like it - they are so comfy aren't they? One of my friends has asked me to make her one too, so got a couple of really cute prints to make her one and the pressie one for my other friend. I'm converting people everywhere with tales of how comfy they are. I always get comments when we're out about how snug M looks in hers.

When are you back at work? I hope his sleep improves before then!
It's really comfy and Chase just feels so snug. I love the fact he can put his arms in or out too.

I've got 5 weeks until i'm back to work :cry:
jj - Love the carrier. Gabriel falls asleep easily when I wear him in the sling or carrier we have.
So here's a pic of us in our costumes.
Seity-Oh, that is so adorable!

Lynn-hope you get the result you want. and some rest!

jj-wish I could use a carrier. I loved wearing Mika when he was younger but he really hurts my back now if I wear him. I have to carry him on my good hip or else I hurt really bad. Still, he gets too heavy sometimes.

Mika is usually mesmerized by the TV too, so we try to keep him facing away from it when possible if we are watching. He won't go out of his way to watch it, but if he can see it he loves it. He also has an obsession with daddy's computer. Thank goodness for Kneebouncers!

Our daycare owner swears he has a tooth coming through, but I don't see it! He's still working on the crawling thing. So far he has gotten to be a pro at getting on his hands and knees and going backward. He can also turn himself to face a certain way, but still can't sit up from lying down or crawl forward, lol.
well Ej didnt wake up till about 4 i think this morning but soon after that we had both boys in the bed so i didnt really get much rest till DH got up with them and took them out so i got another 1 1/2 hrs then, going to the park after EJ wakes from his nap and has a feed
Seity I love that pic, how adorable does Gabriel look! you look fab too.

BLK Ahh thats a shame you can't wear Mika, have you tried different carriers? One ,ight suit you better than another. I love mine, Chase is far too heavy to carry without one.

Lynn Enjoy your day at the park hun, it's a lovely day here, really sunny and bright.

So Chase only woke for his lunch yesterday at 3pm! I tried to wake him earlier but he was just so sleepy and wouldn't wake up. I was then worrying about his tea and bedtime, he ended up having it at 7pm, 2 hours late. So at 9pm he'd had one boob (usually had both) and was full of beans, we put him to bed (fully expecting him to cry as he was so wide awake) but he was smiling and tring to reach up for his mobile then when i checked on him 10mins later he was flat out. I had to express as my left boob was so full.

Today went to give him his lunch at 1.20 and he was just crying so gave him a b/f and after it he fell asleep and is still asleep now, its 2.44 so again worrying about his lunch, don't like him having it so late but i can't just miss it out can i? He usually has his tea about 4.30-5. It's really unusual for him to sleep in the day he never does and he is totally flat out :shrug: Anyone else had this what do you do?
sounds like a bit of a growthspurt hun or hes finally settling down for a nap daily and you might need to bring lunch earlier i try to aim for 12.30ish for lunch then by 1.30 Nate can have a nap and Ej and i play till around 3 when he has a feed then a nap
JJ - the mei tei looks great! Where did you get it hun I'm looking to get a new carrier so need to start researching. Also I didn't realise you could do a forward facing front carry in them which is good news.

Re lunch I also do it about 12-12:30 and then she naps after that. She's a bit inconsistent with long naps, she does them more often than she used to but not at a consistent time of day or consistent length. So yeah just bring lunch forward he's probably a bit overtired by the time you try to feed him maybe?

Seity - wow great costumes. At first I thought you were dressed as a boy scout - it looks like the same gear my mum used to wear as a scout leader!

We tried to involve Flora in our Sunday lunch today, she sat with use and we let her have some roast potatoes carrots and broccoli. she was OK for a while but I'm still nervous about chunks so I occasionally take big dodgy looking bits out of her hadn/mouth and she absolutely freaks out at me. She did this today and wouldn't be consoled for long. I finally tweaked she was probably tired and so I put her down and she was asleep in seconds. This was about 3pm so not really her lunch or dinner, just an experiment. She had sweetcorn and pear later for dinner.
Lynn - ooh that would be nice if he is finally taking a nap in the day.

GL - The Mei Tai is fab, i didn't know you could do forward carry until i saw it on youtube, Chase loves this way as he is just so nosy, you can also do a hip carry which looks good too. CocoaOne made if for me and i'm thrilled with it, it was cheaper than the ones i've seen and made in super quick time. I would definately get one of these, i've also got a Baby Bjorn and a ring sling and Chase just feel so comfy and snug in the Mei Tai. Takes a bit of practice getting them in, i've only used it twice and the second times was so much easier.

Yeah l'm still a bit freaked out by big bits of food, if i see Chase break off a bit that he can fit into his mouth i try and take it off him. How did you do the sweetcorn, not tried Chase with it yet and i'd like to.

Chase was so overtired tonight at bed time, finally went down at 9pm, he'd gone down at 8 but was back up at 8.10 :dohh:

Lynn and GL going to take your advice and give him lunch earlier tomorrow and hopefully that will work out better.

Does anyone ever wonder how there doing or is it just me? I constantly worry i'm not doing enough to help Chase develop. He just doesn't seem to have learnt anything new for ages, well not fully. He is trying his hardest to crawl and gets his knees up and does a tiny and i mean tiny shuffle but he's not even trying to copy any words yet, he just kinda shrieks and shouts, also he's not very interested in sitting up, he'd rather be rolling around on the floor as he covers a lot of ground like this, he can sit by himself for a bit but then flops to the side or backwards. I also worry i'm not introducing him to enough different foods, how frequently does everyone introduce new stuff? Its pressure being a mum isn't it, you just want to know your doing everything right and doing all you should be.

I've seen toy at the Early Learning Centre which i'm going to get as Chase can sit up and play with it, so hoping it will encourage him to sit up a bit more.

Hubby just wired the tv up in the bedroom, it's so nice being able to watch a bit of tv in bed, just wathching Bad Santa. Anyone thought about what presents your buying yet? I'm being reined in by hubby, boooooo!!! We've already bought Chase a pop up thing which you put plastic balls in and i've got a few other things i want to get him but that will depend on how much overtime hubby does as to what we get.

Right off to watch the end of the film before i catch some zzzzzzzzz's, well hopfeully if Chase stays asleep.
jj-I feel that way too. Mika still can't crawl, he can do a sort of backwards commando crawl where he pulls himself bacward by his legs, but that's it. He rolls a lot though, so maybe our boys just would rather roll? Maybe it's easier? He can't sit up from lying down, and he's not attempting to pull himself up yet. He still can't work a sippy cup. He doesn't really copy words, and will rarely "converse" with anyone. I worry because he's one of the older of the March babies (since he's a Feb. baby, lol) and I feel like he's behind the younger ones. I guess he will do things on his own time? :shrug: I also worry about food. I don't know if I'm giving him enough solids, or enough variety, or about not having set meal times. What does everyone else do for meals? Are they at set times? Do you have solids every meal or just certain ones? Gotta love Mommy guilt.

I'm sure I'm just expecting too much. He seems to be doing ok overall. Btw, those with reflux-y babies, are your LOs still spitting up a lot? Mika's still spitting up purees and sometimes proper vomiting them up...
jj and cocoa- that mei tai is amazing!! Looks great!

Seity- i love the picture. it's very clever you being the zoo keeper and Gabriel being your monkey :haha:

It's my birthday today so i'm sitting back watching OH do the dishes :rofl:

MM -- hope you had a good birthday!

JJ - I actually asked OH the other day if I should be actively 'teaching' M to do things. Not just generally repeating words for her etc, but trying to teach her new things. He said she learns whenever I do anything around her. It's hard to know what to do, especially as a first time mum.

M sits really well, and although she can roll, she never does. She doesn't really like being on her tummy and back so she sits most of the time. So no crawling yet. We get Dadada duhduhduh sounds, but no mamas or babas. I saw on another thread the other day that someone's 6 month old could say hi! She cam spin around in a circle to get toys if she's on her belly, and gets mega frustrated if they are out of reach - but makes no effort to roll or crawl to get them.

I worry about food. She 'eats' every time I give her food, but probably only a couple of mouthfuls. I think she struggles because she hasn't got any teeth yet. I usually give her something every mealtime, but if we're out at lunchtime, or we get in too late for dinner, I just miss it out - I figure food is still for fun at the mo so it's no big deal.

She doesn't take milk or water from a sippy cup- just spits it out. I try and offer a wide range of foods, but I find it really difficult - I'm not a natural cook! Usually for breakfast M has a fromage frais and fruit, lunch is toast or ricecakes with soft cheese or pita bread and salady stuff - cucumber sticks and tomato. Dinner is usually what I'm having - broccoli and carrots with cottage pie or fish fingers or stir fry etc, fromage frais for pudding, or a baby biscuit/rusk. She had a couple of chips and a couple of finger sized strips of pizza the other day :blush: She doesn't get a massive range of food - I can't afford to buy lots of different things just so she can throw them on the floor of she doesn't like them, so she'sstuck with having what I have. OH eats rubbish (beige foods all the time) so I'm glad he's usually at work when me & M eat!

She was awake from 1:30 - 4am last night for no good reason :coffee:
Ej has the same meals as the rest of us at the same time as the rest of us well the boys normally get dinner a bit earlier , if hes not getting enough variety neither are the rest of us lol, he eats a good amount like will eat 80% of a peice of toast and a few slices of fruit or vege for lunch has what i consider a good size portion of cereal for a child his size for breakfast and probably one to 2 handful sizes ( my hand) of whatever we are having for dinner
BLK Chase has 3 solid meals a day and yeah there at a set time, give or take depending on what were doing. Yeah Chase definately prefers to roll, i wonder if those that sit up aren't bothered with rolling?

CocoaOne Yeah my hubby said the same, the Chase is learning from everything i do and even when we go out in the sling he is learning.

I always give Chase purees and finger foods and the finger foods he doesn't eat a lot they usually end up on the floor most of the time :dohh: and i'm like you money is tight so we don't buy lots of special food for him he just has what we've got in. Hubby is the cook in our house so when he's at work i struggle to think what to give him. He loves homemade soup but i feel he needs to eat more food that smooth stuff.

Oh no CocoaOne you must be knackered!

Its a gorg day again here, cold but so sunny and bright, going to walk into town after lunch with my friend, no doubt Chase will end up in the sling at some point.

Hmm back to the food again maybe we could share things that are a hit to give each other ideas? I hadn't thought of sweetcorn until GL mentioned it so definately going to try that.
Seity: Love the costumes. Just adorable.

JJ: I never knew you could do forward facing in a Mei Tai either. Now you've got me thinking we may need one.

I worry all the time I am not doing enough to help Charlotte develop, but then I think I must be doing way more than my mom did I think I turned out fine (others may argue). I take her on long walks and describe what we see, I read to her (at bedtime), we sing the alphabet song and other silly songs and sometimes I count to her, but I am not sure what else to do.

See my response to BNK for the foods Charlotte likes in case you are interested.

Cocoa: Great job with the Mei Tai. You are so talented!

MM: Happy Birthday! Love your new profile pic.

BNK: Charlotte was born in February and she still can't pull herself up to sit. She can drink from a sippy cup if I give it to her, but she can't take it on her own (well, she could, but that would be too messy). All children develop at different rates. At times this is frustrating (like the fact that my baby is now over eight months old without any teeth), but in time they will all catch up.

We do two meals with solids a day. One at lunch and another at dinner (with a bottle in between). Lunch is usually a banana or other fruit and some oatmeal and or baby yogurt. For fruit bananas are the easiest, but I also give her pear slices, or a puree of apples, peaches or plums. Dinner is either what we are having or I try to make sure she gets a vegetable, some protein, and some sort of carb (usually toast with butter, but sometimes potatoes). For veggies we do broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, green beans, tomatoes or asparagus. The protein is almost always chicken. Also, I sometimes make little baby casseroles and freeze single portions for Charlotte. I've done a chicken, sweet potato and apple casserole (Annabel Karmel's recipe) and a chicken, broccoli, cheese and rice casserole before. She will eat everything so I am lucky.

I think Charlotte has a little tummy bug. We left her at the nursery at church yesterday and I think she may have picked up something. When she woke up this morning I noticed that she had spit up at some point last night because there was stuff on her sheets and on the back of her sleeping bag. Then this morning she has spit up like three times since she had her bottle (about 45 minutes ago) and filled her diaper with some runny stuff. I think I will give her a bit of water to help her keep hydrated. Fingers crossed that this is nothing serious.
I keep losing my reply!! So annoying! something to do with my laptop mousepad which is too sensitive

Anyway! :coffee: Happy Birthday MM :happydance: hope you have a nice day and your OH spoils you.

JJ - I know what you mean I feel the same I always worrry I'm not doing enough to teach Flora things, but she is learning all the time, and I'm always talking and interacting with her if possible. Like M she sits all the time and doesn't really bother rolling, even though she can roll. she gets frustrated on her tummy not being able to go anywhere so I don't leave her there and hence she probably doesn't get enough time to practise getting onto her knees. But a bit each day, she'll get there. No consonant sounds here, the occasional 'bwa' and lots of raspberries.

Cocoa - hun you should go into business! How did you arrange it with JJ re the mei tei? Can you PM me if you're willing/able to make me one I would love you to but of course want to pay you properly. let me know. Bummer about M being awake in the night.

Oh and JJ sweetcorn - boil or steam it, blend it, then pass it through a sieve using a spatula to get rid of the husks. She loves it!

BNK we're doing 3 meals, breakfast is some porridge or toast and a bit of fruit puree, lunch is usually when I give protein which I've only just started doing, she's had lentil and butternut sweet potato and today I made chicken with parsnip and sweet potato which she seemed OK with. DInner about 5 and just bit of veggie puree and some fruit ouree. I give her some sort of finger food with each meal usually so either a piece of melon, carrot, rice cake, toast, she had eggy bread for breakfast the other morning which she loved as well.

I don't really know if I'm doing it right but hey ho, I think we're all doign OK :thumbup:

SO I'm off out tonight with antenatal friends. I was also out on Friday with work friends. I feel like a proper party animal :rofl:

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