march lambs 2010 come on ladies

JJ: Yay for the new toys. Anything that grabs their attention for a while is great.

Seity: Sounds like you have found a good formula for Gabriel's sleep. Hope he keeps it up.

Cocoa: Hope your meeting goes well. I'm sure everyone will love seeing M.

MM: Aren't they so cute practicing their new words? I just wish Charlotte would try out mama again. She used to make a "mama" sound, but no longer does. She prefers "dada". Grrr.

Lynn: Slow motion moving is good. Once they speed up there seems to be no stopping them.

I hear Charlotte stirring in the other room so I guess she is up for the day. Time to go get my little girl.
MM - I don't leave her alone while she's eating (would be too worried about her choking!) but I usually sneak on here on my iPhone, I have to hide it behind my bowl of cereal otherwise M wants the phone!

Well I'm back from the meeting. Our department is at risk - which isnt a surprise, but they are putting around 100 people at risk (out of a total of 440) and 80 will definitely be going. So I'm pretty sure they will scrap our whole department. We won't find out for sure until January, and redundancy will be from 31st March. The HR person confirmed that my redundancy pay would be based on my normal salary - which is a relief!

So it looks like I won't be going back - my official date back is 28th Feb, but I've got 6 weeks of holiday to take, so my first day back in the office would have been 18th April. I'll probably start looking for new jobs after Christmas. In some ways it's good, as I want something closer to home, but I'm worried at the state of the job market. Nothing is ever simple!
Ah, M just finally rolled over from her front to her back, and me and OH were chatting and missed it, just heard a slight thud :rofl:
Cocoa - At least you have a much better idea about what's going on and good news about the pay being based on your normal salary. Congrats M on rolling!

Kept Gabriel up till 10pm again last night and he woke at 1:15am and then slept till 7:15. So much for 'sleep breeds sleep' -Not for my crazy baby!
Seity - M needs just the right amount of sleep, not too much and not too little - but I've not quite learnt how much that is yet!

I'm off to Bluewater today with my mum and sister to do some shopping (mostly window!), might get some Xmas pressies.

Just had a thought - no idea what I'm going to do with M when I need to go for job interviews! Gah. I'll have to utilise MIL I suppose (she's retired). I hate asking people to do things for me, I'm such an independent person usually - which is why I wasn't keen on having kids for ages!
Cocoa- Atleast you know what's going on with your job now. I'm sure it will work out for you either way.

Congrats on M rolling! Ella makes a thud sound too when she goes tummy to back :dohh: She cried the other day coz she wacked her head on the ground hard :cry:

We took a trip to Hanmer today- a wee village about a 1 and a half hour drive away to see my friend, her now husband and daughter. they were there on thier honeymoon and wee just did a wee day trip to see them. We had a spa and took the girls for a walk. i got some cute lily and george toys- a wee elephant blankie thing and a taggy ball seeing as she loves tags!

Well i'm off to beddybyes now it's been a long day. Night all :hugs:


i cant wait to go to Hamner we are going when i get over there for a girls day before my sisters wedding i cant wait last time i went was when i told mum and dad i was coming over here
Lyn - love your new sig!

Bluewater was nowhere near as busy as I thought it would be! Mr Maker from Cbeebies was there doing a signing or something, I didn't think M would fully appreciate it though! Lol
Managed to get 4 pressies for Xmas for friends babies for £18. Bargain.
Hi gang :hi:

Becki, glad you know what's going on, and that your pay will work out OK. However looking for a new job, what a pain! I hope it goes well.

Seity - ah well. I can never get a consistent night's sleep out of Flora. Some nights one feed between 7 and 7, other nights 2 or 3, and almost always at completely different times.

So I've got a meeting tomorrow with work about going back part-time (3 days) and this evening got an email from a colleague who might be taking on the other 2 days, but now feels railroaded into it and although she wants to do the work (more creative and skilled than hers so good experience for her), is unhappy with how it might work out practically speaking. So now I feel bad for going part-time... she's a friend and I understand her position and I feel for her but I feel like its a bit unfair to make me feel bad about my request the day before the meeting.

Anyway work politics hey? Who needs em?

Flora has been absoutely adorable this week. She is eating like a pro, 4 of my antenatal friends are having problems with their babies eating (or rather not eating), so I feel lucky that its going so well. I made a salmon concotion tonight which I'll try on her tomorrow. here is a vid of her enjoying a ricecake.

Oh and Kel, I noticed Flora doing a funny hand thing today, sort of waving it with her fingers spread out. just thought I'd let you know, I think its prob just practising their hand skills and nothing to worry about x
Ah she's so cute - gorgeous blue eyes too. Loving the calculator - fab idea for them to bash! I might have to get one for M, she's always after our phones or the tv remote.

What a pain about your colleague! And I agree, not cool for her to tell you now- why couldn't she have voiced it when she found out? Don't let her put you off though, I hope your meeting goes well :flower:
hey ladies !!!
i have great news! jesse is finally sleeping thru and im SOOOO happy. hes been doing 10 hours. usually 8pm-6am but a few days hes done 8-7! woohoo so excited. im loving it lol .
and..... his tooth finally cut thru!! just the tinyest bit at the moment but a little further than the others.
last night getting him to sleep was bad though, took an hour because he was just screaming at us, im pretty sure it was his teeth again .
MM- are you guys engaged or just talking about it ?
LYNN- im in the same boat, i think i may be pregnant, AF due tomorrow so will find out. We had unprotected sex on our wedding night (not something i thought of packing for the hotel lol) n i worked out i was ovulating :( im on the pill but have been on strong antibiotics n was told to use condoms too.
jesse isnt completely crawling yet, he tries so hard, at the moment just dragging himself everywhere lol.
cant remember who was worried about the hand thing ???? :shrug: jesse does it all the time, and with his feet as well so dont worry about it, they r just learning , i think its so cute lol .
jesse isnt eating anything chunky yet, he chokes on everything. hes on 3 tubs of pureed food or mashed potato a day. i tried giving him bannana n stuff like that but he chokes as soon as the chunks go down his throat, n its a proper choke too and about 100ml of formula comes up too :(
oh n i wanted to add a few more piccies :)
thats my sister (she was bridesmaid) n me
us n jesse
me getting my makeup done lol
n another of me jesse n jonno

these arent the professional ones, im waiting on those still lol
Tiger- We arnt engaged and havn't talked much about it lol.

The photos are gorgeous xx
Ah lovely pics tiger. And fab that jesse is sleeping through now!

M has been having bad nights again, so me and OH need :coffee: a lot!

She is so close to crawling though! It's so frustrating watching her struggle with it, but I know she'll get it eventually.
love the pics kris
andi you had best talk to ur OH about it dont you think

my siggie change was after a thread in BC where they were asking why people put so much info about themseleves in their siggies etc..... andi went looking for a twin breastfeeding blinkie for someone and couldnt find any so had to find a glitter generator and make one for her
GL - Such a cute video. She's a very good eater!
tiger - Lovely pictures. You are so young! Gabriel is still dragging himself around, not 'proper' crawling. He's very efficient at it, so I don't know if he'll bother trying to properly crawl at all. I can never get him to sit either because he always wants to be moving or standing.

So far so good with the sleep. Gabriel has only been waking the once each night and I'm loving it. He sleeps two 4 - 4.5 hour blocks, so I've finally been getting a 4 hour block of sleep on a regular basis (at least so far this week) and I definitely feel more alert. I was even rested enough to get a little :sex: with the OH after one of the feeds (with a condom, don't want to risk a baby)
The new refrigerator showed up yesterday, so no more going up and down the stairs to the basement every time we need something. :yipee:
GL - what a lovely video!! She is soooo cute!
Tiger - I love the pictures.

So glad to hear a lot of the little ones are starting to sleep better (Cocoa - I am sure it is just a phase and will soon get better! Fingers crossed!!) Sam has been waking twice the past few nights, which is fabulous for him. He is doing great otherwise but it seems he has not learned a lot of new things lately. Not stressing though.

We are still scrambling...the wedding is sneaking up quickly, I still need nails, hair and a tan done besides all the other little things. IT would not be so bad if it was for the fact that I can only do these things at night when OH can watch Sam. I had a little alteration done to my dress and the seamstress took it in too much on the zipper, so now my dress is super tight and on top of everything else I have to get rid of a couple of pounds or practise shallow breathing :rofl: Went to hot yoga the other night, first time, I loved it - although the first 20 minutes I thought I would pass out.

We are debating whether to bring a car seat to Mexico. I am pretty sure the only time we will be on a vehicle is the bus from the airport to the resort...well and maybe once into town. But the last time we were there they did not even have working seatbelts in the cab and the bus does not have any anyway. So not sure about that one yet although I feel terrible about even considering to not bring it. I am also wondering on what to pack for Sam...I am a bit nervous he could get sick there from the food, so I will make sure to have lots of Tylenol for him and food as well. Will get his flu shot on Saturday too.
i have introduced myself on here before, but always forget to check back :dohh:
so again, i'm anna and noah was born on 5th march 2010 :D
i was reading the 'baby & bump awards' thread in baby club and someone mentioned we're not allowed to do a bnb one but we can do ones specific to our group... so is anyone interested in doing march lambs awards??

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