march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Vegas - poor Charlotte :-( I hope it's just a random spitting up occurrence, and not a tummy bug :hugs:

GL - will PM you. I wish I could be a party animal! Damn M and her EBM issue. I missed out on my cousin's birthday last week which I was gutted about - I was planning on leaving M as she'd been sleeping ok for the first part of the night, but then she got I'll so it went out the window. Typical!
Happy belated birthday MM!
jj - I worry about G's development too. I think it's only natural to worry. I worry about giving him enough food too. Since I'm not home during the day, I try and offer him something at breakfast while I'm eating. Pretty much mini graham crackers, oyster crackers, or applesauce. He doesn't seem to mind too much that there's not much variety, which is good. I think he's only just starting to figure out he should be eating the food. Most of it ends up on the floor. I don't even get the chance to eat dinner until he's in bed for the night, so we're only doing the one meal a day.
vegas - I hope the spitting up passes and it doesn't turn into anything more serious.
GL - Way to go on getting out.
Vegas- I hope Charlotte is feeling better :hugs:
MM- Happy Belated Birthday! :happydance:

I worry about Connor's development all the time. He finally started army crawling last week, which seems behind. He doesn't pull himself up, he doesn't get to a sitting position from his tummy.
He does seem ahead in his eating abilities. He has perfected his pincher grasp. He will eat anything and everything. He can pick up anything including little stuff like cheerios. Almost nothing ends up on the floor. He gags sometimes, but has never thrown up. He now has 5 teeth, and number 6 is on its way.
I have video I want to download for you to see for two reasons. One so you can see how well he eats, but also because he does this weird thing with his hands. He always holds them up and wiggles his fingers. Everyone calls them his spirit fingers. My DH thinks its an early sign of autism. He does all day, and I have never seen a baby do that before. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but it worries me.
Below is the video. At 1:05 you can see him do the hand thing.
Ah Kel he eats so well!

Is the hand thing a relatively new occurrence? I'd be inclined to say he's just practicing using his hands, like when they crawl in their sleep as the learn/have learnt how to do it.
I'm pretty sure I remember my friends baby doing something similar around the same age.

I think we all worry about things like autism. M never looks at me when feeding, which is apparently a sign, but she's fine in everything else so I don't worry too much. I think I read that the most important things to look for re:autism is a baby that never looks at you or holds your gaze and lack of smiling by 6 months.

Oh any my friends baby has only been army crawling for 3-4 weeks and is 9 months old. She gets up on her hands and knees and rocks, but doesn't properly crawl. I think she can sit up from lying down, but can't pull herself up to standing.
hes adorable hun, i wouldnt worryabout the hand thing at this age both my boys have odd things they do that ive not seen other kids do but hey they are all individual right?

well the sore nipples isnt going away and EJ is defo teething again, he settled for DH the other night when i was out so im wondering if its better to have DH get him in the night rather than me so he doesnt automatically get fed lol ,Nate is being very persistant in getting into our bed in the morning which this morning he started about 5am which didnt impress DH lol cant wait till we get the housing thing sorted and hopefully have either a larger room or seperate room from the boys, got 3 days before i can (early) test and i dont know what im thinking anymore one min im excited next im freaking out over the idea of having another baby this soon but my spd was twinging in the shower this morning but that could be down to a number of things
Kel - he's very good with his hands isn't he? Don't know about the spirit fingers thing but as Cocoa says its probably getting used to those muscles..? I don't know much about early signs of autism actually, never even thought about it. If you're worried you could take him to the docs just to put your mind at rest.

Oh and Flora is way off army crawling, she's only a few weeks younger, so I wouldn't say its late particularly? Apparently some babies skip crawling altogether and just go straight to walking :shrug:

So I had a nice dinner with 2 other mummies last night, we got a bit tipsy and talked babies all night of course! Flora only woke once in the night for a feed to I felt good this morning. Pity about the rubbish weather!
Lynn, happy 7 months to EJ! Keep us posted on the preg test xx
ohh it is 7months today isnt it, wow cant believe its been that long, and hes slowly shoving himself forward around the room using solely his legs atm its cute he gets his bum all up in the air, then he has to lie down and rest and he lays there on his tummy with his head to the side its soo cute
hey ladies!

We are in Canada!!! Whoot whoot! So glad to be here, we are having such a great time with family and friends, and soo many babies!

Wren has handled the 9 hour time difference like a pro, I can't quite believe it actually. She is sleeping better than ever before, infact she is still asleep, it had been nearly 14 hrs...although she has woken for feeds throughout but still....amazing! The flight was Ok, could have been worse could have been better she would only sleep in my arms evenb though we had a cot, everytime we put her in it she woke up....oh well

I try wedding dresses on this thurs/fri, so excited! We saw 1 venue yesterday and another today, busy busy! We left Wren with her Amma and great Aunt and Unvle for an hour yersterday, we came home and she was really crying. I found it a bit stressful as it was the first time someone besides Sam or I had been looking after her and she was really upset. We are going to do it agian today I think....ohh my poor heart but I know it is good for her and she was well looked after but it is soo hard to leave her!

Will try to catch up on older posts but i hope you are all well
aww good to hear the flight was ok hun, have fun with your family
Kel: Conner is great feeding himself. I think our babies have excelled at eating rather than crawling and such as they are both most interested in eating. The rest will come. I wouldn't worry much about Autism at this point (though, like you I am always on the lookout for signs). I think like Cocoa said he is just getting used to his hands and arms and moves them however he wants.

Lynn: Hope the next three days go by quickly for you. Keep us posted. And happy 7 months to EJ.

Em: Glad to hear the flight went OK. You must be having so much fun with the wedding planning. It can all be a bit exhausting, but enjoy.

Charlotte is feeling much better today. She was not sick again after the morning, but took a four hour nap, which is unheard of. Something must have been bothering her. Also, does anyone else have a baby who cries out in their sleep, but doesn't wake up? Charlotte has been doing this lately, but only during her naps. As usual I am chalking it up to teething.
Kel Wow connor is very good at feeding himself. I think he is probably just getting used to his hands, Chase moves his hands quite a lot when he's sat in his highchair, mostly when he's chucked all his toys on the floor and he's got nothing to do while i pick them up. It's like he's getting used to how he can move his fingers.

EmskinsGlad the flight was ok. Have fun wedding dress shopping i loved choosing mine and trying lots on.

Vegas ahh thats good Charlotte is feeling better hun. Yeah Chase will quite often cry in his sleep, it's horrible isn't it.

Lynn Happy 7 months EJ. Ooh i'm excited to know if your pregnant hun, whatever the result it will all work out.

Glad to see i'm not alone with the worrying, we'll probably worry for ever now about something.

My bestfriend just found out she is pregnant, it will be her second baby, it happened really quick as they had only just started trying. So excited for her :happydance:

It's been a horrible rainy day today so CocoaOne i made your cookie receipe this afternoon, there yummy, except i wasn't quite right on the timing and there not gooey enough in the middle, will do some more on Thursday as i've still got over half the mixture left.

So i got Chase his new toy yeserday, also picked up a buggy driver as it was reduced from £20 to £10 and both toys have been great for keeping him sat up, he was sat playing with them for ages before, at least 15 mins before he wobbled to the side which i was made up with, usually he will wobble after a few mins. He's so cute he sits there turning the wheel like he's driving and with his other toy he was actually spinning bits and moving them, most of the time he will just bang his toys.
Em - Glad to hear the flight was ok and the time change didn't cause too much of a problem.
Kel - Connor eats like a pro. Gabriel does the same triangle dual hand fingers to pick up the oyster crackers, he just needs to figure out the whole swallowing thing still, but he's slowly improving. He also wiggles his fingers a lot and stares at them often while doing it too. I'm pretty sure that's just their brains practicing fine motor skills, so it's a good thing. Connor seems way too alert and interactive with others to be autistic to me.
Lynn - Happy 7 months EJ!
vegas - Glad to hear Charlotte is doing better.

I think Gabriel sleeps better when we keep him up until 10pm. He only woke at 2 am last night and then didn't get up for the day until 7 this morning.
Seity - he must just be a night owl. Glad you've found something that works though, and on the plus side - you get to spend more time with him after work!

JJ - Congrats to your friend! I find the best thing to do is keep an eye on the cookies and take them out just as the edges start going golden. My old oven used to take 8 mins, but this one takes 10-11 at the same temp.

Vegas - Glad Charlotte is better. M sometimes whimpers in her sleep, sounds like she's awake, but isn't!

Emskins - enjoy trying the dresses on! Have a fab time with your family too x

Lyn - happy 7 months to EJ!

GL - glad you had a good time x

Well I'm writing this as M eats breakfast, then we're in a rush. Work phoned yesterday to invite me to a meeting as some more details are being released today about the redundancies. Got to be there at 10:30, which means leaving here at 9am. Itsso hard to get ready quickly with a baby in tow! Haven't got anyone to look after M (even if she would take a bottle :dohh: so she's got to come with me. And typically, she's learnt a new 'word' - babababab - so is repeating in very loudly. I hope she's quiet in the meeting!
Ooh CocoaOne hope all goes ok at your work meeting hun, least u get to get to find out a bit more. God I'm dreading getting ready for work an havin to get Chase ready too, we'll have to get up about 5am. Hope M behaves for you and isn't too loud.

Hmm Chase has just had a feed and is flat out on me, think I may have another sneaky 30 mins with him x
good luck at the meeting becki
my boys are having a breakfast picnic on the floor after i rescued Nates chocie bears from EJ who grabbed them the moment i put him down
Hi mummies :hi:

Vegas- Ella sometimes cries out in her sleep but usually stops before i need to intervene :flower:

Seity- yay for good sleep! i bet you are happy :)

JJ- congrats on your friend being pregnant! :baby:

Cocoa- goodluck for the meeting. you're lucky you can leave M to eat brekkie herself. The only thing I'm comfy with leaving Ella unsupervised is a rusk :haha:

Ems- i'm glad you are having a good gtime in Canada. How exciting for the wedding dresses! After seeing my friend get married on saturday I wouldn't mind a nice fancy wedding after all :blush:

Lynn- Happy 7 months EJ!! That's so cute how he is moving fowards. Ella still only does 360s :rofl: Goodluck for the testing! I will be stalking :coffee:

Kel- I wouldn't worry too much. Ella does spazzy hand and arm movements all the time and she too isn't army crawling. Trying to watch your video but my internet is going too slow. i might just let it sit for a bit and load. :dohh:

GL- i don't think there is any spec ific "right or wrong" way on how you do feeding. Just trust your instincts i'm sure you are doing a great job :hugs:
We do one meal of custard/fruit/yoghurt/museli in the avo and then meat and veges at night! A mix of BLW and traditional weaning.

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes :hugs:

Ella is talking alot more now. baba and dada are her favourite words at the moment :cloud9:

its slow motion but he somehow gets around the floor with rolling, turning and inching his way forwards its cute, hes busy exploring toys atm hes obsessed with the labels on stuffed toys and this bell toy i have thats a wodden bear with a bell in its tummy its got a clip to hang from stuff but he pulls it off and chews it
Ella is obsessed with labels too! It's the tags of everything she wants not the actual toys lol

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