march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Hi anna. I think it could be fun to do some awards.

havent been in here in a while :shock:

just an update on us:

Hunter now has 7 teeth (4 on top, 3 on bottom) he has just cut the last 5 in a matter of about a week and a half :wacko: its been rough!

He weighed 17lbs 3oz last tuesday.

And he took his first steps 2 days ago :happydance: he was just cruising along the couch quickly as he was in a giddy hyper mood then stepped a few steps without holding on toward me :D it was a monumental moment! He has been doing it quite a bit since then but never when I want him too :haha: If he concentrates on it, he loses his nerve. It's like it needs to be natural and he needs to just be playing and not thinking about it.

He has also slipped and hit the coffe table twice in the last few days and bit his tongue and bled :cry: Once with me and once with daddy. But that has nothing to do with the new steps. It was just when he was standing there playing when i was with him and i think his trousers tripped him up (they had come un rolled). When OH was with him and it happened (tonight), he was climbing on his toddle truck and OH was trying to get him. It really has me scared that he is going to get seriously hurt but I cant wrap him in bubble wrap! :cry:

We have a photographer coming Sunday mornng to do some photos so i am looking forward to that!

And his sleep has been atrocious! Its been mainly to do with the teething but i suspect its partly developmental as well

Hope all of you are well! Looking forward to our babies first halloween I suspect! :flower:
anna - im interested :) what do we do ? lol
DM2 - welcome back. i cant believe hes taking steps already when jesse isnt even proper crawling yet lol. some babies r really advanced. n 7 teeth!! u poor thing, its rough enough with jesse lol
seity - thank you :flower: im not that young though. well sort of but im ready to settle down n have babies etc :)
Anna - sounds like a fun idea!

DM2 - wow! Hunter is advanced! M is still toothless and not crawling. She was pulling herself up onto her knees on her toy box yesterday to root through it- seemed so strange to see her do something so toddler-like!

Good night here finally - woke at 3 for a feed, then half 6, so came in with us for a feed and a snooze until 7:30. I'm certainly feeling more refreshed!

UK girls - what are your plans for the clocks changing? Are you putting LO to bed at normal time, or a bit later? I'm really worried that M is going to start waking for the day at 5am! 6am I can probably handle, but not 5. Urgh!
lol im just putting them to bed as normal and getting them up as normal even if it means they fuss a bit for a couple of days in the morning then they will adjust i found faffing about with it when they are too young to notice was a waste of time
@tiger - its like people get 'awards' for things like biggest baby, smallest baby, most hair, most lookalike to mum/dad, i think it was the august 2010 mums that did it. we can make new ones too :D there was a big thread with loads of suggestions in baby club.... here!

@DueMarch2nd - noah (almost) has 7 too :D same ones as well. he's had his bottom 2 since 4 months, top 2 sprung up a few days ago and bottom one came through yesterday! his 'fangs' are on their way and that'll make 7!

do the clocks change tonight?? back or forwards?
Tiger Gorgeous pics hun, you look beautiful.

CocoaOne It makes such a difference when you get a good nights sleep doesn't it. Glad M gave you a good night hun.

Anna Hi :wave: ahh your little boy is so cute, love the pic of him in the santa outfit. The clocks go back at midnight hun.

Well Chase had his best nights sleep last night for a while, he woke at 11.30, 4 and 7.15 which is really good, lately his sleep has been just awful :wacko:

So this morning he kinda crawled, well sort of, he shuffled along the floor :happydance:

We went to my friends little boys party to day and Chase was just fascinated watching all the older children play.

So i've expressed a bit and going to see if he'll take it later, not tried him with a bottle for ages, but got to start introducing one for when i go to work so hopefully he'll take it.

Hmm so on the eating front we've taken a step back and i'm not sure what to do. He was getting really good at eating bits, then on Tuesday he had a bit of pasta and he was sick everywhere, Thursday morning he had some scrambled egg which he's been eating for a while now and really enjoying, except this time when he'd nearly finished he started heaving and was sick again, then last night after his tea and pureed fruit i gave him a stick of cucumber, he was really enjoying it then all of a sudden heaving and sick everywhere, he must have brouhgt up all his tea. It's like all of a sudden he can't take lumps, which is what he was like at first. I'm scared to try him again as its horrid when he's sick. Don't know what to do?

Well i'm off to put his pj's on as he's knackered, bet he won't go to bed though.
Thanks hun :hugs: aww how awful him being sick, dont know what to suggest. Hope it stops soon though.

How do everyones LOs sleep? Noah sleeps terribly :nope: i think it may have been his teeth though cos last night was SLIGHTLY better than normal. But he still wakes a few times every night.
Thanks everyone for making me feel better about the hand thing! He has been doing it for awhile so I was worried that it wasn't just a developmental thing.
Anna- :hi: Noah is such a cutie! I guess I am one of the rare lucky ones who has a baby that sleeps very well! I hope Noah sleep gets better soon :hugs:
JJ- Sorry to hear Chase is having a regression with food. Just take it slow. I know if I put too much on Connor's tray then he will try and shove everything in his mouth at once.
Dm2- I always love when you come and update us on Hunter. He is so adorable and so advanced. Connor has 6 six teeth now, and eats like a pro. He still hasn't progressed past the army crawling.
GL- Great video of Flora. She is eating really well. I love her big blue eyes, she is just gorgeous!
Tiger- You look lovely in your wedding dress! Looks like you had a great day!
Anna - M's sleep is really random. She's never slept through, the longest stretch she's ever managed is 8 hours (8-4), a good night is one waking for food between 2-4, a normal night is two wakings usually 2 and 5, and a bad night can be 4-6 wakings all over the place!

JJ - I hope Chase took the bottle. I've got no idea about the sick thing :shrug: Does he seem distressed after being sick? If not, I'd say just keep offering and hopefully it's just a phase.
DM2 - Hunter is very advanced. I put my videos on youtube and then just put the link to the video in the reply.
tiger - I think there's only one March mom who's not at least 5 years younger than me. :haha:
anna - Gabriel's never been a good sleeper up until this past week he had improved to only waking 2-3 times a night, but this past week he's started to wake only the once.
Gabriel is still toothless and still teething like a fiend. I'm starting to think he's going to get his molars before any of his incisors.
I'm a bit worried about the time change and expect he'll be waking me at 5am, but I'm not planning to do anything about it except hope it doesn't screw up his sleep too much now that he's sleeping well (for him).
It's 6:40 (so 7:40 really) and M is still asleep :dance:

She's slept in our bed last night as I had to go in and resettle her 5 times from 11-12. I'm convinced the teeth are giving her jip, but still no sign yet. The bottom front two look lumpy behind the gum (not sure if that's normal though :shrug:) and she's had rosy cheeks for ages now
my boys had an up and down night EJ woke twice before i went to bed but settled himself again and then slept well till at least 5 maybe it was a bit after then got into our bed and fed twice before we got up, Nate woke about 6 i think cant be sure lol i found him playing doctor suess on my Dh's iphone
No teeth here, and sleep is OK just 2 small feeds in the night usually 11:30ish and 5:30ish, which means I get about 6 hours straight sleep. I have been timing her feeds and trying to reduce the length of them at night, problem is they are only about 2 minutes long, so I've been counting to 1 min 45 secs and then taking her off. Tonight I'll try 1 min 30 sec. .. maybe I'll try giving her water instead at some point as I'm pretty sure by now that she's only feeding for comfort not sustenance.

This morning she wasn't 'up for the day' until just before 7, which is 8am old time, so she's started off her day in the right kind of rhythm for the new time change already! Weird. Its getting her to bed that concerns me, she will be really tired by 6pm as she'd normally go to bed by then old time. So we'll see what happens.
CocoaOne He's not bothered after he's been sick but he looks a bit panicked when its happening as it just gushes out :sick: Think i'll have to give him his finger foods before i feed him so there won't be as much if he is sick.

Chase's gum at the top looks all lumpy, i presumed this was down to teething too.

GL If thats all Flora is feeding for i would try water, Chase feeds for 20mins when he wakes up :wacko:

So Chase took about an ounze from his bottle, i can see him not having any milk in the afternoon once i return to work.

Chase ended up staying up late last night, he fell asleep on me early so i put him to bed but he woke after 10 mins crying and wasn't going to stop so we got him up. He had a good sleep though, woke at 4 then at 7.30.

He's being funny today though and has hardly had any milk? He had some about lunch time, but only one side, he'd usually have had some mid morning and both sides at lunch? Ahh he had jelly for his lunch pudding today, found them yesterday in Tesco some Muller ones, he liked it but initially when it went into his mouth he'd pull a funny face, near the end when he took a big mouthful he started heaving, but luckily as jelly disolves he wasn't sick.
That's a really short amount of time for a feed GL. It takes Gabriel 40 minutes to eat during the night. It's crazy that you get up twice and manage a 6 hour block of sleep and now that I'm only getting up once I get 6 hours broken sleep and only a 4 hour block.
Noah normally goes to bed at 6pm but last night he went down at 7pm... and still woke up at 5am :cry: (we're normally up at 6.20ish so i guess it was 6am really)
he was shattered and fell asleep today at 5.30pm so looks like another early start for me :sleep:
Noah normally goes to bed at 6pm but last night he went down at 7pm... and still woke up at 5am :cry: (we're normally up at 6.20ish so i guess it was 6am really)
he was shattered and fell asleep today at 5.30pm so looks like another early start for me :sleep:

I wish i could get Chase down so early, tonight he was still full of beans at 8.30 :wacko: mind you he likes to sleep in. Going to start getting up early though in preparation for me returning to work so maybe he'll start going to bed early then? Ahh i hope Noah decides to have a lie in for you hun x

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