march lambs 2010 come on ladies

thanks hun. i wish he would go to sleep a little later, like even 7-7 would be much more bearable. but hes having none of it lol x
Hi ladies :hi:

Havn't been on in a few days. :blush:

Anna- Nice to see you in here!!! :friends:
Ella sleeps pretty good. She goes to bed about 7, wakes up about 11 for a wee feed then again about 6 for a wee feed and then up for the day about 9.30.

DM2- Sorry to hear about Hunter hurting himself :hugs: Ella fell off the bed once and it was sooo scary. Accidents happen though. I agree, you can't wrap them in bubble wrap. He has got so many teeth! We have none yet and no signs either! That is sooo exciting about Hunter taking his 1st steps. you must be soo proud!! Is he crawling??
I upload videos to youtube (and make it the unlisted setting so only those with the link can view) Then i post the link on here.

Cocoa- Our clocks changed fowards a few weeks ago. I put her to bed about 8 instead of 7 like I normally would but she has now adjusted back into her 7 o clock routine. I just cant keep her awake any longer lol.

I went to a halloween party on Sat night. i was a pedestrian crossing from the 80s lol.

MM - what does a pedestrian crossing from the 80s costume look like? :rofl:

Seity - I know its very short, but she has pretty short feeds in the day as well, max 4-5 minutes per side. I only give her 1 side at night and I guess I'm pretty lucky that its so quick. As for wakings well its still a bit inconsistent but its pretty OK that she's doing a long sleep in the dead of night so to speak. I am not holding my breath that its going to stay like that though.

last night was great, short feed (less than 2 mins) at about 11:30 again, then she slept through until 6:15. So I feel very human today. I did give her a few ounces of formula before bed, I do wonder if that has anything to do with it, but she still woke at 11:30 so not sure if it makes a difference. I only gave it her because I didn't have enough pumped milk for the bedtime bottle which is kind of a ritual, and apparently the formula has to be used within 4 weeks so I wanted to get some of my money's worth :haha:. She had already had a BF and quite a lot of solid at dinner so she only managed about 2.5 oz anyway.

She has a bit of a cold last couple of days and is sounding kind of wheezy, but other than that she seems fine, very chirpy in fact. She is desperately trying to go somewhere on her mat and goes from sitting into a half crawl position with one leg under her and one leg behind her. SHe then ends up falling on her face a lot :dohh: so cute.
GL - M does that too - we call it her stabiliser leg! Lol. She's desperate to crawl but just ends up pushing herself backwards at the mo, she's getting better at getting up on her knees though.

Seity - M has short feeds - 4-5 mins day and night. I can usually tell within a few seconds of her latching on if she's hungry or not- she doesn't suck in the same way. She generally takes a full feed at night, so I presume she needs it :shrug:
Last night wasn't too bad - woke at 11 & 3:30 for feeds and up at just before 7

I think she's started to sign 'milk' now too. I'm not 100% sure, because her hand clenching isn't as pronounced as mine, but I'm hoping she's worked it out. Is Gabriel still signing? My book turned up the other day - nearly 4 months after I ordered it :dohh:
i know why EJs not making more effort at crawling, lol, hes a bum shuffler :rofl: we were at my friends place yesterday and they have hardwood floors and i sat him down and within min he had shuffled his way across the room lol
GL and Cocoa your so lucky having such short feeds, Chase's shortest is 20 mins.

MM we need a picture of you in your outfit as i too want to know what it looks like.

Ahh Lynn how cute, hubbys sister was a bum shuffler and never crawled, just shuffled then walked.

So i'm going to be good and walk into town after lunch, need a birthday present for my mum.

Also excited but trying to not get my hopes up, my mum has been offered a bungalow 5 mins up the road from me, she currently lives a 40 min drive away. Even though she has been offered it shes got to fill in a form still to make sure she qualifies for it :wacko: its with the council a scheme for the over 55's so its cheaper than renting privately, she's only just 55 but there is a warden on site so thimk they need to ensure she fits the criteria, even though she was told she could apply for it. She has asthma and for the last 3 years has had really bad attacks and been ill for 6 weeks with it so they said this should be enough for her to get it but who knows. I hate her being so far away as i can't just call in on her and get her anything she needs. Will be so made up to have her so close just hope she gets it, i'm patiently waiting to hear from her :coffee: :wohoo: :coffee:.

Yeah so i finally got round to ordering our new buggy, hopefully it will be here this week and i won a footmuff for it for £8.50 on ebay, fingers crossed it will fit in our car.
i was a bum shuffler myself lol as were some of my sisters i just hadnt considered it being an option for my boys lol now i just need hardwood floors poor boy cant go anywhere on carpet
Hi everyone. I've been busy the last few days so just now catching up. I can't believe we already have a baby walking! Wow!

Halloween was a lot of fun here. We must have had 200 or more kids come to our door. We dressed Charlotte up as a spider and had her sitting with us on the front porch as we handed out candy. DH made the mistake of letting her have a small (which she loved) and she ended up with a sugar high. No more sweets for her for a long time.
lynn - That is so cute about the bum shuffling!
jj - I hope your mom can get the place. It sounds nice.
vegas - That's a great turnout. We don't get anyone at our house. I think they prefer to go downtown where there are more houses close together. My OH always buys tons of candy though... for himself. :haha:
cocoa - It could be the milk sign. That's usually the first one they pick up on. Hurray, for finally getting the book.

Gabriel always takes at least 20 minutes to eat. Our clocks change next week and I hope for the best especially because....
Gabriel slept through the night for the first time last night! :happydance: :yipee: :happydance:
I think his potential future teeth were really bothering him last night because my OH couldn't get him to bed until just before I got home from hockey at 10pm, but he slept until 6:30 (his usual wakeup time). It took him 8 months, but he's finally getting there!
Lyn - go EJ! We thought M might be a bum shuffler, but shows more interest in moving on her front now

JJ - fingers crossed for your mum

Seity - I'm soooooo happy for you (and Gabriel) And it also gives me hope :haha:
Seity: Congrats on the sleep. Let's hope this is a trend that sticks.

So not sure what the issue is today, but Charlotte has pooped four times already and it isn't even 3pm! Could one mini lollipop be responsible? Maybe it is her non-existent teeth? She was crying so hard earlier (because I believe she was in pain) that I gave her some Tylenol and I never do that. She is much happier now.
Seity :yipee: well done Gabriel.

Vegas - Same here, Flora did 4 poos today and they seemed to cause her real pain when she was pushing them out and she got really upset. She also got upset just for no reason a lot this afternoon and all over a sudden started spitting drool everywhere. Could a tooth be on the horizon? I gave her calpol before her lunchtime nap because she was so snotty and seemed a bit upset and she slept for an hour and 15 mins (which is really long for her). See how she goes tonight.

JJ - Hope you're mum gets the place it'll be good for you to be nearer to her and vice versa. My parents have decided to take a year out from Oz and live over here near us so I can completely understand your excitement x

ETA its Flora's 7 month birthday today!
Happy 7 months Flora!

Seity, that is great! I hope it stays that way and I ish Hunter could learn a thing or 2 from Gabriel!

Got a video for you ladies. First Steps are exciting! This was taken today, a few days after the first steps obviously but still counts! :haha: we can't always get their firsts on video especially as we can't anticipate when they'll do them. I had recorded a few before these but the lighting was terrible so this is better.... and i have no idea how to make it the right way up :dohh:
Happy 7 months Flora!
DM2 - That is a cute video. I'm still amazed that he's walking already.
Aw, thanks ladies. I sure hope tonight is good as well. He's just down for the night now, so I'll be finding out soon enough.
DM2 -thats amazing, i cant believe hes walking.
jesse is going to crawl completely in the next week i think, he gets himself on all fours and rocks back and forth for ages (until he trys to move forward n falls flat on his face lol)
hes also got 2 more teeth about to cut :)
im having a bad time at the moment, was due for AF a few days ago and yesterday n i was having cramps n then suddenly they just got horriffic! i was hunched over unable to move, i was screaming n crying.
went to the hospital, and a cyst on my ovary has ruptured and started bleeding. the cramping was meant to subside naturally in a few hours n they said if the cramping continued overnight i may have to get it removed as its not normal. and low and behold.... im still cramping.
so ive come to the conclusion....
oh and anna - im up for it ... how do we start it ?
Hi girls, sorry it's been so long xx I find myself getting overwhelmed when I haven't been in for even a day and there are so many posts, then I have to pluck up the courage to come back in :blush: And Lachlan tends to make it hard to reply to everybody - what was a placid little guy is now a...sometimes placid little guy?! :rofl: I exaggerate really, but he's requiring a lot more playing with than he ever used to, and is also hungry a LOT (and teething never helps either does it! :dohh:).

Lachlan's started rolling around a lot more, he was quite happy to just lie on his back for awhile but now he will roll right across the room if he wants to. I'm watching him playing on his tummy with some toys and he really looks like he wants to crawl for them, this is the first time he's ever looked like he's wanted to. I guess time will tell, I'm quite happy with him not crawling for the time being, rolling can be stressful enough sometimes!! He doesn't rock at all yet so who knows really!!

He had a lovely walk with his poppa this morning (Tom's dad), got a call from him to ask if he could take him out for a walk because it's a beautiful day here today. He said they saw three trains while they were out, I bet bubs loved that. Bernie (Tom's dad) is such a nice guy.

We have a third tooth coming through, Lachlan has had the bottom two from about 6 months and is now randomly cutting the one to the side of his bottom teeth, on his right, our left. He has been so crabby. It's through but not too far up yet.

He's babbling all the time - says "mama" "dada" "nana" "baba" and random garbled noises :lol: Mama is his favourite right now, especially when grumpy...figures!

He has got a very tempetuous nature for now, I had always seen hints of it but now it's definitely shining through. He can be very fiesty. Gets it from me, I temper is awful!

He is sitting but will still fall over from time to time and isn't sitting confidently yet, I always wonder when that will be. He fell flat on his face this morning, poor poppet. Screams all around (from him, mainly :lol:).

Cocoa - That is so cool that M's quite probably signing milk!! Wish I'd actually got around to teaching Lachlan to sign, I guess I still could but then I'm not sure whether I'm returning to work soon so I guess there wouldn't be much point :shrug:

Seity - Congrats on Gabriel sleeping through!! :dance:

Vegas - I hope Charlotte feels better soon, poor wee thing x The poop thing could very well be teething!

GL - Happy 7 months Flora!! :happydance:

DM2 - Oh my goodness! That is so clever, I can't believe Hunter's walking! Congrats :D
By the way - do you have Windows Movie Maker? There is an effect on there that you can rotate the vid with xx

Tiger - Huge *hugs* xx
Oh, oh and I forgot to add...could I please be naughty and ask if you lovely ladies could spare a vote for Lachlan? It would mean so much to us :flower: There's a competition running here at the moment where you can get your baby's funny video put on TV, there are some really cute and funny ones on ads at the moment.
I made a thread about it but it was removed due to violation of the rules, I didn't know we weren't allowed to make threads to ask for votes, whoops :blush:

Here's the link, the vote button is the thumbs up one under the video xx Thank you so much girls!

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