march lambs 2010 come on ladies

thanks guys :hugs:
it sucks .
rosy u need to post a photo of lachlans toothys ! i love seeing their little toothies lol. im going out to buy jesse some baby toothpaste tomorrow for him.
hes teething horribly but suprisingly has only started to sleep thru since his teeth have cut... weird .
That is odd! Really pleased for you that he has finally though, it must be such a relief so have some nice sleep finally. Especially if you're in lots of pain :hugs:

I think I have a couple of pics on my facebook but can't really get a good one of his new tooth because it's so new and not very prominent but I'll try. Took some just before that I think might show his teeth, I'll have a look :) xx
DM2- what a cool video! How exciting!

Tiger :hugs: Have jesse's teethies cut through now? x

Rosy- Welcome back :hi: I recieved an email about the treasures ads and have a video here ready to enter (if its still going) i have been so slack!!
DM2- what a cool video! How exciting!

Tiger :hugs: Have jesse's teethies cut through now? x

Rosy- Welcome back :hi: I recieved an email about the treasures ads and have a video here ready to enter (if its still going) i have been so slack!!

I think I read it closes 7th of nov which sucks! The vid I uploaded only just got approved and I uploaded it 2 weeks ago :dohh: Poos. Oh well. I'll try anyway hehe.

Kris - Found a pic showing Lachlan's teethies, it's one I took this arvo
awww they r so cute!
MM - yes they have cut but only the itty bittiest bit lol
Ok any else interested in the March 2010 awards ?
here are some categories - if u think u r a contender PM me and give me the details :)
Longest labour
Shortest Labour
Most overdue
Most knowledgeble Mummy
Youngest/Oldest mummy
Yummiest mummy
Shortest/Tallest mummy
Biggest baby birth weight
Smallest Baby
Longest/shortest baby
DM2- i know u will be most overdue lol
if u can think of any other categories let me know
Ok any else interested in the March 2010 awards ?
here are some categories - if u think u r a contender PM me and give me the details :)
Longest labour
Shortest Labour
Most overdue
Most knowledgeble Mummy
Youngest/Oldest mummy
Yummiest mummy
Shortest/Tallest mummy
Biggest baby birth weight
Smallest Baby
Longest/shortest baby
DM2- i know u will be most overdue lol
if u can think of any other categories let me know

Baldest baby and hairiest baby (I saw them around from the other ones but still!) I'm sure Lachlan was the baldest lol...he was almost completely bald at
one point there.

I think you may be the youngest mummy here? Well, youngest one that posts anyway lol. And I agree that DM2 would have been the most overdue. How about we start a thread in baby club with all the category questions and ask mummies of March babies to post? :) x
DM2 - fab video. He was in no rush to enter the world, but is making up for it now!

GL - happy 7 months to Flora!

Rwhite - you're always welcome hun, you don't have to reply to all the posts. I tries voting but couldn't get the site up because I haven't got flash player on my phone but if I manage to get on the Mac I'll vote x

Tiger - I think Lyn will win biggest baby! I think I might have one of the shortest labours - 3hrs 50m from first contraction, or 2hrs from 2nd stage, depending on how you measure it.
What about most on-time baby? I think GL was due on 31st March and Flora born early hours of 1st April
DM2 - fab video. He was in no rush to enter the world, but is making up for it now!

GL - happy 7 months to Flora!

Rwhite - you're always welcome hun, you don't have to reply to all the posts. I tries voting but couldn't get the site up because I haven't got flash player on my phone but if I manage to get on the Mac I'll vote x

Tiger - I think Lyn will win biggest baby! I think I might have one of the shortest labours - 3hrs 50m from first contraction, or 2hrs from 2nd stage, depending on how you measure it.
What about most on-time baby? I think GL was due on 31st March and Flora born early hours of 1st April

:shock: Lucky duck! Then again, I can't 12 hours of labour went VERY quickly...or seemed to! Not sure how fast it would've gone if it was any longer however...

Lachlan's been really difficult to put to bed tonight. He's finally asleep but was in hysterics for about 30 minutes, when usually he doesn't make a single peep until the morning (and even then mostly doesn't!). We gave him some Pamol and I went in and gave him a nice cuddle and he hasn't cried since. Poor wee man.

I think I mentioned that we are no longer breastfeeding didn't I? Well, for a while I was just giving him one feed first thing and that was going well but a fortnight ago he just started flat out refusing booby. I tried giving him most of a bottle then offering the boob but no success so we have definitely made the switch now. Only problem is that he's started vomiting again. He's always been a spewy baby but from 5/5.5/6 months he stopped vomiting pretty much completely. It was SUCH a relief. But now that he's on formula he's started up again... Tried out a reflux formula last week (worked pretty well to stop the vomiting too!) but I didn't like how it flowed slower, and ended up cutting the ends of the teats to make things easier but THEN decided I didn't like having to do that so this week we've bought a normal formula again and not only is he vomiting again but he's choking on his milk :dohh: arrrgh I can't win. Reflux stuff it is, next week!!
Oh also, for those who exclusively formula feed - is it okay for babies to go days without pooping? I know it's okay for breastfed babies. He hasn't gone for...I think 5 days to a week? and he won't drink water. I think I'm going to have to get some prune juice. But yesterday I tried mixing some orange juice with 30ml of cooled boiled water and he only took a little bit and no poop so far.
Sorry to spam hahah. Thought of some more categories!

Smiliest baby, most serious baby

Most laid back baby, most energetic baby

Baby with the most siblings
Cocoa you're right I was due on 31st March, my labour started at 2am that morning (so the start was bang on time) and then she arrived 2:30am on 1st April.

I'm sure there was someone else whose bubba arrived on their due date though? Maybe its someone who doesn't post often.

So how do we compare and judge the awards? We could set a list up and all write down our 'evidence'. I don't know how we'd judge the smiliest baby for example, but I guess its just for fun really isn't it? I'd say Flora is pretty smiley but not at all laid back.

RWhite - not sure about FF poos but a week does sound a long time. Try pears as well and don't give banana, Cocoa advised me of this and it helped when Flora was a bit constipated.

Tiger - that's awful hun I hope you get it all sorted out. :hugs:

DM2 - are you sure Hunter is only 7 months old?? I didn't think ANY babies could walk that young! He seemd so far ahead with everything!!

Also really sad news about Lily Allen, she lost another baby but 6 months pregnant this time. Made me want to cry. (Not because I like Lily Allen but just because its tragic whoever it is).
I'd nominate Ella for smiliest baby! She honestly smiles alll the time. From when she wakes up till when she goes to bed. When she sees strangers she smiles, even OHs scary halloween mask made her smile LOL. She is very laid back all you need to do is look at her and she grins ear to ear and flaps her arms like an excited goose :haha:

Sad news about Lily Allen I know. It's horrible aye :(
I'd nominate Ella for smiliest baby! She honestly smiles alll the time. From when she wakes up till when she goes to bed. When she sees strangers she smiles, even OHs scary halloween mask made her smile LOL. She is very laid back all you need to do is look at her and she grins ear to ear and flaps her arms like an excited goose :haha:

Sad news about Lily Allen I know. It's horrible aye :(

Awww! Cute about Ella smiling heaps! Lachlan does a lot (not all the time but still) but the photos don't show it lol he concentrates on the camera a lot :lol:

It is awful about Lily Allen, I felt like crying. I really like her as an artist and I know a lot of people dislike her but I think she's okay. And you could tell how over the moon she was about being pregnant again after that miscarriage. It must be heartwrenching enough losing one baby but then to lose a second...and then to have the whole world know about it...:cry:
well news ladies :bfn: for me :( i was secretly hoping, but my af was only due to start today by my rough calculations but no sign of that either will test again saturday if AF hasnt arrived by then

if im not preggers i want to know whats making my nipples so darn sore caus its really annoying me with feeding, i dont think its thrush and EJ's teething has subsided this last week so i dont know :wacko:
Sorry you didn't get the result you wanted lynn :hugs: There's always next time :)

Night all :hi:

nite hun, ive just been to the post office to get chocolate to consol myself
Lyn - sorry to hear you're disappointed. Maybe you'll fall soon - they say 'new house, new baby', so maybe when you move next (either here or back in NZ)

Forgot to say - after saying yesterday that we thought M would be a bum shuffler but she hadn't actually done it, she bum shuffled in the bath yesterday. She looked a bit surprised! Lol. I doubt she'll do it on the carpet though.

I did have something else to say - but can't remember what it was :dohh:

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