Aww yay lots of new people :wave: Exciting! What do you girls think of me making a reminder thread in baby club to see if we can get some more new recruits
Vegas - Aww cute that Charlotte can eat a whole banana! Hey, if she'll eat it and not vomit it up obviously she's okay to have it all! Lachlan is a bit of a bottomless pit too but more in the sense that he is greedy
He HATES banana for some reason, too...not sure why. I ate enough of them while pregnant! He really enjoyed the lasagne yesterday so that was good. Gonna start giving him whatever we have at dinner now as opposed to cans.
08march - (can I be nosy and ask your name?
I'm Rosy, btw!) Congrats on Paige's teeth! That's so exciting, are they top or bottom? Aww well if she's trying to crawl backwards it's sounds like crawling forwards won't be far away at all, clever girl.
I'm sorry to hear that about her sleep, a couple of our march babies are night owls. Maybe once she's not teething any more things will change, who knows x We are good thank you
Seity - I just mushed it all up for him, knew that if I gave it to him full he would spit it right out
What a cute video of Gabriel! He is so tactile!
Louise -
hun x It does sound like Chase's teeth are going to come through any minute. Just give him lots of cuddles and maybe some baby paracetamol and try to keep him distracted, it might help take his mind off things until they cut through. A lack of appetite can be due to teething too so I wouldn't worry too much xx
Soph - :wave:! Your LO is so cute, what's his name? x
Kel - I really can't get over how long Connor's hair is, one of those pics on your fb omg! Looks like maybe he'd just woken up, hair all over the show? It's lovely. Same colour as my OH's hair too
So I'm biased I think. Are you going to give him a haircut soon or are you going to wait?
Went and took Lachlan to see the plunket nurse (our HV equivalent) at the clinic this morning and he weighed 19.17lbs and was 70cm long! At his 5 month appointment he was 16.53lbs, so it's a decent growth spurt he's had. I'm thinking the formula may be chunking him up a bit, my breast milk never made him rolly polly, I'm loving the bit of chub on his legs and arms even though it's slight. I can't stop kissing it!
Does anybody else's baby show no interest in their feet? Lachlan has never once pulled his feet towards him while laying on his back, the only time he will touch them is when he is sitting and notices them there. He will pull his knees or shins however?
I'm not concerned, it's just odd lol.
Just yesterday bubs has started pushing himself backwards slowly...I don't know if maybe this is the start of anything but I know he wants to army crawl and is getting frustrated when he can't reach things (was the remote yesterday lol..)
We are going to coffee group today for the first time in a while, will be interesting to see if Lachlan interacts with other babies. He wasn't doing too much of that maybe a month and a half ago so I am curious. There are babies of all ages and I love the other girlies they are awesome. We're all 18-25 so it helps us to relate even better.