march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Hi to all the new mummies on here :wave:

Anna Anbesol is an Anesthetic Liquid, you can buy it from Boots and it numbs the gums, it's very good!!

Pearl_vincent - i remember you too hun ahh your little boy is gorgeous x

So we had another good sleep consider Chase's mood yesterday.

It's a grim rainy day here today, think we'll do some house stuff until hubby finishes work and then we're going shopping. Don't mind the cold but hate rain, wanted to go the park too, never mind.
Hiya ladies, I'm on the list but lost this thread!:dohh: Quick update on Adam he's sitting by himself,crawling,started pulling himself up,babbling and has his two bottom teeth!!!!:happydance: Weaning is an issue as it's a bit hit and miss what he'll eat.:nope: I started back at work yesterday:cry: so Adam was staying with Granny which he loved:happydance: so hopefully she'll be able to get him to eat more things!!!!! :haha:

Hope you're all doing well!!!:flower:

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Sounds like Adam's doing fantastically, aren't they so much fun at this age?! I'm loving it. I guess it only gets better (and a little worse in terms of tantrums) from here :kiss:

What sort of things will he eat and not eat? Lachlan doesn't like avocado or banana but so far those are the only things I think, he's a human vaccum!

Must be scary going back to work :hugs: On the bright side, money is always good! Glad Adam enjoyed staying at home with his granny :thumbup: I always find that my mum is able to get Lachlan to eat things really well (makes me wonder what she puts in his food :rofl: I kid, I kid).

Louise- Yay for good sleep, well done Chase :dance:
I'm the same, I hate rain but don't mind cold so much. However I find when the weather isn't nice it's hard for me to get in to the mood to clean and when it's sunny I'm full of life! It's the start of winter (or nearly) for you isn't it? x It's summer here in a months time, oh how I've waited for it!!
Sounds like Adam's doing fantastically, aren't they so much fun at this age?! I'm loving it. I guess it only gets better (and a little worse in terms of tantrums) from here

What sort of things will he eat and not eat? Lachlan doesn't like avocado or banana but so far those are the only things I think, he's a human vaccum!

Must be scary going back to work On the bright side, money is always good! Glad Adam enjoyed staying at home with his granny I always find that my mum is able to get Lachlan to eat things really well (makes me wonder what she puts in his food I kid, I kid).

Adam loves banana, ravioli, soups, cheese, yoghurts,toast and porridge pretty much anything but one day he'll scoff his ravioli and I'm like "ooooo, he likes that." then a few days later he'll turn his nose up and scream until I change it to something else!!! It's a bit awkward trying to figure out what to pack when he goes to his grans, as I'm not sure if he'll eat it or not even though he'd loved it a few days earlier!! I think he's just fussy like his mum!!!LOL
Oh i'm the same hun, when it's sunny it just gives you so much energy. Yesterday we had such a lazy day as the weather was poop and rainy so thats why i feel i want to do something today.

I quite enjoy going out when its cold and getting all wrapped up.

Yup winter is on its way here :cold: ahh i love that feeling when summer is on the way.
Hii! I'm Louise.. Never seen this section before :blush:
My Little Boy is Kayden.. He was born March 24 2010 and weighed a healthy 8lb 4oz he was 8days late but worth the wait

Hope everyone's okaie xx
Hi All the new ladies :hi: Well done Rosy i thought I'd stepped into a different thread!

Well Flora is having a rough couple of days, I'm a wee bit worried but hopefully its all just related to cold/teething. She's havg a hard time getting her poos out and its making her quite upset, she straining really hard and then bursting into tears. I keep trying to give her water she's having some but not lots. I'm wondering if I'm giving her too much solid, she loves it and gets so mad when she's waiting for it! But just because she keeps eating doesn't mean I should keep feeding her I guess. I'm not too sure whether I'm giving the right amount to her.

She also toppled sideways when sitting and her cheek landed on a stacking cup so she's got a bruise on her cheek. And she's got this cold which is making her sleepy and snotty, and she's just generally not herself. SO clingy too.Hope it passes soon :nope:w\1¬¬¬`


^That was Flora typing
GL i said to the hv i was worried about how much to feed Chase and she said if he keeps eating to keep feeding.

We did a little tummy excercise at baby massage for constipation and colic but you need to do it every day about 3 times a day for it to be successful (she recommended we maybe do it at nappy change), if you want me to type the instructions for you hun just say, we got given a little booklet with all we learnt in so we don't forget and it's not that long.

Ahh i hope Flore is feeling better soon :hugs:

Edit - how cute Flora's typing! My mum has bought Chase a laptop for Christmas as he's always after ours
JJ thanks hun, yeah if you could, it might be helpful to some other as well, unless its really long then dont worry. Is the gist of it, clockwise circles on the tummy, stroking downwards on the tummy, and doing bicycle legs etc? I've seen some tips somewhere and I do it sometimes but I forget to do it 3 times a day.

I think I'm going to lay off the starchy root veg a bit, although its basically what she likes best. She had mostly pear for dinner, so hopefully that'll help.

What a laptop for Chase? A baby one surely? :haha: very cute and a good idea too.
wow i go awol for 48 hours and theres new people springing up all over the place, welcome ladies

still no sign of the witch :af: so gonna test again in the morning we are away for the weekend so who knows what my body is playing at.

EJ is totally gettin around by himself now backwards onhis little bum its soo cute
:wave: Welcome to all the new additions and new found returnees!
lynn - Good luck with the testing. Be sure to let us know how it goes.
GL - lol on the typing. Gabriel is always trying to get to my laptop, but he's not allowed to touch it. I've seen where he keeps his hands most of the time ;)

It's cold and rainy here today and Gabriel decided that 5.5 hours of sleep was more than enough for one night and started his day at 2:30am. At 4:30, I made my OH take him, so I could get some sleep. As you might imagine, I'm a bit grumpy today.
Oh i'm the same hun, when it's sunny it just gives you so much energy. Yesterday we had such a lazy day as the weather was poop and rainy so thats why i feel i want to do something today.

I quite enjoy going out when its cold and getting all wrapped up.

Yup winter is on its way here :cold: ahh i love that feeling when summer is on the way.
:lol: im the opposite to you! i feel really energised when its cold outside (god knows why, think it feels fresh :wacko:) but really sluggish and lazy when its hot.
anbesol sounds good!

noah pulled himself up for the first time today! :D its so cute!
well i wont be around again till sunday night probably caus i doubt even if there is internet that i'll have time to get online over the weekend so have a good weekend ladies and i'll see you back here in a few days
Louise23 - :wave: Hiya hun, your little man was born the day after Lachlan! And Lachlan was 9 days late, spooky! x Welcome

GL - :hugs: to Flora! Poor sweetheart. How much solids are you giving her? I think at this age they should be having solids 2-3 times a day but anybody feel free to correct me if this isn't right. Ouch that stacking cup must've hurt to fall on! I'm always worried Lachlan will fall on something like that cause he's still quite wobbly while sitting, always ends up falling down and smacking his head just when mummy thinks he's okay to sit alone :blush:

Louise - Cute that your parents have bought a baby laptop for Chase! Those things are so cool :) Lucky boy.

Lynn - Good luck for testing, keeping everything crossed for you. Are you TTC again?! Or just have a missing period so you're wondering? Oh well done EJ! That must be so cute, vid please!! :D

Seity - Hope you get the chance to have a nap today! :hugs: Napping is always nice on a cruddy day anyway I reckon.

Anna - Well done Noah :dance: That is so awesome!! I can't even begin to imagine Lachlan doing that, must be cute (albeit worrying!)

I hope everybody's day is going well/went well. It's almost 10pm here and it's Guy Fawkes (fireworks night, so similar to 4th of July for those of you that are American). I was stressing because we are in quite close proximity to the neighbours and their fireworks were really loud, sounded like they were over our house. Lachlan didn't wake up thankfully but I was so scared he would. Wouldn't be a nice thing to be woken up to either :nope: Luckily it's raining so maybe they've been put off! I'm such a grinch sometimes.. Darn, just as I wrote this they started back up...rarrrgh.

Just wondering if you girlies would like to share what you've bought your bubs for christmas so far? I haven't had a chance to get anything for Lachlan yet but I am thinking of maybe getting him a Fisher Price Activity Table, they're 9-36mos. Saw one for about $50 so that's not bad! I think it folds down too so he doesn't have to stand to use it. They look really neat.

im 6 days late hun and know we dtd without taking precuations around the time i was supposed to OV we arent TCC but im not on the pill either lol but not ntnp either if you get what i mean lol
Hi :hi:

Have not been on in a few days, had alot going on . Just popping on to say hewo and say hi to the new ladies. Welcome!! :hi:

Will catch up tomo x
Heyloo everyone. hope everyones day is going/has gone well :)

Anna: thats great Noah is pulling himself up :D Paige can do it if she has proper hold of something but hasnt mastered holding onto the sofa or anything she gets halfway then leaves go!

rwhite: we have got paige a smart trike for xmas and we are getting her an outdoor swing, some noisey toys that move (fisherprice animal train i think) some stacking cups a walker, a shape sorter then some stocking fillers. she will get spoiled off the rest of the family as well im sure.

lynn:i hope you get the result you want and know for sure soon :hugs:

greenlady: Hope your LO is feeling better soon. paige is having the same trouble with poop and has been for a couple of months she is straining and crying, spoke to HV and need to make an oppointment at docs . Poor bubbas. :hugs:
I'm not planning on buying much for M this year for Xmas. She'll be getting presents from 3 sets of grandparents (in-laws are quite well off too, so I bet they go overboard), 3 sets of aunty & uncles, and 6-8 other family and friends. We just haven't got the space in our house for too much stuff!

So far I've bought her this :

And two books - the hungry caterpillar and a bedtime story one which has a snuggly rabbit puppet attached. I want to get her something Waybuloo related too, but can't find anything I like and that's the right age range. We've got a new Toys r Us opened about 20 mins away, so should get up there before the Xmas rush starts

GL - no suggestions for her poop problem. I doubt it's too much solid food though. Maybe speak to your HV and see if they've got any suggestions?
ooh, quick question.
to anyone who is FF how much is your LO taking? Paige is having 3 meals a day and snacks now and im really stuggeling to get her to take her bottles. She has probably 2 a day of 6oz but never finishes all of it. Do ou think this is Ok or should she be having more? I have just started her on follow on milk to see if she takes anymore of that,
rwhite - Gabriel will be getting plenty of presents from grandparents and aunts, so we aren't actually planning to buy him anything.
Gabriel is only on 1 meal a day and only takes about two spoonfuls before he's done. I figure food is fun until he's one, so he gets all he needs from BF/formula for now.
He slept a little better last night. He didn't get up for the day until 5:30am and I got him to take a short nap at 7am, which means I got a quick nap in before work.
Cocoa - I've never really had a relationship with a HV strangely enough. I've decided to take her to the GP she pushed a poo out about half an hour ago and she had to strain so hard she was crying the whole time and red in the face, the poo is too hard she must be constipated. Also I think she's got a bit of a hemarrhoid (sp?) starting which is not good. So I want to see if there's anything the GP can prescribe for that. Otherwise I've got some lactulose anyway which I'm giving her, and cooking up some more pears. I will get some prune juice as well I think and hope she might drink that with water.

Poor little blighter!

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