march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Hive - I wondered where you had got to. Hope Ronan is feeling better soon :hugs:

Vegas - Hope you have a lovely time for your anniversary.

MM - Chase loves cables to given half a chance! Will vote for Ella now x

Cocoa - I feel the same with teeth, like we've been saying "oh its teething" for ages and ages yet he has none so it makes you wonder if it is :shrug: Not sure why M could have gone off food hun, maybe she is just feeling a bit off? Chase for about 4 days wen't really uninterested and didn't eat as much as he normally would but yesterday his interest has returned.

GL - There has been a couple of times actually that Chase has done his "poo face" then minutes later been sick, yet other times it seems like its out the blue? He was sick twice on Friday after luch and tea and yesterday after lunch it was really scary it was just coming out and he looked really scared like he couldn't breathe. We took tea time really slowly and he was ok. When he's been sick a lot i'm always unsure whether to feed him again, so far i've not but i wonder if he is hungry?

So Chase has just gone from crawling to sitting up :happydance: I just put him on the floor in crawling position and the next minute he was sat up and he was really sturdy, i think probably because he'd sat up himself.

I got him a litte elf outfit yesterday for Christmas day, its so cute and was only £6 so i couldn't resist.
jj- Thanku :)

yay for Chase sitting up! Ella still isn't sitting up study enough to leave her.

Off to bed now. night all


Here's a video of Ella. I think its so funny, especially near the end when she blows the camera off :rofl:
Anna and Cormack's girl - yay well done Noah and Adam, clever little boys!

Hive - I wondered where you had got to! Welcome back, sorry the monkey is poorly, hope it doesn't go on too long. LOL about his conehead! What's it like now? Looks fine in all the pics.

Cocoa - sorry about the bummer sleep again. I keep thinking I see teething signs but then they go away and still no teeth. :shrug: who knows. Don't worry too much about the food I think they go thru phases with eating.

Vegas - happy anniversary! And very exciting to go to Disney. I haven't been to a theme park in years and would love to go again one day, I definitely would if it was on my doorstep! Not sure about the rash it could be a food thing or teething. Hope she gets a tooth soon hun! :hugs:

I had a lovely night out, chatting away to my friend who has a 3 year old and also a 3 month old. Was good to be out together as well on our own. Off to see the dragon MIL again today GROAN
Anna - Way to go Noah!
Cormack - Way to go Adam!
Kel - Hope Connor's waking early is a temporary thing. I would never wish my lack on sleep on anyone. It really is a form of torture.
MM - Gabriel loves cables too. (and remotes) Love the video. The raspberries at the end are too funny!
HC - I was wondering where you'd gone too. Hope Ronan is feeling better.
jj - Way to go Chase with the sitting up!
I also bought a little Christmas outfit for Gabriel yesterday. Two actually, they were too cute to pass up and only $3 each. One is a green elf one that says "Daddy's little elf" on the front
and the other one says, "All mommy want's for Christmas is a Silent Night" <- which is just too true.
Gabriel has started to pull himself up, so now we have to baby proof the coffee table. The corners already had caps, but he can reach items on the table, so we have to be careful what he can reach. I finally took all the 0-3 clothes and put them in a box to give away. I know some of the 3-6 stuff doesn't fit over his head anymore, so I'll have to go through them and add anything that doesn't fit to the box as well. I even found one NB onesie that I missed in my first clothing purge. It's amazing to look at that tiny outfit and remember that it was too big on him when he was born.


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MM sooooo cute :D such a happy lil lady

seity wow!! what a clever little boy :) so cute
Lovely vid MM, and great pic Seity - I wonder what he's thinking as he looks out..
MM - great video.

GL - Fab you had a lovely night out hun, hope the visit to your mil wasnt' too bad.

Seity - Wow clever Gabriel, adorable photo!

Brrrr i am soo cold today just can't get warm, think i need a nice hot bath.

Chase has started trying to talk and form words instead of just gurgling, he's sayin baba baba baba and muma mummmm muma, its not in relation to me but it's still cute to hear him say it :cloud9:

Yesterday we went to see mil and fil as as usual Chase cried as soon as they held him, i think he just needs to see them more as my dad came round later and he was and always is fine with him, but my dad has come to see once week since he was born. So i'm going to pop to mil later and going to go twice a week now until the time comes that she's looking after him, which will be 3 weeks!

We've started feeding him little and often as he just keeps being sick :wacko: mil was saying its to do with overfeeding but its not as sometimes he's sick before he's even had half of his dinner and he's always eaten dinner and some yoghurt for pudding and been fine, plus a finger food. Just don't understand it but i'm worried he will associate food with being sick and won't want to eat if it keeps happening.
hey girlies

weekend went well although i didnt get any extra rest which was disapointing and last night was the same with EJ up 3times for feeds or more i cant remember after the first one he just stayed in the bed with me im still shattered,
tested again bfn and got some bleeding start yesterday but that seems to be stopping now and not anywhere near the level of what i would consider even a mild period for me so i dont know and not had the normal AF cramps i get either:shrug: so im confused, im just gonna wait and see what happens. thing is i shouldnt be this tired i am getting some sleep maybe not as much as i would like but EJ's sleeping has been bad for a month now so it doesnt make sense why in the last 2 weeks i would be more tired than before, nipples are still giving me hell as always

EJ has had another growth spurt it seems we have moved him into 12-18month clothes lol and we were looking back at video clips of him when he was little earlier today and of Nate when he was little and it was sooo cute hes grown and changed so much as has Nate.

gotta cut Nates hair this week and sort out our stuff im sick of living in a mess but i have no place to put anything either so stuck for what to do other than giving it away which is even hard to do caus i cant really freecycle stuff easily where we live
Hive - I wondered where you had got to! Welcome back, sorry the monkey is poorly, hope it doesn't go on too long. LOL about his conehead! What's it like now? Looks fine in all the pics.

It's not cone-shaped anymore thankfully, but he still has a pretty narrow head circumference. The way his hair is growing in makes it look narrower still, too!

Of course, I think he's perfect and gorgeous. :mrgreen:

Ronan's still sicky and crabby and with the changeover in clocks this past weekend his sleep is all over the place too. I'm hoping that it doesn't take too long as he decided that 5:30 this morning was a perfectly acceptable time to get up for the day. :wacko: Of course, he was ready for a nap by 8 but mummy was wide awake at that point.

I can't believe he's going to be 9 months old next Sunday, and that it's almost Christmas! Time is just flying by so ridiculously fast. I am trying to decide whether to subject Ronan and my poor dog to playing dress up so I can get some photos to use for our Christmas cards, or if I should just use one that I already have.

The trick will be getting the both of them staying still together for long enough to get some pictures. I had to bribe Ronan with a banana just to get him to stay in one spot for pics of him in his Halloween costume, that I only just got around to transferring to my computer today. :dohh:

Here's a pic of the monkey, and another one of him enjoying spaghetti bog!


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Hiya lovely ladies :flower:

Just a quick update on how me and Lachlan have been past few days! I haven't been on the comp a hell of a lot, just a little in the evenings because I have been reading a Mills & Boon and am completely wrapped up in it, smutty as it is! And no it's not a sexy one lol...just a normal romance. Don't know why I'm so captivated by it...:blush:

Have had a grumpy wee man today, most of the day! (apart from this morning when we had a lovely sleep in together! :cloud9:). Lachlan was a ratbag while we were out today, and screamed and screamed at my friend's place which was rather embarrassing. She was very good with him and even managed to make him laugh despite his grumpy demeanour! He was still grumpy when we got home, and I gave him his bottle and put him down for a sleep and he was good as gold until he woke up and moaned and cried and had a paddy, and I was pressed for time because Tom is pedantic as hell and wanted me to do the dishes. So I started doing them and Lachlan was screaming in the background :dohh: Raaargh. Always seems to happen. But I was a bit frazzled and ended up having a :cry: about it. Tom was good when he got in, he soon assessed the situation, got told to leave me alone and he went and changed Lachlan and fed him :kiss: Good man.

So anyway, Lachlan was still crying so I took his temp, which was slightly higher than normal, and gave him some pamol then we checked his gums and his top two teeth are impending! Eeek. More teeth!! One of his canines is sticking out too, not sure if it's wanting to come out but we will see.

Also, I got Lachlan's xmas present today (we don't have much money so unsure whether that will be his only one). He loves it, picked it out himself because he wouldn't stop playing with it. I always offer him the toys I intend to buy to make sure he likes them and this was a clear winner. It's the Fisher Price learning bird bath. I'm terrible and want to give it to him right now! :dohh:

My friend had her baby girl today, she was 15 days overdue :shock: I am very glad baby is here safe and sound. I still can't believe she has a baby (couldn't believe she was pregnant, but prob cause she doesn't live in the same city as me anymore, we went to college together). I can't wait to hear her name, weight etc. She hasn't announced it on fb yet but I know because people are congratulating her on there. And can't wait to see pics, eek!

Will catch up on everybody else's news soon! :hugs: Hope everyone's well!
Hi :hi:

I hope everyones had/having a good day :flower: It's been nice and sunny here :)

Rosy- Gosh i havn't read since ella was born. i used to read every night b4 I went to bed. now I can't read in bed coz i can't have the light on :dohh: I think I might try read on the couch when I can. Can you recomend any books? :)
Sorry Lachlan was a grump today :hugs: Ella had a good half an hour this evening of being grumpy. She was so tired and cried real tears lol. Dan is good like that too!! He gets home from work and its straight to Ella and changes her and then plays with her. Sometimes he even makes tea too lol.
That toy is so cool! I want to give Ella's walk and ride to her now, but I guess its easy to keep it aside as she is still too little for it.
Congrats on your friends baby! I had a friend i went to school with have a baby this morning too. katelynn, 8lb8oz. I am soo clucky. Hopefully we will have another one soon! I don't think it will happen until I stop breastfeeding.

HC- ronan is adorable in his wee suit. and :haha: at tea time

Lynn- Sorry you got another bfn :( Are you actively trying? I keep getting bfns too :( :hugs:

jj- I'm sure Chase won't associate food with being sick. It's probably just a phase that he will come out of over time. It's not nice to see then sick all the time though :(

Seity- Wow I can't believe Gabriel is pulling himself up onto things! I'm sure we are a wee way off yet. What a clever boy! :dance:

Ella is now comando crawling fowards :dance: She moves very fast but she only gains inches at a time sometimes its painful to watch her struggle lol. Within the last week she is developing so fast, there is progress every day. Each day she goes up on her knees higher and longer, and moves foward faster and further! :happydance:

Am catching up with a couple coffe group girls tomorrow at my house. i better get up early and vacum :dohh:

Quick question- :blush: Did any of you get your periods while breastfeeding?

Hive - i'm debating the same with the cards, Chase has got an elf outfit and going to do special cards with him on for mil & fil and my mum and dad and i'm also wondering whether to get the dogs in on it. I've seen a reindeer and a santa outfit that they wouould look adorable in. It's just whether i could get all 3 to keep still?
Jj i fully intend to rope the hubby into helping out by bribing the dog to stay with treats. It will be Ronan that will be the tough one. Maybe i can find a way to bribe him too!

rwhite, that's a lot of teeth at once! The poor thing. Hopefully they cut soon and he settles agree that.

MM, Can you come vacuum for me too? :mrgreen: You'll probably find that one day she's inching asking and the next you're wondering why the heck you haven't baby proofed yet as you're trying to keep her from climbing chairs, chewing laptop cables and finding things in corners you never knew were there!
MM - I'm still breastfeeding and have yet to see a sign of my period.

Is anyone seriously thinking about a second yet? I've tested a few times thinking I might be pregnant and it leaves me with such a double feeling seeing the negative test. Part of me soooo wants to be pregnant again and to have a newborn, I actually managed to convince DH to start trying in Jan / Feb!

At the same time however, I worry so much. I don't want to be pregnant when Eleanor starts walking as I want to fully be there for her, and not struggle to pick her up when she falls because there's a bump in the way. I so want that bump, but all I keep thinking of is 'Eleanor this' and 'Eleanor that'. Up until now I've always told people they were being silly and you'd love your second the same as the first ... why can't I take my own advice?! On top of that I feel guilty, like I should be spending all my time focussed on Eleanor and not looking after a newborn. She's brilliant and I love her to bits, she deserves to have every second of my attention. Argh!!
im not trying and my af finally arrived but man its a pita to have it getting really bad cramps with it which makes trying to look after the boys not so fun and Nate is unwell which sucks caus all he wants is to be on my knee all the time so i cant see to EJ very well as Nate starts howling when i put him down sooo not fun
Erised we're going to start trying next June but i know what you mean i feel guilty for Chase when i think about it, is he too young, how will he cope with sharing us etc.
Hive - uber cute pics! He looks like he's really enjoying tucking into the spag bol!

Erised - I personally think anyone that has 2 under 2 is a nutjob! :haha: No offence to you crazies that at TTC or NTNP. I've got no desire for another baby, now or in the future. I'm really happy with just the 3 of us, and knowing my luck I'd get a baby that's an even worse sleeper than M :rofl:

Lyn - sorry to hear you got AF and cramps :hugs:

M still sleeping badly- keeps waking 5 mins after resettling her all night long, even when she's in our bed, which usually helps her sleep well.

What are all your naps looking like at the mo? I think that might be our problem, she's not getting enough sleep in the day, but I'm not sure how to increase it. Especially as she's really fighting her naps and I can't work out if it's because she's overtired or undertired.

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