march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Happy 9 months Ronan! Hard to believe we've got a 9 month old already.
I'm not sure I could actually put a helmet on him and keep a straight face. :rofl:
Especially one that looks like this:
:rofl: Too funny. Really confuse him and get it in pink ;)
CocoaOne - Poor M though glad she slept a bit better last night. Just try and express as much as you can hun, both times i've had mastitis its occured after i've had a blocked duct that i've not got rid of properly. Just keep an eye out for lumpy/hard patches on your boob after she has fed as that could be the start of a blocked duct. I find it easier to express in the bath with my boob under water.

Emskins - Glad you have had a good time hun! Ooh sounds like you had fun shopping too. Hope Wren let you sleep eventually. How was the flight hun?

MM - Ahh sorry you hace had a rough two days hunni :hugs: I think our bubbas are going to have lots of bumps over the next few years and we'll probably feel guilty for all of them hun, its going to happen as they learn to walk and explore.

GL - The Mei Tai looks fab hun. Does Flora like it? Chase loves being in his, he always falls asleep.

Seity - a helmet thingy would be good, Chaae fell to the side the other day whilst sitting up and i was just waiting for him to cry, suprisingly though he didn't.

Hive - Happy 9 months Ronan, i find it so weird to think that soon all our bubas will have been in the outside world longer than we carried them for, pregnancy felt so long but now time is going way too quick!!! Get well soon Ronan :hugs:

I've been just lurking lately, everytime i've gone to reply Chase has woken and we've been really busy this week too. So we got some good news, my mum got her flat near to us :happydance: just waiting for her move in date, hopefully before christmas.

Chase is still not properly crawling, just dragging himself along, though he is trying to stand up. Hubby is just lowering his cot down so no accidents happen as he can sit himself up now from lying down and we had visions of him getting out as he was hoding on to the side of the cot last night and pulling himself up.

Ahh we bought Chase a puppet yesterday, they had said at baby group they are really good for their development, Chase just loves it he laughs his head off at it!

Still no teeth here although his right cheek keeps burning up and going bright red.

Wow we had really bad winds the other night, lost 3 fence panels in the garden and something has blown off the roof/guttering :wacko:
Lol, I don't think I could seriously put a helmet on Mika. He seems to have a fairly hard head though. Yesterday he fell over sideways and smacked the back of his head on his toybox, then rolled over and smacked his face on the xbox beside it. I expected tears, but he just sat up and went on his way, lol.
I took a quick video with my phone to share:
Go Gabriel!!! Won't be too ling and he'll be cruising the furniture.

M is still really unsteady on her feet. But she's got a lot of weight to hold up :haha:
Thanks for your kind words ladies :hugs: i love this thread.

Seity- woohoo at gabriel! What a clever little soul :dance:

Right, I think I can catch up a little more now...

MummyDee - Welcome back! i can certainly understand being busy, but can only imagine being twice as busy with two kids instead of one. Roman is gorgeous and love the pics. :) keep in touch when you can!

VB - I don't envy you for that super long Thanksgiving trip. I am not sure I could do it myself. Is there a reason you're driving rather than flying? Either way, I hope it's not terrible at worst, and goes fantastically at best. It sounds like it will be a lovely holiday once you get there.

Lynn - You must be exhausted. You sound exhausted just from your post! Hopefully you manage to catch up on some rest soon.

Emskins - Welcome back from your trip! Fingers crossed for you that it won't be too bad adjusting to the jet lag and timechanges. Good luck with the wedding stuff. :)

MM - :hugs: Sorry to hear you've had a crap time of it. I hope things get better for you soon. As for Ella's adventures, it can be so hard sometimes to let them explore and experiment while also trying to keep things safe for them, can't it? I feel like I spend all day chasing Ronan around the house these days. It's exhausting!

Cocoa - It's awful when they're sick and snotty isn't it? As for crawling off the bed, we don't even cosleep (haven't since he was wee) but he swan dived off the bed earlier this week when he was with his daddy, who was right there with him. This was one of those times I was glad my hubby is a lazy sod and always ends up with a pile of dirty clothes beside his side of the bed rather than in the laundry basket.

GL - I love the carrier. It looks really nice (kudos to Cocoa for her mad sewing skills)!

jj - I had to convince my hubby awhile ago to drop the cot mattress down because I was afraid he'd fall out. Hubby didn't believe me at that point that Ronan was capable of pulling himself up to stand in there. :rolleyes: We're about to drop it down to the lowest level shortly.

So cute about the puppet. You will have to try and get Chase on video with it!

BnK - I'm surprised at some of the knocks Ronan takes and just keeps motoring along, and then other times he gets the littlest bumps and starts wailing. I think he just wants the cuddles! :haha:

Did you keep a lock of Mika's hair from his first haircut? I was just thinking the other day about first haircuts and how long it would be before Ronan had his. It might be awhile yet, although it's getting a bit long in front.

Seity - Cute video of Gabriel standing up! Time to start moving things out of reach. I swear Ronan is growing like a weed. Every time I move things up out of reach, within days he's able to reach it so I have to keep moving it up further. It's gotten to the point where I am going to just end up putting things in storage!
HiveChild-we kept most of the hair from his hair cut. It looks so much better!

Cocoa-sorry to hear LO is sick! hope she's feeling better soon! I think she may have given it to Mika! He's been feeling poorly and he's not been a terribly pleasant baby today.

jj-ooh, sorry to hear about the winds! we have had a fairly tame fall, which is good because October is our second tornado season most years.

Vegas-hope the trip goes well. We are probably flying out to the east coast in January, I can't imagine driving it!

Poor little man is feeling icky. He's been snotty the past couple nights, but today his snot started turning yellow (ew.) so I'm pretty sure its not allergies. We had to do a breathing treatment today for the first time in forever, but I called the on-call nurse who doesn't seem too concerned, she said there is a virus going around, but nothing big, it just made the breathing issues he already has worse.

He's sleeping propped up in his crib with his Boppy and so far so good, here's hoping he sleeps through the night...

I think now I'm going to go do homework (as usual, lol) and maybe even get a cuddle with OH and watch a movie!
BNK - I hope Mika slept through for you. It's so horrid when they're snotty - but at least it should pass soon and it won't upset his breathing too much.

Hive - that phase lasts soooo long too, my niece still destroys everything within reach and she's 19 months old!

M is slowly getting better. But still being sick after her feeds due to the coughing. God knows how much weight she's lost this week! Good job she's got plenty to spare - my sister will be happy too, she bought M a gorgeous little shrug to wear on Christmas day with her pretty dress - she got in in size 12-18 months and it only just fits!
well after a goodish start to the night i got 2 hrs before EJ woke up first time and OH up up from then all night long it seemed with a stomach bug :sick: and by the looks of it this morning both boys are showing the same signs through their nappies so i really didnt get much sleep last night which totally sucks caus i need sleep
oh and i also woke up to a filling crumbling in my mouth as i must have been clenching my teeth at some point in the night

oh and did i mention we hve to move again by the end of the month caus the agents are threatening our cousins tenancy if we continue to stay past then
Oh something cool EJ is army crawling and hes really quick and he will walk if we are holding his hands
hi everyone :D havnt been on in a while sorry! im slack!
everyone have a good weekend?
i had major issues with MIL on sunday :wacko: long story... and after getting her night feeds down to one quick one and her sleeping 7.30-7 we are back to 2 feeds and being up for hours in between :( last night it was feed at 12.30 sleep till 3.30 feed at 4.30 and up until 6 when she went back to sleep but we had to wake her at 7 to get ready for nursery. gosh i feel we took 1 step forward and about 12 backwards!
we are going to go xmas shopping in edinbrough next sunday :D im so excited for cristmas this year. everyone buying pressies etc?
MM: I can only imagine how scared you must have been. Glad to hear that Ella is OK.

GL/Cocoa: Love the new carrier.

JJ: Glad to hear Chase is well. Hopefully you will see a tooth soon (We're still waiting too). We lowered our crib a while back and I feel so much better about it now. One of these days I will stop worrying about this child. Or maybe I won't.

Hive: Happy nine months to Ronan. Would you ever believe that the nine months of his life have gone by faster than the nine months of pregnancy?

We are driving for a few reasons. 1. We making stops to visit family in two different states. 2. We have so much stuff we need to bring with us (carseat, pack-n-play, luggage) that driving is way cheaper than paying to check a million bags. 3. It will be easier to have our own car with us than to rent a car (I always get nervous driving rentals). We are breaking up the trip and will never have more than a six hour drive in any given day so I think Charlotte will be OK.

BNK: Glad to hear you kept the hair from Mika's first haircut. I would (will) do the same. Sorry to hear that he isn't feeling well. Hope he gets better soon.

Lynn: Sorry you have to move again, that the kids aren't feeling well, and you lost a filling. You've had it too rough lately, I pray that you catch a break very soon. On the other hand that is so great the EJ can walk with assistance. I try to hold Charlotte up to walk, but she doesn't have a clue.

08March: Have fun shopping. I have most of Charlotte's gifts already, but need to figure out what to get my DH and the rest of my friends and family.

DH was out of town on Saturday so I took this as permission to go shopping with Charlotte. We went to this adorable baby boutique and I got her the cutest little Christmas dress. And somehow I also ended up buying her a little fall themed dress as well. Hoping she will be able to wear them both next year as well since I bought slightly larger sizes. Today I bought Charlotte her big Christmas gift. I've been wanting to get it for her for some time and figured it would make a great Christmas gift.,target_com_brand-bin&frombrowse=0
Lyn - Congrats to EJ!

08MB - we aren't getting too many pressies as we've got a big family that will be buying for her, and we're struggling for storage space as it is.

Vegas - Charlotte is going to have lots of fun with that!

M is slowly getting better. She even slept in her cot all night last night, and slept a long stretch - 3-7:30 so I feel a bit more human too.
She's lost weight this week though, 1lb 3oz :-( I know it's not a big deal, but it's the first time she's lost weight. I think I've got the beginnings of mastitis too (red lumpy sore boob) but M is feeding better now so hopefully my body will fight off the inflammation before it becomes full-blown

Not much else to report really. M growls now. So funny! We're also half convinced that she said 'cat' twice the other day while we were playing with the cat and repeating and signing 'cat' to her. But neither of us really caught it so we're not chalking it up as her first word, but it blimmin sounded like it!
Hi all :hi:

Ella was 8 months old yesterday :dance:

Cocoa- i'm glad M is feeling better. i hope your boobie feels better after lots of feeding. How many kgs is M now?

I'm just waiting for the karitane nurse to arrive she's coming in 20 minutes. i wonder how much Ella will weigh. And then i've got the lady from parents as first teachers coming at 1.30. Then my friend is coming over with her wee boy after that.

We are getting better sleep now. Ella is zonked at 7pm and wakes up about 6- just in time for daddy to change her nappy b4 he goes to work.

I can't do anything in the day now with Ella army crawling like mad. She is into everything and I havn't child-proofed yet. we have just improvised, trying to box in the lounge with the couch and chairs :haha:

Will have a proper catch up soon, don't wanna get too involved wight now incase the nurse turns up.


Hi :hi: everyone. I have just subscribed to the thread to get email notifications so I will try and keep up better (how in all my BNB time did i NOT know i could do that! :dohh:)

So an update on us:
Last night Hunter walked all the way across the living room and tonight he was walking lots as well. So I think I can now classify him as "walking" instead of just taking steps iykwim. He is getting pretty good on his feet (though when I *ask* him to walk for people, he just sits down then looks at me like I am crazy, what a liar I must look like! :dohh:) So I stop asking and just let him get on with it :)
He can also wave "bye" and sometimes "hi" and even clapped at himself today :haha:
Since he can wave I have started using baby signs starting with milk every time i feed him and a few others randomly.
His sleep has been awful but I think it has a lot to do with the walking as BF babies take developmental spurts where they need more milk and also with all big milestones, babies find it hard to sleep well as their tiny brains are racing around. So if any of you are having trouble with sleep, just think they will probably come out the other side with a new skill. Hunter tends to go a while with no new skills really then he hits a load of them at once and it REALLY screws up his sleeping :nope: But I deal OK with it. I am not in a major hurry to get him sleeping through but it would be nice! I will wait to TTC until his sleep is better definitely! Remember how tiring first tri is?! Imagine waking up loads and never getting a nap! He never has been a GREAT sleeper so i am used to it :/

Hope you all are doing well :)

Oh and today (17th) is Hunters 8 month birthday! I can NOT believe it has been 2/3 of a year!

ETA: also he has outgrown his shoes AGAIN! He is in 12-18 month size shoes from Tesco and in real size i think a c3 or 3.5 (i cant remember but i do know it was pretty much the highest size the store had in soft shoes!) So to keep him in soft shoes, I will have to get looking hard for size: Mahoosive! :haha: :nope:

And when he was weighed last wednesday he was 17lbs 10oz (8kg exactly) and was 29 inches long
Cocoa Ella has lost weight too. She was 8.8kgs last week and now she is 8kgs.
I was just skimming through. Don't worry that it is the END of co sleeping MM because Hunter backward crawled offthe bed a few months ago and i was nervous and we have always been very aware of him crawling around the bed (like if we are getting ready and he is playing on the bed) but the other day I let him go near the edge and i was sat poised ready to get him if he even thought of going over but he now knows that there is an end to the bed and that he can't crawl into thin air :haha: So they do become aware. And I know these times where it seems they just don't understand danger will never end but they will end so co sleeping may be an option again one day (or make a few adjustments to make it safer now) But as with all things, every bump on the head, every fall down everytime they crawl right into a wall etc its all *learning* So in the mean time be aware of the surroundings and be there for cuddles and they will learn to be more careful with a bit of practise and time :flower: I think the HARDEST stage so far is when they are first starting to get mobile but not actually sure footed yet. You have to constantly be there and watch them etc. But it gets easier! Believe me, i thought it was SO HARD and that he would never understand "danger" Hunter (like all babies) was climbing on LOTS of stuff long before he could get down. But the other day he learned how to get down. Before that he was trying to go head first :dohh: But I taught him (when he would climb on his wee rocking chair) to sit first (he likes to "surf" it standing up!! :shock:) then dangle his feet at the edge then stand... it took quite a few time of showing him before he got it.

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