Kel - such a cute haircut!
JJ - don't they have to provide you with time to pump? But would it come out of your break time? I know some babies 'cycle' when their mums go back to work - where they hardly have any milk in the day and just feed at night. Sounds like a good idea, but being awake and feeding all night can't be fun once you're back at work.
GL - pics are fab! She looks so happy in front of the camera - M usually frowns!
I've tried clapping M's hands, but like Flora - she balls them up, and tries pulling them away. She HATES me playing with her hands, and screams blue murder when I true to clean them, put her arms in her coat etc.
I want to teach her kissing too - mega cute! I was at booby group yesterday and one of the girls there is 10 months and was going round kissing all the other babies on their heads. M kept looking at her like she was mad
Oh also - I learnt something interesting.
One of the mums there is doing a course on boys behaviour. She was saying how they were learning the differences between boys and girls, and obviously this is a generalisation, but apparently;
For the first year, pretty much everything the baby does is for survival
From 1-2 years, they are mainly focussed on doing things which make themselves feel good.
From 2-4 years boys and girls split. Girls want to please other people and boys stay wanting to please themselves (and stay that way!)
Which is why you'll get girls which will help with the chores, because they want to please you, but boys will create all the mess and throw a massive strop when you ask them to tidy up - they don't want to do it because it doesn't make them happy to tidy.
And apparently that's why you get men that are still mummy's boys - their mum has always cleared up after them because the boy doesn't want to and the mum just wants to please him! A viscous circle! Lol
I found it really interesting, especially as I've got one of those men now. Damn his mother. But I find that I still do the cleaning when he doesn't, to please him