march lambs 2010 come on ladies

08 march - no tips really, take some sort of toy that she likes maybe? I just stood behind the photographer and this other lady was there as well and we were both calling for her attention and she just smiled at us. But then she has always liked attention, and luckily she was in a particularly good mood that day.

I hope the new medication works well :hugs:

Seity - Sorry about the crap sleep - could it be a growth spurt (yet again)? I think maybe there's one at 9 months?

I'm not sure whetehr to worry but Flora still doesn't do many word sounds, well she does tonnes of oohing and aahing but the consonant sounds so far are only 'ba' and 'bwa', she said 'ma' once the other day but not since. I know they all develop in their own time. I kind if think maybe she's just observing and waiting till she's got it down before really going for it. She watches me intently when I say 'mamama' and 'dadada', but she doesn't really mimic anything.

Poor little mite has a terrible cold last 2 days, would hardly nap because of it, so has been tired and snotty and upset all day. Her temp is OK though, but I can tell she feels rubbish. Also I was at a meeting yesterday and whn I got home at about 5:30 OH said she had been really cranky and crying for an hour and a half. I think because she felt sick she wasn't as able to cope with me not being there. She clung to me for ages when I got home.
Seity - Sorry about the crap sleep - could it be a growth spurt (yet again)? I think maybe there's one at 9 months?
Could be. I think he's been in a permanent growth spurt since birth :haha:

GL - Gabriel is very similar in his verbal skills to Flora. They'll start 'talking' when they're ready. I've noticed that he uses his voice a lot more when he's not moving around and now that he spends a lot of time standing, he's chattier. I hope Flora feels better soon. Colds suck no matter what age you are.
Seity I am the same about hunters hair. But i dont wanna cut it, i want the first snip to be his first proper cut (and he wont need that for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time :haha:) But the hair at the ears is annoying sometimes. I brush the sides back after baths but within seconds, its dry and back to its natural position again. His hair is really fine and wont keep any shape for long :dohh:
Hi ladies, just checking in! :hi:

Just gave Ella a bath. it's a rainy saterday afternoon. Just put a load of washing on. now I'm just chilling with my girl. i hope every one is well

Crikey Seity - another blimmin' growth spurt?! I hope he settles down soon. M's sleep has been atrocious recently, but I think it's just a bad habit she's got in to. :dohh:

We went to the park for the first time yesterday - M played on the swing and went down the slide a few times (with mummy helping!)
Here's a short slip of her on the swing (I've got no idea why she sounds like a squeaky cat!)
Flora just watched the video of M on the swing and it made her smile! Its very cute. She fits the swing much better than flora, who just slips to the side and then ends up reclining at the bak, but she still enjoys it.
GL - ahh poor Flora, i hope she feels better soon hun :hugs:

Cocoa - such a cute video! x
GL - got your card today :flower:

We should definitely arrange a meet-up for us girls that are close enough. I'm thinking - you, me, mummy_em, Lyn, Dee.
JJ - I admit I had to look up where Southport is :blush: I thought it was near southampton. In my defense - we learnt about rivers and clouds in geography, not UK towns/cities :rofl:

Who else is close enough? Obviously MM, Rosy, Hive, BNK, Seity, Vegas, Kel, Erised and Emskins are out. Probably too far for DM2 & 08MarchBean to come down. Unless any of you guys have a trip planned that we could incorporate?
Cocoa- Cute Video! Connor squeaks when he swings too.
GL- I hope Flora is feeling better

To the ladies that do BLW- Do some of the food you feed your babies go straight through them? Connor had veggies the other night (peas, carrots, green beans) and the next morning they were in his poo almost the same way they went in. Then last night he had blueberries, and the were almost whole in his poo today.
Kel - yep M has chunks on her nappy. Carrot, pear (lumps and skin) and broccoli are the worse offenders. Her nappies after she's had mashed potato are :sick:
Cocoa - I'd be up for a meet, as long as I could travel to wherever we meet without a car. :thumbup: good idea

Flora has a rough cold! I think its like what you described with M the other day. She has a really gravelly congested cough and sticky snot which she keeps rubbing all over her face poor thing! The weirdest thing is she's actually sleeping well, once she's asleep. Last night she wqent down at 6:45, I had to re-settle her around 4 or 5 times before 11, (no feeds though), then I went to bed and I didn't hear from her again until 6:45 am!!!! So excluding the cuddles and settling because of her cold she pretty much slept through the night! Very weird, perhaps the calpol helped..
Cocoa, such a cute video. I love the squeaks!

Kel - Yep, certain foods still go straight through him. Most of it gets digested these days but things with skins like berries, peas etc. don't always get broken down. It makes for interesting nappy changes!

GL - Sorry to hear about Flora's cold but great news that she slept so great. It must have felt good to get some sleep yourself. Take it while you can, and maybe you'll be so lucky that she'll learn a new habit (sleeping through) out of this! :haha:

Well, not a lot to tell here. Life is finally starting to feel normal again (most days)! I'm feeling a bit out of sorts this weekend though. We had a friend (older but still...) get diagnosed with cancer and go rapidly downhill and within about 2 weeks, she passed away on Friday afternoon. We hadn't been able to visit her in hospital in the beginning because she had pneumonia and didn't want to risk Ronan being exposed to it, and then he got a cold anyway so we couldn't take him to see her then. She came home on Thursday though, and we went to see her Friday at lunchtime. She was asleep the whole time and it was so sad to see such a vibrant, happy woman laid so low. The house was full of friends and family though and everyone loved on and doted over Ronan. It was nice to see that he could bring smiles to people's faces under the circumstances and I think they appreciated the moments of levity.

Anyway, this Tuesday/Wednesday, at the age of 35 I'll be attending a wake and funeral for the first time ever. I've been blessed so far to have not lost most people close to me, but for those that I have lost I've always been out of the country and not able to make it.

On a lighter note, here's a little video of Ronan playing tug with his daddy who's pretending to be a dog! The monkey thought it was the bestest thing ever!
yes the carrots EJ had yesterday came right out the same way lol but most of it gets chewed up enough before he swallows it now,

EJ is totally camando crawling and its really cute but hes so fast and hes cut 4 top teeth in the last 2 days so now we have 6 teeth hes doing well walking if people are holding his hands,
Hive - So sorry to hear about your friend, that really was sudden too :hugs:
The video is so cute, love his giggles. we have the leapfrog table as well (I saw it in the background) and Flora absolutely loves it!

Yeah she might learn to sleep through, that would be great, but I guess I wont hold my breath going on past experiences. She also possibly might be teething because she's SOO cranky and has nappy rash all of a sudden, plus some other signs... but again not holding my breath as every time I think its teething the signs go away and still no teeth.
Hi all :hi:

Ella can now sit up by herself, she is army crawling like mad and weighs 8kg. Getting weighed again on Weds as she lost a wee bit of weight but no surprises there seeing how fast she moves lol. I now feed her 3 meals of solids a day- fruit for brekkie, and veges (and meat sometimes) for lunch and tea. I'm making my own food for her now. Very time consuming but it's worth it Her vocabulary is improving by the day, saying mama and dada and even tries to copy me when i say banana.
I hope everyones having a good Monday evening. i havn't been on much as sims 3 has been consuming much of my time LOL. Dan is cooking us meat patties (for snadwich burgers) and chippies for tea. Ella's just gone to bed.

Ella cruising the floor

Ella enjoying the swing. or should I say rope :haha:

HC- Cool video- i love how Ronan climbs onto daddy at the end :haha:
Sorry about your friend hun :hugs:

GL- i heard that they can teeth on and off for ages before there are any signs of them as they go up and down (you prob already know that anyway lol) No signs here for Ella yet either biut there have been times where i wonder if she is teething. I hope Flora gets over her cold soon x

Kel- we are mpostly traditional weaning but the carrets I puree up didnt really puree properly so they are quite chunky but they seem to go down fine. They come out as chunks in the nappy though :haha: I'm mainly mashing stuff now instead of pureeing as she is getting better with her lumps and bumps :)

Cocoa- O I wish I could come to the meetup :cry: i would love to meet all you yummy mummys. i'm still yet to meet Rosy who lives the other side of the country!
I love the swing video. I have one similar but Ella is just trying to eat the rope lol.

I cant believe how some of our babies hair is getting long enough to cut! Ella's in growing but i couldn't bring myself to cut it lol i spose i can get away with it her being a girl and all :rofl:

GL - yeah that sounds like what M had. It's heartbreaking isn't it?!I hope she gets better quickly :hugs:
Hope you had another good night too! x

Hive - so sorry to hear about your friend. It's even more tragic when they are taken so young :hugs:
Fab video - I can't get over how 'old' Ronan looks- he's definitely not a baby anymore!

Lyn - post a pic of the teeth! I love toothy smiles!

MM - go Ella! The vids wouldn't load (my Internet connection playing up I think) so I'll try again later.

I've busted something in my back/right shoulder. It hurts so much to move my head - pulls a muscle in my shoulder. Not sure what I've done - but probably caused by sleeping awkwardly with M on my arm over the past couple of weeks. :cry:
you cant see them when he smiles yet lol and hes so cranky hes quite unwell in general, good news though we saw the surgeon today about his hypospadias and the decision has been taken that as its causing no problems then we will wait till hes potty trained then review the situation and decide if we want the surgery for him,

we have to move in 8 days though and are struggling to find a property, the council will put us in emergancy housing but thats oly if we dont have anywhere by the 31st so we are trying desperately to find somewhere,

oh i weighed and measured the boys last week and EJ is 26lb and 79cm, and Nate is 37lb and 99cm, so they are big boys lol

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