Hi mummy_em welcome back, hows little Ella?
Lynn -
hope you find somewhere to live hun, that's awful that you have to go thru that. What about your OHs family? Where do they live?
Cocoa - how did the meeting go? That's great about M learning to pull herself to sitting, Flora can't do that. I am hovering always waiting for the next milestone but we seem a bit stuck right now. She only seems to like standing but she can't pull herself up or sit herself back down, so she just falls. She can rock on all fours for a while then just flattens on her tummy. And she doesn't like sitting anymore unless she ahs a toy to play with.
On a positive note I was slightly worried about her verbal development a few days ago, well she is suddenly babbling like crazy loads of consonant sounds so that's good. She is over the worst of her cold I think but still really snotty and wheezy.
She is looking kinda chubby but I have no idea what she weighs so I think I'll get her weighed at the monthly weigh-in next wednesday. I can't remember how many weeks she is! Cocoa - how many weeks is M? Flora is nearly a week ahead I think (5 days). but anywya I am guestimating about 7.6 kgs or something along those lines.
Quick personal question...
me and OH dtd the other night and it STILL HURTS. Is this normal? I mean we've only done it a handful of time since Flora was born, mainly because I avoid it because it hurts and therefore I don't enjoy it! I have a serious suspicion that I was sticthed up too tight, and am considering going to the GP about it. Any advice ladies?
Also, another question, Flora is not really taking much bedtime milk recently, like 2-3 oz from a bottle and then I will try to BF but she's just not interested. Last night I fed her at 10:15, 3:30 and 6am, which is more than normal for her. But prior to that she has been sleeping well despite a meagre bedtime drink. Is it because she's had a cold or maybe teething making her less hungry?