march lambs 2010 come on ladies

I seriously need a kick up the arse re: diet. I'm actually back down to my prepregnancy weight, but I was dieting before I fell pregnant so I've still got a bit to lose (about 10lbs -about 4.5kg MM) but really it's more about eating healthily. I keep slipping back into bad habits.... habits I don't want M picking up on.

Oh - my friend that has twins in July posted new pics on her fb the other day, and I noticed that she's weaning them. I don't like to judge, but they're only 19 weeks and were 4-5 weeks early. Crazy. My other friend was saying the other day that she's given her LO tastes of galaxy, choc biscuit, white choc buttons and yogurt. He was only 13 weeks when she told me and the first time she'd done it was weeks before.
I'm seeing my friend who's 7 months pregnant today, and I'm going to make her promise not to give her LO food before at least 17 weeks!
MM bread is actually an awful first finger food because it gets so gluggy. I wouldn't let it put you off, especially as it's important for her to learn sooner, rather than later at this point! It's so scary at first when they gag but after a few times I found I barely blinked.

Cocoa, even though like you i think the closer to 6 months the better for weaning, they actually advise preemies wean by actual age and not adjusted. Apparently the digestive system matures to readiness for solids beginning at birth and the first exposure to milk. It must be hard for mums with really preemie babies who developmentally aren't quite there yet even if their digestive systems are. I'm not sure how i would handle it myself, although seeing BLW babies not eat until 8+ months I would probably still wait it out.

As for your other friend :dohh: I don't understand the rush to want to get them onto food. There are days I still wish Ronan would drink just milk! It's so much easier...there's my lazy side peeking through. :mrgreen:
Re weight gain/loss for some reason I'm half a stone under my pre-preg weight which is great. I'm probably half a stone over my ideal weight but as its an ideal I never really expect to get to it :haha: I don't know what I'm doing right except BFing, and working a lot with my husband so don't have a lot of time to snack! What we do eat is usually leftovers from the work and its all healthy seasonal stuff as well (we never get to eat the cakes because we serve them whole :() I reckon when I go back to work I might put a bit of weight on snacking at my desk.

Cocoa - chocolate at 13 weeks seems a bit ill-thought out to me. But you know, each to their own and all that. I haven't yet and don't plan to give chocolate to Flora for a good while. She doesn't know what she's missing so there's not much point introducing it at all. Until she's old enough to understand when I'm eating it (and enjoying it) then she'll probably want to have some of what I've got! I will usually only eat chocolate after dinner when she's in bed anyway (we don't have any in right now but there is some cooking chocolate in the cupboard mmm..... but I might just have a hot chocolate to stave of the craving instead)
Hive - that makes sense actually, they would gave had the same time on milk as a full-term baby. They just seem so young!
My lazy side wishes that M could just be BF too! She's still not eating much solid food though, I'm trying not to worry as I know 'food is for fun before 1', but they obviously don't just magically start dropping feeds and eating more on their first birthday, and I'm hoping she shows signs of eating more soon. She still just has a couple of mouthfuls (on a good day) at each meal.

GL - I meant to say that M is still all about the sitting - she can pull herself up on her knees but not onto her feet, and she's mega shakey when we stand her up. I don't envisage her walking any time soon!
I was eating a chocolate digestive the other day and M was climbing all over me to get it, I gave her a baby biscuit - she devoured it and carried on climbing all over me. So I let her have a little suck on the corner :blush: - she wasn't overly impressed and carried on playing after.
I'm still breastfeeding Eleanor, but her stomach is a bottomless pit when it comes to solids. She could eat 24/7 and store it *somewhere*. She has 3 meals a day and with this isn't overly bothered by milk feeds any more. So those who worry their little ones aren't taking enough solids, there's an opposite worry as well ;)

She hasn't been weighed since she was 5 months old, so I have absolutely no idea if she's gaining ok nor do I know if she's still getting enough milk. She's pretty much only feeding on milk during the night now, I do latch her on every 3 to 4 hours during day time but she doesn't really seem to drink. Normal or something to worry about? I know she's supposed to mostly grow from the milk still!

She's doing well with everything else though. We don't have many words yet, but she can say 'dada' and 'hiya', pretty certain we've heard several 'hello's as well. She isn't too bothered about talking though, it's only occasionally we get to hear the words.

She's crawling like a pro (and has been for over a month now), meaning I'm constantly busy. She can pull herself up on absolutely anything, has been doing so for about 4 weeks. She started on the bookshelves but can even pull herself up against the patio door now. There's nothing to hold on to, she just 'walks' her hands up until she's standing.

She can step over from say, the chair to her walker as well if they're facing each other. She doesn't stand freely yet, but as she can move from object to object at different heights and is constantly practising her balance by bending over when standing (holding on with one hand) to pick up toys and bring them up, I don't think it will be long.

Oohhh... she also has a tooth! Think she's got the second one on the way too.
Hey all, poppin on quick b4 I go to bed, on my phone so will have a proper catch up tomorrow. Grr me and Chase have been ill all week. Chase started with a cold Sunday night and Monday night I was feelin I'll too and yesterday I could tell I'd got a chest infection so had to go the docs for antibiotics.

Chase's sleep has been awful due to him being I'll an he's slept with us a lot this week as I've just been too tired to keep getting up. He seems better today so hopefully he is over the worst.

Ahh took him for his 8 month check ip today. He's doing fine and achieving all milestones but he's only put on an ounce in a month. Also as I'm going back to work we're only on morning and night breastfeeds so the hv has told us to give him lots of cheese, yoghurts etc an lots of full fat things. She wants to check his weight again in a month. I felt so bad he's hardly gained, like he's not getting enough go eat.

He's been very active today going from crawling to sitting lots and he keeps lifting his bum up with his legs outstretched straight as if he's trying to stand up.

Ahh my hubby has got to av a wisdom tooth out tomorrow an they have to take some if his jaw away, ewww an the silly boy has said he wanted a local as he's scared he won't wake up from a general. He's just phoned me from work sayin he's really scared and doesn't know if he can go through with it. Have to see how he feels in the mornin. After droppin at hospital, well if he goes me and Chase are going go mil's. He still cries and goes hysterical every time he goes there or when mil and fil come here, just don't get it he's not like that with anyone else. Not good when she will be looking after him.

Hope everyone is ok x
JJ - your poor OH! That sounds horrific! I hope it goes ok.
M has put hardly any weight on for about 6 weeks now. I think it's because she's much more active. BF babies do stop gaining so much so quickly though, so it's probably just that hun.
I hope you feel better soon :hugs:

Erised - go Elanor! And glad she finally got a tooth too! We're still waiting...
aww i love the clapping! When hunter does it i get so excited! :haha:

Well I thought i would upload a video of hunter now. I love seeing all the other vids. Here he is, my little toddler

Sorry, i only had a chance to skim the last few pages, its hard when your LO wont stay still! :haha:
JJ - ouch that op sounds awful. Tell him to get a general they are very safe you know. Sorry you've been ill. FLora has had it bad but seems much better now. I managed to escape unharmed although my OH got it too.

Erised - Eleanor sounds like she's doing great :thumbup: Still waiting for a tooth here too.

DM2 - still can't believe Hunter is only 8 months old. Surely he must be one of the youngest walking babies like ever?? I love his stripy bum :flower:

Flora still not taking much bedtime milk and has started waking up more frequently at night. Ah well, what can you do? :shrug: She HATES getting changed as well, its always been a drama at bedtime putting her jammies on, but last few days the nappy changes and changing clothes generally have led to serious meltdowns. Any ideas?

GL- Sorry you are having a rough time with changing Flora :hugs: I know how difficult it is when Ella is in a strop and rollinng around but i can't imagine what it would be like full time!!

DM2- :shock: omgsh! What a clever boy! you must be soo stoked :dance:

hh- i hope you guys feel better soon and I hope Chases sleep is getting better.
Don't blame yourself for his weight loss. Ella lost 800grams in 1 and a half weeks but one week after that she had put on 900gram. It makes sense coz the week where she lost it she had just started crawling and the week she had gained it I had bumped up her feeds and given her more formula!

Erised- woohoo for teeth number 1! We are still gummy bear over her :haha:

Lynn- Did you get to view that house? How did it go?

It's Saterday evening here almpost 9pm. Im just enjoying a cold beer as its been really hot today. Summer is here in 4 days!!!

Ella is biting my nipples heaps :shock: and she laughs when she does it :dohh: Little monkey

I can't help with the changes - M is quite content to get changed and unchanged.... until it comes to putting her arms in sleeves. It's sounds like I'm murdering her! I've tried singing and making it into a game, she's having none of it!

Sleep has been a nightmare here too. She's back to waking at least 5 times a night, me and OH are like zombies. I gave in and just fed hear each time last night which worked (even though she wasn't really hungry) but she will hardly eat today now. Grrr

Anyone got any exciting plans this weekend?
None for me- seeing my mum today, then my niece's birthday on Sunday - family gathering in the afternoon and possibly going swimming in the morning.
We are just going to my SILs for a BBQ tomo. I was meant to go to a bbq drinks tonight but i couldnt be bothered. Just wasn't in the mood
We're cooking lunch for 55 people tomorrow :wacko: so its shopping and baking today
GL - I certainly don't envy you! Good luck.

It's -3 Celsius here at the mo. No snow yet- but bloody freezing!!
yes we saw it , and its lush, we can do it in our budget just need FIL's help with the deposit we could save it ourselves but not quick enough for needing to move so DH has to talk with his dad again but we are desperately hoping if FIL doesnt help we still need about £800 to make the move

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