Nope, she has never ever done that before. It's a first. She is teething though, so perhaps that's the cause. Guess that being awake downstairs and playing kept her distracted, where as she noticed the pain when laying down upstairs.
We used to co-sleep in the morning, but all she does now is crawl to the end of the bed to pull herself (where she is likely to fall over the edge) and use my head as a drum. We had to give up on that as she's all over the place now, pulling hair, using me as a drum, pulling herself up on the foot and head end of the bed etc. So afraid that isn't an option for us any more, I did try last night =/
At 6am I managed to get her to sleep for 45 minutes, but that's all. She had 1 hour nap today, so really hoping she'll sleep better tonight!
She's becoming a bit of a drama queen. She used to crawl to places she isn't allowed (under the desk) but would be fine if you moved her and gave her some toys. Now she'll cry as soon as you pick her up and won't calm down for a good 5 minutes, no matter what you give her unless it's food. You know she's trying to go back to the cables under the desk as she'll stop crying, then the whole story starts again.
Everything is becoming a bit of a battle, she's very strong willed and has got quite a voice on her when crying. You know the toddler tantrums? She's like that at 8 months!