march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Pineapple - poor Zander! At least he won't remember having it done when he's older. And how crazy that one was by his ribs?!?! I just assumed they'd be just tucked inside a bit!

Vegas - no suggestions, my tactic is to move the tempting object but it's not always possible! That's such a nice thing to do (buying the gifts for children in need). I've never heard of that being done before. I live how kids have no concept of money!

GL - glad to hear that Flora enjoyed the childminder.
M's sleep is pretty bad - waking every 2 hours at the moment. I think it's her teeth, as she wakes up with a pained cry, so I'm going to try bonjela (although I've actually got calgel) tonight and might get some anbesol tomorrow if that doesn't work.

Lyn - good luck with the move!

MM - test & post some pics :flower:

Hive - I hope the tree stays safe :haha:
yeah apparently they start waaayyy up there in the womb... things I never knew.
They were talking of removing it all together if they couldn't bring it down- that freaked me out a great deal, but again apparently you only need one to be a boy.... more things I never knew.
Ella has worked out how to get from sitting position to crawling position. O well, I enjoyed my wee bit of freedom when she was stuck there lol. Now i cant leave her at all. *drags more boxes in to block off the wall unit*
Its Floras 8 month brithday today :happydance:

Cocoa- I had a similar night last night, she was such a pain all she wanted was me to pick her up and cuddle her, and would just cry when I put her down. I ended up feeding her 3 times although by the 3rd time she definitely didn't need it.

The childminder took her again for an hour today. She was fine but she thinks she's probably teething, and tbh she seems a bit under the weather again. But overall no probs with her. She drank formula while she was there because I didn't get time to express enough milk.

I also had her weighed and she's 7.35kgs which is 16lbs 3oz. She is actually now a bit under her percentile line which she has been bang on all the way and has only gained 400 grams in 2 months. So I dunno, perhaps she's burning more calories with all the standing and attempting to crawl! I think she's fine but somehow I've got to get more milk into her during the day, if nothing else so that maybe she wont need it so much at night!
Well I don't know if it was the formula ut she has been asleep in the pram for nearly 2 hours! She never sleeps that long I just don't know what to do with myself...

Actually I've got tonnes to do I'm just a bit taken aback at having time to do it! Better go make use of the time I've got left...
Vegasbaby - I try not to say no too much to Ronan unless it's really important/something dangerous. He does respond to uh uh though, although lately he's started having quivering lower lip meltdowns if I do that so I feel all guilty! Mostly I just move him away from whatever he's not meant to be getting into, along with moving and keeping things out if sight and reach to avoid the temptation altogether. Even though he's too young to understand, I always explain why I'm not letting him do something because sooner or later he will understand.

PineappleHead - Poor Zander. I'm glad that the surgery went well though and without any complications! It's great that he got through it so well.

Lynn - I hope the move goes well and without any complications. I'm not sure I'd want to move in snow no matter how wonderful the place would look all covered in fresh snow, but then we get so much snow here that I'm jaded about having to do anything worklike in it as much as I love the snow and being out doing fun stuff in it!

MM - I miss the days of knowing Ronan would be where I left him! It's non stop go go go from now on!

GL - Happy 8 months to Flora! Sorry to hear she's been a bit off lately though. Hopefully it's just a passing thing and she's back in good form soon.

Cocoa - We've had some rough nights with Ronan teething as well. I can't wait for them to all cut through and to not have to worry about it again until he's old enough to communicate verbally with me that he's in pain! It just feels like such a guessing game some days trying to figure out what's wrong.
GL - happy 8 months to Flora!

I hope you managed to find something useful to do while she was sleeping.
My HV said today that I should put M naked on the floor with a few towels to get her to crawl - and it did actually make a difference. She moved her left knee forward, her right knee forward, then used her arms to drag both her knees forward at the same time, and then she flopped on her belly. It's the closest she's been to crawling yet. Worth a try with Flora?
M has finally put some weight on - she's been stuck around 9.5kg for weeks now, she was 9.6kg yesterday. I think their weight just slows down anyway.

MM - yay Ella! You'll have your hands full now!
9.6kg! She's a good weight hun. I wonder if Flora might have lost and regained weight, but its been 2 months so I've no idea how its fluctuated. She's fine the way she is just petite!

Actually good idea, I have been putting her on her rug in her room with just bare legs (too cold to be completely naked) and shes seems to do the best moving then. She doesn't seem to have worked out that she needs to move her knees separatley.

Hive - bring on the teeth. I think Flora is teething for sure but they're not cutting yet or anything, but she was quite cranky and upset tonight with her hand in her mouth and sucking on her gums as well. Hope Ronan doesn't suffer too much.
Yup - my bubba's a little fatty. I've just bought some 12-18 month tights as the 6-12 month ones are too tight round her thighs. And some of her 9-12 month tops are tight around the belly but too long in the arm. I can't put her in jeans because they are so tight, she can't sit down :blush:

M keeps flicking her Tongue over her gums - teething symptom? Bloody things are taking forever to appear!
Aww sweet! Little fatty! Flora can still fit in the the 2-4 months long sleeve vests from H&M, as I am a bit short on those. The 6-12 months tights are FAR too long and so she has all these uge gathers on her thighs. She's got kind of short but chubby-ish legs, well they're not fat but just little.

Flora is doing the same gum sucking thing as well, she's gurning all the time its a bit odd. She was wide awake at 2:30am last night, and wanted cuddling but refused to go back in her cot. I couldn't be bothered with staying up to settle her which would've taken ages so she just cam in bed with me and slept peacefully till 7am.
Has anyone seen or heard anything from Seity? She hasn't been here for a while.
cocoa, I *THINK* she might still be in California. She was supposed to go there for Thanksgiving last week, but I don't remember how long she was going to be there so chances are she's still there.
lo we have about 3/4 inches of snow here and its still coming down but its supposed to be clear skies tomorrow so should be ok to move in over the weekend the agents are just struggling to get someone to do a gas safety check on the property this week and i wont be happy if i have to wait longer
Happy 8 months Flora for yesterday.

Whooo finally Chase can crawl properly, he has also jus learnt to pull himself up to standing holding onto the sofa and FINALLY his tooth is through and I got a peek at it before. Seems like Chase hadn't learnt anything for a while an now it's a few things at once. So proud of him. An he did it on my day off.

He was a nightmare yesterday afternoon for hubby think he was glad wen I got in from work.

I'm still worrying about him not having any milk in the day mainly because some days he doesn't want to eat much. Just have to see what his weight is wen we take him back to be weighed on the 23rd.
JJ- Yay for Chase learning lots of new skills. All of our babies are growing too quickly.
Seity just got back from California. She posted about the trip in her parenting journal today.
Thaanks Kel and PH - I read her journal - she's probably catching up on sleep after their trip!

JJ - well done Chase! Ita amazing how they do so manythibgs in quick succession!

Lyn - fingers crosses the snow doesn't get worse for the move x
Hey all,
We got back late last night from visiting all my family out in California. We all had a great time and Gabriel got to dip his toe into the Pacific. He reacted much better than when we dipped it into the Atlantic, but then he's older now.
I'll have to do a proper post later when G is in bed because he's not letting me do anything at the moment.

He let go of the coffee table this evening and stood unassisted for about 2 seconds before grabbing hold again. That's a new trick, no idea if he'll repeat it any time soon.
Hi all :coffee:

Glad you had a great time Seity!

I put up our xmas tree today. Up high lol. I post a wee pic of it soon, with her wee stocking hanging up.

I am so excited to put her in her xmas outfit. I made her a red and white xmas tutu last night :)

She is now able to pull herself up on things. Eeeeek!! She fell over sitting up today and wacked her head pretty hard i hate when things like that happen :cry: She is sitting up so well these days though, but I like to keep a tri pillow bhind her- this time i didnt :dohh:

O I tested again and the line came up after 10 mins so I'm just gonna test again in another week or so. Not holding my breath... i will catch up on everyone soon just popping in to say hi :hugs:

Pineapple: Glad that Zander's surgery went well. Better to have it done now than later.

MM: Too bad that more freedom for our children is less freedom for us. All I do is chase this child around the house. Right now she is standing at the coffee table reaching for my laptop as I type (she wants to chew on it). Can't wait to see Ella's Christmas outfit.

GL: Happy 8 months to Flora. I would not worry too much about the weight unless the doctor is concerned. The increased activity must be burning a lot of calories.

Cocoa: M is not a little fatty, she's just a big girl like Charlotte. I bought Charlotte jeans in 18m and just roll them up. Sadly, they are a bit snug on her. Must be the holiday treats!

JJ: Hooray for Chase!

Seity: Welcome back. Looks like Gabriel had a good time. To have dipped his toes into two oceans before he is a year old is quite the accomplishment.

Well, I can now feel Charlotte's first tooth, but she won't open up to let me see. She used to think it was silly when I would check her gums now she keeps her mouth shut. Grr. She is pulling herself up to standing all the time now. Yesterday she fell and bumped her head and I felt so bad for not catching her. I suppose there will be a few bumps along the way. Other than that things have been pretty quiet.
well the snow stopped we just have ice now and with more snow/rain predicted tonight then its gonna be slippy out tomorrow if we get to move

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