Julchen - gorgeous pictures hun! Looks like you had a lovely day. Yeah it's nice to have a video to look back on as like you said soe of it can be a blur. Love your avatar pic too so cute.
GL - sounds like she is saying it to you hun.
Cocoa - Chase was just babbling for ages and making mmmmm sounds then out of the blue one day he just started saying momma and babba.
Seity - haha how cute Gabriel can stand up in his sleep bag, Chase hasn't managed that yet.
Oooh i'm tired, work was ok but as my boss wasn't in after i'd sorted her bits out i had to work for someone else and he's sooo boring and annoying, drove me mad, glad today is over!!!!! Also Chase was supposed to go to my friends today but her little boy has been ill, she took him the Dr's today and he's got an ear and throat infection so we decided not to take Chase there as we didn't want him to catch it so he went to mil's instead, just meant i had an hours journey to pick him up and get back home after work and Chase has had a late night. He ended up having some tea at 7 o'clock as mil said he would hardly eat anything for her. So stressed about his eating, it seems he won't eat a lot for anyone but me or hubby.
Ahh Chase was so pleased to see me today, today is the first day he's not been with me or hubby and he did ok. Mil said he cried on and off but that he was funny as he would cry, but there would be no tears and he'd still play or watch TV while whinging.
I'm off tomorrow so i'm going to try my hardest to make sure Chase goes back in his cot after each feed he wakes for tonight, need to get him used to his cot again its just so much easier to have him with us. He woke last night and just would not go back in his cot, after numerous attempts he came in with us at 11pm and after getting comfy he was straight to sleep, lil monkey.