Kel- that sounds awful for Connor making him self sick!! I hope he stops doing it soon
So i did abit of shopping today- went loose on OHs card
i registered my car, sent some presents (one to Rosy who hasn't been on here in awhile lol) and one secret santa to a nz march mummies thread i'm on. I bought some thin lizzys makeup today. i dont normally wear foundation but i thought i would give it a go so OH bought it for me for xmas
I ended up buying Ella a top for xmas, a santa onsie, a santa hat and a plush soft toy catepilla which i gave her early. She LOVES it! It's big and it was only $12 A bargain! She likes to eat its nose
She has crawled properly a few times today
She still finds it hard work but she is getting there
I caught up with my oldest friend jayde tonight. We have been best friends since I was 4 when we were at kindy together! She found these photos of when i was around 38 weeks pregnant. man i was huge! i didnt know who it was when she showed me lol!!!
I still had a couple of weeks to go!
Ella being clever...
Here's a few I took today
Ella and her new catipillar-
Baby in bed now just having some me time