Hi all, happy birthday for yesterday Cocoa sounds like you had a nice day hun and you got some nice pressies x Teeth will appear soon hun, seriously Chase has been teething since about July and i thought they would never appear then two popped up.
Kel - happy 9 months to Connor! What a clever boy walking the couch, won't be long before he's off i bet.
MM - just voted, good luck Ella x
GL - Ahh well done Flora, i remember when Chase did this you feel so frustrated for them because they are soooo close.
Whoo Chase is 9 months today, i seriously can't believe how quick that has gone! He is really starting to look like a little boy now and not a baby.
We're still having cot issues, but i suppose it's half our fault too, with working i'm just too tired to fight it and i can't just let him cry, suppose he'll go in his own bed all night eventually. We love having him in with us so for now i think things aren't going to change much. I was sooo tired on Friday by 8.30 i was nodding off on the couch. Chase had a good night last night though, well after finally going to bed that is.
Eating wise he's still having issues with lumps/textured food. He does eat finger foods and sometimes he's great other times he's sick. He's having toast now and he's doing really well, just had a little heave but he's managed to chew it and not be sick. But if i puree him up say some apples for breakfast or we did some chicken and potato the other day and it its not totally smooth he just heaves

he won't even eat ready break or weetabix which i wish he would so we could get more milk into him. We give him two yoghurts as he loves these. Worried he's going to be a fussy monkey, he loves flavours its textures he doesn't like when he's being spoon fed as he'll eat any finger food you give him.
Got soooo much to do today, want to get a few bits for Chase, my friend has given me a 20% off voucher for Matalan where she works and my dad gave us some Christmas money yesterday for Chase and he needs some more 9-12 bits, also want to put our tree up, decided to go for an artifical one, then my mum is cominng up to her bungalow with some stuff and wanted to go there and sort with her, we're moving her in next Sat so she'll be back home for Christmas

ooh and also got work clothes to dry and iron.........actually i might do the tree tonight, when Chase is in bed otherwise he'll be all over it.
Chase is pulling himself up on anything he can find but he's not taken any steps yet, its so scary as he just kinda bends his legs really quickly to get back down and crashes onto his bum, constantly worried about him banging his face etc.
Hope everyone else has a lovely Sunday or has had a lovely Sunday xx