march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Thanks girls!

Had a fab day - Got an iPhone 4 (:dance:), Ricky Gervais' new DVD, la Senza undies, Nigella's new cookbook, Jamie O's new cookbook, some champers, a Swarovski snowflake charm for my bracelet, vouchers (for River Island and Mothercare - I need a new nursing bra :haha:), some body butter and a photo album.

Thoroughly spoilt!

M is a bit under the weather today. Teeth? Un-bloody-likely! I don't think these teeth will ever make an appearance! I eent to a friends after I put M to bed for a chinese take out and xfactor, got home about 11 but didn't go to bed until midnight. She woke up at 2am and had done a huge poo (definitely digesting the food more now (:sick:) and didn't got back to sleep until 4. Need :coffee:
Cocoa- I'm so glad you had a good day! Who is Ricky Gervais?

Well we went to Dans work do last night. I missed Ella the whole time :blush: i kept watching vids of her on my phone :haha:

I can't be bothered typing again so heres the link to a post I made

Hi all, happy birthday for yesterday Cocoa sounds like you had a nice day hun and you got some nice pressies x Teeth will appear soon hun, seriously Chase has been teething since about July and i thought they would never appear then two popped up.

Kel - happy 9 months to Connor! What a clever boy walking the couch, won't be long before he's off i bet.

MM - just voted, good luck Ella x

GL - Ahh well done Flora, i remember when Chase did this you feel so frustrated for them because they are soooo close.

Whoo Chase is 9 months today, i seriously can't believe how quick that has gone! He is really starting to look like a little boy now and not a baby.

We're still having cot issues, but i suppose it's half our fault too, with working i'm just too tired to fight it and i can't just let him cry, suppose he'll go in his own bed all night eventually. We love having him in with us so for now i think things aren't going to change much. I was sooo tired on Friday by 8.30 i was nodding off on the couch. Chase had a good night last night though, well after finally going to bed that is.

Eating wise he's still having issues with lumps/textured food. He does eat finger foods and sometimes he's great other times he's sick. He's having toast now and he's doing really well, just had a little heave but he's managed to chew it and not be sick. But if i puree him up say some apples for breakfast or we did some chicken and potato the other day and it its not totally smooth he just heaves :dohh: he won't even eat ready break or weetabix which i wish he would so we could get more milk into him. We give him two yoghurts as he loves these. Worried he's going to be a fussy monkey, he loves flavours its textures he doesn't like when he's being spoon fed as he'll eat any finger food you give him.

Got soooo much to do today, want to get a few bits for Chase, my friend has given me a 20% off voucher for Matalan where she works and my dad gave us some Christmas money yesterday for Chase and he needs some more 9-12 bits, also want to put our tree up, decided to go for an artifical one, then my mum is cominng up to her bungalow with some stuff and wanted to go there and sort with her, we're moving her in next Sat so she'll be back home for Christmas :happydance: ooh and also got work clothes to dry and iron.........actually i might do the tree tonight, when Chase is in bed otherwise he'll be all over it.

Chase is pulling himself up on anything he can find but he's not taken any steps yet, its so scary as he just kinda bends his legs really quickly to get back down and crashes onto his bum, constantly worried about him banging his face etc.

Hope everyone else has a lovely Sunday or has had a lovely Sunday xx
jj- Ella needs to learn to crash onto her bum :dohh: She just crashes onto her head at the moment!!!

You should post a piccie of your tree when its up :dance:
Ahh MM i don't know what to suggest with the standing, Chase stands in his cot but for some reason when he does it in his cot he lowers hhimself back down? Once they learn to pull themselvs up though i thihk standing in the cot is just something they all do. :hugs:

With the finger food hun it's so hard and i know how you feel, Chase has had finger food for a while and even now sometimes he gags, coughs and is even sick, yet other times he is fine. I just had to let him get on with it no matter how hard, just a minute ago i saw he had a large piece of toast in his mouth and i wanted to pull it out but i left him and like i said after he heaved he chewed it and swallowed it. I gave him melon the other day and he ate some and was fine, then ate some more heaved and was sick. My HV told me to offer him quavers or you can get baby wheat snack things and they are really good as they like melt, Chase loves these and has no problem with them, maybe start Ella on things that melt so you won't be so nervous and you will know she won't choke as whatever she is eating will melt in her mouth and this will still get Ella used to finger foods. Just realised i could have just posted this in your other post :dohh: never mind.:dohh:

I will post a pic when i finally get the tree up. Took a pic for our cards too and will post that too later.
Cocoa, a belated happy birthday! It was hubby's birthday yesterday too. I made him rainbow cupcakes with Mr Men rice paper toppers on them. :mrgreen: I made Ronan a plain vanilla cupcake with a Mr Messy topper that he absolutely devoured and then started beating the table wanting more! :haha:

Anyway, life has been ridiculously busy with the holidays etc. so it's hard to find the time to sit down and catch up properly. Usually the best I manage is a few minutes here and there reading how everyone else is doing while he's nursing.

To top it all off, he has a horrible cold and is teething again (still?) so he's miserable and crabby and whingy and clingy, he's snotty and sleeping awfully, and he either wants to snack nurse on and off the whole time he's awake, or like this morning just isn't interested in nursing or eating much at all. :wacko:

Nonetheless, I love him dearly and when he's not wailing the roof off because I dared moved 1 foot away from where he wants me to be, he's a constant delight and a lot of fun. He's started giving us these big ear to ear grinning smiles and has been a lot more vocal lately with babbling and having little chats with his toys. It's really cute.

I can't believe he's 2 days off from being 10 months old already! :shock:
Hive - happy belated birthday to your hobby! M is having little conversations with the cat/her toys/us now, so very cute!

MM - Ricky Gervais is a comedian. Have you see the UKs version of The Office? He's the boss in it. Much better than the US version (which is just weird!)
Not sure what to suggest about the standing. And as for the food issue - I just kept giving M solids and she learnt to deal with it quite quickly.

JJ - happy 9 months to Chase for yesterday! I hope you enjoyed your weekend off with him x
Cocoa- wow nice pressies! :if there was a jealous smiley it would be here: Lucky girl. In response to your quesiton a few pages ago, Jackson will just get some help in when its busy when I'm not here. He knows several people he can ring at a days notice thankfully. I am feeling better about it, I can't really complain I get to see a lot more of my husband than most people and hopefully we're putting a nice bit of cash aside for the future.

JJ -hope you got everything done yesterday. I managed to sort out a fair bit of the xmas shopping this weekend so thats good its such a relief. Happy 9 months to Chase!

HC - Sorry to hear Ronan is being crabby and clingy, I hope it passes soon. I know what you mean even when Flora is getting on my nerves, I still melt at the sight of her.

So she just slipped out the bottom of the highchair onto the wooden floor :nope: I ALWAYS strap her in ever since she nearly fell out one day when DH was with her, but for some reason for 5 mins today I didn't. Oh welll she's a tough cookie and cried for a minute but was then fine.

Sleep wise we're going through a bit of a bad phase again. I don't know if its a growth spurt but she's eating loads of solids (huge portions), and BFing normally in the day, then 3 feeds at night. Also just generally waking and its very draining. She also hasn't cracked the crawling thing properly and is getting super frustrated about it.
To top it all off, he has a horrible cold and is teething again (still?) so he's miserable and crabby and whingy and clingy, he's snotty and sleeping awfully, and he either wants to snack nurse on and off the whole time he's awake, or like this morning just isn't interested in nursing or eating much at all.
Nonetheless, I love him dearly and when he's not wailing the roof off because I dared moved 1 foot away from where he wants me to be, he's a constant delight and a lot of fun. He's started giving us these big ear to ear grinning smiles and has been a lot more vocal lately with babbling and having little chats with his toys. It's really cute.

I could swear you were at my home yesterday and describing Connor!
Misery does love company! I hope Connor's feeling better today. ronan is still being a rascal.
MM: I voted for Ella.

Kel: How exciting that Conner is starting to walk!

Seity: Love your new profile pic. Sooo cute.

Cocoa: Sounds like you had a great birthday.

JJ: Sorry that Chase is having issues with food. I'm sure it will get better over time.

GL: Poor Flora. Glad that she is well, despite her little fall.

We have had a very productive weekend. Friday, I went out with some girlfriends to a drag show (very interesting and soo funny). Saturday, we went to cut down a tree. That was a lot of fun. They had all sorts of stuff to do like a hayride, zip line, and petting zoo. We went on the hayride, but the other stuff can wait until Charlotte is older. We also put in an offer on a house this weekend. The house needs a lot of work, but we like to do projects around the house. The best part is that it has a huge yard. The dogs and baby will both appreciate that. Keep your fingers crossed that they accept our offer.
Fingers crossed for you Vegas!

GL - M is being a nightmare sleeper too - we're back to massively fighting naps, 30 minute naps (so therefore whingy and tired all day) and lots of random wakings in the night. I think it's one of the wonder weeks around 36 weeks if I remember rightly, so maybe it's a developmental thing?
I saw a chart somewhere, let me see if u can track it down on google.
Here we go:
Cocoa - Happy Birthday a little late. That was also my FIL's birthday. Gabriel definitely went through a developmental stage right around then. Waking and eating more often.
HC - I hope Ronan feels better. That sounds like what Gabriel was like around Thanksgiving thanks to the cold from his cousins and some extra bad teething.
vegas - Sounds like a good weekend. I hope you get the house.

Usually Gabriel only eats a few bites of food at meal times, but today at lunch he ate an entire cup of applesauce! The strangest thing is that he has always grabbed the spoon and fed himself, but today he didn't even try. Instead he just opened his mouth wide and waited for me to spoon feed him??!! He's never opened his mouth like that before or been spoon fed by me, so I'm still a bit shocked at the change.
Saturday he learned how to get back down from standing instead of just falling and practiced it all day. It's so cool how one day they haven't a clue and then Bingo! they just 'get it'.
Oh Seity I cant wait for Ella to be able to get down. She is so strong standing! and she bounces up and down :dohh:

Thats real interesting Cocoa :)
I am so over this climbing thing! Every night time she climbs and stands in her cot and gets stuck. I have to help her down every time. Finally i am suddenly over it and am leaving her to it. (normally ive been sitting on the bed keep lying her back down) If i hear a thud and then a cry i race to the room all paniky but now just a minute ago that happened and i just casually walked into the room to help her. i think ive got it into my head finally that im just gonna have to let her fend for herself. if hurting herself is going to help her learn then so be it- as harsh as it sounds. but im a very over protective mummy and I need to let her fend for herself sometimes. She isnt going to learn how to get down on her own if i keep helping her down. It's quiet in there now- wonder if shes asleep!

Ella was weighed today 8.9kgs.Little pudding!

We let Ella open an early xmas pressie today. i'll post piccies up soon :)

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