march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Cocoa - very interesting chart! If only I could remember how many weeks she is, about 36 ish sounds right. And she has been more fussy for about 2 weeks and before that it was pretty smooth sailing. So according to that, I'm just about to head into and uncompliacted sunny period - just in time for our trip! Thanks for posting :flower:

Seity - thats weird that Gabriel wants spoon feeding now. It might be a one off. Let us know how he goes next time. Flora likes being spoon fed, I keep trying to get the spoon in her hand but she ends up chucking it and food goes everywhere. I am persisting though.

MM - I think you've made the right decision. I'm not there yet, Flora can't pull herself up quite, but she does fall on her bum from standing sometimes. Sometimes she whinges other times she doesn't. When she's standing in the cot I'm sure I'll get worried about her hitting her head as well, but like you say the accidents help them learn. :flower:

Flora is definitely teething, she is sucking her gums like mad, and gurning all the time, she's making a grunting sound in the night when she wakes up. and she's drooling everywhere. I look forward to seeing a tooth, whenever that may be!

Oh and her new noise is blowing raspberries really loud, sounds like farting :haha:
:happydance: OMG! He slept through the night!!! 9.5 hours. He doesn't even usually do 9.5 hours of broken sleep a night! Maybe his sudden hunger and finally eating is paying off. My boobs haven't been that full of milk in ages. He breastfed for 1.5 hours when he finally woke this morning.
GL - He still eats cracker and other foods by picking them up himself, so no idea what the deal is with the spoon. Guess I'll find out if he repeats it at lunch time today.
MM - I'm always laid back about things like that. Maybe it's because I'm old :haha: I don't panic about the little bumps and falls. He's going to be banging himself around quite a bit over the next few years.
:dance: Congratulations Seity and Gabriel! So so happy for you guys, I hope he does a repeat performance tonight. I bet you woke up wondering what the hell was going on!

GL - yeah I think M is 36 weeks today, so F is coming up to 37 at the end of the week. I hope you do get the sunny unfussy weeks while you're away!

MM - I don't worry about bumps either (although we haven't had too many yet...). OH says 'oh if she slips, she's going to hit her head, you better move her', but I think they have to get bashed about a bit in order to learn.
MM - It's hard to just leave them to it, but hopefully she figures it out quickly! They really do seem to do much better without to much 'help' from us sometimes. She'll be a pro before you know it!

GL - Fingers crossed Flora's teeth pop through soon. I am so over teething. It just seems so unnecessarily cruel to let them suffer that long as wee babies who can't properly communicate the pain and discomfort they're in!

VB - Fingers crossed and good luck on the offer on the house! I'm not sure I could take on a fixer upper even if I like to do stuff like that right now. It'd just be so much work with Ronan in the way all the time too, so kudos to you for being willing to brave it!

Seity - Woohoo on Gabriel's super sleep! I can't remember the last time Ronan wanted to nurse for that long. These days I am lucky to keep him nursing for 10 minutes total. Now that he's sick and snotty (and teething) he's more likely to have a few quick 'sips' and then bite me to let me know in no uncertain terms that he's done. It's not fun!

Well, he's 10 months old today! :shock: I just can't get over how incredibly fast the time has gone by.

He's been a real terror today. Screamy when he's tired, but refusing to sleep, and into everything and not content to remain anywhere when he's up and about. Just before, I had him sneak off and make his way up to the top of the stairs where he proceeded to bash on his Christmas presents I had stacked up there. My fault of course for not closing the stair gate but he managed to get past the ottoman that's about 90% of the width of the stairs that I had pushed over against them to keep him away from there altogether, then past/through the stair gate and all the way to the top. I am SO lucky he didn't slip or fall. :wacko: He then moved on to pulling out every can in a case of Pepsi his daddy left sitting near the dining room table, he's pulled everything off every surface he can reach, and has just proceeded to climb the dog who was snoozing peacefully on his bed! Now he's sitting on his latches board squealing and blowing raspberries and trying to pull his sock off while also playing with doors and latches. I'm exhausted!
Wow happy 10 months Ronan! What a day you've had with him. I suppose I should be grateful Flora still can't move that far just yet, although I'm kind of starting to think she's a little behind :shrug:

Oh and Flora, despite having no teeth, really gums down on me as well while BFing, and it hurts! She also does short snacks and I can't even imagine 1.5 hours at the breast anymore!

Seity - WOOHOOOOOO for sleep. SO jealous. Someone should invent a jealous smiley I've been needing it a lot lately :haha:

VB - Agree with Hive, kudos for taking on a project. We did this place up bit by bit over two and a half years (well there's still things we could do really) and it was hard work. Dunno if I could do it now with Flora.

Cocoa - yeah I looked at the book, she's 37 weeks on Thursday. I just wonder, the chart indicates the baby's temperament, but does it have anything to do with sleeping? Well bloody teething can bugger things up any old time I suppose.

Meanwhile we are working so hard right now its insane. Flora has been to the childminder yesterday and today for an hour and they are really happy with her. We are going to my work xmas do on Friday lunch, getting a babysitter, and can't wait to take a load of and let my hair down.
Happy 10 months ronan!
Sounds like you've had an exhausting day HC. I hope he at least sleeps well tonight so you can get some rest in.

GL - I think it says in the wonder weeks book that their sleep goes to pot too. Have you got the book HC?
She's not behind, my OH's nephew didn't crawl until 11 months and then walked a few weeks later. I think M will be slower to walk because she is so unstable on her legs!
Have a great time at your do :flower:

Have any of you made plans for New Years Eve yet? OH isn't really big on going out, so we'll probably just stay in. I feel so old and frumpy when I go to pubs/clubs now!

M finally had a couple of good naps today, so hopefully she'll sleep a little bit better tonight.
Happy 10 months Ronan! HC your day sounds an awful lot like ours most of the time - chasing after a kid who's busy getting into everything.
GL - You're still a month behind where I am, so no need to be jealous yet. Perhaps Flora will improve after her current developmental phase as well.
Cocoa - I haven't thought that far ahead. I'm still working on getting past Christmas. Then I can think about New Years.
Cocoa , I do have the book! I got it way back when he was just a wee bubba around 2 months old. It's been enormously insightful. I'm always recommending it to others!

Seity, there are days I let him just climb the stairs over and over with me there just to wear him out. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that feels it though!
GL - def no need to be jealous. It was too much to hope for a repeat and he was up every 1.5-2 hours as per usual again last night.
Took a quick pic with my phone of G by our tree this morning. He loves that he can use the one present to stand up.
Aw cute pic!

We went to my mum's earlier and M didn't even bat an eyelid towards the tree, so we probably could have had one afterall!

M cruised a little bit earlier too!
Seity, what a cute picture!!

HC - Happy 10 months to Ronan!! He sounds a lot like Sam as well. I do not get anything done anymore when he is around.

It has been snowing here since last night, probably a good 20 cm so far, there is also strong winds going, so even though I shovelled the sidewalk several times, you can't tell where it is. Had to leave the house this morning and got blood taken from Sam, the doctor is doing an allergy test, just to exclude this as a cause for his skin problems. Been putting that off for a week as I was terrified, but it was not as bad as I thought. The part that was worst was having to hold him down. He cried when the needle went in but then he was fine. I felt sick to my stomach once we were done.

Had to get an estimate on my car yesterday as the heating has not been working for a few days...told the hubby otherwise we have to switch cars as I am refusing to drive the kids around in the cold. (There is even colder temps coming with highs of -20 on the weekend...brrr) Well they quoted $1600 .... ?? crazy!! We decided not to do it as they manully put a part in place that now the heater is working again, but I can't regulate it nor use the A/C. Won't miss that for a while anyway :rofl:

Sam had a great week of sleeping - only waking up once...but the past two days that went out the window...sometimes I wonder if he'll ever sleep through...I am worried about having to go back to work and still having to get up several times a night. Have to start at the end of February...

Hope everyone is doing good...
Seity- Cute picture! We bought a tree last week, just haven't got around to decorating it yet :haha:
HC- Happy 10th months Ronan! Lately whenever you talk about Ronan I feel like we have the same child. Connor is into everything. His favorite thing is to make sure anything he can reach ends up on the floor.

Connor has his first cold, and has been miserable for the last 4 or 5 days. He not eating much, not sleeping well. He cries in fustration at the breast because he can't breath through his nose. He just wants to be held and cuddled all day (which someone else gets to do because I have to work :cry:)
He is going to the doctors for his 9 month check-up tomorrow!
Kel - :hugs: colds are the worst. Gabriel hates the snot sucker, but I have to use it or he has to pop off the breast to breathe.
jul - They keep talking about snow and storms and then we just get a light dusting. It's annoying, give me a good storm already! I'm glad Sam was good about the allergy test.

Gabriel has started practicing standing. My OH says he spent a good portion of yesterday letting go of the coffee table and balancing, then grabbing it as soon as he felt himself wobble. So, only for 1-2 seconds at a time, but he's working on it. He's mastered up/down from standing, so I guess he figures it's time for something new. No wonder he wakes approx every 2 hours to eat at night. That brain must be growing in overdrive!
I tried to post this earlier but got an error:

I don't know what just happened but Flora has a complete meltdown this evening. I started feeding her dinner early as she seemed hungry, and she was tetchy, then she started screaming, not really sure why,so I calmed her a bit but then as I was feeding her I accidentally gave her a hot bit that hurt her mouth and she started screaming again, OMG she just wouldn't be consoled for AGES. Then I ended up calming her and putting her in bed, she must have been tired as she had a small nap then about 5pm. But she was still really upset when she woke and wouldn't have much more dinner. She went to bed just now, with puffy eyes sore from crying. I think its teething and being really tired, but seriously it was not like her at all. I hope she's OK. Has anyone else's little had sudden screaming fits while teething?
Has anyone else's little had sudden screaming fits while teething?

Yes, when Gabriel's teeth are shifting he'll have days where he'll just randomly scream out in pain. It's so hard to hear. He'll be extra fussy and whiny on those days too.
Seity - Cute pic! We got a little tree up out of the way. Ronan would be trying to climb it daily otherwise!

Julchen - $1600 to fix your car is nuts! That's a heck of a lot. Glad to hear that Sam's sleeping much better. Ronan's been doing pretty good sleepwise too, minus teething upsets. When do you find out the results of the allergy testing? Ronan seems to have a mild intolerance/reaction to tomato as he gets a red rash around his face and on his hands or arms if it comes into contact with it. It doesn't seem to bother him though and goes away about 15-20 minutes afterward. Unfortunately, he loves tomatoes/tomato based foods like sauce and soup, so I'm torn on whether to avoid giving him any at all, or just to limit it!

Kel - It's terrible when they have a cold, isn't it? Ronan's taken to nipping me whe he's congested and had enough on the boob. Not fun! I hope he gets over it quickly! Good luck at his check up tomorrow too. We just had ours today (at 10 months).

GL - Ronan definitely has his moments of screaming meltdown when his teeth are just starting to actually cut through the gums. It's worse when he's tired or hungry, or both! He gets so worked up he won't latch to nurse, and he's hungry so he won't sleep. I usually end up just giving him some tylenol or ibuprofen, and then a Plum pouch to suck down as it doesn't take much work from him and doesn't seem to hurt his teeth. Once the edge is taken off his hunger and he's not sore anymore, he'll either go down for a nap then nurse when he wakes, or nurse/nap.

Well, we had our 9 month checkup (a bit late) today. The monkey is a mighty 30 inches in height, and 21lbs in weight so he's pretty well following his curve still which is reassuring knowing that he's doing just fine with BLWing and nursing still. He's still cruising and climbing like the monkey he is and will push his activity table around the floor. I thought about getting him a little push around walker but with my luck, I'll buy it and a week later he'll start walking unassisted and he'll completely ignore it after that, so he's going to have to figure it out the hard way! :mrgreen:

Anyway, time for me to go check in on him. He napped 2 hrs 20 mins this morning and has been asleep another hour now! I'm going out for a bit tonight for a mum's night out, so I don't want him to nap too late and then not be ready to settle to bed until late!
Seity - does Gabriel have any teeth yet? How do you know when they are shifting? I assume thats whats happening with Flora too. SHe was just so inconsolable.

Hive - thanks, yes pretty sure she was a mixture of very hungry very tired and in pain. I managed to BF her a decent amount before bed, she had some baby ibuprofen and then she was just sooo sleepy so she went to bed OK. Poor lilttle mite. Ronan sounds like he's doing really well hun, he's so tall! Flora's a shorty, only 63cm, (not quite 25 inches)
Still no teeth. I'm just assuming it's the teeth shifting because the teething tablets/gel seem to help sooth him. I figure they wouldn't work if it wasn't his teeth bothering him.
I remember when my adult teeth and wisdom teeth were coming in, I'd have days where my jaw and other teeth would ache from the shifting long before the tooth popped through.

Gabriel has now been napping for 3 hours straight! I wish he'd sleep that long at night.
Well we went today for his 9 month check-up and they couldn't do it because he was too sick. Turns out he has a double ear infection, no wonder he has been sooo miserable. I feel like such a bad mommy for not realizing how sick he was. :cry:
They did weight him today, and he is 19 lbs 15 oz. We go back next week to have his actual 9 month wellness check-up.
merry christmas girls, ive missed you all sooo much ive been dying without the internet but things have been otherwise good lol just cooking, cleaning, changing the boys clothes and nappies etc.... oh and christmas decorating lol, my job is to get the boys looking clean and tidy and put them in front of the tree for a picture for family lol, loads still to do around here but just doing it a little bit at a time and teaching Nate not to follow me around undoing it all again lol,

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