march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Kel - what a cute picture!!! He looks so happy! Sam did not quite know what to make of it but at least he did not cry.

GL - you really do sound stressed out! :hugs: :hugs: I am sure you will get everything done that really needs to be and then before you know you will sit on the plane towards your wonderful trip! I wish we could send you guys some snowplows over. It seems half of Europe is shut down due to the severe weather.
Jul - I know its crazy how the weather ruins everything over here. I am feeling calmer now, we had a lovely dinner, exchanged pressies and Flora was fine, a bit off her dinner still but sleeping OK. Also they've opened the 2nd runway at Heathrow so we're a bit more positive that the flights should be fine on Thursday.

Kel - I hope its not an ear infection! I will check tomorrow, my mum told me if you hold the little knobbly bit of the ear in the middle closest to the head (not sure what its called), then if it hurts them they probably have an infection. She does sometimes play with her ears while feeding but has been doing that for ages anyway. I am sure she'll be fine, well I hope so anyway!
Hi everyone. Lots of cute photos on here lately as well as the sweet video of M clapping. Our babies might be getting bigger, but if possible they are all getting even cuter.

We have been super busy here the last week so I haven't had much of a chance to get on BnB. Our offer was accepted on the house and we are expecting to close mid-January if all goes well. Charlotte has a second tooth coming in. It took so long to see the first that I am surprised how quickly the second made its appearance. She has been spitting up a lot lately. Not sure why, but again it could be a teething thing. Like many of you all she wants to do is stand up. Normally she goes right to sleep after I put her to bed, but tonight we could hear her chatting to herself and when we went to check on her she was holding on the edge of the crib dancing. Silly girl.

OK, off to bed. If I don't get back on here sooner I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas (and GL have a safe flight).
VB - congrats on the new house, hope the purchase goes smoothly!

Another teething question - can it make them go off lumpy/textured food? Flora is spitting out anything with the slightest bit of texture and practically gagging on it even though its just on the tip of her tongue. She's also not interested in finger foods, but she'll eat really smooth purees (stage 1 type).

I'm taking her to the docs today at 4 so hopefully we'll get some answers.
yes in my opinion it can caus them to go back off lumpy/textured food when they are teething esp the top centre teeth
Actually I'm a bit worried because she really is refusing food and milk today. She seems a bit weak and sleepy probably because she's not getting enough nourishment. Good thing I got that doc appointment as I'm really worrying now.
VB - so exciting about the house!!! Congratulations!! :happydance:

GL, I am glad you get to take her to the doctor! Hopefully it is nothing big! :hugs: I agree with Lynn about them not wanting any solids when teething, Sam is the same. But you never know there might be other reasons, so it is good to check for sure. Keep us posted!

Sam had a really bad night, not sure what the problem is. The longest stretch he slept was 1.5hrs but for most part he only made it about 30 mins at a time then woke up crying. I ended up giving him some advil because I simply was not sure if his discomfort was caused due to teething. Took him into bed with us to get some sleep at least, this morning when he woke up he looked very tired and his eyes were crusty and swollen. Maybe he is coming down with a cold?

Another thing I noticed last night, his upper lip band starts at the bottom of his gums - ours are further up. Did some reading and apparently a lot babies grow out of it as the jaw grows but if not then it will have to be cut since it can cause bad positioning of the teeth. Anyone ever heard of it?
So apparently she's just got a virus, her ears are clear and her throat is red and sore but not infected. The sleepness and not eating solids is not too much of a worry but I have to make sure she gets plenty of fluids. Not sure how when she's refusing the breast and doesn't really like drinking water!

The doc looked a bit horrified when I told her we were flying to Oz tomorrow, but there's nothing for it now!
Nate refused food and fluids at one point we were giving him dioralyte via medicine sryinge for a couple of days then he got past it from what i remember it was a viral thing too
Yeah she gave me some dioralyte but she wont take it from a bottle so good tip I'll try the syringe. Do you remember how much water you mixed it with it seems like a lot 200ml?
yeah you end up giving it in doses i found its caus the sachets are for adults too so it makes up a glass worth in the idea that you drink it but obviously doesnt work like that for kids
GL - hopefully Flora get better soon! Have a safe trip!

A Merry first Christmas with your little treasures to all of you girlies!! Can't wait to hear how it went and to see some pictures.
GL - Poor Flora. I hope she does ok on the flight for you. Long flight and sick baby is not a good combo :( :hugs:
Kel - Cute pics with Santa. Connor is so adorable.

We're currently in PA where a bunch of my OH's aunts and cousins and such live. There's internet access at the hotel, so I'm not completely cut off. :D
I hope everyone has a lovely Christmas!

GL- i hope Flora feels better for xmas day tomorrow :hugs: It's not nice when they are sick :(

It looks like 2 teeth are on the way! I can see white/clear bulges and she goes through sudden mega grizzly patches so she is definitely teething.

We had photos with santa taken yesterday. Everyone around us kept stopping to look at her she was dressed up in her xmas gears :smug:

I hope you all have a FAB xmas tomorrow. Only just over 2 hours till its xmas here. We each opened a pressie tonight :haha: So exciting its our bubs 1st xmas! :dance:

Hi all!

GL - Poor flora. She must feel horrible. I hope the flight goes as well as it can and she just sleeps most of it recuperating and that the rest of your trip does wonderfully! I mis Christmas BBQs and swimming and the beach so much at Christmas time, along with my family of course.

VB - How exciting on the house and good luck on the closing. Hopefully it all progresses on schedule.

Jul - How is Sam doing? Any sign of teeth yet? Some days it feels like Ronan haas been teething forever and it's never going to end. As for the upper lip, do you mean the frenulum? Ronan has an attached upper frenulum so he has a gap between his two front teeth that help probably have for life unless he gets braces when he's older but his daddy has a small gap too and it's hardly noticeable so unless anything else is majorly wrong which I doubt, I'm going to leave it as is! I love his gappy little grin!

Seity, MM & Kel - Loving the pics and video. :thumbup: We all made ourselves some darn cute babies!

Well if I don't get a chance between now and Christmas day i hope everyone has a fantastic holiday! Ronan has so many gifts to unwrap (my mum sent a huge box of stuff) that along with the dog who also loves unwrapping gifts and bouncing around the house with the paper and boxes, Christmas morning is going to be complete madness. I can't wait!
merry christmas Andi
and for everyone everwhere else Merry christmas for when it starts , if your on facebook theres a Christmas greeting on my wall for you.
Merry Christmas everyone!

Hope everyone has a fantastic day on their LO's first Christmas.


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