Right. I need help and advice ladies!
Today I applied for a job (I should find out by the 9th Jan whether or bot I'm definitely being made redundant). If I get this new job, I'd probably be starting sometime in Feb or March, maybe beginning of April if I can swing it. April 18th was the date I was due to go back to my old job anyway.
But applying for it has really hit home that I don't know how M is going to cope. She still won't drink anything out of a bottle, and will only entertain a few sips from a cup because she thinks it's a game. Is she likely to change within the next 8-10 weeks?! It doesn't seem likely. My plan was to BF before and after work anyway, but surely she can't go all day without any drink at all? It's not even as if she eats lots of solids to fill her up.
I'm still hoping that her sleep improves before then too. The new job I've applied for is as an analyst, so I'll need to concentrate on a lot of numbers and data which will be impossible on my current levels of sleep.
So, I'm after suggestions on how to encourage her to drink from a cup or bottle. Do you think she'll take it if I leave her with someone and she gets hungry enough?
I was hoping to go back part time too, but most of the jobs that are coming up are full time
ETA : I think the interviews forthis new job are likely to be when OH is on holiday. I know MIL will offer to have M, but I'm debating whether or not to ask my friend to watch her - because my friend BFs her 5 month old and if it comes down to it, she can BF M. No idea if she would, how do you even ask someone if they'd be up for feeding another child?!