Happy New Year everyone!! xxx
Cocoa - Not really sure what to suggest hun re - getting M to drink from a cup, luckily Chase has always taken water from one even though he refuses a bottle or milk from a cup. Just keep trying her, though hopefully if your not there and she is thirsty she will take some from it. Chase use to think it was a game too and chew and mess with the cup but he does seem to like it now, he likes the ones with a spout bit iykwim, my descriptive skills aren't too great. Though saying that he still nearly every time opens his mouth once he's taken a mouthfull and loses most of what's in his mouth

Chase also really loves drinking from my water bottle, i always have a bottle of water with me and have given his some of mine when we're out and if he see's it he's always grabbing it, it's one of the bottles with the white spout bit think it's buxton water that do them, you could try M with one of these? Bit big i know but Chase loves drinking from this.
Ahh maybe if you do get a full time job in time they will let you drop days? It's so hard having to work.
BLK - I hope Mika's ear infection clears quickly, ahh and don't feel guilty hun

well dont Mika for waving!!
Seity - Yay for Gabriel properly crawling, clever boy. Once he realises how much faster he can ger around properly crawling he'll stick to doing it that way, Chase is so fast, especially when you say "i'm coming to get you" and you crawl after him, he picks up his pace and crawls so fast squealing too.
Wow i feel like i haven't had chance to do a proper update for ages. With working and Chase on the move i just don't seem to get a minute, i get a quick catch up in bed on my phone before zzzz.
Well Christmas has been lovely, except Christmas morning was very stressful, rushing around to see people so next year we aren't going anywhere and if people want to see us they can come to us!! Apart from that thouhg we've had a fab time, i've been off work since the 23rd and don't go back until the 4th which has been sooo nice, even though i've only been back 3ish weeks. Not looking forward to going back as i'm going to be doing 4 days instead of the 3 i''ve been doing.
So Chase is just constantly standing and occassionally cruising and i don't think it will be too long before he walks, he just pulls himself up on anything he can, it's great to see him learning new things but boy it's tiring, i feel like we're constantly moving him away from things, everything seems a hazard. Oh an i feel so bad for this, the other day he was crawling and he went towards the radiator and i jumped up to grab him but he was too quick and he grabbed the radiator pipe

luckily the heating had only just gone on so it wasn't really hot but he did let out a little cry, his hand was fine but i felt soooo bad, naughty mummy!!
He's also learnt to clap hands and sometimes he will wave.
His two bottom teeth have meant he is so much better at eating now, although he seems to have developed a greedy phase, he just shoves far too much in or bites massive chunks off and then is sick because it's too much and this massive piece of food comes out. We have these little wheel shaped wheat snacks that i give him and he used to bite bits off, well now he just shoves the whole lot in!! They aren't too bad though as they melt. Anyone else's LO do this? I'm hoping he'll learn soon to take smaller bites.
Well sleep for us is just a nightmare and great, great as he sleeps fab, but that's only because he is in our bed every night!! This happended since he was ill then when i went back to work he wouldn't go back in his cot and tiredness just ment he came in with us, i think we've started something now that's going to be very hard to break, we acutally don't mind he being in with us but i know it's probably going to lead to trouble with him sleeping in his own bed. Chase is quite a lie in baby too, since i've been off work every day bar one he's not been up before 9am, i've felt human again getting such good sleep. I suppose while i've been off i should have persevered with the cot but i just can't stand to hear him cry it makes me so upset and he propert cries now the minute he goes in it.
Right think i've written enough of an essay now, we're off shopping today then tonight either out for tea or a few drinks with friends if my mum can babysit. Hope everyone has a lovely day xxx