march lambs 2010 come on ladies

hello ALL March LAmbs momma! just dropping by, Happy New Year to All!. Soon our bubbas will be one year old! My Baby vincent is 10 mos n 6 days old now, can walk, has four teeth and puts everything he picks in his mouth. LOL!

hope we can post in here our bubbas first birthday parties soon!
Where o where has my 10 months old gone? Sam's sleeps like a newborn again...up every 1.5hrs from the time we put him to bed till he gets up :cry: Is there another sleep regression around 9/10 months??
We've had a few difficult days with sleep as well Julchen, since the start of the year Eleanor would wake up at least once (usually twice) during the night and wouldn't settle down back to sleep after waking up somewhere between 3am and 5.30am. She started fighting her naps as well...

Thankfully it only took a week (probably cursing it here) as last night she slept through again until 6am, and she's been down for a nap for an hour now! Went down without the slightest of complaints as well.

Wouldn't surprise me if it is indeed age related.
Good to hear!!! Let's hope the best she continues to sleep through. Sam has never slept through then night, I consider it a good night if he wakes up twice and fabulous if only once - which has happened twice since he was born. I am used to it however the past few days have exhausted the entire family.
Connor's haul looks a bit like Gabriel's. I'd feel bad about us not buying him anything except I knew he'd be spoiled by my OH's family. Gabriel got the monkey pillow pet. I'm using it under his mattress to prop up one end, so he can breath better at night. The humidifier helps, but the air is still too dry to completely prevent him getting those annoying dry air boogers.
Wow, another walker. Way to go Vincent! I expect we'll be getting more and more of those soon.
jul - We had a 9 month sleep regression. Hard to believe crap sleep can get worse, but Gabriel managed at every opportunity.
Anyone else having full throw themselves on the floor flailing tantrums lately? :rolleyes:

...and I mean your LO's, not you! :haha:
Anyone else having full throw themselves on the floor flailing tantrums lately? :rolleyes:

...and I mean your LO's, not you! :haha:

We both have! Lol, his tantrums are getting crazy! I try giving him a toy when I take something away from him, but it isn't working. He also throws little mini-tantrums when I try to feed him something he isn't interested in or when I don't feed him fast enough. Sometimes I'm not sure why he's throwing a tantrum! I hope it gets better once he can communicate better.

We also had a nightmare with the 9 month sleep regression, but it coincided with an ear infection, so I'm not sure how much that contributed.
Anyone else having full throw themselves on the floor flailing tantrums lately? :rolleyes:

...and I mean your LO's, not you! :haha:

Noooo... they don't come back, right?
Eleanor had them for a few weeks around 8 / 9 months. We'd take her away from plugs and cables and she'd be sitting or laying on the floor for a good 10 minutes screaming her head of (with tears) before crawling over again and starting right back at the start. She seems to have gotten over it though, she's absolutely brilliant now =)

I did say then that she acts like a toddler already. I wasn't expecting that behaviour until 14+ months.

For now I'm going to choose and believe that she'll stay a good little girl and won't turn into the devil again.
I'm glad it's not just us suffering with sleep!!

M seems to be on the mend, but still a coughing, snotting machine!
We've taken a step back with eating solids too :dohh: she's hardly eating anything again - even milk. I was worried about her losing weight so stuck her on the scales, I seem to have the only baby that continues to gain weight when ill and when crawling/cruising all over the place! She's 22lb 8oz now.

Hive - M throws herself backwards when I try and wipe her face or put her coat or hat on. That coincides with the 'nononono' noise, it's quite comical
we get protests but the tantrums in this house come from Nate and EJ sees how i deal with him and has learnt a bit not to go there i think lol but he can sure be stroppy when he wants
Pants. Just found out that we are definitely being made redundant. I've just got to wait to get my letter so I can see what the payment I'll get will be.

All mummies and LOs fingers please that I get another job!!
No tantrums here at all - hopefully I don't jinx myself. Sam is a really good kid. He just moans a bit if something does not go fast enough. Mostly feeding him :rofl:

But the sleeping just got worse yet again. Yes, we too thought it could not .... Last night he was up hourly!!! All night through :cry: :cry: :cry:

Cocoa - so sorry to hear!!! All my fingers and toes crossed for you!!! :hugs: :hugs:
Thank you Lyn that's so kind of you :flower:

I started CC last night. It went quite well - no actual crying, just whinging, and no night feeds!!! So she obviously doesn't need them. She slept 7:30-11:30, awake for 1.5 hours, 1-3:30, 3:40-5:40, 5:50-6:50. Which are her usual wake up times anyway, so I'm hoping she'll start to sleep a bit longer within a couple of days. I'm glad she didn't cry or scream the place down, I can tune out the whinging a lot easier!
Hi girls, I'm back in the northern hemisphere as of 5am yesterday morning. We had a really lovely time away with a hot Christmas, lots of family gatherings and little bit of beach time. The flight over was good, as I mentioned before Flora was an angel and coped really well. She has really blossomed while away, we're so proud of her. She can now pull herself up to standing, crawls quite proficiently and she is making a whole bunch of new sounds as well. She is finally saying 'dada' much to my DHs pleaseure as she would only say 'mama' before. She was really good with being handled by all sorts of different people as well. Mum and dad looked after her a few times and said she is really easy so that's nice to hear! It was nice to have a few hours off now and again, we went to the beach, out for dinner, drinks, shopping etc. Flora was a bit funny about the beach at first but got used to it more and seemed quite happy there by the last day. The water was a bit cold for her though, and the sun is so harsh we didn't take her too much really. But it was really nice for me to take her to the beach near where I grew up it was very special.

So she was up a lot at night for the first few days but it settled down to twice a night for most of the holiday. Now that we're back it seemes to be going the same way - she was awake every 1.5-2 hours last night. She settled after feeding but I'm conscious that I need to try cutting out the night feeds soon as I'm back to work on Tuesday. However at least she was asleep mostly and not wide awake at night, jet lag might not be too bad hopefully. The trip back was brutal - 8.5 hours to Hong Kong, a 6 hour stopover with no stroller (they told us there were complimentary ones at the aiport there but there weren't) and a very overtired Flora. The second flight was OK she slept for the first half of it (6 hours) and then was awake on and off for the last 6 hours. So we got to Heathrow at 5am, and our stoller didn't make it over. It got lost in Hong Kong airport somewhere and so we made our way home on the tube with Flora in the sling. Luckily she slept for most of the tube journey (which is 1.5 hours to our place), when we got to the other end we walked home through icy cold rain and darkness. Ah what a welcome back to blighty hey!

In other new my brother's GF had her 12 week scan just before we left and everything was looking good. My brother, who was quite shocked and a bit scared by how quickly she fell pregnant, seems to be really getting happier about the idea of being a dad now as well. He is so brilliant with babies anyway so I'm really thrilled for them. I really like his GF as well, (didn't know her at all before), we spent a lot of time with them.

So that's my holiday update! thanks for reading :flower: I'll put some pics up shortly.

Cocoa - Best of luck finding a job. What happened about that analyst position? I am seriously thinking of doing CC as well soon, I'm back at work Tuesday and I can't be getting up 3-4 times a night. I don't think Flora needs the food so much either so its good to hear you got off to a good start with it. Tell me, how are you actually doing it? i.e. what's the procedure? Hope M gets better soon as well.

Hive - Flora doesn't really have tantrums like that, but she does have massive meltdowns sometimes when I'm changing her, she has done for months now and I'm not sure why. She also can have a meltdown at feeding time if she doesn't like something or I'm too slow or she's tired.
Sounds like you had a fab time GL! Did they say when you can expect to get your stroller back? When I got to Heathrow after flying home from Oz, my suitcase was missing, I was in floods of years (17weeks pregnant and very hormonal!) but it turned out someone had just picked it up, realised it wasn't theirs and left it by the side of the room. Idiots!

I posted in the sleepless nights support thread in Baby Club if you want to read the specifics about last night, but basically I stayed in her room (but she couldn't see me) and let her whinge for 5 mins, then 10, 15 - and I'd assess the situation after that! But I never had to leave her for longer than 10 mins. When I checked on her, I just said 'Shhh Mummy's here. Sleepy time' and made sure she could reach her comforter. then I'd move back to where she couldn't see me.

ETA : I decided before hand that if she cried and I thought it was hunger, I'd feed her. Bit as she never cried, I presume she wasn't actually hungry. That's the first time ever she's gone all night with no milk!
They said about a day, but we haven't heard anything yet. I guess they had to locate it in Hong Kong then get it on a flight over, so hopefully its on a flight right now.

The thing I'm worried about with Flora doing CC is that she does really cry hard sometimes at night, and I've got into a bad habit of picking her up to cuddle her to soother her, so now when I go and and try not to pick her up she really gets mad. But I guess the whole point is to break the habit so I'm going to have to live with a bit of crying.

Anyway I'm going to give it a couple of weeks to settle back in after our trip before I do anything.

OK so here's a few snaps from hols:
With me at my local beach
Breakfast at the beach cafe
Paddling pool on a hot day
On the swings
Lovely pics! Ah I forgot to say - yay for Flora crawling, standing and saying dada! M still doesn't say mama very much - such a daddy's girl!

I think my problem is that I'd rarely let M get to the crying stage. We'd go up to soothe her as soon as she started grizzling so she's just got used to us putting her back to sleep.

She's tired today though, not sure if it's because of the 1.5hrs she was awake, or the effort of the whinging, but I've just put her down for her second nap of the day!
Pearl: Congrats on the walking!

Hive: I would say that we haven't had any real tantrums, but she does get a bit upset if she doesn't get what she wants when she wants it (though she has always been like this). I'm sure full on meltdowns are just around the corner. We are trying to work on this before it comes to that.

Cocoa: Sorry about the job. I hope you find something quickly. On the other hand I am happy to hear that CC seems to be working for you.

GL: Looks like you and Flora had a great time. Such cute photos. Hope you get your stroller back soon.

Charlotte has been all over the place lately. I am so exhausted from chasing her around. She finally decided to start properly crawling all the time and she is fast. I think thanks to all the extra activity she gets tired more easily and has gone back to two naps a day as opposed to one. Fine by me, but it makes running errands more difficult when you have to work around naps. Her appetite has increased as well. I feel like I am feeding her a ton. She eats so fast she barely chews. Anyone else have an extremely hungry child?

We have also been very busy with a mountain of paperwork to buy the new home. I've never had to jump through hoops like this before to get a house. Less than two weeks until we close as long as everything gets approved. Fingers crossed everyone.
Fingers crossed Vegas, buying/moving are so stressful.

GL - forgot to add, the analyst job closing date is Monday, so hopefully I'll find out sometime next week if I've got an interview or not.

M has started drinking from the sippy cup! :dance: She actually opens her mouth for it now, still dribbles most of it our, but it's still progress!

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