march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Wow, I can't believe how quickly that's come around Lyn! I bet you're so excited. I saw on the news that they're starting to evacuate parts of Brisbane now, I presume the river has broken the banks. I hope all your friends/family are ok. My dad is quite high up in Caloundra, so he's ok but they've got so much rain.

I'm hoping to get out to Oz early in 2012 (before M is 2 and I have to pay for her seat on the plane :haha:) Depends if I get a job and can save enough before then though.
both the boys have seats we decided we didnt want to hold EJ for that long a trip lol hes big enough already lol, if you pick the right time of year it can be really affordable sadly March isnt the right time lol
as far as im aware then where my parents are is pretty high ground in the north of brisbane so unaffected so far by the flooding.
we would love to hun let me confirm it once we are out there and ive had a chance to make sure someone else hasnt planned something
Lynn, are you visiting or are you guys moving there? If you don't mind me asking how much you had to pay for the boys' seats? I am going to Germany in August and will have to go one way by myself as I am staying longer than my hubby. I am considering getting a seat as Sam will be about 18 months old.

My sister in law moved here from Brisbane...she is in shock and very worried about her friends. What a terrible thing this flood is after years of drought they had.

We have a doctors appointment today to check on Sams weight, I would be very surprised if he has not gained a considerable amount in the past 4 weeks. It seems he is eating like a toddler.
lol we are visiting but on one way tickets at the moment lol still have to find the dough for the return but it will happen lol the boys tickets were about 60% of the price of an adult ticket and we have gotten Cares Kids fly safe restraint for the boys so they are safely secure without us having to faff with carseats on the plane although we may be taking EJ's Britax first class seat with us anyway its just super bulky for getting on and off the plane
Thanks Lynn, I will defo look into it for Sam. Aren't one way tickets usually more expensive than roundtrips? it is like that from canada to germany for sure.

Gesh, it is so cold here....-20 and it will be colder by the end of the week. We just got 30cm snow over the weekend, so now it piles up well over a metre from shovelling. if that was not enough, there is another 5-10 in the forecast for thursday.
Hi everyone. Sounds like a lot of travel in the future for quite a few of you.

Jul: That is some cold weather and a lot of snow. I'm jealous of everyone that has snow right now, but I sure enjoyed taking a walk this morning and needing nothing heavier than a t-shirt.

Charlotte has her first cold. Poor girl is so congested. I've been using some saline spray to help clear her out, but she hates that! Although she is still sleeping well at night she is having a tough time falling asleep. Hoping this passes quickly so I can have my happy little girl back.
Hive - Have you organised a bassinet for the flight? There was a lady using one for her 16 month old on our flight to Hong Kong. The are a godsend really! Hopefully you will get nice flight attendants who will help you out with him, they tend to pay more attention to the lone parent and child I found. It is hard work but its over in a day.

We haven't even booked our flight yet. :dohh:

It's pissing me off and stressing me out because I wanted to book months ago but between hubby and my mum dithering around on details, I haven't been able to get any firm commitment from them to go ahead and do it. I put my foot down yesterday and am going to book the flights in the next 2 days and everyone is just going to have to be happy with it. :growlmad:

I'm not sure we can even use a bassinet as Qantas says they're for infants up to 6 months and he'll be 13-14 months at the time.

What airline did you fly on?

Jul - I'm having to fly one way on our trip with just Ronan and I (that's the plan at the moment anyway). OH can only take 2 weeks but I'm going to be home an extra few weeks with Ronan either before or after he's with us. I'm not looking forward to it.
Can you guys please do me a huge favour and email- [email protected] and say "I'm from overseas and I vote for Ella, photo 29" with your name. Please please, she's winning!

thanks x
Jul- boo for cold weather! it has been really cold here lately, but we haven't gotten enough snow to even cover the ground. We did get a little ice, but nothing bad.

Vegas-hopefully her cold clears up quickly! Mika has had quite a few and they are nightmares.

HC- I can't imagine flying alone with LO! We are probably planning a trip to the east coast this summer and I'm worried about that with both of us on the plane!
MM - done

I hadn't even thought about the car seat issue. Hmmmm. Something to ponder.

M STTN again last night :dance: The previous 2 nights she's had late naps, which meant she wasn't tired enough when I put her down for the night. So she woke quite a few times but I only had to resettle her once or twice. Still no night feeds either, and she hasn't upped her number of feeds in the day - we're still on about 5. She still doesn't each much solid food though, and I'm really trying not to stress about it, but it's hard! I even bought a jar or stage 2 food yesterday because I thought she might get on with it better, as she still doesn't like gumming finger foods, but she just ended up crying whenever I presented her with the food on a spoon. Grrrrr. She chowed down on a small handful of cheerios for breakfast though, do that's something.

GL - how was your first day back at work? Has your stroller turned up yet?

Hive - how is Ronan's mouth now?

I'm supposed to be going to booby group today for the first time in weeks, but it's piddling down and the car is still in the garage (I'm really hoping it's not the head gasket!)
Hive - sounds just like what we have in mind. My OH can only come to Germany for 2 weeks as well, I am hoping to stay for 6 weeks and travel around Germany to visit both of my grandparents. As it might be the last time I see them I want to have some quality time with both. Don't worry too much about the flight, it will be stressful but it will be over soon. I am sure everyone will think Ronan is so cute that you will have lots of helping hands on the flight.

Cocoa - Yah!!!!! Go Megan!

We decided to tackle the night wakings. So last night we did not pick him up when he woke but let him cry for 5, 10, 15 minutes...went in to reassure him, pat his back etc. It was not fun and there was lots of tears. Lets hope tonight will be easier on him. Then to top things off, this morning he smashed his lip bloody on the TV table when he sneezed! Big tears again, poor mite!

I am going to be weaning the little man now that we have started him on cows milk, I only really nurse him morning and before bed. Well and overnight, but that is over with I will go with morning and night for a few days and then cut out the morning, to stop the before bed one last. Lets hope the best! I am kind of sad about ending this special bond, but I have decided he has had 10 months of nursing and with going back to work that is the best decision for us as I want to avoid him trying to get the extra attention overnight, which I have heard happens often when mums decide to nurse morning and night. (might have been what was going on for us already...)

Anyway...long post, better get some breakfast in. Hope everyone is well!!!
yes julchen, one way tickets work out overall as more expensive but the plan orriginally was to move out there so my parents brought us the flights , we are trying to see if the airline will change the tickets for us to include a return flight out here and we just pay the extra but still waiting on that atm, got to get EJs passport done this week so have to remember to get his photos done tomorrow
Good luck Lynn, I hope it all works out the way you guys want it to!! :flower:

If you don't mind me asking, did you get your boys both citizenships, or did they get it automatically by birth? My niece and nephew were born in Australia, the dad is canadian, mom australian. But they would have had to get their passport done within the first two years to become Canadians. They missed it and now are stuck in an expensive and lengthy immigration process (they moved here last November). It seems every country is different. We did not need to get Sam a german passport as of now, he is automatically german by birth.
The whole nationality thing is weird, and so different depending on the countries involved.

Eleanor was born in Holland but now living in England. She's got Dutch nationality and as we don't do duo-nationality any more she can't take on the English one unless she drops her Dutch one. Thankfully to move between Holland & the UK you don't need visas or anything of the sort.
See Germany does not really allow dual citizenship either unless it is by birth. However if I wanted to take on Canadian citizenship I would have to drop the German. It seems indeed very different from country to country.
the boys automatically have british nationallity, they will get NZ as soon as we can sort it out probably after our holiday lol ( would have been easier to do it first but its £200 each lol ) they just need my passport /birth details, i have to get my passport renewed with my married name when we get back then get my british citizenship sorted out
Hive - Have you organised a bassinet for the flight? There was a lady using one for her 16 month old on our flight to Hong Kong. The are a godsend really! Hopefully you will get nice flight attendants who will help you out with him, they tend to pay more attention to the lone parent and child I found. It is hard work but its over in a day.

We haven't even booked our flight yet. :dohh:

It's pissing me off and stressing me out because I wanted to book months ago but between hubby and my mum dithering around on details, I haven't been able to get any firm commitment from them to go ahead and do it. I put my foot down yesterday and am going to book the flights in the next 2 days and everyone is just going to have to be happy with it. :growlmad:

I'm not sure we can even use a bassinet as Qantas says they're for infants up to 6 months and he'll be 13-14 months at the time.

What airline did you fly on?

Jul - I'm having to fly one way on our trip with just Ronan and I (that's the plan at the moment anyway). OH can only take 2 weeks but I'm going to be home an extra few weeks with Ronan either before or after he's with us. I'm not looking forward to it.

We flew Qantas and there was a lady next to us with a 16 month old in the bassinet. They say on them that the maximum weight is 11.8kgs (26 lbs) just to let you know. So basically you can still request a bassinet if he is not too heavy and they allocate them based on the ages of the other babies on the flight. I think chances are you would get one so remember to ask for it when you book.

Hello everyone by the way! :hi: I've been MIA because internet is down at home. I am checking in now on my lunch break. No time to update properly but things are going OK at work and Flora is coping well, though has come down with another cold and according to the childminder teething badly as well. Sleep is much better but its probably attributable to the fact that she has exhausted herself at the childminders place, fighting naps and just playing with toys and other babies all day.

Oh and I am pumping twice a day getting about 8-9 oz which is good and I think I have increased my supply. Flora not drinking or eating that well right now but hey ho.

better go lunch is over :(
Oh yeah and the stroller arrived at 9pm the night before I needed it for the childminder. TYhen my husband collected Flora that day and brought someone else's stroller home with him! They are exchanged back now and all is normal. Bit of a stroller saga!

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