march lambs 2010 come on ladies

lol sounds like something my husband would do lol, tbh im surprised he comes home with the right kids sometimes lol. EJ is already above 26lbs so no hope of a bassinett hence why we chose to get him a seat lol
GL: Glad to hear all is well with work and Flora. Glad you got your stroller back even if your DH switched it.

Lynn: Good decision in getting EJ a seat. At least you don't have to worry about the bassinet issue and airline seats are huge for a LO whereas they are pretty small for us grownups.

I'm taking Charlotte to the doctor later this morning as her cold has not improved and she has developed a nasty cough. As you know she has always been a great sleeper, but last night she just couldn't sleep. She got up once before I went to bed and again at 3:00am. The 3am waking was awful. I gave her a bottle as I figured she might be a bit dehydrated and also could use something to sooth her throat. Of course she threw it up all over me. Then, because she could not stop coughing, I ran super hot water in the shower so the room would fill with steam. We sat in there for about 15 minutes and that significantly eased her coughing. She finally was able to go back to sleep. I of course could not fall back asleep and now I am exhausted. I just hope the doctor can help her. She looks so pathetic and sounds just awful. Poor baby.
aww not good that shes not well hun it sucks when they are poorly, id try water and just little bits of it reguarly to hydrate her as the milk might be a bit rich for her tummy atm, vicks vapour rub rubbed on her back will help ease the coughing too and paracetamol for the sore throat and it will help with the cough
Turns out she has an ear infection and her two top teeth are coming in as well. The doctor has given us a few prescriptions and said she should be all better in a few days, but that he thought the teeth were adding to her misery. Honestly, other than at night she has been a pretty happy baby despite the cough and runny nose.

Lynn: Thanks for the advice. I have been using a bit of Vicks, baby Tylenol and a humidifier, but will add more clear liquids as opposed to formula. Last night I just figured that formula warm and would coat her throat a little. My mom always gave us a spoonful of honey, but she is too young for that (my mom also added a bit of rum, but that is another issue).
vegas - Hope she feels better soon.
Gabriel has refused to sleep in his crib at night the last few days. He'll only sleep if he's being held by me or my OH. I'm wondering if it means he's actually going to get a tooth soon. I'm about ready to break out the whiskey. (For both of us)
Glad work is going well GL, and hope Flora is better soon :flower:

So many of you have moved countries! I feel quite simple for living in the same area my whole life! I used to travel 2 hours/80 miles away for work, and people round here think that is crazy. My mum taught some kids (ages 14/15 ish) who'd literally never been to our nearest city, which is only 20 miles away. They seem to think that they'll disappear off the face of the earth if they drive past the dual carriageway :rofl:

Vegas - I hope she feels better soon :flower:

Seity - I hope he cuts a tooth soon!

M's sleeping is ok, she wakes a couple of times a night but puts herself right back to sleep. We've reached that stage again where she's going longer between naps but still needs two, and it's a struggle to fit them in so that they don't affect her night time sleep.
She's also started eating more over the past two days, she ate loads of mince from spag bol tonight, a bit of pasta, a yogurt, 2 organix carrot crisps and a handful of raisins! For the last few weeks she's just been having 3/4 of a yogurt and a crisp! She's also started trying to drink a few sips from her sippy cup.
I'm going to be brave soon and leave her with OH or my mum for a few hours and see if she'll take EBM from the cup. I've been expressing every morning and trying to build a little stash.

Haven't heard anything yet from the job I applied for. Although I did find out that other people who've been made redundant are applying for jobs that I hadn't seen advertised in our organisation. I contacted HR and apparently they'd been sending job details to my work email address- which I can't access from home :dohh: Idiots.

My mum's new boyfriend fixed my car, so I've got that back now too. Should have cost at least £400, but he only charged me cost (£200) so I'm very pleased with that!

Sorry for the massive ramble!
Seity: Sounds like it could be a tooth. I too hope it pops through quickly and Gabriel can return to his happy self.

Cocoa: Nice job with the car repair. Sorry to hear your work has been sending job opportunities to the wrong e-mail address. Typical isn't it? Sounds like M has developed quite the appetite. Maybe she's ready to experiment with more things and she will happily take the EMB. Good luck!

Charlotte is a wee bit better today. I think her teeth are bothering her more than anything as she is chewing on anything she can get her hands on. At least she slept all night last night and only coughed once.
Hi! How are you all doing? Haven't been around for a while. I have been back reading on the threads I missed and there are a lot of pages I have to catch up on. Nice to see your LO's growing so fast.

Gavin is turning 10 months in 2 days. At 9 months, he started taking 2 to 4 steps. Now he is much steadier but we have to be around to catch him when he falls. He can now take 6 to 8 steps and has 3 teeth now. Here is a video of him trying to walk 2 weeks ago...and 2 photos taken for his passport. I can't believe how fast he is growing.

and another photo of him drooling
Hi all, well I'm back online so a little catch up from me. Flora STTN three nights ago (:yippee:) but then followed that with 2 wakings night before last, and 1 waking last night. TBH I think she was so exhausted on Thursday night from the three days I was at work as she was highly stimulated and didn't nap very well. So hmm,... I don;t think its going to be a regular occurence but anyway, its possible so gives me hope. SHe's been really snotty and gravelly chested, also she's getting a bit of gunk in her eyes, I was a bit worried she might have a bit of conjunctivitus. So she hasn't been 100% poor pickle.

Tomorrow she is with DH again alone while I'm at work. Then childcare on Tues and Weds. I wonder if she's sleep well after Wednesday as well. Anyway so its quite nice to be back at work and I was quite surprised that I didn't feel that emotional about not being with Flora, I thought I would. I feel like a heartless mother! I mean I miss her and all but it's quite liberating in a way. Its only 3 days so I feel like I've got the best of both worlds.

Vegas - hope Charlotte gets better quickly and gets a tooth if thats what it is
You too Seity, bring on those toothipegs! Still none over here by the way.
Steff - Gavin is adorable! He'll be running around before you know it.
Lynn - wow EJ is big! Fair enough to get a seat for him.
Cocoa - well you know Aussies and Kiwis have a real traveller spirit, so we're everywhere! but we all have a homing device as well! Nothing wrong with living around where you grew up, in many ways its would be so much easier but then I would never have met my husband. Good luck with the job hunting and great going on M's sleep :thumbup:
I'm not sure what's going on with Ronan lately, but I feel like I'm dealing with a newborn again the last week or two. :wacko: He's sleeping wretchedly, screaming when he wakes and wanting to comfort nurse back to sleep. I'm shattered!

On top of all that, I'm trying to organize our trip home to Australia and having major anxiety issues that he's going to make the trip hell for me and everyone else on the flight as well. We're trying to decide whether we want to get a bassinet, and if we should also get a seat for him as well, 'just in case,' and then hubby is contemplating flying premium economy because he figures if things are going to suck, we might as well be as comfortable as possible especially when I have to fly one way on my own with him, and they do actually have bassinets in premium economy too. Decisions, decisions!

Oh, and I can't believe it's less than one month until the big 0-1! :shock:
aww hope Ronan's sleep improves hun
GL great news with the STTN, once they do it a couple of times and realise they arent actually hungry they do it more often lol
Vegas , how is she doing now hunni?

busy weekend here for us, I had training again on saturday then a house to clean and EJ had been with DH saturday afternoon ( with a bottle of ebm ) and didnt have a feed so had an extra one that evening to make up for it but still slept through which i was happy about then yesterday went out for lunch after church and spent half the afternoon out got home in time to put the boys down for a nap each before dinner then ended up staying up to late again lol

I have figured out why im so tired, its caus my iron levels have bottomed out , i was looking in the mirror on friday wondering why i was so pale and figured it out lol , so back on iron tablets for now which are making me feel a bit better and im trying to get the house tidy and organized caus MIL comes next thursday to stay for a long weekend ( my birthday weekend!!!! ) and we need to have the boys in our room while shes here so she can use their room so got to clean our room lol which will be fun hehe, gonna move some stuff around in there too and got to put all the boys clothes away and find space for the box of stuff that FIL shipped out to us that wont fit Nate for a while hes just gone into 3-4 yr old stuff so will be a while till we are in 6-7 i think lol
Hey everyone, i've been keeping up with you all but not had a lot of time to post lately.

GL - Yay for Flora STTN!!! I don't think Chase will again, he's not done it for about 4 months now. Glad work is going ok hun, for me i know i'm so busy that i do miss Chase but i don't get chance to really think about it iykwim.

Steffi - ahh gorgeous pictures Gaving is soo cute!

Cocao- i'm like you have lived here all my life and i work 5 mins from work too! Can't see us moving either. Glad M is starting to drink a bit from her sippy cup :thumbup: Good look with the job application hun x

Seity - I hope the sleep improves quickly for you :hugs:

Hive - Ahh i hope Ronan's sleep improves for you too sleep deprivation is the worst.

Lynn - Hope you get your iron levels sorted out and you feel better soon.

Well really short i know but my lunch break is over, will catch up more later when i get home xx
JJ - wondering where you'd been. Like you I can only check the internet on my lunch break now they have started cracking down on us. I wanted to ask how the pumping at work was going? And therefore how much EBM Chase is having while you're at work - do you top up with formula? I am pumping twice a day getting about 8 oz but I am always including 4oz formula in her food bag just in case, she doesn't seem to need it that much really though.

Hive - Ah decisions hey? If I can suggest you might as well ask for a bassinet as they don't cost any more. They can sit in it as well and play with their toys in there so its quite useful. If you get a seat will Ronan be able to sit/sleep on the seat buy himself? I'd imagine the seat not being wide enough and the baby sort of either squashed lying down or slumped half sitting. As it costs so much more maybe weigh up if its worth it.. as you may end up holding him anyway. Also hope the sleep imporves soon.

Lynn - Go and have a nice fat steak hun x hope you're feeling better now.
JJ - wondering where you'd been. Like you I can only check the internet on my lunch break now they have started cracking down on us. I wanted to ask how the pumping at work was going? And therefore how much EBM Chase is having while you're at work - do you top up with formula? I am pumping twice a day getting about 8 oz but I am always including 4oz formula in her food bag just in case, she doesn't seem to need it that much really though.

Hi hun, Chase won't take EBM or formula :dohh: so i just try to ensure he has lots of cheese or yoghurts etc. I tried to get him to take either but he flatly refused, when i'm off though i just feed him whenever he wants it and somedays he will take loads and other days he won't bother.
So we went to York last weekend and my mum came too which was nice as she babysat in the evenings. We rented a town house as it wasnt much dearer than the Premier Inn. Had a fab time but Chase was ill on the Saturday and he really felt sorry for himself, he's had catarrh for 2 weeks but the Dr said it wasn't on his chest so he couldn't give him anything, even though he was coughing so much at night and it was making him sick, well typical it decided to go onto his chest whilst we were in York, he's just finishing his antibiotics and he is so much better.

What was really nice was going out the Fri and Sat night with hubby and knowing Chase was ok with my mum, he's soo good for her and she is ace at getting him to sleep, she has to rock him or have him on her but he loves her so we were so relaxed.

No more teeth here yet just still his bottom two and he's still just cruising along the couch. He keeps going right up onto his knees like he's going to stand up then he falls forward, silly boy.

Eating is still the same, if we are feeding him he has to have smooth food but he will feed himself, although he is still putting huge bits in his mouth. Getting a bit concerned he will never want lumpy foods, he had corned beef hash the other night and it was quite smooth and he did really well, until the last mouthfull when he must have got a bit of mash that wasn't quite smooth and he heaved and brought it all back up, ahhhhhh.

Yeah my day off tomorrow which i can't wait for.

Hope everyone else is ok xx
:hi: ladies...have not posted in a while but i am always keeping up to date with you!

Hive - I am with GL if the bassinet is nothing extra I would try and get it for sure.

Sam has STTN 4 nights in a row. We decided to let him cry it out and it took 3 nights before he was good. The first two nights were rough - he cried on off between 1-3am and although initially we decided to go in every 5,10,15 minutes we quickly stopped after the first time as he would just end up more upset when we left again. No more night nursings and no more picking up. It worked great for us, I think we got lucky!

He is also on a good way of being weaned. I only nurse morning and night and the rest of the day he has a bit of water and homo milk. He loves it. Sam is also a great eater, there is no more baby food in the house, he eats everything we have. I love this stage of age, the personality is coming through more and more. It seems like he has great humor and he loves being a goof and make us laugh which in turn makes him giggle away. I have 4 more weeks left before I will start him at the dayhome, slowly easing him into it before I start work on February 28th. I feel like only then will I be able the see true extent of parenting as right now things are always easy with making my own schedule.

It finally stopped snowing here, the piles of snow by the sidewalk are higher than me. Crazy. After being in a 2 week deep freeze of daytime highs of -25 we are now looking at a week of just above zero. I am wondering if I should break out shorts and flip flops :rofl: Roads are going to be a mess...
Julchen- I also really love this age too. Connor's personality is also really coming through now. Did your supply adjust well for only two feeds a day? I'm going to stop pumping when Connor is 1, and just go down to two feeds a day.

Is anyone having a problem with biting? Connor bites us all the time and thinks its funny when I tell him no. I was worried that he might bite other babies at Gymboree but it only seems to be me, my DH and my mom that he bites.
Moms that do BLW what kind of dinners are you making and how much are they eating?
Hive- I saw in a thread once that you know different ways to cook veggies to make them really yummy. Any recipes? Connor will eat peas and green beans but refuses to touch broccoli.
Kel-he may just not like broccoli. mika loves broccoli but refuses green beans in any form.

jj-Mika still gags on lumpier foods sometimes too. But its not all the time. Yesterday, he DEVOURED biscuits and gravy for breakfast, but today he gagged on yogurt. :shrug:

Hey ladies, I've been reading through here and there but haven't really had a chance to comment because I took a crazy intersession class that kept me pretty busy!

We have found a new house to rent and will be moving at the end of this week (assuming we don't get the ice storm they are predicting). Unfortunately, the excitement of moving is kind of squashed because my cat (who my OH and I were very attatched to) was killed by a couple of dogs in our neighborhood. :( I cried like a baby. Can't ever remember being this upset by the death of a pet.

In happier news, my cousin found out today that she's having a baby girl! I can't wait, I want to buy her all kinds of frilly things!

Mika is napping right now, he spent the night with my parents last night and they always wear him out, lol. He's been pretty good lately, I think we may have another tooth coming in, but I don't see any spots on his gums that look like teeth. He isn't far from walking, hes started walking if someone holds his hands, but doesn't try it on his own yet, even though he can cruise like a pro. The climbing is what's killing us though. I can't turn my back for a second!
Kel - I still can't get Gabriel to eat any fruit other than applesauce. I think some things they just don't care for. He'll eat anything spicy and any meat though. Crazy kid!

Gabriel had another really good night last night. Only woke twice. :happydance:

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