march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Seity - glad to hear Gabriel's sleep is going well.

BNK - good luck with the move, and in sorry to hear about your cat :-(

Kel - no teeth, so no biting yet! M has just started eating more, so a typical day looks like this:
B: handful of shreddies and EBM, clementine
L: small cheese sandwich, half a banana, some raisins (loves these) and maybe a baby biscuit
D: small bowl spag bol/chilli and rice/pasta & broccoli etc, yogurt, baby carrot crisp and maybe some raisins or a baby biscuit.

We don't really do snacks yet, but I'm going to start offering soon. I read that by 1 year old, LOs should have 1 pint/16oz of milk a day. So I'm hoping that by the time I go back to work, M will have a 5oz BF in the morning and before bed, and only need one extra during the day when I'm not there.

Julchen - go Sam! M did the same, I know quite a few mums in RL that have recently started CC and it's worked well for all of us so far. Good to hear that he's ok with just the two BFs, that's my aim too. I'd Love if I could keep pumping though so I can eat whatever I like :haha:

JJ - glad to hear that Chase is feeling better - and that he's loving spending time with your mum! Hope you have a lovely day off x

Lyn - hope you iron levels have improved x

Hive - I hate planning things - so stressful!

Steffi - Gavin looks so grown up!

GL - anymore STTN episodes? I hope so :flower:

Vehas - have a teeth popped out yet? Still no sign of M's even though she's had a White spot on her gums for a few days now. I'm probably just seeing things :haha:

Not much to report here. Not heard back from the job yet, but theysaid it can take up to 3 weeks, and it's only been 1 so far. M has started doing the cutesy thing- when she's tired, she crawls up to you and rests her head on your leg/arm etc. So adorable!
OH is away snowboarding, so I'm doing my single parent thing this week (not that it's much different from normal :dohh:), but I've noticed M saying 'mum' more instead of 'daddad'. Lol
Kel- I have not had any problem with adjusting at all. Last night was the first night I gave him some homo milk before bed time. So I only nursed him in the morning. Will do this for a few days and then cut out the morning as well. Sam will eat anything that we have, he is a good eater. As for amounts, anywhere between a third of a cup to two thirds, if that makes sense. I can't believe how much he eats sometimes. There was a couple of mornings where he ate as much oatmeal as his 7 year old sister. :wacko:

Cocoa - I know what you mean, it will be a huge adjustment for me to watch what I am eating. I grew a sweet tooth during pregnancy and I still have it....never used to eat ANY sweets, now I am all about chocolate...My work has a gym and the one thing I did every lunch break was go to the gym for 45min (then eat at my desk after), I loved it and am very much looking forward to it. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for your job hunt!!
bnk - Poor kitty. I had one hit by a car a few years ago. People always go 55 down our 30 mph road, so now I won't let the other cats go outside unless they are on the harness.
cocoa - FX'd on the job front. I wonder which of our LO's will get a tooth first. I think Gabriel may just walk before he gets his first tooth.

Do any of your LO's balance on their knees? Gabriel doesn't really stand with no hands, but he can kneel no hands for as long as he wants.
Cocoa - no she hasn't STTN again, but lately only waking one time which is OK. I feed her and she's going back down easily but I think next week if she's well I might try CC to cut that feed. Its very possible she'll be having more than one waking again anyway because she's so inconsistent. I will post again before I CC to get some advice :) Good luck with the job applications as well hun x

By the way, I wanted to F onto sandwiches as well, how much of a sandwich does M eat? Flora has trouble with bread without teeth. DO you grate the cheese?

Kel - I think I'm going to drop to 2 feeds around 1 as well. at the moment I'm pumping twice a day at work and she drink those 2 bottles (about 3.5/4 oz each) during the day when I'm at work. Plus morning and bedtime. So 4 feeds still. Some days she doesn't need as much milk it seems. Maybe I'll go down to 3 soon...or she might do it herself.

Jul - great news that CC worked for you. I'm really interested to know whether you've just cracked it completely and he STTN all the time now?

Seity - Flora has moments when she's teething but if I'm honest I think her teeth are a way off as well. Is it just you me and Cocoa with little gummy bears?
GL - I tend to cut the crusts of a slice of bread, and either spread half of it with philly cheese or hummus, fold in half and then rip it into thirds for M. She tends to suck it mostly!! She does struggle a bit without teeth, so I'm still giving her a lot of easier foods to eat. Her absolute favourite at the moment is raisins, she'd eat them all day if I let her :dohh:

I *think* she's going to cut her first tooth in a day or two :dance: The White dot has gone and it looks a bit like this now (google pic) M HATES me poking in her mouth, so it's hard to see properly. Not quite a tooth poking through yet, but like the hole is ready IYSWIM?
Oh wow cocoa, we don't have anything even close to that. I guess we are a very long way off from that first tooth. Considering he's a month older the the other two toothless babies, it looks like he might be the oldest when he gets that first tooth. Gabriel eats bread very well. I take the crusts off and he manages to tear off bites and shove them in his mouth and gum it all just fine. His new love is pasta. It took him a while to figure out chewing it because it doesn't fall apart as easily as his crackers or bread does.
I'm glad CC seems to be working for some of you. Gabriel's sleep is incrementally getting better as time goes on, so I'm sure he'll figure it out eventually. I'm more than patient enough to let him get there in his own time.
Cocoa - that sounds very promising for the first tooth to appear soon!!

GL - re CC, I am still a skeptic about this method. I guess it all depends on the circumstances you are in. For us, Sam has put himself to sleep at bedtime for quite a while, so we knew he can do it, so I kept wondering why he did not do it overnight. Well...I was the one to create the habit for him of cuddling and nursing him several times a night (not saying there is nights where there need this) , since he was used to it he kept waking up, expecting it. We started CC last Wednesday, it took till Saturday (thankfully he never cried very hard or long) and he has been sleeping through ever since. He goes to bed usually between 7 and 7.30pm and wakes up around 6pm. So in our particular situation it work very well. But like I said, I would not want to make a judgement and say "this is the way to go" - everyone needs to find their own way.

Seity - Sam had his bottom teeth at 6 and 8 months...nothing since. I can't see anything coming up soon. I find it fascinating how different they all are.
GL - Sam has sandwiches as well. Most of the time I cut off the crust as well...cheese is not grated, just thin slices.
Hi everyone! I'm skimming the last page or two so forgive me if I miss anyone.

Hive: I hope Ronan's sleep improves quickly. Once you are used to them sleeping it is hard to go back (unfortunately, I have been experiencing this lately too).

Lynn: Sorry your iron levels are so low. I'm sure between that and the two boys (three if we count your DH), you must be exhausted.

JJ: Sounds like you had a fun little getaway. Good to hear that Chase's cough/cold is improving.

Jul: Stay warm!

Kel: Does Conner have to like broccoli? As long as he is eating some green veggies he is doing well. I used to make a little casserole with broccoli, chicken, cheese and rice for Charlotte (OK, the whole family, but I blended it up more for her when she was small) and she loves it.

Crap, hubby is bugging me for the computer. I'll catch up with the rest of you later.
seity i love the new pic in your siggy its super cute

oh for the days of no teeth lol im forever being bitten and everything is being chewed here, lol
EJ loves his pasta too it has to be his favorite meal lol he almost sucks the peieces right out of his hand and swallows whole hehe, he eats so much just about what Nate eats and if nates being fussy then EJ is bound to clean up the leftovers of Nates meal lol it will be interesting to have MIL over next week and what she says about my parenting etc..
Kel - Ronan gets nippy and bitey too, sometimes when he's teething but more often it's when he's pretty much done feeding and is just messing around, or if he has wind. I've started paying closer attention to when he stops actively feeding and taking him off the boob before he gets a chance to bite.

As for veggies, it depends on the type of vegetable really. One thing to keep in mind is that all the things that aren't great for our hips are great for babies, so cooking with butter and oil and cheese etc. are good for them. I can probably come up with a bunch of different ideas for different veg, but one thing I do with broccoli, cauliflower and carrot, and any other veg you want to throw in is toss it in a cheese sauce and bake it in the oven, much like you would with mac anc cheese. Broccoli is also good in things like quiche, or even a veggie lasagne. You could try cream of broccoli soup too. I made a 16 bean soup one night and Ronan wasn't fussed on the texture of the beans so the next day, I mixed in some diced tomatoes and tomato paste and blended the whole thing down into a creamy soup and he devoured it like it was the best thing ever.

Lynn - hopefully you're feeling better after upping your iron!

Cocoa - Ronan's been snuggly cuddly when he's getting tired lately, or when he's hungry he comes and faceplants between my boobs and blows a raspberry. :haha: The other thing he's been doing when he's tired is to go over to the stairs and say, 'Up,' since I always ask him when he's tired if he wants to go 'up for a nap now,' and when I do if he's tired, he races over to the stairs.

Jul - I can't believe how much Ronan eats some days either. He's got hollow legs, I swear. This morning he had oatmeal (quarter cup of dry oats to half a cup of milk, so a sizeable bowl) with 4 large strawberries, 5 raspberries and a handful of blueberries mixed into it and he devoured almost the whole lot of it, and finished it off with a dried apricot.

Seity - Ronan does the balancing on his knees thing, and sitting back on his heels too. He's started stepping so I won't be surprised if he's fully walking before his first birthday.

As for sleep, we are (fingers crossed) just coming out of a rough patch with Ronan where he was waking frequently and fussing about going back down but I can't leave him cry either. It was tiring, but he's gone back to sleeping better and it was just one of those developmental things. You're right that they'll get there when they get there. I think that even if I 'helped' him with PU/PD whe he was younger, that he just wasn't going to sleep 11-12 hours until he was good and ready, and a lot of nights he still only sleeps around 10 hours when he does sleep through.

GL - I do the same pretty much as Cocoa although I often leave the crusts on because he likes them. I tend to squish the bread down too so it and all of the filling is well stuck together and the sandwich doesn't fall to pieces on him. He's started getting to the picky picky stage though so I just as often cut his sandwich into bite sized pieces lately.

Well, we've booked our flights finally. I'm going over 2 weeks before hubby and will be gone a month total. I ended up not getting him a seat of his own and requesting a bassinet. Fingers crossed for me that it's far from a full flight and that I get one because otherwise it's going to be a loooong flight! I'm hoping they take pity on me traveling alone without help. :mrgreen:
Jul - thanks, I've heard mostly good things about CC, I mean of course not that its good as such but that it works. I'm glad it worked for you I know you've been thinking about it for a while. I have too, but on the other hand I can't complain too much, one short night waking isn't the end of the world. But I'm starting to think its just a habit.

Last night she stirred at 3am and for about 10 minutes I lay there while she stirred on and off, but not really crying or anything. I hoped she would just settle herself. But then it escalated to crying to I went in, she was kneeling at the side of her cot and automatically puts her arms up for me so of course I picked her up. I tried not feeding her but that only lasted a few minutes before she realised my breast wasn't in her mouth :dohh:

So I was a bit unsure with CC you're not supposed to make contact but if Flora is up the side of the cot should I put her back on her back? This afternoon she had a nap and I let her grizzle for a while, I could hear she was climbing up again, then it went quiet and I looked in, she was asleep on her tummy right up next to the bars, so she had obviously climbed up then just collapsed down to sleep. So sweet.

Cocoa - yay looks like a tooth for M on its way! Seity I think I'm with you nothing like that here either. I'm not all that worried at least we don't have to deal with biting!

Well Flora had a cream cheese sandwich today, she had a little bit of it and threw the rest. I'll keep persevering! She also had rice at dinner. She spat it out a few times at first, then I mixed it in with her chicken and veggies and she ate it which was good. it had a bit of indian flavoured sauce in it as well. I'd like to try pasta now, any tips on the best shapes? What about fusili? (twirls). I am excited about giving her new things. Oh and I gave her some sultanas today and she ate a couple of them too :thumbup:
Hive - yay for booking flights! They will definitely help you out when you are solo with a baby for sure, so don't panic. I just hope he sleeps well for you, but I'm sure he will the drone of the plane lulls them right off. Also, on our flights, 3 out of the 4 flight (2 each way) there was no one in the seat next to us, I have a feeling they sort of do that on purpose because if you cram the families too close together I imagine it can get a bit messy. The flights seemed pretty full otherwise.
HC - Yay tickets. I'm sure you'll be fine. I recommend a tether of some kind for any toys, etc that you don't feel like trying to fish up off the plane floor if Ronan likes tossing things as much as Gabriel does.
GL - Gabriel really likes the spiral pasta. We had a cheesy pasta dish for dinner the other night, so he's had some of that the past few days.

So, Gabriel stood for about 5-10 seconds today. I just set him down on his feet and suddenly realized he wasn't holding onto me at all. So proud!
Also, he went to sleep at 8, woke at 11, but only needed to be picked up. As soon as I did, he put his head on my shoulder and fell back asleep. I waited about 5 min and put him back in the crib and he didn't wake again until 6:30 :happydance: I heard him making noises at 6 and went to check on him thinking he was awake, but he was just grumbling in his sleep because he'd moved so that his head was jammed in the corner and the covers weren't on him any more. I just shifted his head a little and put the covers back on and he instantly went quiet and then we both got another 30 min of sleep.
Hi ladies!

It seems I vanished off the face of the earth here, I am really sorry! I have been super busy with Wren, visiting family and friends and the holidays and trying to organise the wedding.

I am soo far behind on what has been happening to al the little one's but I trust they are all doing well and thriving.

Wren is crawling backwards, has 1 tooth, still sleeps horribly but she eats pretty well which is great. She has a cold right now which is not helping the sleeping problem so hopefully she will be better soon. I am still breastfeeding although I am concerned with the amount of milk or lack of there seems to be these days.

Looking forward to catching up with you all...sorry for going AWOL!
Good sleep here to - another STTN episode! She went down about 6:45, needed a couple of dummy runs in the evening, then I went to bed at 10pm and woke up at 6am thinking I hadn't heard from her. She stirred a couple of times at 6:20 then went back to sleep to 7:20! So a record breaking sleep for Flora almost 13 hours!!

Welcome back Emskins good to see you. Sorry to hear Wren isn't sleeping well
Seity - yay for a good nights sleep and standing! I'm going to try the spirals today if I've got some I think I do.
And now she's been napping for nearly 2 hours... what's going on with all the sleep??
BNK: That is horrible about your cat. I am so sorry.

Seity: Love the photo of Gabriel passed out in his swing. Very cute. Also, hooray for standing!

Cocoa: Does seem like M will have a tooth soon. Charlotte loves raisins too. I like to make a baby snack mix of Cheerios, raisins and a few whole grain goldfish for when we go out to run errands. If she starts to act up I pull out the baggie and instantly she is happy again.

Lynn: You are a great mom and I'm sure your MIL will recognize that too.

Hive: Glad you have finally booked your trip. I traveled with Charlotte once without DH and I found the airline was very helpful even though it was a short trip. They should be extra nice to you and Ronan.

Em: Hi!

GL: Hooray for Flora sleeping so well. Don't question all the sleeping, just enjoy it! We had a few weeks where Charlotte was napping a lot more and I chalked it up to a growth spurt that just wore her out.

Well, we closed on the house yesterday. So this means the next month is remodel, remodel, remodel. Tons to do, but it will be nice once it is done. Charlotte is over her cold/ear infection. On the other hand we had a few rough nights over the past few days because she has four of her top teeth coming in at once. Crazy, right?! Also, she has been taking more and more steps on her own and can even go from sitting to standing without having to use anything to pull up on. I'm just shocked at how fast she is developing these days. Where has my baby gone? :(
GL i hope flora lights the pasta , EJ loooooooooooooooooves his pasta lol and Nate does too so its a nice easy meal for them lol,
my back is killing me from carrying EJ i need to get a wrap so that hes secure on my back rather than carrying him on my hip and having to swing my hip out to cope with his weight caus its doing my back and neck in lol,
GL - when we did CC i just did not pick him up. I would go in and give him a kiss, laid him down and left. I also tell him everything is ok. Just do it whichever way you feel is right for you. I don't care much what the books say, every baby is different. Last night he woke once at 4.30am and it felt like he was unsettled from teething. So i stayed and cuddled him a bit, gave him Tylenol. I hope I always recognize when he really needs us, to let him cry in such a situation would not be right to me.

Seity - I love the new picture as well!!! Sam has never passed out anywhere, but I think it is the cutest thing ever.

HC - When are you going?? I am hoping to book our flights later this year and hopefully I can manage to stay for 6 weeks.

Lynn - How long is your MIL staying?

Vegas - congrats on the house again! I love home renovations!!! If it would not be such a physically tiring thing to do I 'd love to have a home renovation business.

EM - Welcome back!!!!! Glad to see things are going well for you! Wren will hopefully come around with her sleeping soon! I know how tiring it can be but also find it amazing to how little sleep you can get used to.

BnK - So sorry, totally missed what happened to your cat! That is horrible! Sorry to hear!

Does everyone of you girls have their period back? I started the first time just before Christmas and had it twice for a good week since, this morning it started again!! I guess it will take a while for the body to get back to normal,but boy how did i NOT miss it!

Sam scared the living hell out of us this morning...he did a faceplant of his sisters bed. I feel so bad, I had not put him anywhere close the edge and just turned my back for one second. He must have jamed his bottom teeth into his upper lip. There was blood everywhere and he was crying so hard! I was close to freaking out. Well, gave him some tylenol and tried to wash it off to see what was going on. He is now laughing again and also eating crackers, which is great because he has quite the fat lip. Shame on me for turning my back on him!! HIs sister looked so terrified too.

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