march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Hi Em - Ah, another one with a tooth. My sister's little girl got her first two teeth now too.

jul - Poor Sam. I felt really bad when Gabriel face planted and scraped up his nose after crawling off our bed just before xmas. Hopefully, they'll figure out the gravity thing quickly.
I got my period back at 7 months. My cycle isn't regular yet, but it seems to get a bit closer each time.

GL - I hope Flora likes the pasta.

vegas - Good luck with all the house remodeling.
Sam is usually very good with climbing down anywhere. We taught him to always go feet first and he does it down the couch and stairs. We are obviously always watching him. I am so glad he is ok.
jul - You're lucky. I swear Gabriel has absolutely zero sense of self preservation. He'll fling himself about and try to dive over me head first and off the bed any chance he gets. :dohh:
Hey all, just popping on quickly, anyone know how to get rid of a sick smell from my couch? Chase has a bug and last night he was projecile vomiting :sick: i cleaned it right away and put the cushion covrs in the wash but this morning the arm still smells. Going to sprinkle some bicarb soda on it anyone else have any more tips its gross x
Lynn: I hear you about the wrap, these kids are too heavy to carry around for long periods anymore.

Jul: I got my period soon after I stopped BFing so I am not a good one to ask. I'm back on the pill and it is as regular as it has always been. Poor Sam! Sorry he fell. I agree with Seity, my child has no self preservation skills either. Charlotte fell off of the couch the other day. My fault since I took my eye off of her for a second and thankfully it scared her more than hurt her. They will all learn soon enough. I almost never fall off of the furniture anymore. :haha:

JJ: Sorry Chase has been sick. I use a carpet/fabric cleaner first and then once it is dry I spray it with Febreeze (not sure if you have that where you are). This has yet to apply to vomit, but to dogs who don't know the difference between the rug and the grass outside. Usually the combination does the trick.

Charlotte had another rough night last night. Pretty sure it was her teeth hurting her again. I don't like getting up in the middle of night. You ladies who are still getting up with your LO's multiple times a night deserve a medal or a nomination for sainthood.
jj - We have a portable deep cleaner (Bissell Spotbot) - the joys of having 3 cats (one of whom is a puker). If that doesn't get the smell out, than like vegas I would use Febreeze. That stuff is amazing.

Last night was horrid. Worst night we've had in a while. Up at 12:30 (Just as I was about to go to bed). Fed him in the hopes he wouldn't get up again. Then 2:30 when I knew he wasn't hungry, so I gave him some teething gel and rocked him back to sleep, him moaning the whole time. Woke again at 3:30 and at that point I'd had enough. It was absolutely freezing last night, so I took him into bed with me at that point and let him feed on and off for the rest of the night. He was done sleeping at 6:30 and crawling all over the bed and squealing loudly. There were also a few times I had to go in there and put him back in the middle of the crib and under the blankets again because I heard him banging his head into the crib rails (while still asleep) after scooting himself about.
Julchen - poor Sam :-( I'm dreading M really hurting herself like that, I'll probably panic and get in a right flap and scare her even more!

Hive - yay for the tickets! Be lovely for your family to spend so much time with you and Ronan

Seity - Maybe he is unsettled at night because heMs about to start walking? How exciting!!

DM2 hasn't been on for ages has she? I find it weird seeing Hunter walking around in her pictures. I'm sure he's going to be a very gifted boy! But all of our babies will be walking this year. Then the fun really begins!

GL - how has Flora been with sleeping since the STTN episode? When M stands up in the cot, I usually leave her for a bit to see if she lowers herself back down, and if not - I go up and lay her back down and say 'shhh, mummy's here, sleepy time' and give her a kiss on the head and leave. She usually drops off quickly after that. Once, I left her to see if she'd lower herself and heard a massive bang, she'd fallen over and smacked her head on the end of the cot. Wasn't hurt - but I was cacking my pants on the way up to her!!

JJ - I'd have suggested fabreeze too. Did you get the smell out? Hope Chase is ok x

M has definitely got more clingy recently which I think is separation anxiety. I used to be able to leave the room for a wee, hang the washing up etc, but she'll quite often start crying when I do it now. She is also being harder to put down at night and for naps, she'll keep turning her head to make sure I'm still there or she'll just cry.
Still can't see the tooth, but can feel something sharp now. It's taking bloody ages!!
Cocoa- I notice that Connor becomes very clingy right before a tooth comes through. Hopefully it will come through soon.
Seity- Love the new signature picture. I had to retire Connor's swing a long time ago because he just screamed to get out.
Vegas- :happydance: Yay for Charlotte walking! Was she standing well on her own before she started taking steps?
Julchen- I got my period back at 3 months, and it went straight back to a perfect 28 day cycle. It makes it easy to track ovulation.

So Connor stood for over a minute tonight. I even had time to take a picture!


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Jul - I'm flying out March 14 and returning April 18 so just over a month. Hubby is only going to be with us for the last 2 weeks of the trip as he couldn't afford more time off work. I wanted to stay a bit longer but it would have been hard for hubby on his own most of that time with our dog not being able to have someone take him out during the days when OH couldn't work from home etc. and I really didn't want Ronan to be away from his daddy for that long either in the end.

JJ - Sorry to hear that Chase was sick. That can't have been fun for either of you! I use a product called Nature's Miracle ( on any organic stains/spills. I started using it when we got Bailey as a puppy but now I use it for any mess of Ronan's too!

VB - Poor Charlotte. Ronan went through a rough patch and I was convinced he was teething but still no teeth. In hindsight, I'm pretty sure it's been developmental.

Seity - Ditto as above on the rough night with Gabriel. It's so hard sometimes when there's just nothing settling them and they just can't stay settled.

Cocoa - They turn into such little shadows at this stage, don't they? Luckily, it does get better. Ronan was reaching out to be passed around to a bunch of strange women today at a party when he was all shy and snuggly with his momma not so long ago. He's such a smooth mover!

Kel - Go Connor! He looks so confident and sure of himself there.

Sorry for anyone I've missed. I'm tired and out of it atm. I've just realized that it's 3 weeks until Ronan's birthday and I have nothing planned! We're taking him to the New England Aquarium on the Saturday before, and going to do cake and what not on Sunday, but I've figured out nothing for cake or guests or anything else! Argh!
HC - Hard to believe we're coming up on a 1st birthday already. We're not going to do a party. Probably just pick up an ice cream cake and celebrate, just the 3 of us. (Ice cream cake because my OH insists on one -- for himself) Family don't live anywhere nearby and we don't know any babies, so not much point in a party.
cocoa - Sounds like the clinging may be due to the tooth coming in. I hadn't thought about the sleep issue being possibly linked to his development. Makes some sense since he's just started free standing for a few seconds at a time. I also never rule out teething as being a contributing factor.
Kel - Go Connor! We have always put Gabriel to nap in his swing. That pic was his first nap of the New Year.

Had an interesting encounter at the Grocery store today. We were waiting in the checkout line and there was a baby in the line next to ours. She seemed to be around the same age as Gabriel (I was basing this on observing what she could/could not do developmentally) Since she was pointing at Gabriel, we said "Hi" and they asked his age. When I said 10.5 months, the mom goes, "What day was he born?". I said March 4th. Turns out her girl was born March 3rd! Not only that, but they both weighed about the same. Impressive considering my LO is such a half pint and most babies his age weigh a lot more.
Hive - wow 1st birthday already. Don't worry I'm sure you'll think of something. We'll probably have a BBQ (hoping that the weather will be nice on 1 April) and invite some friends around, make some nice food and cakes.
Kel - wow that's amazing that Connor can stand. Walking will be soon to follow.
Seity - did Gabriel sleep any better last night? Flora liked sucking on the pasta but not much went down I don't think.
JJ - Poor Chase I hope he's feeling better.
Cocoa - Hope the clingy phase passes soon and you get a tooth. Flora is still waking once at night for a feed, anywhere between 11 and 3am. I spontaneously tried to do CC when she woke for a feed the night before last but it was a total failure. I sort of settled her with patting etc, saying sleepy time and so on. She was OK until I stepped out of the room then she howled. I left her for about a minute, maybe 2 and went back in and did it again. She howled again when I stepped out of the room. Boy she was really sobbing and screaming it wasn't fun. So obviously I didn't last much longer, and then picked her up and gave her a quick feed and she seemed hungry for it. I felt bad for holding her off and for letting her get so distressed if only briefly.

So I'm not sure what I'm going to do. She isn't having all that much and sleeps through after her feed until morning so I'm still getting 6 or 7 hours. So maybe she'll drop it herself naturally soon anyway :shrug: Of course when I told my mum that she STTN she said 'well its about time!' :dohh:
It seems that EJ is getting seperation anxiety too he is a mess unless hes with someone he trusts ie... me or DH , although i did manage to get a friend to hold him while i went for a pee at mums and toddlers group and he wasnt crying when i came back and he crawled off and played happily for a bit till he saw me lol
lynn - Sounds like a pain.

We had a good night last night. It's like he keeps alternating back and forth. Good night, then a bad one. All I can say is I'm just happy there are good ones finally.
Julchen-Wren just fell off the bed this week too, like you I only tunred my back for one second but that is all it takes and I haev learnt my lesson in the worst way, I will never out her on the bed again! She was OK than fully too, she had a mark on her head but it was gone by the evening thankfully.

Kel-that is so great he aConnor is standing-well done to him!

I have also been thinking of Wren's 1st birthday. I think we are going to do a small gathering at the house with a cupcake theme, I was thinking of doing carrot and zucchini cupcakes to make it a bit healthier but some chocolate ones for the adults! My MOH will be here so thankfully taht will actually give me some time to make them as Wren will not give me 5 mins for anything, she is wingeing right now as I am not focused on her for a few minutes!

We are still working at getting W to sleep better, she wakes every 2 hrs for milk still, I am trying to cut her off, we managed to go from 7-11.45 at which time I gave her milk and then dummy at 1am, scream fest for half an hour at 2am and I caved and gave her milk at 2.30 then again at 5 and 7...aarrg nightmare.

I am going to a new baby group today, for babies aged 1-3 years so ab it early as Wren is not 1 yet but I think it will be good for her to see bigger kids and she is crawling around so I think she will have fun, if only I could get her to nap before we go!

On the weekend she took her morning naps like an angel, no crying and then record breaking 2 hrs both days!! COuldnt believe it of course it is when Sam is home, now this morning massive scream fest so I have taken her out of her room and she is playing beside break for mumma!

Sorry for the long post

Hope you all had a nice weekend
Ems - Wren looks so cute in your Avatar!! I believe she will come around with her sleeping!

GL - That is what Sam was like, only seldomly he would really eat a lot. Usually just snack a couple of minutes.

How much do your LO's like books? Sam is obsessed with them. He also loves music and dances. Too cute. But every time I tried to videotape him he will just look at me. On the weekend he made a fuss when my OH was eating spicy chicken wings, he would not stop until we caved in and gave him one. He ended up with a wing in each hand and loved them. Crazy little guy!
jul - Gabriel loves books and dancing. I posted a video in my journal of him dancing. He loves hot wings too. One of his favorite foods.

Em - That group sounds fun. I think Gabriel would like a group, but I don't know of any in the area and my OH would have to take him since I'm at work all day. I hope Wren sleeps better for you soon. The waking every 2 hours for food was driving me crazy. I'm glad that Gabriel finally seems to be going longer more often.

Last night was another bad one, so maybe that means tonight will be a good one -LOL
He slept 11-7 waking at 2,5, & 6 to eat.
But the good news is I think we're finally going to see that first tooth!! I can see a little white area in the bottom front and feel a little something there too. Just a matter of time now. :happydance:
Kel - clever Conor!

Seity - oh a tooth, exciting! M's is still taking an age to pop up! I'm trying to appreciate the pain free feedings while I still can :haha:

Well OH came home and M was all smiles for Daddy, so I'm pleased that she didn't cry or cling to me. Still no news about that job :cry:
Kel: Hooray for Conner standing? Kudos to you for getting a photo. Anytime I try to photograph Charlotte doing something new she gets distracted by the camera itself. Arg!

Lynn: Charlotte's has been clingy as of late too. Let's hope this phases passes quickly.

Em: Such a cute photo of Wren. A cupcake birthday sounds perfect. Even though I am not planning anything big for Charlotte's b-day I still want to do a balloon theme as she LOVES balloons.

Jul: Charlotte loves books. She likes to flip through them herself, but she can be rough on the non board books. Do you have any of the Sandra Boyton books? Charlotte loves Moo Ba La La La (sadly, I have it memorized).

Seity: Hope that tooth pushes through quickly and you get some sleep tonight.

As I mentioned above Charlotte will not let me out of her sight. I've been taking her over to the new house and brought a bunch of toys to put in her new room, but I think she is a bit apprehensive about the whole thing. I'm already super stressed about the house as there is even more work to do than we previously thought. If only money grew on trees.
Seity - I went and had a look at the videos in your journal! They are so cute!!! Gabriel truly is a cutie!! He will be walking before you know it.

Vegas - Had never heard about Susan Boynton books but I checked them out at Amazon, they look great!!
Vegas - M is being the same, but not sure if it's the seeration or teething.

We have out first tooth! :dance: Only the tip, but it's there.

Sleeping has gone to pot again, M will only go to sleep easily if I stand over her, but last night she was a bit better but I had to give her the dummy to back to sleep at 12 and 3 and then up at 6. I don't think it's the tooth though. *sigh*

M's newest thing is to stick her tongue out and flick it over her food before she eats it. Hilarious at first, but gets tiresome quickly!

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