march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Hurray tooth! Way to go M!

OH says he can see the top of the tooth. Going home for lunch in a few, so I'll see if it's actually poked through the gums yet or not.
In the meantime, here's a picture of Gabriel taken at the bar/restaurant last night.

Tooth is still under the gums. Maybe sometime before he's 11 months?
Aw Seity he's so gorgeous! So did you feel a tooth? scrap that I just saw what you wrote at the bottom.

Cocoa - wohoo a tooth! I'm sure the sleeping will get better.

Jul - Flora LOVES books she grabs them and pulls the pages. He favourite at the moment is 'where's spot' and she knows how to flip the flaps (is he behind the door, etc). she will literally climb over me to get it.

Nothing much to report here. Sleeping is OK, mostly just waking once at night. Last night she had a little feed at 11:30 but she wasn't that hungry, but I was too sleepy to bother trying to settle her another way. She was still asleep at 6:45am when I woke her up, she was one her tummy so she must have rolled in the night or climbed up but I didn't hear her.

Seems to be doing well at the childminder, they call her their 'dolly'. they say she is very active and into all the toys and things, and that she is very determined when she wants something. She seems to only have 30-45 minute naps there. She is really vocal at the moment, she has learned how to warble her voice by banging her hand on her mouth, its so cute! I am still trying to teach clapping which she doesn't do yet. But she waves as well so that's good.

Work is going fine, all too normal actually. I do miss Flora but not as much as I thought, and its just awesome when I pick her up how exciting it is to see her, and she is exctied to see me. I enjoy the adult company and also not being with my hsuband all the time. :haha:

That's all from, me, nighty night girls.
well it was EJ's 10month birthday yesterday which means ive been bf for 10 months, wow i didnt think we would get this long,
everything is coming to a head now which is why i havent been around much as this week has been non-stop and ive got a busy busy afternoon ahead doing more stuff then MIL arriving tonight and staying for the weekend got playgroup then an appointment for EJ's passport tomorrow afternoon as we are getting it fast tracked now i finally have all the documents etc.. for it and then going out for my birthday in the evening then got a big day saturday and big event in the evening and my birthday on Sunday and got to go to church in the morning then out for lunch with friends and OH was gonna try and make the most of his mum being around to babysit by taking me to the cinema afterwards
Oh Seity, he looks gorgeous!

GL - glad to hear all is going well, and it sounds like Flora is loving the Childminder's! I've been offered an interview for that job (next Thursday) so I'm stretch to stress over how we'll organise childcare for M if I get the job.

Lyn - hope ou have a lovely weekend, and I hope MIL isn't too much of a dragon!
Cocoa: Hooray for the tooth. Good luck at your interview next week. I know they will love you.

Seity: Adorable photo.

GL: I'm actually glad to hear from someone that returning to work is not that bad. I am so afraid if I go back to work I am going to miss Charlotte too much, but your statement makes me feel like it is possible. Charlotte can't clap her hands either, but she will take both of my hands and make me clap my hands (guess she is mimicking what I do to her).

Lynn: Happy 10 months to EJ and happy b-day to you!

Like Cocoa I have an interview next week too. My babysitter has taken a day job so I am going to have to have DH come home early to watch Charlotte. Thankfully if I do find work I already have a name of a good daycare that one of my friend's used when her kids were small. Have I mentioned that Charlotte is walking? At this point she can take about 10-15 steps before she falls. I still can't believe it. You can tell she is really proud of herself.
Woo for Charlotte walking! Just in time for her birthday too, what a clever girl.
What job are you going for? Fingers crossed for you :hugs:

I've just discovered that the hospital where I'll potentially be working has a nursery for the staff's children on the grounds. I'm not sure on the prices etc, but it received an 'outstanding' rating during their last Ofsted inspection, so I'm hoping to pop in and have a look after my interview to see if I like it.

It will be so handy if I like it an they have space for M! I'll be able to drop her off at 8, walk 5 mins to my office, BF her at lunch if she still needs it, and pick her up at 4 and go home (45min drive), and still have a couple of hours to spend with her when we get home. She can either catnap in the car on the way home, or we can talk and sing etc. I really hope it works out so nicely!
lynn - Yay, 10 months EJ! You're very lucky to have been able to BF for so long.
cocoa - Good luck with the job. That nursery sounds like it could be wonderful. I hope it all works out.
vegas - You really do get used to being back at work very quickly. I can't imagine it any other way. Good luck with your job interview. Congrats Charlotte on walking! That's fantastic.
Hi! :hi:

omgsh I havnt popped in in sooo long! i've missed you all! i've been checking in from time to time- just missed so much that when i go to start typing i don't know where to start!!!

Cocoa- i see m has a tooth! Exciting! :dance:

Vegas- omgsh Charlotte is walking! Wow i have missed heaps! Well done little Miss!!

Ella is getting into everything and pulling herself up on everything too! goodness we cant keep her still! She is so clever, she plays with little details on her toys, like she knows how to press a button to open a flap, type thing. She can say a good few words- car, hand, Chiko (our cat. it sounds more like ee-do), mum, dad, nana, and she says taa when she picks stuff up. it's so cute. And she has just started waving :cloud9: cutest thing i've ever seen! the wiggly fingers :haha:

We have 2 bottom teeth. She got the first on xmas day and the 2nd 2 days later. She is soo good at having her teeth brushed! It started off to be abit of a mission but now she lets me do it without trying to lick it with her tounge :haha:

What are you guys doing for 1st birthdays?
i've practicing making cakes lol :)

Ella won her 2nd competition. It was a 1st xmas competition and she won a pack of cloth nappies. i have a wee stash of fluffies now, but am still waiting for her prize to get here :)

Here's a pic of my cheeky wee girl

i hope you are all doing well! I look foward to doing a big catch up!


MM - :hi: nice to see you I wondered wher you'd been. I can't see the pic though? Ella sounds like she's doing great. Flora loves buttons and flaps as well, and always goes for the tiniest detail on something. Still no teeth I think she might come last in that race :haha:

Vegas - go Charlotte walking that's great. Had she been standing on her own for a while before that? I'm trying to guage when Flora might walk but she can't even stand alone yet. Oh and yeah I felt kind of guilty for not crying on my first day back at work, like I must be a hard-hearted person. But I'm not, it just wasn't all that bad for me :shrug:. Some people really struggle I think but I just didn't. How many days a week will you work? I only do three, which I think makes it not nearly as bad. Good luck with your interview.

Cocoa - best on luck with your interview as well, I am sure that you'll do great. The hospital nursery sounds ideal so I've got all my fingers and toes crossed for you

Lynn - happy 10 months EJ! And happy birthday to you! Sounds like you have a busy time coming up. I hope you enjoy your birthday celebrations.

We've got swimming lessons this afternoon. I've got a bit of a cold and its freezing out, so I'm tempted to not go. But the classes cost so much and I've already missed one so I think I'd better go. Flora was the only baby that got upset in last weeks class, for some reason she hates bouncing up and down in the water :shrug: go figure as she absolutely loves it at home. Hope she's better about it today
MM - Congrats on the wins. She's adorable and doing very well. Gabriel loves to open and close things and anything he can spin.
GL - You'll only be last with a tooth if Flora doesn't get one until 11 months. (Assuming Gabriel's actually shows up in the next few days)

Gabriel has been spending a lot of time making a guttural 'kkk' type sound. We're wondering if he's trying to figure out how to say kitty. Perhaps kitty will be his first word someday. Anyone else's baby experimenting with hard consonants like that?
omg its not even been 24 hours and my MIL and SIL are doing my head in, they allowed Nate to eat a Cadburys chocolate snowman for breakfast !!! thats like 300gms of chocolate, then everything seems to bug the "Little diva" SIL and she whinges about everything, you would think that her mother would inform her to sit down shut up and be grateful for a free holiday and that its rude to complain about everything all the time. and to quit pandering to her every whim but i dont think thats gonna happen this side of my 50th year. its rediculous, im venting here sorry caus i cant vent to OH caus i cant put him in the middle of it but im finding the Little Miss's behaviour and attitude shocking and very disrespectful and im fed up already and ive even been out most of the day.
Oh my, lynn - That's sounds horrible and giving chocolate to a baby :dohh: (a lot of chocolate too!) :hugs:

GL- How was swimming? I havn't taken Ella yet but i aim too once school holidays are over!

Lynn- That sounds awful :( How long are they there for?

Ella has TERRIBLE nappy rash. To the point where its broken the skin and is raw and bleeding :( It's been like that for about a week and a half now. i tried bepathem, pseudocream, canasten (cream for thrush) nothing worked, it would get better then worse, i took her to the doctor and she got prescribed a mild steroid cream for thrush. Now today its worse than ever, she winces and moans when i wipe her bum :cry:

She has been rubbing her ear alot today. her nail kept scratching it and it kept bleeding. She didnt seem upset about it or anything though.
MM - sounds like another tooth on it's way? I hope her rash clears up soon. Do you get Metanium over there? My cousin swears by it.

Lyn - what a nightmare! I can't believe they gave him chocolate for breakfast :dohh: How old is your SIL? Sounds like she's got some growing up to do...

GL - did you take Flora swimming? We've been going for the past couple of weeks, M loved it the first week but was really clingy this week and just hung off my neck.

Seity - no hard sounds here yet. M has started saying 'lordy' again after a short break, and 'raw roo' noises. She just babbles constantly now and consistently says 'Dad dad' when OH comes into the room. I'm still reluctant to say it's her first word though :haha:

Oh and GL, I don't think Dee's Roman has got any teeth yet, so Flora might not be the last!
I might have a look in her mouth tomorrow. It's so hard looking at her top gums though!

i'm debating whether to go to the supermarket and get stuff to bake a cake
I just a practice run for Ella's bday cake. My 2nd attempt at using fondant icing. i'm pretty happy with it :smug:

Might do hers exactly the same but a bigger cake and different colours :)
MM - sounds like another tooth on it's way? I hope her rash clears up soon. Do you get Metanium over there? My cousin swears by it.

Lyn - what a nightmare! I can't believe they gave him chocolate for breakfast :dohh: How old is your SIL? Sounds like she's got some growing up to do...

SIL is 13 nearly 14 and suffers mildly from asperges but very mildly, shes been in tears 3 times and begged and cried for help to put jam on toast this morning:saywhat: ive lost count of the number of times shes gotten in a snotty mood and stormed off, her world revolves around her caus MIL babies her doing everything for her she follows SIL around and checks if shes thirsty or hungry, FFS ive showed the girl where the tap and glasses and squash are she can help herself rather than moan and whinge for someone to do it for her, Honestly Nate does more for himself than she does for herself its utterly rediculous,
Oh and the Fab news is they are here till sometime on Tuesday :argh::paper: i think i'll be hiding behind my book or computer till they leave.

oh on a positive note, DH got paid friday ( normally would be monday last working day of the month and all that ) and that means i can go get trashed tonight after this event is over if i can find someone to go with me,and DH will be my taxi service home again. got a babysitter for the night so might even catch a late movie with OH if i dont go clubbing and just send MIL home to relieve the babysitter.
caus by then she will be "exhausted" lol she complained yesterday about being tired and she didnt do anything at all all day long while i was running around town organizing stuff all day and spent the evening assembling some literiture for the event while she and SIL watched Mulan on the laptop after saying all day they would help. and then MIL was saying how she was gonna be so helpful this morning all she did was make 2 slices of toast and her and SIL took baths so now i dont have any hot water for a shower myself!! They dont live in the real world im sure, oh and im sick to the teeth of her following DH around making comments like " can i help tidy up , if you do the little jobs at the time they dont get on top of you etc...." like my house is messy i just spent the whole day friday out of the house doing things and so far today have done nothing but clean i had a pretty good go at the cleaning on Thursday too before they arrived and had a roast dinner waiting for them and MIL didnt even touch it.

im so past it now, im gonna have to put up my fake face to get through it and hope to heaven that my friends want to talk to me tomorrow and keep me occupied so im not thinking about it
MM- I love the cake! I am not creative at all, and could never get a cake to look like that!
Lynn- Sorry to hear about your family, I would be so mad if anyone gave my child that much chocolate. I guess I should feel lucky to not have any in-laws.
Vegas- Yay on the walking. I'm thinking Connor will walking soon too.
GL- How did the swim lesson go? I hope you guys had fun!

My DH and I celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary by going out last night. My mom took Connor over night, and it was really nice to have time alone with my DH.
We have a birthday party to go to tomorrow, my friends triplets are turning two! I am starting to plan Connors first birthday party. What is are all you planning for the first birthday. I need ideas.
well my birthday has been better, lol the Diva had a strop about leaving for church this morning and we have had 1 issue this evening about going to bed without MIL but we got through it and now its late late and we are up talking MIL through her issues at least shes showing a desire to change some things
Happy anniversary kel!

Happy birthday lynn!!!


Aah how i've missed you ladies! Good to be back :coffee:

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