Hi again girls!
How is everybody, I am so behind!! How are all the LOs doing?
I have been a lazy git once again, and admittedly I have been frequenting a new forum...baby club is like a pack of piranhas now, eek...it's all a bit scary really. *insert hand up arse, remove stick* required.
We have been good - Lachlan is FINALLY crawling. He is loving being able to explore, especially now that we're home again (we had been looking after my parents house for 5 weeks while they were in America and Mexico having a lovely time). It's great having him be able to get from a to b. I honestly didn't think he would crawl, thought at this rate he was going to just get up and walk - he started crawling on the 17th so literally just before he turned 10 months. And he is in to everything which is a bit stressful but he is still so much fun.
He isn't really putting weight on his feet still but our pediatric nurse isn't worried so that's okay. So not pulling up on things though he has looked like he might a few times recently and definitely not walking or standing alone yet.
No proper words over here as of yet. Unless you count "nyum yum", which I say to him while he's eating

Just basic babbling, mama dada baba etc still. He also likes to imitate sounds, his latest being my parents dogs whining. It's so cute.
Eating is all going well - he eats all sorts and the only things he doesn't like are banana and avocado. He obviously disproves the theory that babies end up liking the foods you eat most in pregnancy - I ate countless bananas when pregnant so go figure!
He still chokes on his food at times, but only when he forgets to chew in his enthusiastic rush to chow down

Hungry boy.
He can clap his hands but still can't wave, though it's not for my lack of trying to get him to
Sleeping is definitely nothing to complain about, he likes his sleep a little too much at times - 3 naps a day for an hour at a time! I know next time we won't get this lucky but hopefully then he's still a good sleeper.
He has 8 teeth, four top four bottom and opposite each other, was teething a lot for a while but seems to have slowed down now. He hasn't had a new tooth for about maybe a month now.
That's all I can really think of in terms of his development etc.
Lynn - Ooh wish you were coming to Welly! Oh well maybe another time and who knows, maybe one day I'll come to the UK
Cocoa - Yay! I saw that on FB, well done lovely! That is so exciting.
Seity - Amazing news about Gabriel's sleeping, that is wonderful!

Bet you're so pleased. Adorable picture, too.
Here's a recent one of Lachlan (sorry for the size!)