march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Andi we are just coming to Chch ( and Hamner )we were going to go on to Brisbane but it will cost too much so just Chch this trip will have to go back and see the rest of the country and so the boys can meet their greatnana another time since she wont be going to my sisters wedding
I got the job :dance:

Haven't confirmed a start date yet as I need to provide them with some documents before they can officially offer me the job, but it'll be sometime in April

Just got to hope that the nursery can fit her in!
Hey Cocoa - I just saw it on your FB. Huge congrats to you hun! Well done, I guess the interview went better than you thought. Keeping fingers crossed for the nursery for you. :flower:
Way to go Cocoa! Congrats!

Since Gabriel has started going 8:30-6:30 with only 1 waking a night :happydance:, he's also decided to drop from 2 naps a day to only 1.
Today he was so busy playing it caught up to him:


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Hi again girls! :)

How is everybody, I am so behind!! How are all the LOs doing?

I have been a lazy git once again, and admittedly I have been frequenting a new club is like a pack of piranhas now,'s all a bit scary really. *insert hand up arse, remove stick* required.

We have been good - Lachlan is FINALLY crawling. He is loving being able to explore, especially now that we're home again (we had been looking after my parents house for 5 weeks while they were in America and Mexico having a lovely time). It's great having him be able to get from a to b. I honestly didn't think he would crawl, thought at this rate he was going to just get up and walk - he started crawling on the 17th so literally just before he turned 10 months. And he is in to everything which is a bit stressful but he is still so much fun.

He isn't really putting weight on his feet still but our pediatric nurse isn't worried so that's okay. So not pulling up on things though he has looked like he might a few times recently and definitely not walking or standing alone yet.

No proper words over here as of yet. Unless you count "nyum yum", which I say to him while he's eating :haha: Just basic babbling, mama dada baba etc still. He also likes to imitate sounds, his latest being my parents dogs whining. It's so cute.

Eating is all going well - he eats all sorts and the only things he doesn't like are banana and avocado. He obviously disproves the theory that babies end up liking the foods you eat most in pregnancy - I ate countless bananas when pregnant so go figure!
He still chokes on his food at times, but only when he forgets to chew in his enthusiastic rush to chow down :dohh: Hungry boy.

He can clap his hands but still can't wave, though it's not for my lack of trying to get him to :lol:

Sleeping is definitely nothing to complain about, he likes his sleep a little too much at times - 3 naps a day for an hour at a time! I know next time we won't get this lucky but hopefully then he's still a good sleeper.

He has 8 teeth, four top four bottom and opposite each other, was teething a lot for a while but seems to have slowed down now. He hasn't had a new tooth for about maybe a month now.

That's all I can really think of in terms of his development etc.

Lynn - Ooh wish you were coming to Welly! Oh well maybe another time and who knows, maybe one day I'll come to the UK :)

Cocoa - Yay! I saw that on FB, well done lovely! That is so exciting.

Seity - Amazing news about Gabriel's sleeping, that is wonderful! :hugs: Bet you're so pleased. Adorable picture, too.

Here's a recent one of Lachlan (sorry for the size!)
aww rosy hes cute, i wish i could make it to welly too but DH will have to quit his job if we are away to long
rwhite - Lachlan sounds like he's doing fantastic and he's very handsome.
Aww thanks girls x I think he's pretty darn cute but then again that's a given isn't it :haha:

It's 9.42am and he's sitting in the middle of the living room playing with his toys and hiccuping haha. He's found his dummy somewhere so he is sucking away on that, quite happily.

Lynn - Fair enough then too! I'm sure there'll be a chance at some point, especially if you ever come over longer term.

Cocoa- Congrats on the job wooot!
The nursery sounds really nice! I'm sure M will love it there :hugs:

Lynn- oh yay how long abouts do u reckon you'll be here for?

Seity- thats such a cute photo! I have a few like that, my fave is when Ella was sleeping standing up!! :haha:

It'd be nice to be able to sleep where ever i felt like it :rofl:

Rosy- That pic is so sweet! he has grown up so much he looks like a big boy now!
I'm sure he will get up to stand in his own time, just remember when he can it is a whole new world lol, make the most of it while you still can! :haha:
Where did u get his leg warmers from? i would like to get some!!

I hope everybody is having a good weekend!!

Ella's nappy rash still isn't better. back to the doctors :(

So OH comes back tomorrow :dance: Today i picked up some bamboo inserts, rearranged and cleaned the spare room which was a mess!! Boxes everywhere! And then i rearranged the corner of the lounge, put her clothes into drawer and clearing up the change table for her nappies!.
Seity - he looks so cute! M has never fallen asleep whilst playing. I don't think she ever will.

Rwhite - he's grown so much! And such gorgeous eyes. I'm glad he's keeping you on your toes with his crawling!

MM - sorry to hear that Ella's bum is still sore. Is there anything new she's eating that could be causing it? M had a horrible eczema type rash on the inside of her elbows and under her chin - and I eventually realises that it was from the satsuma's I was giving her at breakfast.
Nope it just got infected. She will have to go to the hospital I think :(
GL: Glad to hear you had such a fun night out.

MM: So sorry that Ella's rash is not improving. I did not think the rash was due to the new diapers, but maybe something she is eating. When Charlotte was just a few weeks old she got a rash that bled. I thought using the wipes made for sensitive skin was good enough, but it turned out that it was too harsh for her. Once I switched to just a washcloth with water it cleared right up. We are back to wipes now, but the switch helped at the time.

Cocoa: Congrats on the job. The nursery sounds really nice. I looked at a daycare for Charlotte the other day and couldn't get over the cute little chairs. I think it will be good for M to interact with other children and learn all sorts of new skills.

Seity: Good to hear that you are getting more sleep. Love that Gabriel can just fall asleep while playing.

RWhite: Hello! Eight teeth, wow! Glad to hear Lachlan is crawling as I am sure he likes he likes his freedom and mobility. It won't be too long before he is standing and walking so enjoy this phase. Adorable photo, Lachlan has such beautiful eyes. Also, love those leg warmers.

Well, even thought I have not heard anything from the job interview (they said it would be another week or two before they narrow the field down to five) I think I am going to go ahead and enroll Charlotte in daycare. A single spot just opened up at the center that my friend recommended and the place is great, close to the house, and at a good price (though still more expensive than I would have ever thought). My friend said she was paying for this center while she was pregnant just to hold the spot so enrolling Charlotte before I get a job doesn't seem that silly. They said she can start on the 14th. I figure with all that is going on with the house she may be better off in childcare. I plan on taking her just three days a week until I return to work. I am excited for her, but I know I will miss her. If I don't get a job by April then I will pull her out, but I am positive that I will find something. When we went to visit the center Charlotte really liked the classroom. There are only 12 kids in her class and three teachers. They have a good lesson plan for the children and provide them with two meals and a snack each day. I just hope Charlotte doesn't steal food from the other kids. I'm sure they will teach her about sharing.
vegas im sure charlotte will behave herself
i wish i could get either of mine a place at the moment but the only sessions open are at times we already have stuff happening which is not very helpful lol i ought to go visit a few and put their names on the list for when we get back from holiday
vegas - I'm sure she'll be fine. It's great that a spot opened up like that, very lucky.

I can't imagine having Gabriel go to day care. My mom didn't work, so we were at home until we went to kindergarten. Sometimes I feel bad that Gabriel has never been around other kids, but I'm sure when he's older he'll go to the park with his dad and see other kids there.
Lynn: Sounds like you keep busy. Before I decided that I needed to go back to work I looked for a mother's day out program where Charlotte could go for about four hours two or three times a week, but I could only find one program and they were full. You would think more places would offer a service like this, but I guess full time is more popular these days (and more profitable).

Seity: My mom kept us all at home when we were little, but we did go to Mother's day out twice a week. We didn't start going until we were about two and we had fun with all the other kids. Do you have a park near your house? I take Charlotte to the one just around the corner and she is crazy for the swings, but is not so sure of the slide. She also loves watching all the other kids. I think watching them helped inspire her to start walking.
My Mum used to help run a playgroup, so I've been around them since I was really young as she just used to take us along.
I know there are plenty of things that M will learn while she's there that I just wouldn't be able to do with her at home, but I'll still feel guilt about the time she'll be away from me.

I've also been looking at finances, and it's £600 a month for a full time place, which isn't so bad this year as we'll get £400 in tax credits to help pay for it. But in 2012, the government is dropping the salary limit to £30k per couple, so we won't get any help at all. Times will be tight!
MM - I always chuckle whenever I see that pic of Ella darn cute.

Lachlan's leg warmers are from Exquisite Baby but you can get them from Trademe I'm pretty sure, and for cheaper too!

Poor Ella! I hope her rash makes an exit soon, she must be so sore. Lachlan's had one recently but doesn't sound anywhere as bad - think his is just from huggies baby wipes. Those things are horribly perfumed! Thought maybe I'd get away with using them but nope so in the bin they go!

Vegas - Good luck for the job, my fingers are crossed tightly for you! I hope Charlotte enjoys daycare, it sounds like she will...and lol, stealing other babies snacks sounds like something Lachlan would do too :p PS, I just saw that you mentioned she's walking?! Wow, go Charlotte! :dance:

We have to start thinking about daycare soon, too, because we desperately need money so I am looking for jobs at the moment. Hopefully I find something soon, though I'm quite scared about starting work again for some reason.

Seity - Do you have any coffee groups or anything that you go to with Gabriel? That could be a good way for him to meet some little baby friends :)

Well, today is shitty and horrible outside. I'm supposed to be going and seeing a movie with my best friend but he hasn't gotten back to me to confirm whether we're still on. If we do go (I'm hoping we can because for once I have some extra money!) we will be seeing Black Swan. For the most part, I've heard great things about it and I like Natalie Portman as an actress, so hopefully I will enjoy it. Tom wouldn't want to see that movie so that's why he's not invited :p And he's being a love and looking after Lachlan while I go out so I'm very pleased with him for that.

It's my brother's 28th birthday today (or technically tomorrow in in the UK and US and other places because it's the 6th here today) and we can't celebrate with him because he's living in Ireland with his girlfriend. Lachlan and I wished him a happy birthday over Facebook. Little man got a bit too carried away with his typing and tried to shut my computer down :dohh:

Right, I think I'm going to go and try and motivate myself to clean
rwhite - I hope you get to go. The previews for that movie looked good.

There are some parks nearby, but they are all buried under snow at the moment. I work full time, so I don't go to any groups and the few mom and baby groups in town are not welcoming of men, so my OH isn't interested in trying to go to any.

The big news - We have a tooth @ 11 months and 1 day! So any of you still without teeth can still try and beat that. :rofl:
Also a few times today he's let go of the couch, taken a step, and then grabbed hold again. :happydance: He's getting even closer to walking.
if any of you have me on facebook then there are some videos posted to my profile about 6pmish this evening UK time of the boys that MIL and SIL took while they were here i cant figure out how to post them here

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