march lambs 2010 come on ladies

MM - I love your new avatar pic, Ella is such a cutie! How is the rash now?

Lynn - Happy birthday! Your SIL sounds really difficult, I hope you can grit your teeth for the next couple of days then they'll be gone.

Kel - Happy anniversary! Hope you guys enjoy some quality time together.

Well swimming was a complete disaster from start to finish. I was debating even going because i felt a bit sick and it was so cold, but i went anyway. Flora had only had about half an hour nap by then and she just didn't want to swim, she clung to me and cried loudly for the 10 minutes i stuck it out, then i just took her out and went home. the busride home was a major stress as well with not enough room, having to take her out of the stroller while the bus went up a steep hill and my bag went flying.... disaster! I hope she's not like that every week because I really want her to get used to the water, she's an aussie after all! Who knows maybe just an off week.

Anyway so now I have this rotten cold, worst I've had in a LONG time and I've taken the day off work which is very unlike me. Flora has got it a little bit but not too bad. The last 2 nights she's woken up a couple of times just wanting to be held and screaming when I puy her back down, but I've persevered and last night she settled much quicker than the night before. She had the reddest cheeks all day yesterday so I guess her teeth are giving her jip.

So I'm going to see if I can get some time in bed today if she'll let me and kick this stupid bug :sleep:
Ella's rash is WORSE it must be so sore :( it looks like her bottoms been rubbed with a steelo pad, its all open like the skins been scraped off. I'm going to take her to the doctor again. i know she said the cream could take a few days but its getting rediculous! It's spread to the top of her thigh too :(

I'm so sorry you feel like crap huni :hugs: It's not nice being sick and trying to look after baby at the same time. Sometimes you just need to sleep. Hopefully Flora doesnt get it too badly. You don't need the both of you being very unwell!

that sounds like a terrible outing you poor thing! lucky it wasnt raining just to make it worse! i've never been on a bus with Ella! i'd be scared too! :shock: I drive everywhere (or walk if close) but my car's playing silly buggers at the moment and i have to jump start the battery with a portable little jumpstarting kit every time i want to start it. Drives me bonkers :dohh:

I updated my parenting journal tonight! lots of pics and videos gosh its been awhile! And i started a TTC journal too! Now i'm all journal'd out :dohh: :haha:
well MIL is a new woman this morning she made SIL make her own breakfast and drink and has enforced SIL's homework she had to do too
MM - That cake looks very nice. I like the things you can do with fondant, but think it tastes horrid. I've got no artistic talent, so I won't be decorating any cakes anyway. LOL I hope Ella's rash clears up.

GL - I hope you both feel better. Being sick and looking after a baby is tough work, especially if Flora is feeling a bit under the weather too. Gabriel's never been swimming. I don't think he'd like it based on his reactions to water on his face just when I wash him and they charge a fortune for the swim classes around here, so he'll just have to wait until he's much older.

Lynn - Hurray for your MIL. Hopefully, the change lasts.

Nothing new here, still waiting on that first tooth and first step.
I'm just grateful that most nights he's only waking once to eat finally. Thank god I never have to go through all that again.
EJ is walking with a pushalong walker its so cute ive got a video i'll see if i can get it posted later, hes doing so well always pulling up on everything i dont think it will be long before he figures walking around things hanging on out i think hes scared of his brother knocking him down though
Lynn- Yay about your MIL! Not long until you have the house to yourself again!
Its so cute watching them walk with a walker isnt it :cloud9:

Seity- fondant isnt for everyone. i love the stuff though :haha:

Ella's rash looks abit better today. But its been doing that alot- gets better then gets worse

Just had one of my best mates pop in. I hadnt heard from her in about a week she wasnt txtng me back and i was worried coz i know she is going through a rough breakup, they got to sell the house and they have 3 kids. Anyway she just turned up- her phone had been through the wahing machine so she lost my number. Was so stoked to see her. She just gone home now.

a bit longer than we planned DH drove her to the airport this morning got halfway home and got a call saying the airline wouldnt let them board as apparently caus they had a bag even though they checked in online with no problems they missed the bag checkin so couldnt make the flight and there is only one flight each day to that airport so hopefully they have gotten a transfer and can go back tomorrow
Goodness, I have a lot of catching up to do!

Lynn: Sorry that the visit from the in-laws is not going well. At least they are not living with you full time. Can't wait to see the video of EJ with the walker.

MM: Adore the new photo of Ella and the practice cake. I'd like to do some practice eating it! Hope Ella's rash clears up soon. I wish I had advice, but I don't.

Kel: Happy anniversary. Also, I can't imagine having triplets. Your friend must be one amazing person.

GL: Swimming sounded like a real adventure. Hope your cold is better soon.

Seity: The tooth and walking will come soon enough. Honestly, I could do without the walking. So cute, but soooo mobile now.

Tomorrow is my interview. I am so nervous and unprepared. I had to find a new sitter for Charlotte as my usual girl took a day job, my backup girl is out of town, and my DH couldn't do it as he has a work thing. I haven't met the girl who will be watching Charlotte tomorrow and just hope she will be able to keep her alive for the two hours I am gone. The job is full-time. I wish I could find a part time position, but I everyone wants someone for 40+ hours a week.

OK, so I have to ask one little thing of you all. I entered Charlotte into a cutest baby contest. Would you please vote for her. I think she is on page 2, third row, first baby, unless they moved her to another page. She is Charlotte Goodin in the purple dress. You can only vote for one and even thought there are a lot of cute babies I ask that you vote for Charlotte. Here is the link: Thanks in advance.
Vegas- I will vote for her right now! DONE! You guys voted for Ella so ofcourse I am happy to help. Plus she's gorgeous!! :)

goodluck for her interview tomorrow! What is the job? It's a shame you can't find any part time work :( i'm sure the sitter will be fine. It must be hard leaving her with someone you havnt met before though. i bet she is lovely :)

Ella's rash is WORSE! Doctors today- it's thrush turned into a secondary bacterial infection, so on different creams and if it gets worse will have to see a hospital specialist. They said they don't hospitalise for nappy rash often but in these cases sometimes its best too. Lets hope it doesnt get that far!!!
Ella with her prize from mybaby- plus some that mummy bought :)

Vegas - I voted too x Hope the interview goes well and try not to worry about Charlotte everything will be fine.

MM - lovely pic! I hope the thrush cream works, poor poppet.

I still feel like rubbish, but am at work anyway (I took Monday off). Tonight we're seeing Priscilla Queen of the Dessert in the west end, (starring Alf from Home and Away!) so I'm going straight from work and OH is coming to meet us after he settles the babysitter in for the evening. I am looking forward to it but wish I wasn't unwell. I think I might have an infection and will take myself to the docs if I'm not better by Friday.

Flora has been a bit poorly too and had a high temp as well, we're keeping an eye on it, it could be related to teething as well. However she STTN last night so that's good news.

ANyway must get off as my lunch break is over :(
GL - sorry to hear you and Flora are not well. I hope both of you get better soon. :hugs: Enjoy your night out!

Vegas - voting done! She is darn cute!!

MM - I can't believe that a nappy rash can get that bad. Crazy!! I hope it gets better soon! Ella must be in such pain, still she seems so happy in all your pictures ( which by the way are adorable). She is a trooper!

No walking here yet, I would think Sam still needs a while as he seems very unsteady when he walks on our hands - but who knows. I would love for him to take his first step within the next four weeks though, I don't want to miss it and at the end of the month I start work, so he'll be at the dayhome all week.

Hope everyone else is well??
vegas - I voted. Good luck.
mm - Such a cute pic of Ella with her loot. I hope the new stuff works and the rash starts to clear up.
GL - I hope you feel well enough to enjoy the show. Hurray STTN!
jul - A lot can happen in a month. I hope he walks for you.

I'm home from work because they decided to close the office due to the big storm that was supposed to dump a ton of snow on us and sure enough the storm decided to bypass us. :dohh:
well MIL n SIL fly out tomorrow this time from Heathrow so much easier to get them there in time for the flight but i'll have to be the one to do it. we hand back our car soon i believe its the moday after next so would leave us without a car for our final week before the trip so i had better have everything done by then. need some new clothes even if its just some leggings and long tops for the trip caus i cant live in jeans and other than that only got " home " trackies and stuff.
need to get some much stuff done but cant do any of it till MIL leaves, still not got tickets back at this point we will trade in the nz-aus tickets for a return for DH then fly me and the boys back when we can afford it if somthing miraculous doesnt happen in the meanwhile that means we can get back, id be better off stuck in NZ that OZ caus theres more people to stay with and visit etc....and the pound is stronger agaisnt their dollar than the Oz one,

Just so you guys are aware as Kris doesnt get on here much these days where she lives in Australia is being currently battered by a catagory 5 cyclone thats the same strength as Katrina was !! her and Jesse are safe in Brisbane with her Mum but Kris's Husband is caught in the storm at their place, so if your a praying person im sure she would appreciate prayers for his ( and any other family there ) safety at the moment as last i spoke to her she was going out of her mind with worry
Lyn - I'm thinking of everyone in N QLD. I hope it somehow manages to cause minimal damage. So glad that Kris and Jesse are safe, I'm sure her DH will be too.

Seity - at least you got an afternoon at home with your boys!

Kilsyth - keeping my fingers crossed that you get to witness his first steps! I don't think M will be walking by the time I go back to work (if I get this job, that is)

GL - hope you and Flora get well soon! And I hope you enjoy the play, Alf is a legend! Lol

Vegas - I voted. Good luck for tomorrow! :flower: I know what you mean about being unprepared, it's so hard to prepare with a LO on tow all day. I've found that I haven't had time to get nervous though, so at least that's something; I'm sure the nerves will kick in during my drive to the interview! Let us know how it goes x

MM - poor Ella. I hope these new meds work for her. And congrats on the cloth!!

I should probably be preparing for my interview, but I can't get my head in the right place. I'm putting it in the hands of fate! I have discovered that the boss' wife has just given birth to twins (the wonders of Facebook and people who don't understand privacy settings :haha:) so I think they'll replace him on the interview panel with a human resources person - which means harder questions, I bet!

Hope everyone is having a good week so far x
Lyn - I'm thinking of everyone in N QLD. I hope it somehow manages to cause minimal damage. So glad that Kris and Jesse are safe, I'm sure her DH will be too.

Seity - at least you got an afternoon at home with your boys!

Kilsyth - keeping my fingers crossed that you get to witness his first steps! I don't think M will be walking by the time I go back to work (if I get this job, that is)

GL - hope you and Flora get well soon! And I hope you enjoy the play, Alf is a legend! Lol

Vegas - I voted. Good luck for tomorrow! :flower: I know what you mean about being unprepared, it's so hard to prepare with a LO on tow all day. I've found that I haven't had time to get nervous though, so at least that's something; I'm sure the nerves will kick in during my drive to the interview! Let us know how it goes x

MM - poor Ella. I hope these new meds work for her. And congrats on the cloth!!

I should probably be preparing for my interview, but I can't get my head in the right place. I'm putting it in the hands of fate! I have discovered that the boss' wife has just given birth to twins (the wonders of Facebook and people who don't understand privacy settings :haha:) so I think they'll replace him on the interview panel with a human resources person - which means harder questions, I bet!

Hope everyone is having a good week so far x
Thanks for voting everyone!

MM: Poor sweet Ella. So sorry the rash is getting worse as opposed to better. Could it be an allergy to something? How many of those diapers came from mybaby? Looks like a great prize since cloth diapers can be expensive!

GL: Sorry you and Flora are not feeling well, but I hope you have a nice time out tonight.

Jul: Sam is still quite young to be walking, but I understand not wanting to miss it.

Seity: Hope you enjoyed your day off and that it doesn't make the rest of the week harder at work. At least you missed the snow because from what I saw on TV it was really bad.

Lynn: Sure you will be glad to have everyone out of the house. I have been reading Kris's updates on FB and it sounds so scary. I will send a prayer up for Jonno and Kris. I can't imagine.

Cocoa: You will do great with your interview. You are right, there is no time to be nervous when you are preoccupied with a baby all day. Keep us posted.

As far as I can tell my interview went great. I still cannot believe they interviewed me as there were 142 applicants and only 15 called in to interview. I was interview #12. They are going to narrow the field down to five, so I should know within the next two weeks if I am in the "finals". Part of me feels guilty about making it this far as I know most of those people need the work more than I do. I want to work and the money would be really helpful, but at least my DH works and we can get by. So many don't have anyone in the family working right now, much less a second income. For those who have asked, the job is a senior landscape architecture position designing and building all sorts of projects from urban design projects to theme parks. Tomorrow Charlotte and I are going to check out the daycare my friend recommeded. A single spot in the one-year old class just opened up. Maybe it is a sign.
Vegas - sounds like a great job. You shouldn't feel bad, the best candidate for the job should get the job, whatever their reasons. The world is not a very fair place but you not getting a job is not going to change that very much. Go for it girl!

Cocoa - good luck today! You might already be there. Look forward to hearing how it went.

Seity - nice to have an random afternoon off!

Lynn - I heard on the news that the cyclone didn't as much damage as they thought, so that's good. Good luck with sorting out everything.

Jul - I hope you don't miss walking. I think if you are a working parent you are bound to miss some things but that's not the one you want to miss!

Well Priscilla was bloody amazing! we were right up in the balcony so not the best view but still it was great, brilliant music, amazing costumes, funny. glad i went. Alf got huge applause too oh and some guy who used to be in Footballers wives was in in, he's called Ben Richards, and he was great too, actually had a very good voice.

Flora was fine with the babysitter, she ate loads of dinner, had some breastmilk and went to bed at about 6:15. And then she STTN AGAIN!!!! Lucky me, maybe it will become more regular now. I still feel a bit rubbish and the house needs a good tidy today. So that's my exciting plan for Thursday.
GL- I'm glad you're starting to feel better! Maybe the trip out was just what you needed!!

i just had to look up what STTN meant! :blush:

julchen- I hope Sam takes his first steps before you go to work! Other wise i'm sure he will do it when you are at home :thumbup:

Lynn- It's so exciting hearing about your trip! And you're coming to chch :dance: Where else are going going? i forgot!
hurray not long till you get the house to yourselves again!!!

Kris is feeling better now hun, the worst of the storm has gone and her hubby and Dad are fine! They were very scared though, as I can imagine! :(

Cocoa- Goodluk for your interview!!! You'll do great! :)

Vegas- the rash started a couple weeks before i got the cloth nappies. i only got them yesterday! I won 5 from mybaby and i also bought 5 as they were on special anyway. i have another lot of 5 coming and some I can buy off a friend. I bought the brown flower one. :)
Omgsh don't feel guilty!! It sounds like a fantastic opportunity and you deserve it just as much as anybody else!

No walking yet either! Ella can't stand by herself yet however she is very good at it when only holding onto something one handed with only her wee fingers touching it and walk around the furniture. She can walk very steadily while holding our hands though, she has been able to do that for awhile now.

Nappy rash is horrible today! She screams a horrible blood curdling cry when im changing her nappy and its bleeding its so hard seeing her in that much pain. She gets all sweaty when i change her nappy too, its not nice :(
MM - poor little Ella, it must be heartbreaking to hear her cry :cry:

GL - glad the play was good, the name Ben Richards rings a bell, I'll google him. And yay for Flora STTN! M is waking around 4am at the moment, had a look at the wonder weeks chart and she's bang in the middle of a stormy patch.

Vegas - that sounds like an amazing job! Good luck, and as GL said - I'd you get it, it's because you were the best person for the job and they want you!

My interview went ok-ish - I ballsed up one part! And the excel bit was really hard - they asked how I found it and I told them the truth - and said I was rusty as I've been on maternity leave for 11 months. I left feeling really despondent! But my manager just text me to say that one of the interviewers just called him for a reference, so hopefully that's a good sign.

I looked around the nursery too. I nearly cried twice - just at the thought of leaving M for 8 hours a day :cry:
But it was really nice, it was nice a clean, loads of toys and outdoor space and they are kind of baby-led; they encourage the kids to sit in proper chairs at the table and as they get older they use cutlery and serve themselves from food the middle of the table so they learn to share. They've got a science room for the older kids and a big and a small climbing wall outside. They grow vegetables and flowers too.

I didn't ask about part time hours in the interview, but they did mention that they are mega busy and 3 members of staff down, so I doubt it'll be an option they'll agree to. Maybe they'll let me once they are fully staffed.

Scary times!!

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