march lambs 2010 come on ladies

rwhite - I hope you get to go. The previews for that movie looked good.

There are some parks nearby, but they are all buried under snow at the moment. I work full time, so I don't go to any groups and the few mom and baby groups in town are not welcoming of men, so my OH isn't interested in trying to go to any.

The big news - We have a tooth @ 11 months and 1 day! So any of you still without teeth can still try and beat that. :rofl:
Also a few times today he's let go of the couch, taken a step, and then grabbed hold again. :happydance: He's getting even closer to walking.

My friend was slack and didn't reply until about 12pm today :grr: Only then did he tell me that he was low on money. Um, good one! So I've had a pretty boring day at home. I was so looking forward to going out...oh well.

That snow sounds like a pain in the butt! We don't get snow at all really (aside from on the ski slopes, and if we ever do get any snow in suburban areas it's very light).

Yay, go Gabriel for getting a tooth! Is it on top or bottom? Well done :)
And well done for taking a step!

Lachlan has decided last couple of days that he will stand so that's been good. Not alone, but he will when he's leaning against say a couch or something.

Hmmm I have lost the bar that goes in my industrial piercing, hopefully Lachlan hasn't eaten it :rofl:

Dad came over today because he got back yesterday (mum went home first) and brought over the gifts that he had for us. He got Lachlan the cutest little mickey mouse ears hat from's a few pics:


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Those ears are too cute!

It's the bottom left incisor.
Vegas- I don't think its something she's eaten as we havnt introduced anything new to her for awhile now. It was better this morning so i didnt take her to the doctor but its got bad again and OH has the card so it's going to have to wait until tomorrow :dohh: It's ok it's not giving her too much grief. if it was that would be a different story.
that's great that there's a spot for Charlotte! i'm sure she will love it there!!! :D
Can't wait to find out if you got the job or not!

Seity- i couldn't imagine puttin g Ella into day care. I'm lucky we arnt in a postition that we need to do that, although having an extra income would be good! Ella LOVES kids- we go to a coffee group with other babies so she gets to play with other babies alot. gabrielle's not too young to take him to the park and let him watch the kids play :)
yay on the tooth! the little teeth are so cute! i bet it wont be long until he is walking!

Rosy- I will have to look into getting some legwarmers like that! they are too cute!
What kind of job are you looking for?
That's a shame you didnt make it to the movies :(
I hope you got some cleaning done!
Cute pics of Lachlan in the micky mouse ears hat!!

I dont know what the different teeth are called- the bottom front, the top front and then there are molars and incisers--- which teeth are they? :shrug:

It was 36 degrees yesterday and today its cold and raining...what the..????
The front teeth are the incisors. The back teeth are the molars and the top ones to either side of the incisors are the canines.
Helllo hope everyone is well. Well since my last post Chase has had viral gastroentiritus, after he was sick he kept being sick so i took him the doctors. Couldn't give me anythign except Dirolatye just to help replace his fluids and salt loss. He's all better now except he's lost more weight so they want to weight him every 2 weeks, me and hubby are on a mission to fatten him up and since he's been ill his appetite now seems to have really come back :thumbup: OMG though i've been cleaning my settee arm for 2 weeks, used a whole bottle of fabreeze on it as well as bicarb soda and biological washing powder, sure it still smells a bit but hubby says its fine.

Chase is so clingy at the moment, he's ok with my mum but when he has to got to mil he cries so much when we leave him. She is having a bit of a hard time with him and finding it hard i think. I though it might be my mum struggling as she hasn't looked after a baby for so may years whilst mil has 3 granchildren already, was pi##ed of the other day, she had been texting fil to see if my hubby could come home from work as she said she couldn't cope with Chase he was crying then when hubby picked him up he noticed his hands were all sticky and his face and she said "oh i gave him a lollypop out of desperation"!! :saywhat: we were both fuming! Hubby says she can't be bothered as she has 3 other granchildren who can do things for themselves adn Chase is too much like hardwork. Well she volunteered to help look after him we didn't ask. I'm hoping it sorts itself out.

Cocoa - yay well dont on the job hun :happydance:

Rosy - nice to see you back, i've been a slacker myself lately.

Seity & MM - loving the pics soooo cute.

Sorry it's only short, in a rush on lunch.

Whats everyone thinking of doing, if anything for the 1st birthdays that are fast approachin? We're thinking of taking a family day out to Chester Zoo, maybe see what the weather is like first though.
Oh JJ - poor Chase! And poor you for having to clean the sofa so much! Your MIL sounds lazy to me - she's obviously forgotten how much hard work it is. What are you going to do about her?

Seity - how horrible that they won't welcome men. Maybe it's because a lot of them BF and get shy about doing it around a man? I'm sure Gabriel will get plenty of time as he gets older to play with others. And at leasthe gets plenty of time with his dad, when I go back to work, OH will see M for around 1.5 hours 2-3 times a week in the evenings after work, and for one weekend in a month :cry:

Rwhite - mega cute ears!
Re: birthdays - I think we're going to book a small party at a soft-play place. I'll probably invite M's cousins (6 year old, 3yo, 2yo, 18m) a few of my friends kids (2.5yo, 1yo x2, 9m x4 and 2m). I think it's £7 per head and you only pay for older ones, so it'll cost around £50 I think, incl party food. I'll make some cupcakes instead of a big cake. We wanted everyone to get together, but our house is too small, the weather will probably be rubbish, and it's a lot of kids to entertain! So a small party just suited out needs better x
i have no idea what to do about EJ's birthday for Nates birthday DH is taking him to diggerland or legoland or we will take them to chessington woa Zoo,
Oh JJ - poor Chase! And poor you for having to clean the sofa so much! Your MIL sounds lazy to me - she's obviously forgotten how much hard work it is. What are you going to do about her?

At the moment not sure what we can do, my friend is having Chase as she is a child minder but she is currently on maternity leave so two of my other friends have him on the days she will be having him to help me out at the moment and the days mil is supposed to have him they work. Plus financially we can't really afford childcare the days mil is having him, she has him every thurs and every other fri. At a push we could afford extra childcare one of them but until my friend comes back its not an option as nurseries won't give us a place because of the hours we want, hubby works shifts so its only a morning one week then an afternoon the next that we need and they want the same hours. Its so frustrating because every week we have to check she can have Chase yet she said she would but we find ourselves having to check with her to make sure and every time she says she will have to check, annoying.

That sounds good a little party!

Ooh Lynn diggerland or legoland sounds fun as does the zoo.

Seity - i missed your post before, aww how sad the baby groups are not accepting of men!
Seity: Congrats on the tooth! Now Gabriel can really dig into those hot wings.

Rwhite: Sorry you didn't get to go to the movie as I was hoping for a review. Lachlan seems to really enjoy his new Mickey ears.

MM: Glad to hear that Ella's rash doesn't seem to be bothering her, though I am sorry to hear that it isn't getting better.

JJ: So sorry that Chase has been sick. Poor baby. No plans for Charlotte's first birthday as we are in the middle of this remodel. We will do a cake on her birthday and then once things settle down I think we will take her to Disney for the day since we still have a day pass left.

Does anyone else feed their child raisins? If so have you noticed that they do not digest, but rehydrate? I thought Charlotte was eating dog kibble until I figured out what it was (also she does occasionally get into the dog food). Gross, but pretty funny. Charlotte officially starts daycare next Monday. I have to start her now, job or no job, in order to secure the spot. I figure the timing is great with the house renovation and move going on. As I will not be working right away I will just take her a few times a week and may not leave her all day. This way if I have major anxiety over leaving her then I can stop looking for a job. I think we will both be fine.
Hi girls! I don't think it would come as a surprise to any of you that having a near one year old is incredibly time consuming!

I've been planning the monkey's first birthday as well as trying to organize the trip back to Australia. So stressful!

We're taking him to the New England Aquarium on Saturday and then on the Sunday we're going to have a little get together with family and a few friends all squished into our cramped little house. I'm going to be baking a cake for Ronan and then cupcakes for everyone else and we're just going to have pizza and snacks as well. My hubby thinks I'm nuts for going to so much trouble (including baking and decorating the cake(s) myself) but it's his first birthday!
hive... it is incredibly time consuming.
I am terrible about updating in here... I manage to get my journal (maybe) once a month... sometimes every other month... it's terrible.

Zander and I are very well... It's hard to believe that his FIRST birthday is 19 days away. I still have no clue exactly what we're doing for it either. All I know is I'm making a pull apart cake out of several cupcakes.

I've been reading and keeping up with everyone- I love everyone's pics :) your LOs are soooo cute!
MM - I'm looking for admin work mainly, but I have branched out and applied for a dental assistant role and a pharmacist assistant role...not that I have any prior experience in both but hey, doesn't hurt to apply and they said no experience necessary soooo...:)

JJ - Aw hun, I'm sorry that Chase has been feeling unwell, the poor little button! Glad he's better now, that must have been horrid for the both of you!
Oh your silly mil :dohh: lol

For Lachlan's birthday...well, to be honest I haven't thought a LOT about it (maybe I'm trying to deny that it's coming up haha!). I am still deciding on a theme, or at least the design of the cake I will make. Who knows! All I know is that he will have one party with his coffee group baby friends and one with his immediate relatives. On Lachlan's ACTUAL birthday, Tom and I are going to take him to the zoo for the day so that should be great, he hasn't been before :)

Lynn - Omg legoland, cool! :dance: He is going to love that!

vegas - Yup, I give Lachlan raisins! We have only just started giving them to him but he seems to like them. I haven't noticed that, eeew :p Hehe Lachlan gets in to the cat food (or did at my parents, we don't have a cat at home). Good luck for Charlotte's daycare on Monday :hugs:

Hive - It is incredibly stressful hehe and I think I have quite a low needs child but even then! Argh!

Aww I bet he will adore the aquarium, I wish we had one near us, that would beat out the zoo for sure!
I can't believe Ronan's one so soon! He is the eldest of the due March 2010 babies isn't he? Well, in this group anyway!

What kind of cake are you making him, are you doing a themed one or plain? x

Pineapplehead - :wave: Don't worry, I'm slack too hehe.

Great idea about the pull apart cake! I only found out there's such a thing the other day.
Rwhite - good luck with your job applications no doubt a dental or pharmacy assistant would be more varied and interesting than admin work. My new job involves analysing data (big yawn), but I'm covering Women's and Children's services, so I'll get to work with lots of midwives and paediatricians, who are usually the nicest group to work with!

PH - Cake sounds lovely. We'll all have to post pics of their cakes/parties/days out.

HC - I can't believe it's less than a week until Ronan's birthday! It's amazing how quick it's gone. How Is the holiday planning going?

Vegas - Charlotte will love nursery, and you'll be able to get so much more done with the house without her running about. M loves her raisins (although I give her sultanas now)

Not much to report here. M has been munching on her hand lots, so not sure if we might see tooth number two popping up soon. How long do teeth take to look like proper teeth? M's is still only a mm above the gum and it's been a couple of weeks now. I guess it just takes a lot longer than I thought it would!

M has also started drinking water from her cup, all by herself! She'll just go and get it and have a drink while she's playing :dance: I'm so pleased. She even drank 2oz of milk from it. It's making me feel much more comfortable about leaving her at nursery.

I've organised my friend's baby shower for this Saturday, so I'm going to make cupcakes as a trial run for M's birthday. So excited!!
EJ can climb the stairs !!!!!! eeek now i need a 3rd gate we currently have one on their door and at the top of the stairs caus in the mornings we let them roam around upstairs if we want a lie in lol but now i need one at the bottom caus this morning they were playing in the hallway and i heard Nate go upstairs n a min later i stuck my head out to see where EJ was caus he used to come find me if Nate went upstairs but NO he was HALFWAY UP the stairs looking cheeky and proud of himself i almost had a heart attack
Clever EJ! Hope you find another stairgate quickly!

I think tooth #2 is definitely on it's way - M's been chewing the sofa and shopping trolley again...

And mega-fighting her naps. She's been up 4 hours now and was acting sleepy, so fed her, waiting until she was dozy, put her down and she's been crawling and climbing around her cot for 30 minutes. Grrrrr. I think she might drop down to one nap soon :shrug:
half the time now ej is sleeping one big post lunch nap rather than 2

managed to find a gate on gumtree dh is picking it up on his way home
my little EJ monkey has just nicked half my banana i had him balanced on my leg nibbling the bit i gave him had the rest hanging out of my mouth as i typed one handed next thing i know hes grabed the bit from my mouth and is eating it, cheeky sod
lynn - EJ is quite the character. We only have stairs down to the basement and that door is always closed, but at my brother's house over Thanksgiving Gabriel climbed up a few stairs from one room to another. It made me glad we don't have to worry about that at home.
rwhite - Good luck on the job hunt. It never hurts to apply.
Cocoa - Yay for drinking from a cup. That's super.
vegas - No raisins yet. Without teeth, I didn't trust him not to just swallow them down or gag on them. He spits out any fruit I offer him anyway.

We haven't thought that much about his 1st birthday. It'd just be the 3 of us, so nothing fancy. My OH insists that we get an ice cream cake. He's a bit obsessed with them TBH :shrug: Thinks they're the best invention ever.

Sleep was bad the last two nights. He needed to wake and eat a few times and is taking 40 minutes (20 minutes on each side) before he's satisfied. He's refusing to take an afternoon nap anymore too and so crashing early (7:30) and then trying to get up for the day early as well. I've been able to get him back to sleep eventually, but it's taking at least an hour.
Hi ladies, lots of activity on here where have I been?
Rosy - good to see you. Lachlan is adorable and sounds like he's doing really well. I wish you luck with the job hunt.
Vegas - I agree with the others Charlotte will love the day care and imagine how much house renovating planning you can get done without her there! Best of luck as well with the job hunt.
Cocoa - what kind of cup does M take? I've tried Flora on several types. She can drink out of a normal cup if I hold it but it'll just go everywhere if not. She also doesn't know how to tilt her head back yet. I'm also tryng a straw cup which she can suck from but prefers to just chew. Yay for more teeth, I still think Flora's on track to come last on the teeth front, she's got no white spots or redness or anything.
Lyn - EJ is a little monkey!
Seity - so is Gabriel. I wonder if you've got another tooth coming through as well.
Hive - good luck with the birthday plans and the Aussie trip plans. It'll all come together I'm sure.
JJ - glad Chase has his appetite back :thumbup:
You guys have inspired me to think about what birthday cake I can make for Flora. I will just go and check my 'Australian Women's weekly' cooking for babies and children book!

No news here. My work are having trouble finding someone to fill my place on Thursdays and Fridays. I'm sort feeling a little guilty, but on the other hand they agreed to my hours ages ago so its not my fault that they didn't get it together to find someone sooner.

FLora is mostly well, quite snotty with a bit of a cough though. She is becoming really hard to breastfeed, especially just before bed. She is having bottles more often I guess while I'm at work and gets impatient now waiting for my letdown. She starts climbing all over and can't concentrate. It's bugging me a bit I have to say!

That's all from me. Gotta go make the shepherds pie :)

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