march lambs 2010 come on ladies
Lynni's Life

this is my blog or misreble attempt at one if anyone wants to follow, lol ive posted a video of the boys at dinner time tonight there
:hi: Between work and Connor it is hard to find time to update. I read everything while at work, but don't have much time for replies!
Lynn- Cute video! Yor boys are adorable
Seity- :happydance: for Gabriel finally getting a tooth, I bet you see more very soon!
Vegas- Connor loves Raisins and Craisins but i don't love how they come out the other end :sick:
rosy- The mouse ears are adorable. Good luck with the job hunt!
Hive- i can't believe our first march lamb will be 1 in less than a week!

Well I finally believe it when they say sleep regression is a sign that new milestones will be hit. After having his worst week of sleep ever, Connor learned to clap, and wave. He took his first step, and now takes two at a time. He has learned several new words including nana (banana), dog and go. He also got two more teeth last week. I am so proud of my sweet boy!


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way to go Connor! That's awesome...
I've always believed in the sleep regression/ new milestones therory... During our last sleep regression period afterwards Zander started walking, and learned to say "uh oh" and "thank you"
We're currently in a sleep regression period ATM... waking nearly 3 times EVERY night... :help: I'm hoping for something good out of this....
PineappleHead - I know how you feel about not being able to keep up! As for the birthday deal, I am just making things up as I go! Luckily I have friends and family without any pretentions so I don't feel like I have anyone to impress which makes it somewhat easier. Ultimately, I want it to be fun for Ronan. I'm going to have a bunch of helium balloons that will hopefully provide lots of fun and games afterward! :mrgreen:

rwhite - I'm so excited to take him to the aquarium. It's huge and has so much to see, and a touch tank and everything! As for his cake, I'm making a vanilla one with strawberry jam in the middle, modeling it after a stuffed toy seal of his that's a round ball shape for the body. His daddy named it Blip, so if you say "Where's Blip?" he looks around for it and then squeals and gets excited when he finds it. The cupcakes alongside it are going to be a mix of vanilla and chocolate using recipes from so they'll be baby/kid friendly.

Oh yeah, and he's the oldest of us that are still here but I know there were a few born before him from third tri if I remember correctly.

CocoaOne - The holiday planning continues to be stressful! I've decided to ignore it this week and deal with it after Ronan's birthday is said and done with and I've had a few days to relax.

I hope M's tooth cuts through quickly. Ronan just cut tooth 7 & 8 recently. I really wish they could just all pop out at once.

Lynn - Eep on the stairclimbing! My heart stopped the first time I found Ronan racing up the stairs. It's not like I didn't know it was going to happen eventually. I'd just hoped it would be later rather than sooner!

Seity - I like ice cream cake too. I'm not sure if I'd go so far as to say 'love' though.

GL - Hah on the cookbook! We had the birthday cake recipe book from Women's Weekly growing up. I think I'll have to buy a copy when I'm home now.

Kel - Go Connor! These babies don't do things in half measures, do they? He'll be off and running soon enough! Love the pic of him in his towel. Where did you get it from? I need to get some new hooded ones for Ronan since he's way too big for his baby ones now.
GL - she has a straw cup that I got from the £ shop - it's her favourite one to drink from, so I went and got another 2! She also uses this one quite well:

But that's one is more expensive (I got it slightly cheaper off a store on eBay)

Kel - wow, clever Connor! I can't wait for M to start saying proper words (dad and mum don't count) She has her own version of cat, and tries to copy me when I say ta-da

Lyn - I'll have a read of your blog when I put M down

Hive - that sounds like a good plan! The planning will still be there after all the celebrations.

PH - I hope he comes out of it soon. M is currently spinning in her cot and waking up every couple of hours when she hits herself on the bars. It's so tiring when they've been sleeping well until that point!

Seity - I don't even know what an ice-cream cake is?! I presume a cake with ice-cream in or on it? I don't think we have them in the UK. I hope Gabriel's sleep improves for you too.
My sling arrived today im sooooooooooooo happy with it , love love love it, updated my blog with a pic of it will get loads more as i figure out which carrys work best for us but i can even cope with front carrying Nate which since hes 18+kg is quite impressive im really over the moon, lol DH is off work today but will be out most of the day by the look of it lol he barely got in from taking the car to be serviced and he had to leave again, gonna all go to the park later hopefully
hi everyone...have not had much time lately. tried to catch up - but got interrupted again.

Hive - isn't it crazy how quickly the past year has gone by? I am working on a slide show about Sam's first year and the newborn pictures seem ages away.

Lynn - that carrier looks fabulous!!!

Rosy - The pictures are so cute!!! Good luck job hunting!!!

Kel - Connor is adorable, he looks so grown up! I love the towel picture!

Cocoa - way to go M for drinking from a cup so nicely!!

PH - nice to see you here again!!

Sam is about to cut both of his top teeth and also has his first cold. I don't believe it is a coincidence that he got right after being weaned (i got some nasty cold sores at the same time). He is sleeping a lot and very clingy. We'll have a doctors appointment coming up on Monday - hopefully he is better until then. If not maybe the doctor can at least check him out and make sure it is nothing major (we are going to check his weight gain). Other than that he is been great as always. Sleep is a bit wonky at the moment but I am not surprised with teething and the cold. I have not let him cry overnight lately as I know he is not a 100% so leaving him would just be wrong. Surely once he is through this he will get back to sleeping better as well.
Julchen- Poor Sam! I hope he is feeling better soon!

Cocoa- Its so good that M is finally using a cup. I still can't get Connor to drink from a straw.

Hive- Connor outgrew his baby hooded towels, so I went everywhere looking for bigger ones. I finally found them at Target. I was so excited that I got 4 of them. A lion, a shark, a dragon and a monkey.

PH- Hope Zander starts sleeing better soon. He already so advanced, so many he will come out it speaking in full sentences!
Lynn-lovely sling!

Julchen-hope Sam is feeling better soon, we've been dealing with the flu here. Ick.

Kel-Those are such cute pictures! I can't believe he's talking so much already.

I'm sure I've missed something! I have a really hard time keeping up too, but thought I would give an update on Mika. We are almost over the flu, but he's still waking several times a night, I'm thinking its a sleep regression. He started taking his first steps this week, and he can hold either OH or I's finger and walk really well with our help.

He was on a sippy cup only, but when he got sick he went off the cup and wasn't getting enough fluids, so we are back to drinking from a bottle, at least until I pick his favorite sippy up from daycare so we can start over.

Still no words, but he does throw his hands up in the air and say "da-da" when someone does "ta-da". Today he knocked something off the table at breakfast, looked at OH with the biggest grin ever and did his "tada." I almost fell out of my chair laughing! Only two teeth so far, no real signs that he will be working on number three soon except a lot of chewing, which he's always done, teething or not.

OH is staying home with him again, as he just got laid off his job (if you know me on FB please don't mention it, we haven't told family yet because we don't want them to worry). Hopefully he finds a job really quickly because there is no way we can get by on just my financial aid money!
blonde- that's too cute w/ the tada bit! :D I hope ur OH finds a new job soon... I'm trying to find something new myself...I am still working but it's just terrible. We found out today that the company filed for bankruptcy... it's a re constructive type so nothing serious but our commission checks got cut in half- I can't afford that crap!

julchen- nice to be seen! haha I've missed yall. I'm trying to be better about getting on here more. lol. I hope Sam starts to feel better. The cold might have something to do w/ the teeth coming in :shrug: I know every single time Zander has cut any teeth he's gotten a terrible runny nose and horrible diarrhea, which ends up turning into a mild cough from the snot draining.

hive- the aquarium sounds like tons of fun! I can't wait to take Zander to our aquarium here in GA... it's freaking huge and I've only ever been once.

a little update on Zander: we finally off bottles totally- all sippy cups from here on out! :dance: I was aiming to get to this point at least by his first birthday.... (17 days away... EEP! :help: )
Still not sleeping through. although last night he only woke once! :sleep: (yay)
I learned today that Zander can climb stairs (both up and down) un aided! I had no clue he could do this cause we don't have stairs PERIOD... we only know one friend that does have stairs and every time we're over there, he doesn't pay them any attention... until today... he just looked at them and I guess thought "yeah I got this" and sure enough--- he got it. I followed him up of course to make sure he didn't fall down... but then he scooted back down going backwards (I've taught him to to get down from the couch and beds by going backwards cause he climbs on those) so yeah... my baby is gone and now a toddler I guess.
PH-how did you manage to teach him to get down backwards? I've tried and tried with Mika but he's more than happy to just dive off head first! I swear he would crawl off a cliff if there were one near by...he has no sense of self preservation at all!
Good evening ladies! :hi:

JJ- sorry Chase has been sick, but i'm glad he's feeling better now. I hope he puts his weight back on as fast as he lost it :hugs:

Cocoa- What is a soft play place?
Ella's teeth came through really fast, within a month they looked like proper teeth i'd say. I dont think they got much more growing to do!

Lynn- legoland sounds sooo cool! He will have so much fun!!
Clever little monkey climbing the stair! :haha: i bet it gave you a fright!!!

vegas- i havn't fed Ella raisons yet! I might get some in the next shop!

HC- that sounds like a great party! just a wee get together with soem family and friends with cupcakes. perfect! :thumbup:

PH- Welcome back :hi: Whats a pull apart cake?

Seity- Sorry you havnt been getting much sleep :(

GL- i have the womans weekly cake book its amazing! i want the kids cake one though.
I hope your sheperds pie was yum!!

kel- it's awesome when they reach new miles stones aye!!! What a clever boy! i love the pics!

Julchen- I hope Sam feels better soon! it's not nice when they arnt their chirpy happy selves! :(

bnk- i hope your OH can find a new job quickly! how stressful for you guys!

Ella's bum is better! Well not totally but its starting to heal! what a relief! Bout time somthing worked! :dance:

For Ella's birthday we are having it at my Dad's and she is having her friends over to play as well as my mum dad and bros and sisters and dans mum dad and sister and niece. I'm hoping it will be a sunny day because im abit worried on how we will all fit inside to be honest :dohh: The theme is pink black and white (invitations, decorations and cake). Quite nervous really, i get a tad anxious about hosting things :blush: Should be fun though!!!

we got a gate for the bottom of the stairs now so between the living room and the boys room there are now 3 gates lol to be super secure.
yay for me :dohh: 2 poop explosions to deal with when i woke up this morning and both boys are teething to top it off so today is going to be fun to top that off its raining so we cant even go to the playground
blonde- every time he would try to go face first off the couch, I'd say a stern no and turn him around to where his feet were first. it took about a week for him to finally catch on.

MM- a pull apart cake is basically a bunch of cupcakes used as the base then they're all iced together to look like one cake. instead of cutting it, you just take one or two or however many cupcakes you want! (example photo attached)

lynn- hooray for the new gate- not so much hooray for poop explosions or rain :(


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Despite Sam's cold he slept a solid 12 hours last night, which is a first for him. He usually manages 10 at the most.

DH tought the monkey to blow kisses last night, this morning he was blowing kisses at himself in the mirror. Too cute!
hmmm a pull apart cake with mini muffins would be a fab idea i think and so much easier i could just ice it lol or just be really lazy and buy a thoams the tank engine cake from the supermarket lol
Lynn- 2 poo explosions! What a mission! it's lovely when you wake up to an explosion ay lol.
Stoked Ella lasted all night with a cloth nappy. Even had done poos too!!! wonderful nappies :cloud9:

PH- That cakes looks mean! What a great idea!!!! :D

Jul- yay for 12 hours sleep!! The cold mustve taken it out of him poor wee man. :hugs:

I had to go get blood tests today. some of the medication I'm on as a nasty side effect slows down your metabolism so just checking to see if thats whats causing me to put on so much weight. Am getting reviewed on monday so will prob get taken off them hopefully!

My best friend Jayde looked after Ella while i was gone. She had a pooey bum (Ella not Jayde :haha:) and jayde had to change her nappy. She was so excited to tell me when i got home she was so proud of her self :haha:

aww, my MIL had to change poopy cloth nappies while she was here she said it was gross and why didnt i just use sposies
I put Ella in a sposie for my friend as I knew it'd be easier for her to change her :)
no playgroup for us today its raining again, im so done with winter lol its cold and raining and raining and cold plus i have clothes to sort out that im selling

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